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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.

Closure of all EU external borders.

Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

Immediate intake stop of migrants.

Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.

Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

You seem to overlook the fact that the people involved in these attacks are legitimate EU citizens most of the time: French, Belgian etc.

Therefore expelling them wouldn't have been feasible anyway. Expel them to where? no country will accept them. So we're back to concentration camps or drowning them at sea.

If that's what you want, at least make it unambiguous.

I don't have a magical wand either, but at least I don't want my home country turned into a totalitarian state conducting pogroms as was hinted by another poster.


So may then just not as fast citizenship should be granted (sometimes less then 2 years).

In the database of services are thousands of radical and violent islamists stored.

These radical islamists have lined up with the aim to destroy our society.

Why then granted this society these radical Islamists his rights of freedom?

That's harebrained. Why do not send them back to their countries of origin?

A huge security risk.

And what speaks against it, first to secure the borders and stop the unregulated invasion (1000- 2000 illegals arrive daily with tug boats in Italy)?

The authorities and the security forces are not able and staffed to handle these masses.

If this continues, we have a civil war in the next 2-3 years.

I support rapid and radical actions, even if it costs me parts of my personal freedom.

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The muslims are not silent...the media coverage of their condamnations is....

Just on the Europe 1 French radio now, the President of the association of mosques in France being interviewed and strongly condemning the attack. Speaking a lot of sense about what could be done IMO.

Previously, the Great Mosque of Paris and legal representatives of the Muslim cult in France did so too and that has been reported.

Obviously, they can't represent the "great Muslim silent minority" as a whole, but it's significant.

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Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.

Closure of all EU external borders.

Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

Immediate intake stop of migrants.

Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.

Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

And then Once you have pacified these areas and repatriated all of the Immigrants from Europe to weed out the Agitators and violence Preachers. You will build special camps where they can be educated and rehabilitated. You will have gardens and beautiful signs to welcome them. Women to the left and Men to the right..... You will settle the Worlds problem Herr OberGruppenfuhrer

Always quick with the Nazi defamation at hand.

What are your suggestions to solve the problem?

Or always turn the other cheek and let the whole thing so continue, and continue to bury regularly the victims?

No I do not advocate that. Sadly it is a Problem we all now have to deal with. What you suggest would not work. What we are doing now is not working. My actual attitude is to get all of us involved in solving the problems instead of each election thinking you can trust a bunch of Self appointed Social Engineers who tell you what you want. Somehow We have to find logical and reasonable solutions and that takes whole communities not just Heads of Govt and appointed Bureaucrats. We were all given a vote and then told trust US. My suggestion is We vote but say ask us before you assume we are ok with things. Maybe if a bunch of so called elected officials who probably do not live in the areas they dump these people in actually liaised with communities the problems could be minimised from day one. Not like now where we can only apply band aids to the cuts. The solutions start with you and I

Christ you're naive. Away you go then. Ask pretty please with a cherry on top after the bastards have your vote and let us know how you get on with that coffee1.gif

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The muslims are not silent...the media coverage of their condamnations is....

Just on the Europe 1 French radio now, the President of the association of mosques in France being interviewed and strongly condemning the attack. Speaking a lot of sense about what could be done IMO.

Previously, the Great Mosque of Paris and legal representatives of the Muslim cult in France did so too and that has been reported.

Obviously, they can't represent the "great Muslim silent minority" as a whole, but it's significant.

Is it? I remember the exact same thing after the Paris attacks. That put the wind up them didn't it coffee1.gif

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There are psychopathic fanatical murderers and terrorists in every religion..Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists. Stereotyping an entire people or religion because of the actions of some is exactly what creates the fanatics in the first place. You are acting as their recruiting sergeant.

Care to name any recent terrorist attacks by Jews or Christians in Europe?

Thought not.

But they'll be coming to a European Muslim/Immigrant enclave somewhere soon.

