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British man's Thai wife killed by ya ba addict - druggy was her "gik", say police

Jonathan Fairfield

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

Thai women's sense of morals and ethics are very different from what we have been brought up with. They don't see committing adultery as such a big deal, especially if they think they won't get found out. That's one of the reasons why PnP is so easily available here. I have seen this happen with uni students, office girls, hiso housewives etc.

I think you have been hanging around "bar girls" way too much. Get away from Nana Plaza, Cowboy, Pattaya etc and I think you will find that normal Thai's have a different sense of morals and ethics then the trash you find in those areas.

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My opinion,I think that most of us that have been here a good while know before we get involved that there is a good chance that she may stray,but because of the length of time with her we decide to take a chance and hope that things will turn out for the best.Obviously there is the chance that something may happen with her,but there is also the chance that we never find out.If we do find out, the case then as said many a time,you never miss a slice off a cut loaf.So live and let live,everyone deserves a second chance and dont forget we are all not saints,how many of us would turn down a good looking woman once in a while?especially if we thought,her inside would not find out.Also lets not forget these people have a different outlook on life than most of us,and culture is not easy to forget,no matter how we try,and the same goes for temptation.In this case it is Sad,but by far not unusual,the sadest thing about all this 2 children have lost their mother,the husband obviously a trusting good working man at least he has his kids to remind him of the good happy times.Its to be hoped he can continue to take care of them without too much hassle over the house and whatever comes with this bad time for him with her family,we cannot forget they played a hand here as well albeit not a good one.RIP to the woman and good luck to the man and his kids.

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The bright side is that the Brit fellow is better off. Maybe now he will learn it is better to rent than to marry.

Not a very sensitive thing to say is it. Yes it looks like she was unfaithful but he may not have known that. This was the mother of his 2 kids so I doubt very much he will be thinking he is better off after hearing the news that he wife has been murdered.

Easy to appear hard and callous on a social forum with your keyboard but I doubt you would find it so simple if it were to happen to you.

I feel very sad for the father and 2 kids left behind, another pointless death.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

Even that is not a Thai problem. Farang junkie women kill their Farang husbands in Farangistan, too, sometimes.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the sI

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.I know plenty of blokes that go to Pattaya to "play golf."

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

No, they are not, but Thais are number 1!

Statistics, aren't they marvellous for those trying to win an argument.

56% of Thais from a population of 70M or thereabouts compared to how many millions totalled from the countries listed, you will have to try harder than that.

"56% of Thais from a population of 70M"

So you think that the survey interviewed every Thai citizen, including children?

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...sounds about right....

...as you see...in this land of pretend...they know exactly what is going on.....

...but they are just so d*mn good at pretending that it doesn't matter....unless they are caught and have to stop pretending for a moment...

....'culturally' children are taught to 'pretend'....from an early age....around 3 years old....

....oh by the way.....pretend=lie.......

...so even that chart on infidelity......better add 20% to that to make it a little more accurate.....

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This is probably is a good time to tell you a secret to minimize the 'Gik Effect' so gather around and pay attention. There is something most foreigners fail to understand is a Thai woman has unique and strange perception about Love and Jealousy. To a Thai woman they are one in the same and can't have one without the other. If you aren't calling her every few minutes when you are not in the same space then in her mind you aren't jealous of her therfore you don't love her because you don't show your Jealousy through micromanagement. Then she will find a Gik, a younger Thai man who has Jealousy for a surname. He is Thai and knows Thai psyche and their emotional needs while the older trusting foreigner hasn't a clue and calls her phone once or in trusting fashion, doesn't call at all. Also, as with all women, Thai women like you to show you're the Boss... You're a MAN.In layman's language you have to know when to be a Bad BOY.Not the Honey doer, wimp ass nice guy that you think she wants you to be. This might shock the ethically correct, but she wants you to get loud and in her face, put your foot down and stand your ground. Yeah he loves me! She quietly says to herself. Yes.. This includes, how can we say, light domestic violence spicey seasoning in her Tom Yum Goong.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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The bright side is that the Brit fellow is better off. Maybe now he will learn it is better to rent than to marry.

Straight from death of wife of to see a hooker.Not everybodies mind is in the gutter.

Maybe she could baby sit the kids while he is away.

Edited by louse1953
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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

No, they are not, but Thais are number 1!

And probably 10% of those lied to save face!

I just read that Durex did a study that revealed Thai women were worse then Thai men for adulterous behaviour. Apparently it was shot down by the Thai people, giggle.gif

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

didnt say they didnt but it certainly seems to happen a lot more here and is bandied about with abandon, even her family knew she was doing it. Its one thing to have an affair but thais seem to take it to the next level.

A disturbing number of Thai women really do display sociopathic tendencies,what about the poor kids that are now motherless,due to her selfish and blatant cuckolding of her husband?

Who is obviously a very good provider for her and the rest of his family,I'm sure you can put her parents on the list for handouts without a shadow of a doubt,he almost certainly will have built them a house to begin with!

,I'm sure you can put her parents on the list for handouts without a shadow of a doubt,he almost certainly will have built them a house to begin with!'

You gleaned this info from where,the back of a fertile mind?

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Where there a Thai Women, there is a Thai Man. Old Lotus Proverb ???

I've always found the Filipinas to be more genuine,more shapely and beautiful,closer in culture,obvious lack of language barrier and just a much better prospect for a long-term relationship than Thai women,nothing I read here on TV changes that opinion,in fact it just confirms it!

