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Cost Of Living


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After a few bevvies, generally financial discipline goes out of the window. Mine generally does. This is why I think you will spend more than your 1600 quid in 2 months. You will be amazed at the way your Thai girlfriend affects your spending. I'm not talking about handing over cash. More like buying drinks for 2, food for 2, taking her out to shows etc. Too much free time will lead you to spend more also.

One month into your holiday, make a new post showing how much you have spent so far.

It's a long way off, but I will do because I will have plenty of spare time :D

I don't intend to be with ladies during the day.. just a short while at night will do me :D:D

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I will try not to :D . It will be going on the beach for the morning and afternoon, thai food for dinner then out some nights for a few bevvies. I think 1,800bht will cover that :D

Right, so the 1800 THB covers the vendors on the beach ... what about bars at nighttime :o

I will only spend 100-200 bht on the beach during the day

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You say that your two month stay in Thailand will not be like when you come here and party non stop for two weeks. It will, only it will be a two month non stop party instead. What else are you going to do in the evenings? Sit around watching TV at your dad's, when some hot babe is pestering you to go out and have a wild time with her?

I predict that you'll be out on the prowl every night.

Still, you're only young once so enjoy it.

If you don't get too attached to one girl to the extent that she starts hitting you up for cash and gifts, which will happen if you spend too much time with one of them, then your 1800 baht should last you fine. Just make sure you change girl frequently and don't get emotionally involved in the slightest or you'll be broke and back home in a month.

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You say that your two month stay in Thailand will not be like when you come here and party non stop for two weeks. It will, only it will be a two month non stop party instead. What else are you going to do in the evenings? Sit around watching TV at your dad's, when some hot babe is pestering you to go out and have a wild time with her?

I predict that you'll be out on the prowl every night.

Still, you're only young once so enjoy it.

If you don't get too attached to one girl to the extent that she starts hitting you up for cash and gifts, which will happen if you spend too much time with one of them, then your 1800 baht should last you fine. Just make sure you change girl frequently and don't get emotionally involved in the slightest or you'll be broke and back home in a month.

Thanks for the advice! I change girls frequently anyways so I am ok with that side of things. There will be some nights where I will be wanting to stay in to watch the football back in the UK because that is always kicking off around 10pm Thai time. Im pretty sure 1,800bht will be enough per day, if not I will be drinking water around the bars :o:D

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Housing costs out of the way, 1800 a day is easy. That's the beauty of the LOS, you can do 300 Baht a day or 30,000 Baht a day.... although your relative 'comfort' tends to increase, like anywhere else in the world, the more you spend.


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Bennyboy, you have to bear in mind that many posters on this forum are old codgers who would have to pay for female companionship of any kind....

Young good looking guys like you and me, we get by a lot cheaper than the rest, 1800 per day is massive when the girls fall all over you, for free.......... :o

Actually this concept doesn't work so well in Thailand as so many ladies look beyond the superficial than in most other countries. For example, The Dude has a friend who visited him in Thailand and is massively handsome and has always had all the girls in the US and foreign countries. In Thailand this poor friend is a mere mortal and The Dude gets much hotter chicks than he does. It's called shoe on the other foot syndrome. The Dude hands out shovels to all who can dig this concept

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I will probably be only spending money on:

- 2 meals a day

- A few bottles of Heineken a night

- A few drinks on some girl that I see

That's about it so I think that will be easy to live on... :-)

If you go out with 3000 THB you will spend 3000 THB

If you go out with 300 THB you will spend 300 THB

Pace yourself, you are already doing it mentally so whatever you take with you deduct 10%, divide the rest number of days in LOS, 10% left over is F.U.F. or contingency

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I will probably be only spending money on:

- 2 meals a day

- A few bottles of Heineken a night

- A few drinks on some girl that I see

That's about it so I think that will be easy to live on... :-)

If you go out with 3000 THB you will spend 3000 THB

If you go out with 300 THB you will spend 300 THB

Pace yourself, you are already doing it mentally so whatever you take with you deduct 10%, divide the rest number of days in LOS, 10% left over is F.U.F. or contingency

I will take 1,500bht out for the 1st month and the 2nd month I can enjoy a bit better because I will have been saving 300bht per day for the 1st month so I can let loose a little :o:D

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I could honestly live on less than 400 Baht a day here.

