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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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Hey guys!

I just want to say thank you for bombing my country in the 90's to protect innocent Albanians.

This is the thanks you get from the religion of peace.


This has nothing to do with any religion.This is the fallacy used by terrorists and western govts to get the hate game going.Forget religion anyway,it is just a tool to control the masses and suck money out of them.

Forget your conspiracy theoeries, this has everything to do with religion, if it is Muslim extremists responsible. If you believe that none of the Muslims have faith and it's all just about sucking money out of them you are very, very misinformed.

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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' — God is greatest — before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

What do they need to wake up from and what should the West do? Please enlighten us so we can tell everyone what the solution is and this will all go away,,, please tell us!

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Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

You need to come up with a better plan than a reality TV Trump plan.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Trump's plan makes sense.

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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

Try asking some Christians what should happen to gay people and you will get similar responses to those of a Muslim persuation; especially if you ask some right wing American Christians.

Birds of a feather and all that.

What would the Christians say should happen to all the gay people? And is it just Christians or are there others who hate gay people as well?

This is not a time to be spreading your religious hatred. Serious death toll with this latest terrorist attack, keep your bigotry to yourself.

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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' — God is greatest — before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

What do they need to wake up from and what should the West do? Please enlighten us so we can tell everyone what the solution is and this will all go away,,, please tell us!

They need to start taking action against Islam. Tony Blair promised after the London attacks in 2005 that he would deport radical clerics and close down hate preaching Mosques (almost all do) He did absolutely nothing like the rest of western leaders, Obama being the worst appeaser of the lot, this has just made the attacks worse. The west needs to accept Islam is, and always has been at war with it and do something about it, unfortunately the only thing that works against Islam is force.

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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

I would actually be interested to see the results of the same kind of polling among fundamentalist Christians and Orthodox Jews to see what their opinion was on these same subjects. I would like to be proved wrong but I think you would find similar attitudes in most fundamentalist Religious Groups. So called Main stream Religious Groups are more secularly tolerant and therefore more tolerant to alternative life styles and views. I have met some pretty extremist non Muslims in my life journey. Also met a lot of enlightened people from all Societies.

So you're going to compare societies that are legalizing gay-marriage left and right with the attitudes commonly found in majority Muslim nations...really?

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Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

You need to come up with a better plan than a reality TV Trump plan.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Trump's plan makes sense.

No, Trump's plan doesn't make any sense. Ever wonder why it's happening in France with such frequency? This article tries to explain:


["You have a very large disaffected North African community. They are French citizens now ... but they've been excluded from French society," Robert Baer, a former CIA operative, told CNN's Don Lemon."

"I went to school in France ... I worked there and they are really totally excluded," Baer added.
"And it keeps getting worse since attacks in Paris because they are using profiling and they are stopping people who look like Arabs on trains and buses, checking their IDs which we don't even do in this country. The French have been very aggressive ... radicalization of people of North African origin is actually picking up rather than lessening."]

And Trump et al want to bring this crap to America? That's loonie.

Edited by Berkshire
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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

Try asking some Christians what should happen to gay people and you will get similar responses to those of a Muslim persuation; especially if you ask some right wing American Christians.

Birds of a feather and all that.

And if they acted on their opinions they would be prosecuted by the state...in many Muslim countries, the state proscribes the death penalty for homosexuals. Get real man!

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There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

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Early days to start the assumptions. The killer was a French/Tunisian national who lived in Nice and wasn't an immigrant. He was known to the police but not the security services. No terrorist group have claimed responsibility (at the moment) so he may have been a lone nutter working independently. It doesn't have the feel of an organised co-ordinated attack but as I said it is too early to draw any conclusions.

Hollande's decision to send a warship to Iraq seems like a knee jerk reaction but I guess he has to be seen doing something in response.

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Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

You need to come up with a better plan than a reality TV Trump plan.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Trump's plan makes sense.

No, Trump's plan doesn't make any sense. Ever wonder why it's happening in France with such frequency? This article tries to explain:


["You have a very large disaffected North African community. They are French citizens now ... but they've been excluded from French society," Robert Baer, a former CIA operative, told CNN's Don Lemon."

