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Poll: Most young people dislike GOP's Trump, say he's racist


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Poll: Most young people dislike GOP's Trump, say he's racist

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump is wildly unpopular among young adults, in particular young people of color, and nearly two-thirds of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 believe the presumptive Republican nominee is racist.

That's the finding of a new GenForward poll that also found just 19 percent of young people have a favorable opinion of Trump compared to the three-quarters of young adults who hold a dim view of the New York billionaire.

Trump's likely general election opponent, Hillary Clinton, is also unpopular with young people, but not nearly to the same extent as the real estate mogul and realty TV star. A mere 6 percent of young African Americans, 10 percent of young Hispanics, 12 percent of young Asian Americans and 27 percent of young whites see Trump in a favorable light, ratings that suggest the celebrity businessman faces a staggering task this summer to win their backing in his bid for the White House.

"I think if you want to be a moral young person, you can't support Trump," said Miguel Garcia, 20, of Norwalk, California.

The grandson of Mexican immigrants and a college student who also works at a tire shop, Garcia is a registered Democrat who has not chosen a candidate to support this fall — but is resolute in his disdain for Trump.

"It's really hard to back anything Trump does," Garcia said. "He just says prejudiced stuff."

GenForward is a survey by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago with the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research . The first-of-its-kind poll pays special attention to the voices of young adults of color, highlighting how race and ethnicity shape the opinions of the country's most diverse generation.

The GenForward survey is a poll of adults between the age of 18 and 30, not necessarily registered or likely voters. Those surveyed may not end up voting, or casting a ballot for either major party candidate for president.

The poll found that only 39 percent of young people have a favorable opinion of Clinton to 54 percent who have an unfavorable view of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Desiree Batista, a former supporter of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, said she was "picking the lesser of two evils" in backing Clinton, a decision she reached in part because she believes Trump "was unqualified" to be president.

"I just don't think he's fit to be a presidential candidate," said Batista, a 21-year-old college student from Colonia, New Jersey. "I understand people like him as a businessman, even though I don't feel the same way."

The depth of animosity toward Trump among young Americans may be driven by the two-thirds of those who believe he is racist. That includes nearly 6 in 10 whites, and more than three-quarters of African Americans, Hispanics and Asians.

Trump launched his campaign last summer by accusing some immigrants from Mexico of being rapists and bringing drugs into the country. He later vowed to temporarily bar foreign Muslims from entering the U.S., a position from which he has recently backed away.

"Clearly, from what Trump has said he can be categorized as racist," said Barrett Coleman, a 28-year-old graduate student from Richmond, Virginia, who is supporting Clinton. "His comments about Mexicans, in particular, are just awful."

A Trump's spokeswoman did not return messages seeking comment about the GenForward poll, which found he does have some supporters among young people. Nour El Hanly, a 20-year-old student from Chicago, is a Muslim of Moroccan descent who said he found Clinton "corrupt" and will "continue failing Obama policies."

"I do not favor all of (Trump's) rhetoric, but he's a smart businessman who will help the nation's economy," said El Hanly, a Republican. He said he favored Trump's plan to strengthen security along the U.S. border with Mexico, but doesn't think Trump will follow through on any sort of plan to bar Muslims from the country.

"Most of my friends don't agree, but I think he is the best choice," he said.

Still, the poll found little common ground between young Americans and Trump. About 7 in 10 oppose Trump's proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from other countries from entering the United States. Seven in 10 oppose his plan to build a wall along the U.S. southern border. Six in 10 say immigrants in the country illegally should be allowed to stay, including large majorities of young Hispanics, African-Americans and Asian-Americans and about half of young whites.

Nathan Mclendon, a 22-year-old African-American independent, said he doesn't believe Trump can relate to the concerns of young voters or people of color.

"He doesn't understand what we're going through. He's not focused on equality," said Mclendon, of Tampa, Florida. "I don't find him trustworthy. And I'm not sure he cares."


The poll of 1,965 adults age 18-30 was conducted June 14-27 using a sample drawn from the probability-based GenForward panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. young adult population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.

The survey was paid for by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago using grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

Respondents were first selected randomly using address-based sampling methods, and later interviewed online or by phone.



GenForward polls: http://www.genforwardsurvey.com/

Black Youth Project: http://blackyouthproject.com/

AP-NORC: http://www.apnorc.org/

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-13

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Sure, we already knew that, but the trick is getting young people out to actually VOTE in numbers in the competitive states that will determine the outcome. The endorsement of Hillary Clinton by Bernie Sanders can help especially if he actively campaigns around the country for both Hillary and other democratic candidates. I think he WILL do that.

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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

It is hard to figure out if he is really racist since he basically say anything that will get him attention - not because he believes it. I mean, he is running for the GOP when he is definitely not a conservative (not a social conservative - though he can act like one; and not a small government conservative since he just loves things like unrestricted expropriation).

I keep on trying to remind Americans that they still have an option... Gary Johnson - Libertarian....

I have pretty much given up having any good president of the United States this century.... certainly none so far, and probably none in the next 4 or 8 years.

