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Disgusting Vegan behaviour in Chiang Mai


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It's totally against all Thai culture this grey haired,saggy old hag flopping her jugs out like the exhibitionist she is,the sooner they deport her the better,how is it any different from the idiots exposing themselves at Angkor Wat and other religious sites around SEA?

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It's totally against all Thai culture this grey haired,saggy old hag flopping her jugs out like the exhibitionist she is,the sooner they deport her the better,how is it any different from the idiots exposing themselves at Angkor Wat and other religious sites around SEA?

Thai culture had all the Northern Thai women topless 100 years ago.

If you go up to CM zoo and have a look at the dozen or so female statues outside, they are all topless too.

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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

He's a nutter, that's for sure, and if you think that a lot of his behaviour is to attract attention in order to make more money, you've just supported his cause. I very much doubt that most Thais aren't smart enough to know a nutter when they see one, to recognise this guy as a perfect example of that, and to not assume he represents "all farangs". You should give Thais more credit. Farangs have been coming to Chiang Mai in sufficient numbers for long enough for them to have figured out that we are as mixed a bunch of individuals as any race, including themselves - they have nutters too. For you to assume that they aren't smart enough to distinguish the wheat from the chaff could be seen as an insult to them.

As regards to your other comment about her breasts, as I said, it says more about you than her. She repeatedly told the child to stop exposing her other breast and even stopped the video in order to deal with that problem. You also seem to have an obsession about the fact that the child is four, which although it seems odd to me, is not shocking or in anyway offensive. What is your problem with that, I wonder? A quick google produces this ....

The World Health Organization officially recommends mothers breastfeed until three years of age. (Yes, you did read that right!) Even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends mothers should breastfeed "at least until one year of age and then as long as baby and mother mutually want to."

I'd be more concerned about you than the nutter in the video - at least we know where he is coming from.

I've supported DurianRider's cause by showing a video of a topless farang in Chiang Mai. I'm insulting Thai people (whereas she is not). I have a problem and an obsession, according to you, because I think it's wrong behaviour?

You do an really good job at attempting to gaslight @Chiengmaijoe but unfortunately your arguments are not in the last bit convincing or valid! Especially as according to the World Health Organization website: "Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to TWO years of age or beyond."

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I've supported DurianRider's cause by showing a video of a topless farang in Chiang Mai. I'm insulting Thai people (whereas she is not). I have a problem and an obsession, according to you, because I think it's wrong behaviour?

You do an really good job at attempting to gaslight @Chiengmaijoe but unfortunately your arguments are not in the last bit convincing or valid! Especially as according to the World Health Organization website: "Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to TWO years of age or beyond."

You supported their cause by not only posting the original video, but by also posting a link to a second video with muggins' foul-mouthed rant. Since most of us will have had no clue as to who either of these people were, and would never have known about or clicked on their YouTube videos how could you not see that you have helped to make them more famous and promoted their cause, inadvertently or not?

Not surprisingly, I think that my argument of you not creditig the Thais with the ability of understanding that one nutter doesn't "give all farangs a bad name" is valid. I don't expect anyone to think that this nutter represents me in any way whatsoever - maybe not even you!

The debate as to how long a woman should breastfeed her child is obviously not something that everyone agrees on, but what most people would agree on is ..... it's none of your business.

If you want to be offended that is up to you, but getting offended on behalf of others is more likely than not unwarranted, and only serves to show you to be a prudish nosey-parker. The offended Thais in the video weren't very conspicuous and correct me if I'm wrong, but you didn't get many comments supporting your position.

Because of your posting name 'SundayAfternoon' I was reminded of a popular song by a favourite band of mine, The Small Faces, that started with the line "wouldn't it be nice to get on with me neighbours". Quite appropriate for you, ..... considering.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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It's totally against all Thai culture this grey haired,saggy old hag flopping her jugs out like the exhibitionist she is,the sooner they deport her the better,how is it any different from the idiots exposing themselves at Angkor Wat and other religious sites around SEA?

Thai culture had all the Northern Thai women topless 100 years ago.

If you go up to CM zoo and have a look at the dozen or so female statues outside, they are all topless too.

There's a clue in your statement,see if you can find it? facepalm.gif

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It's totally against all Thai culture this grey haired,saggy old hag flopping her jugs out like the exhibitionist she is,the sooner they deport her the better,how is it any different from the idiots exposing themselves at Angkor Wat and other religious sites around SEA?

Thai culture had all the Northern Thai women topless 100 years ago.

If you go up to CM zoo and have a look at the dozen or so female statues outside, they are all topless too.

There's a clue in your statement,see if you can find it? facepalm.gif

Culture generally comes from past events.

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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

What language is being spoken in that video?

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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

What language is being spoken in that video?

Australian bogan + internet bodybuilding ,fitness, steroid/PED slang (eg swole, gains, gas, full natty brah, juicing, gear)

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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

What language is being spoken in that video?
Australian bogan + internet bodybuilding ,fitness, steroid/PED slang (eg swole, gains, gas, full natty brah, juicing, gear)

I don't know anything about that but I gather that's not something that someone learns by going to school and studying hard. Maybe veganism isn't the dominant factor here.

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I don't know anything about that but I gather that's not something that someone learns by going to school and studying hard. Maybe veganism isn't the dominant factor here.

I've never know anyone with an education to participate in any of the food fads.

It's for fruit and nut cases only.

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It's totally against all Thai culture this grey haired,saggy old hag flopping her jugs out like the exhibitionist she is,the sooner they deport her the better,how is it any different from the idiots exposing themselves at Angkor Wat and other religious sites around SEA?