5555,the font of all wisdom on Thai women,TVF.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

it's not the marriage that meant nothing, it's the Farang that means nothing, nothing more then buying her 'face'. Remember Farang have no status, none beyond what 'face' or status he can provide for a Thai women and her family.

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We fall in love with the person they fall in love with the money.... The story of Thailand... Sad story !

And farangs are so desperate they believe that a women half their age with nothing in common actually loves them.Farangs need to start thinking with the bigger head.

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First of all RIP to the Thai wife that leaves behind two children and a hubby.

I went through the same problems 6 years ago.

After 19 years marriage and finally going for a divorce, I picked up a stunner in a bar on Cowboy and a week later I was already in Udon to meet the family and discuss Sinsod and completing her mansion that was still not finished yet after two other farangs from Italy and Holland left her.

At the time I worked in Singapore and my relationship started in September and ended on Songkran around 7 months later. I ignored all the red lights for almost 7 months and longterm friends that have known me for over 20 years and lived in Bangkok told me to run as far as I can out of the relationship.

Their have been many red lights:

1) I had to pay every day for a dinner and a lot of Sonchai's came to the party which most were introduced to me as their cousins, neighbors, high low players etc.

2) Family had every day money problems as they are all hooked up to gambling, yaba and drinking

3) I told my Udon lady to stop gambling, drinking and her words to me was only stupid farangs pay sinsod to a bar lady or even consider a bar girl as their future wife.

4) I called her from Singapore and told her that I am coming back to Udon in two days time and she told me on the phone that she miss me so much. What she didn't know was that I was on the way to the airport already and I hired a limo from Udon and visited at night our (her) home and surprise she was with a guy who she introduced as her cousin to me. This guy only showed up after the house was build and during the time of construction the guy could not be seen.

5) She also had a brother in law who is a farang and his wife bragged how much money she had from this guy every month. The guy was almost 70 years and always out of the country and came only once a year for two months. He too found his wife on Soi Cowboy and has been working none-stop to finance her a lifestyle that every Isaan woman in that village asked her to find a rich farang hubby. When I went to the bar on Cowboy again I noted 5 girls in the bar that came all from the same village.

What I try to say is that no one needs to be surprised that a Thai bargirl wants to have a gik on the sideline when hubby is overseas. It is fairly to say that if the woman was a bargirl that she was in the trade for making money and this will not stop even after they are married and have children.

As for me I was burned and wrote off 1.5 million Baht over a period of 7 months but I know guys in Udon they have been milked for over 10 years and lost far more money then I did in 7 months. I have no bad feelings towards her but I am very happy that I listen on the end to close friends that saved me and my money.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

No, they are not, but Thais are number 1!

What a load of rubbish - "those who admitted having an affair"....lol

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

Anyone who has lived here knows, unless completely blinkered by rose coloured glasses, that Thais are very 'flexible' with regards to morals and loyalty.

They even have names for it

'mia noi' 'gik' as it's so prevalent it's the 'norm'. To be fair males far more than females but it's part of 'Thainess' that guys have a 'mia noi' and a few 'giks' and females are, more or less, accepting here and THAT does not happen in Western countries that I know of. Cheating sometimes yes but not a pandemic of 'flexible sex' as it is here.

As we have names for it,mistress,<deleted> buddy,ect.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

"western" has nothing to do with it! Thai women are continually looking for "western" men to marry and become ATM's! I cannot count the times when a Thai woman has asked me to find her a husband, they have even told me sex, no sex never mind, they just want to get hold of that bank account, and the gullible western man gets hooked every time!

such is life when the "western" man does not do his home work or check out his perpective future wife.

Nothing wrong with looking for a better life.Up to the bloke to do his homework,as you said.Why men rush to get married is beyond me.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

Yup... They all have Giks and in due time the truth comes to bite them but as long as she is gapping her legs and giving her Gik your money you won't be the wiser. And 100% of the time it will be a man a lot younger than her. Ironical when you think about it...

Don't project your own situation on to all of us.

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1) Old man marries young Thai girl and gives her everything.

2) Young Thai wife gets a young Thai Gik and gives him everything.

3) Jealousy

4) Young Thai man kills the old man, kills old man's Thai wife or kills them both.

5) Thailand gets its land back and a house to boot.

That fiction book has been written already.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

No, they are not, but Thais are number 1!

Statistics and lies! It must be specific to Udon Thani. I live in Pattaya where none of this "carry on" ever happens. You just have to accept that Thai family relationships are very close. My girlfriends's brother has been living with us for 5 years now. I think he's gay, I never see him with a girlfriend but then again who am I to judge.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

didnt say they didnt but it certainly seems to happen a lot more here and is bandied about with abandon, even her family knew she was doing it. Its one thing to have an affair but thais seem to take it to the next level.

Exactly...Thais, especially the women, seem to adopt a holier than thou posture regarding fidelity...always complaining about "butterfly men"...but who do the "butterfly men" cheat with? amazing that everyone seemed to know she was a whore, except for her trusting husband...I feel bad for him, because so many of his perceptions about his life are shattered...but I also feel good for him, in that he now can move on and make a life with honesty...leave the trash behind.

The kids are going to be a "problem",seeing he is away so much.If the house was hers,it probable goes to kids now,but who would want to live there.Can't sell it either.The decision now is what comes first,kids or job.

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