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Not a surprise. Trump's core group of supporters is old, racist white guys. That's it. He'll get a few outliers who just don't know anything about the guy (except from Celebrity Apprentice), but the word is going to get out. The General Election is going to be a bloodbath. It could be the biggest whupping anyone's ever taken. I can't wait to hear what Trump says after he loses dramatically. My bet is that he'll attack the American people for being stupid.

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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

While what you post is accurate, for me it's not the most determining factor which disqualifies him for the presidency. It's his ignorance of policy: both foreign and domestic.

There are countless reasons not to vote for Trump, but the fact that he doesn't know anything about how to do the job is the most significant.

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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

While what you post is accurate, for me it's not the most determining factor which disqualifies him for the presidency. It's his ignorance of policy: both foreign and domestic.

There are countless reasons not to vote for Trump, but the fact that he doesn't know anything about how to do the job is the most significant.

When you have a Supreme Court Justice breaking protocol for the first time in history to condemn Trump, when you have coalitions of academic scholars and historians attempting to deter history from being made the wrong way with the election of Trump, along with the majority of college educated voters, his incompetence and ignorance are maybe among the least threatening reasons to oppose him.

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It doesn't really matter what's in trump's heart and so called brain. He's a demagogue around all kinds of divisive issues, including race. He's stirring up the sheit to motivate his core base, who ARE racists.

Remember his opening campaign gambit -- the Mexicans are RAPISTS speech.

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It doesn't really matter what's in trump's heart and so called brain. He's a demagogue around all kinds of divisive issues, including race. He's stirring up the sheit to motivate his core base, who ARE racists.

Remember his opening campaign gambit -- the Mexicans are RAPISTS speech.

As I recall, the single thing that propelled him into the political spotlight was a racist, divisive issue: the Obama birther issue back in 2008. He was one of the champions of that effort, which resulted in him getting lots of airtime on Fox News and similar. I think that event probably planted the seeds of his future possible election strategy.

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It doesn't really matter what's in trump's heart and so called brain. He's a demagogue around all kinds of divisive issues, including race. He's stirring up the sheit to motivate his core base, who ARE racists.

Remember his opening campaign gambit -- the Mexicans are RAPISTS speech.

As I recall, the single thing that propelled him into the political spotlight was a racist, divisive issue: the Obama birther issue back in 2008. He was one of the champions of that effort, which resulted in him getting lots of airtime on Fox News and similar. I think that event probably planted the seeds of his future possible election strategy.

Indeed and his leadership in that "birther" absurdity does provide evidence there is some sick RACIST stuff going up in his orange haired brain!

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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

He is not a racist. That is partisan malarkey. However, he might be some of those other things. Of course, Hillary is no better.

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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

He is not a racist. That is partisan malarkey. However, he might be some of those other things. Of course, Hillary is no better.

She is much better.

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More about trump racism:

For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance

In countless collisions of color and creed, Donald J. Trump’s name evokes an easily understood message of racial hostility. Defying modern conventions of political civility and language, Mr. Trump has breached the boundaries that have long constrained Americans’ public discussion of race.


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I've been in LA for a week and now Vegas. I have yet to meet a single person who has a positive opinion about Trump.

Even saw a nicely pimped pickup with "F--- TRUMP" on the back driving down the Vegas strip. Maybe one of those contractors he screwed.

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More about trump racism:

Typical, liberal, New York hit piece that is nothing but spin. They ALWAYS lie about Republican candidates for president, but are exaggerating Trump's supposed sins 10 times worse than usual.

Mr. Trump dismisses those who accuse him of embracing or enabling racism.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

He is not a racist. That is partisan malarkey. However, he might be some of those other things. Of course, Hillary is no better.
Not racist? What planet are you on at the moment, because it clearly isn't earth.



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I don't know if in his heart Donald Trump is a racist but he has definitely embraced, coddled and has been somewhat enabling of racism during this campaign (from my own interpretation of his words). If I were an American, I would tend to vote Republican and would have chosen one of many of the other candidates over him... This election there is only one person left I could ever consider voting for and that is Gary Johnson.

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How do you "prove" someone is not a racist? The left are lamely trying to claim that he is an anti-Semite even though his daughter and her family are Jewish, so are some of the top people in his organization and he is a vocal supporter of Israel. What utter nonsense.

Kushner Defends Trump As ‘Not An Anti-Semite’

Kushner’s letter described how his wife’s father embraced him and his Judaism since he began dating Trump’s daughter Ivanka. The two wed in 2009 after Ivanka underwent an Orthodox conversion. He highlighted Trump’s comment last week that “Israel is a very, important ally of the United States.” He also criticized those who hold the Republican nominee accountable for the “utterances” of his most “fringe supporters” and accused those who do so of enforcing an “insane standard.”
Read more at http://www.thejewishweek.com/news/national/kushner-defends-trump-not-anti-semite#X1rfXuIr5ZdwuT81.99
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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

He is not a racist. That is partisan malarkey. However, he might be some of those other things. Of course, Hillary is no better.

She is much better.

If it posts like the Hillary campaign,

If it displays an avatar like the Hillary campaign,

If it quacks like the Hillary campaign ...

It must be ...


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Trumps campaign is home to the racists, bigots, rednecks, skinheads, KKK & uneducated white trash.

Thats why the republican senators, governors and representatives are skipping the convention.

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