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Thais warned: Don't go to Thaksin's birthday party - we might not let you back home


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I wish Thaksin a Happy Birthday. Maybe will see many at you at his birthday in a few Year when Pheu Thai again become Government albeit under another name. By then the Generals will have left with their pilfered wealth on their 3 chinese made submarine ( If they actually run) and go to China

The Thai People will run their own Country.

I hope the next time they invest in their Youth with extensive education so Thailand can truly reach its potential.

Of course many of you who live here will dish the Thai people but I believe there is more good than bad.

Do not forget your Chill pill and remember Don't worry Be Happy smile.png LOS

Read Thaksin´s declaration when he became PM, its from December 2003.


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Thaksin organises a large birthday party for himself, but the finds out he doesn't have as many friends as he first thought.

So to save face he spreads an unsubstantiated rumour(via buying column inches on Thairath)...saying Prayuth is to blame for crashing(& burning) his party!

Now he's organised a smaller party with only close friends and family....ahhhh diddums!

Probably not that far off the mark.

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"..Government of the people, by the people, for the people". To me, some of the best words ever penned by man

The words might be good but the reality of it for the country it belongs to is far from ideal.

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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Because no other country on the planet recognizes him as a criminal.

Triple yawn...

not true...? evidence? links? or just more brainwashed Junta spin?

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"..Government of the people, by the people, for the people". To me, some of the best words ever penned by man

The words might be good but the reality of it for the country it belongs to is far from ideal.

your display of unbridled support for the military junta is quite astonishing as you probably come from a democratic country with all its privileges

now we have the military try to take over the democratically elected government of Turkey and what are the people doing?

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Thaksin organises a large birthday party for himself, but the finds out he doesn't have as many friends as he first thought.

So to save face he spreads an unsubstantiated rumour(via buying column inches on Thairath)...saying Prayuth is to blame for crashing(& burning) his party!

Now he's organised a smaller party with only close friends and family....ahhhh diddums!

Probably not that far off the mark.

I don't know, because it's a throwback from a more primitive era, but they do say that when a victim of judicial execution is hanged, his feet twitch even after death has occurred.

It's a bit like that now with the junta-huggers. The only thing you need to do to see their tootsies twitch is to mention the word Thaksin, even though their claimed reason for existence has been shown to be 99% BS time and again.

It's all a bit sad really, looked at from the perspective of human evolution.


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"..Government of the people, by the people, for the people". To me, some of the best words ever penned by man

The words might be good but the reality of it for the country it belongs to is far from ideal.

your display of unbridled support for the military junta is quite astonishing as you probably come from a democratic country with all its privileges

now we have the military try to take over the democratically elected government of Turkey and what are the people doing?

Please explain what "government of / for / by the people", has to do with Thailand and it's military junta?

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Bush used WMD as an excuse in Iraq, Prayuth uses Thaksin In Thailand. The two ringmasters have a lot in common; questionable mentality, low intellect, lack sound judgement and display arrogance through ignorance, are impetuous and engage their brain before putting mouth in gear. What makes these type of people so valuable is they are easily manipulated by and very obedient to their shadow minders and the real rulers. They pull the strings and these puppets dance. Thailand will never become what the people want and any future elected government (if at all) cannot and will not be able to govern democratically.

Edited by cockatoowho
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"..Government of the people, by the people, for the people". To me, some of the best words ever penned by man

The words might be good but the reality of it for the country it belongs to is far from ideal.

your display of unbridled support for the military junta is quite astonishing as you probably come from a democratic country with all its privileges

now we have the military try to take over the democratically elected government of Turkey and what are the people doing?

Please explain what "government of / for / by the people", has to do with Thailand and it's military junta?


you are right it is a zillion miles away from what Thailand is, has been or is likely to be for next couple decades at least

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Let the guy enjoy his birthday, what a miserable government Thailand now has.

Ah, so you only see it as a private matter, nothing 'political', or divisive in that kind of a (-n aborted) mega-party, do you...? As about Thailand having now a miserable government, what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?

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Bush used WMD as an excuse in Iraq, Prayuth uses Thaksin In Thailand. The two ringmasters have a lot in common; questionable mentality, low intellect, lack sound judgement and display arrogance through ignorance, are impetuous and engage their brain before putting mouth in gear. What makes these type of people so valuable is they are easily manipulated by and very obedient to their shadow minders and the real rulers. They pull the strings and these puppets dance. Thailand will never become what the people want and any future elected government (if at all) cannot and will not be able to govern democratically.

The WMD didn't exist, Thaksin does, see the difference? On top of it, Thaksin has already proved to be dangerous for the Thais' life...

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Bush used WMD as an excuse in Iraq, Prayuth uses Thaksin In Thailand. The two ringmasters have a lot in common; questionable mentality, low intellect, lack sound judgement and display arrogance through ignorance, are impetuous and engage their brain before putting mouth in gear. What makes these type of people so valuable is they are easily manipulated by and very obedient to their shadow minders and the real rulers. They pull the strings and these puppets dance. Thailand will never become what the people want and any future elected government (if at all) cannot and will not be able to govern democratically.

I am seeing flashes of Illuminati before my eyes...crazy.gif

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

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"And they intimated that people who went might not be allowed to return to Thailand."

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

The UN is not my father

China has chosen to dismiss it, and they're a Security Council member! Iran is currently flouting the UN resolution (2231) on ballistic missile testing. Why should anyone else take the UN seriously??

Still, threatening to deny the right to return is just silly and childish. ...and therefore totally in character, not to mention culturally correct. And we MUST respect the culture!

Edited by hawker9000
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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

I'm afraid the phrase 'Fair and balanced' is already taken, also by people who are anything but, and who like to fire accusations of propaganda and bias around as though they don't do the same themselves...

Who is on the run?

Edited by baboon
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"..Government of the people, by the people, for the people". To me, some of the best words ever penned by man

The words might be good but the reality of it for the country it belongs to is far from ideal.

your display of unbridled support for the military junta is quite astonishing as you probably come from a democratic country with all its privileges

now we have the military try to take over the democratically elected government of Turkey and what are the people doing?

your display of unbridled support for Thaksin is quite astonishing as you probably come from a democratic country with all its privileges.

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A post containing a Thai language news post has been removed. As this is an English language forum, please use English language news updates. English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

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Imagine loads of Thai refugees turning up in a boat in Europe, coated in gold medallion buddha images and stupid buffon haircuts claiming political asylum.

'What crime did you commit?"

We all go to happy bird-day parTEE in farang cun-TEE.... Ohhh hooo food FREE aloy makkkkk an sanook mak mak....but now we no can go back Thai LANNNN..."

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Thaksin has a birthday party and all the red whackos come out to play.

Please Sir Give Me Your definition of a Red Whacko. I cannot understand Generalisations? Are you referring to Red Shirts, Communists ? I am always amused by peoples generalisations. Would just appreciate some clarity of definition.

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