"I went to school in France ... I worked there and they are really totally excluded," Baer added.
"And it keeps getting worse since attacks in Paris because they are using profiling and they are stopping people who look like Arabs on trains and buses, checking their IDs which we don't even do in this country. The French have been very aggressive ... radicalization of people of North African origin is actually picking up rather than lessening."]

And Trump et al want to bring this crap to America? That's loonie.

Robert Baer recently spent five nights on the History Channel trying to track down Adolf Hitler in Argentina and Paraguay. And you call Trump loonie.

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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' — God is greatest — before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

What do they need to wake up from and what should the West do? Please enlighten us so we can tell everyone what the solution is and this will all go away,,, please tell us!

Well for starters, folk from Muslim countries who exodus to live with Christians really raises a question in my head...whistling.gif

Why do they do that...?...Milk the Christian system, want to convert Christians....I have my thoughts....whistling.gif .......But to me all the violence is from brain dead folk, well they indiscriminately kill their own in the name of "WHAT"...? ...In the name that of brain dead it-ness..We are at a cross roads of moving on from religious stuff, that has NEVER been proven, to a world where we can all live together.....This ISIS mob, a bunch of brain dead's that want to kill or abuse women...Ask them WHY AK47 hunky Men have nipples........whistling.gif ..... .

Will be while to sort stuff...Find the suppliers of arms, financiers...Deal with them.....THEN,Perhaps we can all move on to just living a normal life..

So, separate all the Muslims and Christians,, well there are 1.6 billion Muslims and 2.2 billion Christians in the World, so that's half the Worlds population, where do you want to start?

As for the other points, just find the arms dealers and financiers and deal with them. I think the whole World is already trying to tackle the illegal arms trade is it not?

So in summary, your solution is to take half the world population and draw a line through the middle and say "you shall never meet", and the other part is to stop the illegal arms trade (which is already a battle being fought).. Be sure to send your suggestions to all key, political parties.

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Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

You need to come up with a better plan than a reality TV Trump plan.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Trump's plan makes sense.

Liberals will fight such measures tooth and nail, till there are not enough liberals left to influence policy. By this time Trumps proposals of 2016 will seem liberal compared to the actions I fear will be taken.
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Well, what will be the insipid response this time? More unity parades? A new internet meme? More hugging and saccharine hashtags? And whatever will people put on their FB photos this time?

fair enough. and what is your proposal? Nuke all muslims? Ban all trucks. Forbid manifestations. Hand out free rifles to decent (non-muslim) patriots?

this is our new reality pal. and we were spoiled for decades (since WWII) from violence that occurs on daily basis in other parts of the world.


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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.
Turnabout is fair play, I say. Edited by Rayk
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When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Trump's plan makes sense.

No, Trump's plan doesn't make any sense. Ever wonder why it's happening in France with such frequency? This article tries to explain:


["You have a very large disaffected North African community. They are French citizens now ... but they've been excluded from French society," Robert Baer, a former CIA operative, told CNN's Don Lemon."

"I went to school in France ... I worked there and they are really totally excluded," Baer added.
"And it keeps getting worse since attacks in Paris because they are using profiling and they are stopping people who look like Arabs on trains and buses, checking their IDs which we don't even do in this country. The French have been very aggressive ... radicalization of people of North African origin is actually picking up rather than lessening."]

And Trump et al want to bring this crap to America? That's loonie.

Robert Baer recently spent five nights on the History Channel trying to track down Adolf Hitler in Argentina and Paraguay. And you call Trump loonie.

Lordy...that's not really the point, is it? Trump's plan to destroy radical Islam will result in more moderate Muslims converting into radical Jihadists. So instead of a few thousand, we'll have millions. Does that make sense? It sure as heck is not working in France.

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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' — God is greatest — before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

What do they need to wake up from and what should the West do? Please enlighten us so we can tell everyone what the solution is and this will all go away,,, please tell us!

They need to start taking action against Islam. Tony Blair promised after the London attacks in 2005 that he would deport radical clerics and close down hate preaching Mosques (almost all do) He did absolutely nothing like the rest of western leaders, Obama being the worst appeaser of the lot, this has just made the attacks worse. The west needs to accept Islam is, and always has been at war with it and do something about it, unfortunately the only thing that works against Islam is force.