Edited by MissAndry
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A UK paper the Daily Mail published an article yesterday from someone in the French military stating France may be one major incident away from civil war. If this turns out to be so I have thanks to give. Thank you to the champions of mass immigration from hostile third world cultures. Thanks for not tackling the no go zones and hate preachers. Thank you for lying and concealing the motives of terrorists. Thanks for two tier policing. Thanks for shaming and prosecuting all those who warn about this.

In other words thank you left wing globalists for the ruin you have knowingly caused, I hope there is a hell for you to rot in.

You forgot to thank the French for invading their countries in the first place,last century and leaving a mess behind.Colonization is where this all stems from.

So how many attacks you think need to happen and how many people need to die before this "Colonization" has been "paid off"?

If that is really the reason can you put a number on it?

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Clearly what ISIS ultimately wants is to create a clash of civilizations.

But in reality they're just a tiny faction of ultra-extremists, so how can they manage to create a 'global' clash? We're seeing how: Create enough fear thus division within our own societies and we will do the rest for them. In fact increasingly we are.

More and more are saying: 'Ban them ALL!' or 'Throw them ALL out!'

Extremist parties in Western societies are gaining pace

Politicians ala Trump stoke fears for personal gain

YET by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, we are DIRECTLY assisting (and accelerating) ISIS with their strategy to create fear and division within our societies. By doing so, we are in effect helping (and accelerating) ISIS to 'win'. Ultimately the vast majority of law abiding main stream Muslims would get the message 'You're not wanted here!!' thus would only strengthen ISIS further.

To some these cowardly heinous attacks are a simple lump-sum ala 'It's the Musilms again' which is misguided at best, dangerous at worst. In the past, nutter losers who felt they didn't fit in and had a vengeful grudge would just 'go postal' in a senseless violent act. Nowadays, the same misfit disaffected losers feel they can instead 'justify' their senseless murderous acts with attachment to extremist ISIS (and to some, an ENTIRE religion in the process). Yet there is NO way either murderous ISIS nor pre-disposed suicidal lemming misfit killers are religious in ANY way.

I have a friend who is Muslim. She and her entire family are absolutely horrified and repulsed by ISIS and their ilk's actions and for 'hijacking' their religion. These are fine, decent, good people. They will no doubt be reading a seemingly increasing majority of comments online (and increasingly hearing in person) castigating 'THEM' along with ISIS... If we continue to assist ISIS by stoking their desire to create fear, hate, division and fracturing of our own societies, it won't be long before we will have simply and ruefully handed ISIS their victory.

This is NOT a 'hearts n rainbows', 'kumbaya' nor a 'hug-post', rather a cautionary one...

Meanwhile, YES get even TOUGHER on ISIS, also immigration checks and rules, step up counter-terrorism, attack ISIS at every opportunity, root them out, expose their networks, BUT DO NOT ASSIST ISIS / play straight into their hands by propagating the blanket fear and division which they want/need you to do FOR them....

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Christ you're naive. Away you go then. Ask pretty please with a cherry on top after the bastards have your vote and let us know how you get on with that coffee1.gif

Am I naive. No. Am I educated yes. Opinionated Yes, Why sir do you not read my last posting on yours. Did I say I give them my vote and then accept what they do = No

I said exactly the opposite.

Our systems of Government give us a token say in it.

Every few years we get to vote for One Social Engineering Dictator or the next.

What they fear is US

What I advocate is us getting out of Our Armchairs and demanding a say in this.

I have talked with politicians and I know their greatest fear is us.

Think about what I said. Please do not gut react .

We all have differing opinions . Let us always have the right to express them. Otherwise We oppose the vestiges of the Democracy we purport to expouse.

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Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.

Closure of all EU external borders.

Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

Immediate intake stop of migrants.

Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.

Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

And then Once you have pacified these areas and repatriated all of the Immigrants from Europe to weed out the Agitators and violence Preachers. You will build special camps where they can be educated and rehabilitated. You will have gardens and beautiful signs to welcome them. Women to the left and Men to the right..... You will settle the Worlds problem Herr OberGruppenfuhrer

I'll tell you what. Here is one sure fire way to improve things. How about not letting any more muslims immigrate to the West? It is INSANE to bomb them and then invite them into your countries. What the hell else did politicians think would happen with this invade them/invite them strategy?

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Bombing Pakistan (correction Afghanistan), Iraq, Syria and Lybia has really come at a huge cost.

France really is getting hit hard with acts of terrorism.

France is a very Nationalistic and not an inclusive multicultural society so the Muslims who live in France are very isolated from French society which makes its more likely Muslim citizens will attack the State they don't feel a part of.

The war on terror is not going too well.

Edited by up2u2
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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

Totally incorrect. The Blame lies with the individuals who use or interpret religion, in a hateful and vengeance way. The recent terror attacks were not all by foreign nationals but from migrants who were born in France or Belgium, or have lived there for many years. They try and bring their customs and religions to a country that has and is still trying to, integrate them into the French Culture. It hasn't worked and never will. Revert to plan B. The Liberals and lefty's won't agree but 'oil and water do no mix'. Send them back to a nation and religion that supports their beliefs.

I would be interested to see how many would actually go back.

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Bombing Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Lybia has really come at a huge cost.

France really is getting hit hard with acts of terrorism.

France is a very Nationalistic and not an inclusive multicultural society so the Muslims who live in France are very isolated from French society which makes its more likely Muslim citizens will attack the State they don't feel a part of.

The war on terror is not going too well.

Well Saudi Arabia the holly land of Islam has plenty of space for these people to go there but they are not wanted. If they were, they wouldn't have all the freedoms they do like in Europe. have elections or even have a voice. Go and live there and you will see. These disenchanted citizens don't want to integrate but infiltrate and won't be happy until the French culture, has been withered away. Just like London in the UK. Europe and the countries have had enough and these attacks just make the indigenous people and those who have assimilated even angrier and then it turns to hatred. Even after trying to assimilate and become a multi culture people of different values and religions just don't get on. Nothing to do with skin colour or race. It just doesn't work. and never has. History is witness to this, especially when religions are involved.

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What the hell is it with Europe and UK letting in so many muzzlims?

Either they can't interpret data, or they can't analyse the history of Islam and Christianity in Europe.

It's too late to turn off the tap now.

They just blend in..and then every time they emerge…it's one life of theirs for about 80-100 of ours.

The new normal.

Not sure what Marine Le Pen and Trump will do if swept to power….short of enacting some sort of pogrom.

Even more terrible times on the horizon.

Agree with your post but taking into consideration Muslim family planning (or lack of!), won't be long till the US has a huge Muslim standing too.

Many US states already have a considerable Muslim population too if I'm right. Hamtramck, Michigan being the obvious that springs to mind.

The big difference between the US and EU is the Atlantic Ocean otherwise the US would have similar problems. Some are too blind to acknowledge this. It is far easier for immigrants from the Middle East and Africa to stream into Europe than it is the US. Let's not forget that the US was founded on immigration. Admittedly mainly European immigrants and African slaves but immigrants none the less. Let's not blame immigration when the problem is clearly not immigration.

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Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

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Bombing Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Lybia has really come at a huge cost.

France really is getting hit hard with acts of terrorism.

France is a very Nationalistic and not an inclusive multicultural society so the Muslims who live in France are very isolated from French society which makes its more likely Muslim citizens will attack the State they don't feel a part of.

The war on terror is not going too well.

Well Saudi Arabia the holly land of Islam has plenty of space for these people to go there but they are not wanted. If they were, they wouldn't have all the freedoms they do like in Europe. have elections or even have a voice. Go and live there and you will see. These disenchanted citizens don't want to integrate but infiltrate and won't be happy until the French culture, has been withered away. Just like London in the UK. Europe and the countries have had enough and these attacks just make the indigenous people and those who have assimilated even angrier and then it turns to hatred. Even after trying to assimilate and become a multi culture people of different values and religions just don't get on. Nothing to do with skin colour or race. It just doesn't work. and never has. History is witness to this, especially when religions are involved.