My rent is 3100 Baht a month (Perfect 100 Baht a day)

3 Decent meals a day can be bought for under 30 Baht each (90 Baht)

Bus fare to work and back (20 Baht)

Add daily expenses for my girlfriend (About 150 Baht)

And I come up with a living total of 360 Baht a day or 12000 Baht a month.

Ofcourse there are days where you spend alot more and then there are days when you spend alot less.

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I could honestly live on less than 400 Baht a day here.

My rent is 3100 Baht a month (Perfect 100 Baht a day)

3 Decent meals a day can be bought for under 30 Baht each (90 Baht)

Bus fare to work and back (20 Baht)

Add daily expenses for my girlfriend (About 150 Baht)

And I come up with a living total of 360 Baht a day or 12000 Baht a month.

Ofcourse there are days where you spend alot more and then there are days when you spend alot less.

Yes, we all could, but why would anyone want to live like that? That's not living; it's barely ekeing out an existence.

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I could honestly live on less than 400 Baht a day here.

My rent is 3100 Baht a month (Perfect 100 Baht a day)

3 Decent meals a day can be bought for under 30 Baht each (90 Baht)

Bus fare to work and back (20 Baht)

Add daily expenses for my girlfriend (About 150 Baht)

And I come up with a living total of 360 Baht a day or 12000 Baht a month.

Ofcourse there are days where you spend alot more and then there are days when you spend alot less.

Thanks for your reply!

I don't think I could live that cheaply because I like my english food too much :D

The minimum I could probably live on is about 900bht-1000bht per day.


Anyone one else live on that much per day? :D

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I could honestly live on less than 400 Baht a day here.

My rent is 3100 Baht a month (Perfect 100 Baht a day)

3 Decent meals a day can be bought for under 30 Baht each (90 Baht)

Bus fare to work and back (20 Baht)

Add daily expenses for my girlfriend (About 150 Baht)

And I come up with a living total of 360 Baht a day or 12000 Baht a month.

Ofcourse there are days where you spend alot more and then there are days when you spend alot less.

Yes, but all appear to have miised the significant 'W' word. Work.

When you work that's 8+ hours a day taken out of the equation. OK, granted those 8 hours are probably the ones where the spending can be curtailed easily but then you have to find something to do.

Is the OP going to spend 2 months sculling around Pattaya? I lived there 12 years and loved the place but I was working 5 1/2 days a week. Now when I go back on R&R breaks I keep it to a long weekend (easy from KL). I personally think two months in Pattaya would drive anybody stir crazy and that's when the spending starts to accelerate. If he gets out of Pattaya he has to pay transport and hotels.

Best thing is to make a plan and stick to it. Plot the spending on a bluddy chart if you have to but if you don't have that plan you'll drift off line and won't even realise you're doing it.

I did notice some inconsistancy in the girls theme. Started out as one or two wouldn't be an issue and seemed to drift into more significant contact.

No rent + no girl = easy on 1800 per day but can you do it?

No rent + occasional girl (P4P) = very possible, and doable.

No rent + regular P4P = early bath back in UK.

Personally, I predict an overspend.

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I don't live like that, I am just saying I could. I was pointing out that a single man could get by on less than 10000 Baht a month.

Its easy to say, but it'd drive you stir crazy to do. Plus where are the other expenses, electric, water, phone cards, internet bill, visas etc.?

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Not sure if this is in the right place but here goes:

Im thinking of going to Thailand for 2 months and I was wondering if you people think 1800 bht per day is enough to live off easily?

Thanks for any reply's :D

I live comfortably for 25,000-28,000 Baht per month. Remember the more time you have on your hands, the more you'll spend.

break that down for me please briggsy.

is that in bangkok and include all the fruit or are you in the north.?

only curious as im also interested in this topic.

cheers :o

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Bennyboy, you have to bear in mind that many posters on this forum are old codgers who would have to pay for female companionship of any kind....

Young good looking guys like you and me, we get by a lot cheaper than the rest, 1800 per day is massive when the girls fall all over you, for free.......... :o

thats a cracker reply mate and im loving it.

keep up the top work will you please. :D:D:D:D

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You say that your two month stay in Thailand will not be like when you come here and party non stop for two weeks. It will, only it will be a two month non stop party instead. What else are you going to do in the evenings? Sit around watching TV at your dad's, when some hot babe is pestering you to go out and have a wild time with her?

I predict that you'll be out on the prowl every night.

Still, you're only young once so enjoy it.