It must be dificult for you as you are so sensitive, not against "Thai culture" I have seen many hill people int own feeding their kids, they don't make a show of it true but what could be more natural and your bit about "old hag flopping her jugs" says more about you than her, the beauty of the situation is you don't have to look. creep.

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Do we really live in a world where expats in Thailand of all places are offended by breast feeding?

Time to step back and reevaluate yourself.

I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

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Do we really live in a world where expats in Thailand of all places are offended by breast feeding?

Time to step back and reevaluate yourself.

I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

Re-assuring to know. I'll sleep easier tonight. Anyone else on your hit list?

Are you the same guy that said "You do sound like a very nasty person .... " to someone that merely suggested people should be responsible dog-owners?

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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Do we really live in a world where expats in Thailand of all places are offended by breast feeding?

Time to step back and reevaluate yourself.

I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

Re-assuring to know. I'll sleep easier tonight. Anyone else on your hit list?

Thanks for the support friend. Will keep you updated.

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Do we really live in a world where expats in Thailand of all places are offended by breast feeding?

Time to step back and reevaluate yourself.

I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

Re-assuring to know. I'll sleep easier tonight. Anyone else on your hit list?

Thanks for the support friend. Will keep you updated.

There I was thinking I'll sleep easy, now I'll be back to sleeplessness, waiting for updates from my new friend!

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Do we really live in a world where expats in Thailand of all places are offended by breast feeding?

Time to step back and reevaluate yourself.

I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

Re-assuring to know. I'll sleep easier tonight. Anyone else on your hit list?

Thanks for the support friend. Will keep you updated.

Mr. Doofus,maybe you should change your user name if you want to be

taken seriously,seeing tits is highly offensive to you ?you need to get a


regards worgeordie

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Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

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Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

What do your scriptures say about breastfeeding? Did Jesus or his disciples discuss it? Better still, did God Almighty himself have anything to say? Are you on a mission from God? Lots of questions, I know, but it is an importantant topic.

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Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

What do your scriptures say about breastfeeding? Did Jesus or his disciples discuss it? Better still, did God Almighty himself have anything to say? Are you on a mission from God? Lots of questions, I know, but it is an importantant topic.

I am not an a mission from God at all. We believe that breast feeding is a something that should be done in private and behind closed doors. To expose a woman's bosom in public goes against our teachings and normality. This lady doing what she does in public is being disrespectful to God and the teachings of our church, and we will see that she is held accountable.

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Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

What do your scriptures say about breastfeeding? Did Jesus or his disciples discuss it? Better still, did God Almighty himself have anything to say? Are you on a mission from God? Lots of questions, I know, but it is an importantant topic.

I am not an a mission from God at all. We believe that breast feeding is a something that should be done in private and behind closed doors. To expose a woman's bosom in public goes against our teachings and normality. This lady doing what she does in public is being disrespectful to God and the teachings of our church, and we will see that she is held accountable.

Kids don't just get hungry at convenient times.

Are you suggesting mothers should never leave the house?

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@SoiBiker, No of course I am not, but a feeding mother is not unlike someone who needs to urinate. A bathroom is never far away, or would you suggest someone who needs to urinate just do in public.

Would you like to eat your lunch in the toilet?

Why would you make someone feed their child in one?

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@SoiBiker, No of course I am not, but a feeding mother is not unlike someone who needs to urinate. A bathroom is never far away, or would you suggest someone who needs to urinate just do in public.

Would you like to eat your lunch in the toilet?

Why would you make someone feed their child in one?

We needs to agree to disagree I think. I am not after an argument here, just some Christian decency. There is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with breastfeeding a child in a bathroom.

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@SoiBiker, No of course I am not, but a feeding mother is not unlike someone who needs to urinate. A bathroom is never far away, or would you suggest someone who needs to urinate just do in public.

What kind of religion encourages people to persecute hungry babies and breastfeeding mothers? I take it it's not a judeo-christian based faith? If it is, could you quote the scripture on which you base your beliefs? Then again, I know that according to the New Testament, it is shameful for women to speak in church so I guess anything is possible. Edited by Mark123456
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@SoiBiker, No of course I am not, but a feeding mother is not unlike someone who needs to urinate. A bathroom is never far away, or would you suggest someone who needs to urinate just do in public.

Would you like to eat your lunch in the toilet?

Why would you make someone feed their child in one?

We needs to agree to disagree I think. I am not after an argument here, just some Christian decency. There is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with breastfeeding a child in a bathroom.

There's nothing wrong with doing it in public either.

If a glimpse of an uncovered breast gives you a guilty half-boner that you're worried your imaginary sky-boss will be angry about, that's very much your problem. The rest of the world isn't going to bend to your foolishness.

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@SoiBiker, No of course I am not, but a feeding mother is not unlike someone who needs to urinate. A bathroom is never far away, or would you suggest someone who needs to urinate just do in public.

Would you like to eat your lunch in the toilet?

Why would you make someone feed their child in one?

We needs to agree to disagree I think. I am not after an argument here, just some Christian decency. There is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with breastfeeding a child in a bathroom.

Christian decency - there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one. Edited by Mark123456
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Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

What do your scriptures say about breastfeeding? Did Jesus or his disciples discuss it? Better still, did God Almighty himself have anything to say? Are you on a mission from God? Lots of questions, I know, but it is an importantant topic.

Before getting all bent out of shape, google the last name that he is using on his ThaiVisa account. "Doofus" is American slang for something.

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@SoiBiker and @Mark123456 I appreciate that we have a differing of opinion, but breast feeding in public in view of other is both disgusting and immoral. Our Church in Chiang Mai has very strong views on this, and if we saw this in public we would take great offence and if need be report to the Royal Thai Police

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