Send them all to this place: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad%C3%A9lie_Land

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Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

So what about Cat Stevens?

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What the hell is it with Europe and UK letting in so many muzzlims?

Either they can't interpret data, or they can't analyse the history of Islam and Christianity in Europe.

It's too late to turn off the tap now.

They just blend in..and then every time they emerge…it's one life of theirs for about 80-100 of ours.

The new normal.

Not sure what Marine Le Pen and Trump will do if swept to power….short of enacting some sort of pogrom.

Even more terrible times on the horizon.

Agree with your post but taking into consideration Muslim family planning (or lack of!), won't be long till the US has a huge Muslim standing too.

Many US states already have a considerable Muslim population too if I'm right. Hamtramck, Michigan being the obvious that springs to mind.

The big difference between the US and EU is the Atlantic Ocean otherwise the US would have similar problems. Some are too blind to acknowledge this. It is far easier for immigrants from the Middle East and Africa to stream into Europe than it is the US. Let's not forget that the US was founded on immigration. Admittedly mainly European immigrants and African slaves but immigrants none the less. Let's not blame immigration when the problem is clearly not immigration.

Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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What the hell is it with Europe and UK letting in so many muzzlims?

Either they can't interpret data, or they can't analyse the history of Islam and Christianity in Europe.

It's too late to turn off the tap now.

They just blend in..and then every time they emerge…it's one life of theirs for about 80-100 of ours.

The new normal.

Not sure what Marine Le Pen and Trump will do if swept to power….short of enacting some sort of pogrom.

Even more terrible times on the horizon.

Agree with your post but taking into consideration Muslim family planning (or lack of!), won't be long till the US has a huge Muslim standing too.

Many US states already have a considerable Muslim population too if I'm right. Hamtramck, Michigan being the obvious that springs to mind.

The big difference between the US and EU is the Atlantic Ocean otherwise the US would have similar problems. Some are too blind to acknowledge this. It is far easier for immigrants from the Middle East and Africa to stream into Europe than it is the US. Let's not forget that the US was founded on immigration. Admittedly mainly European immigrants and African slaves but immigrants none the less. Let's not blame immigration when the problem is clearly not immigration.

Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

You need to come up with a better plan than a reality TV Trump plan.

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PARIS (AP) - France declares three days of national mourning after attack in Nice.

How about a 3 day campaign to round-up and deport all undocumented Muslim immigrants, migrants, and refugees...likely more useful in preventing future atrocities.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

I would actually be interested to see the results of the same kind of polling among fundamentalist Christians and Orthodox Jews to see what their opinion was on these same subjects. I would like to be proved wrong but I think you would find similar attitudes in most fundamentalist Religious Groups. So called Main stream Religious Groups are more secularly tolerant and therefore more tolerant to alternative life styles and views. I have met some pretty extremist non Muslims in my life journey. Also met a lot of enlightened people from all Societies.

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Before all you truck haters go getting off, remember: people kill people not trucks. Should we limit the size of trucks, reduce fuel capacity, more in depth background checks on truck drivers... just what is the solution? Will France allow truck ownership to carry on this way?

Well a truck when used normally is a vehicle not a weapon. On the other hand... :rolleyes:

This post is a real pathetic attempt to bring your issues into this thread. :angry:

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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

This study is quite helpful:


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Mid morning and 84 dead, lots are children. Many still badly hurt in hospitals. To Mosha , it was not qualified as a terrorist attack straight away for a reason ! It could have been a lone mad man acting . Later, arms and grenades were found in the truck, and police are at the drivers home at this moment. Another terrible tragedy .

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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

Try asking some Christians what should happen to gay people and you will get similar responses to those of a Muslim persuation; especially if you ask some right wing American Christians.

Birds of a feather and all that.

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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' — God is greatest — before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

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