If you don't get too attached to one girl to the extent that she starts hitting you up for cash and gifts, which will happen if you spend too much time with one of them, then your 1800 baht should last you fine. Just make sure you change girl frequently and don't get emotionally involved in the slightest or you'll be broke and back home in a month.

a top bit of advise to our friend there john but easier said then done.

those lovely thai girls have put an emotional spell on many a man as they are experts at plying the human male and so bloody drop dead gorgeous that they scare me.

even the young dudes have to be on top of there game as the lovely thai girls will destroy there will to resist.

unfortunatly most of us males are at risk whenever we take the plunge.

anyway mate,

i hope the young dude has top fun and he can always sponge money off the old man if a top bit of crumpet seperates him from his money. :o:D

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Cost of living calculations vary hugely depending on the life style, age and importantly, relationship status of the individual.

If you've moved to Thailand expecting to have put life's burdens behind you and then hook up with a young Thai woman who is still in "Child Bearing Mode", then you have left nothing behind and are in for more of the same same.

But here's a thing that many ignore when working out if they can get by on a teacher, dive instructor salary in Thailand.

Let's say you have turned up in Thailand, found a job and want to spend the rest of your days there.

If, because of divorce, recklessness, lack of opertunity or any of a myriad reasons you have no life savings, where are you going to get the money to finance your later retirement in Thailand?

The figures are not good - based on the example given in the TV guide to retirement in Thailand (Bht400K in a Thai bank and Bht32K a month income) I work out that you need to be saving, or some how securing the following amounts of pension savings per month:

Based on 5% growth of pension savings, to meet the above requirements and retire at 65, you need to be saving as follows:

A 25 year old - Bht 5125 per month - every month to 65 years old.

A 30 year old - Bht 6850 per month - every month to 65 years old.

A 35 year old - Bht 10,040 per month - every month to 65 years old.

A 40 year old - Bht 13,975 per month - every month to 65 years old.

A 45 year old - Bht 18,725 per month - every month to 65 years old.

A 50 year old - Bht 28,690 per month - every month to 65 years old.

A 55 year old - Bht 49,225 per month - every month to 65 years old.

Those numbers punch a serious hole in the kind of money many people are getting by on in Thailand.

And yes, I know, you can always come up with some stock market returns that make 5% return on investment look pitiful, but the stock market is a bit like Mrs Beaton's Jugged Hare, you have to catch the Hare first.

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You say that your two month stay in Thailand will not be like when you come here and party non stop for two weeks. It will, only it will be a two month non stop party instead. What else are you going to do in the evenings? Sit around watching TV at your dad's, when some hot babe is pestering you to go out and have a wild time with her?

I predict that you'll be out on the prowl every night.

Still, you're only young once so enjoy it.

If you don't get too attached to one girl to the extent that she starts hitting you up for cash and gifts, which will happen if you spend too much time with one of them, then your 1800 baht should last you fine. Just make sure you change girl frequently and don't get emotionally involved in the slightest or you'll be broke and back home in a month.

a top bit of advise to our friend there john but easier said then done.

those lovely thai girls have put an emotional spell on many a man as they are experts at plying the human male and so bloody drop dead gorgeous that they scare me.

even the young dudes have to be on top of there game as the lovely thai girls will destroy there will to resist.

unfortunatly most of us males are at risk whenever we take the plunge.

anyway mate,

i hope the young dude has top fun and he can always sponge money off the old man if a top bit of crumpet seperates him from his money. :o:D

The old man did say he would help me out if thing's did go to pot :D

Im sure they won't thought... I hope :D

It will just be the occasional lady on the side. She isn't a bar girl so I will save a bit of cash there I would say.. :D The odd bar girl when I get bored is the only money I will be spending :D

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LOS can turn bright-eyed lads into crotchety old men rather quickly.

Personally, I'm glad I got here after I was already ruined and cynical.

LOS.. Land Of Secondchances?

But, oh, heck, you've made up your mind and set your sail, lad. Enjoy the voyage :o

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LOS can turn bright-eyed lads into crotchety old men rather quickly.

Personally, I'm glad I got here after I was already ruined and cynical.

LOS.. Land Of Secondchances?

But, oh, heck, you've made up your mind and set your sail, lad. Enjoy the voyage :D

LOS.... Land of Smiles?

The last few times I have been there I would class it more as LOG... Land Of Groans

The 1st time I went to Pattaya 3 year ago, everyone was happy and smiling, but it isn't half like that now :o

I still love the place though :D

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