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Clinton airing thousands of positive ads while Trump silent


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Trump doesn't need to put up ads as opposed to Crooked Hillary.

His stance on illegal aliens, terrorists and free trade are already out there and the general population must like him as he's ahead of that crooked old Grandma, eh? thumbsup.gif

Ignorant or untruthful?




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It's a dumpster fire of a campaign so far. Nothing is going right because he's incapable of running a campaign and he won't accept deeply needed help.

Oh really. Who is it that beat everyone in a field of 17 candidates to win the Republican nomination? Who is it that just won a big victory with the convention rules committee who voted by a wide margin to require all delegates to vote for the candidate their states sent them to vote for? Who is it that beat the big wigs who wanted that rules committee to free the candidates so they could "vote their conscience"?

Who is it that's run such a good campaign that he's embarrassed all of the pundits who said he could never win the nomination?

Who is it that the President of Mexico, The Pope, and now a Supreme Court Justice have all had to apologize to? Huh?

He can't run a campaign, eh? Get used to saying "President Trump".


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Unsure how Clinton could offer anything positive, in any context. Water from a poisoned well is always non-potable, even if it is palatable.

Crooked Hillary is far from being 'palatable' to anyone with more than a room temperature IQ...thumbsup.gif

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