So, you want the West to go to War against all people who have a particular religious belief, in this case Muslims? So, when you say force you mean kill them? So, you want to kill 1.6 billion people? Assuming it's just Muslims you are talking about, if you have any other religious groups in your mind the number obviously grows.

So, like another poster on here, its genecide then. Wipe then off the face of the earth, force is the only language they understand., or Perhaps you mean with restraint, just keep killing them until they stop.

Brilliant, what a fantastic solution. Are you people for real?

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There are some very good posts on this subject. It is sad though that rather than reading each others diverse views on this tragic killing spree and it possible causes or repercussions. Those who dislike left sounding replies attack them and often try and belittle the writers.

And others who dislike right leaning Postings attack the Writer personally instead of focusing on the subject.

We all have diverse views

And a multitude of opinions.

Why cannot We just be civil in replies.

You do not solve or discuss problems and issues from a single point of view.

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There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

Nothing to do with 'hate' nobody I hope hates Muslims, but it's not really about them but the ideology they are victims of as well. Islam is a divisive, expansionist vengeful hate cult and it needs to be dealt with and soon. That fact that 1.6 million people follow a religion like this started by a child abuser and murderer just shows you how stupid humanity can be.

Edited by thai3
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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' God is greatest before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies and by doing so, you are effectively helping ISIS to 'win'... They must be laughing at how simple it is to manipulate you and many others similarly to push THEIR strategy, you just make it so easy, FOR THEM.

YES get even TOUGHER on ISIS, also immigration checks and rules, step up counter-terrorism efforts, attack ISIS at every opportunity, root them out, expose their networks, BUT DO NOT ASSIST ISIS / play straight into their hands by propagating the blanket fear and division which they want/need YOU to do FOR THEM.

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Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

Open your eyes, there are plenty of white muslims.

Mainly converts, but muslim never-the-less.

And l have no problem accepting non white Christians, there are plenty of those also.

l'm with Laughing Gravy, its not a question of race, but of mentality.

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There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

Regressive left and social-justice warrior clap-trap. And FYI...Muslim/Islam is not a race.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' God is greatest before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies and by doing so, you are effectively helping ISIS to 'win'... They must be laughing at how simple it is to manipulate you and many others similarly to push THEIR strategy, you just make it so easy, FOR THEM.

YES get even TOUGHER on ISIS, also immigration checks and rules, step up counter-terrorism efforts, attack ISIS at every opportunity, root them out, expose their networks, BUT DO NOT ASSIST ISIS / play straight into their hands by propagating the blanket fear and division which they want/need YOU to do FOR THEM.

You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies …

Why now you do not think further?

We have already for decades division within societies.

There are many peaceful muslims, no question, but their religious ideology is not compatible with our humanitarian society culture.

Liberty, religious freedom, equality between men and women, separation of church and state, critical thinking in religion questions, etc.

In Europe we have parallel societies for decades.

How many mosques were allowed to built in the last 20 years in europe?

We were still since decades tolerant to muslims, but their religious ideology does not allow them to tolerate us.

That is the core problem.

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The muslims are not silent...the media coverage of their condamnations is....

Just on the Europe 1 French radio now, the President of the association of mosques in France being interviewed and strongly condemning the attack. Speaking a lot of sense about what could be done IMO.

Previously, the Great Mosque of Paris and legal representatives of the Muslim cult in France did so too and that has been reported.

Obviously, they can't represent the "great Muslim silent minority" as a whole, but it's significant.

Is it? I remember the exact same thing after the Paris attacks. That put the wind up them didn't it coffee1.gif

Yeah we should bomb all the muslims in thw world for not excuse themselves for the Daesh madness.

Shouldn't all excuse ourselves for the IRA past bombings, or the Spain separatist?

Shoudn't all the buddhist in thailand condemn the Burma buddhist rampages?

Shouldn't all the European and US condemn the attacks of weddings in Iraq which were bombed by the coaltion?

If you want to hate them all them just say so, don t play stupid gamescoffee1.gif

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Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

How many Chechen, African, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino Muslims do you know? Maybe you should stop watching TV and get out more or take off the PC race prism glasses and think a little harder.

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