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Thai sex industry under fire from tourism minister, police

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What's that noise?

Oh. It's the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped.

Not one hand clapping?


People think that the HIV virus is no longer a problem in Thailand. Young girls from poor villages have unprotected sex with the village boys from 14 year and up and they will catch diseases and bring with them to Pattaya . And then you have the stupid farangs that ask for sex without using condoms every day of the week . Sure you can catch HIV today and live a good life on expensive drugs for the rest of your life but it will not help your immune system .

Stay healthy and use protection, you are responsible for many lifes if you do not play safe.

Bar girls have to be tested every few months for HIV so I can't see young girls here having it,,

more likely to catch it if you're into ladyboys ... ( good pun there, uh? )

Huh ???

Bar girls get tested every few months . And you are 100% sure of that every girl in the industry is tested and that the papers are legit ? You have not lived long enough in Thailand my friend .

I personally know a few people who do have HIV , and that is not near the Tourist places . I have known 1 girl who has died from HIV , and by known i really mean known the girl as she was the GF of a friend back then .

HIV does excist and you will NOT see on a person if he/she is infected or not, unless he/she is allready full blown Aids . Thailand has got a pretty large number of HIV cases , and LB have nothing to do with it . They are only likely to contract it faster because of the way they perform the act , if you understand what i mean . If you perform the same kind with girls , the rate of contracting it is excactly the same .

I have lived here a couple of years, and I would not believe anything I'm told 100%, not by any woman !!

But my point exactly,, you say the people you know with HIV are not near the tourist places, so it's not the bar girls spreading HIV...

I wondering was the girl friend of your friend that died, a bar girl or prostitute before he met her ?

and I understand why you're more likely to catch it from LB's or if you do the same with girls.

A girl that works at a bar, told me that they all have to get a blood test for HIV every 3 months,

but I guess the girls on the street don't get tested so often, if at all ?

As far as known she did get it from her Thai husband who died of it before . She wasn't a bargirl in those days , but the family didn't want anything to do with her anymore because of the stigma , they weren't the lowest class of people as far as i heard .

He knew her husband died , but the story 1st was carcrash ; and she did have problem with the family , but what and why was unknown by then . Only when she had Aids , and near the finishline all the rest came out .

Where he got it from ?? I do not remember but they were living somewhere out of tourist area , so i guess some local going around . Protection is now used a lot more but plenty of people still refuse . I'm very sure , bargirls are not more then other people cause of the spreading of HIV in Thailand . It is the way the Thais live , with man having a 2nd or 3th wife and plenty of loose contacts along the way . It is that lifestyle what also feeds the sex industry , because they do go around ... .That is also the reason why sex tourism will not go away soon , plenty of choice makes plenty of clients . They can only restrict it from the obvious places and visibility to a less visible place , where everybody knows it , but it is just not in full sight .


Just to add, I think perhaps you (and some others here) are mistakenly assuming that my reason for not using prostitutes is down to some moral objection. This is not the case at all - the idea simply holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

You seem to use the pejorative term prostitute in many of your posts. Telling me that term has no puritanical overtones in your mindset is coming the raw prawn.

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants. Except the bar girls are more honest.

I am reminded of the philosopher who approached a beautiful woman at a party, and offered her a million pounds if she would sleep with him. When she accepted, he then asked if she would sleep with him for sixpence. " Certainly not - do you think I'm a whore?" she said. The philosopher replied " We've already established that; now I'm trying to determine the price".


Where price is determined by quality and quantity, investment and revenue, and labour time. Quality and quantity are determined by age difference (negative correlation), religion becomes an independent variable for respect for the elderly, beauty is a matter of taste, and Thailand belongs to Thai people.

Thailand's developing while development in the West is doubtful. You take the risk, and you can fail.

That's modernization, and Thailand is a modern sovereign country.

So, what's the problem?


Just to add, I think perhaps you (and some others here) are mistakenly assuming that my reason for not using prostitutes is down to some moral objection. This is not the case at all - the idea simply holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

You seem to use the pejorative term prostitute in many of your posts. Telling me that term has no puritanical overtones in your mindset is coming the raw prawn.

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants. Except the bar girls are more honest.

I am reminded of the philosopher who approached a beautiful woman at a party, and offered her a million pounds if she would sleep with him. When she accepted, he then asked if she would sleep with him for sixpence. " Certainly not - do you think I'm a whore?" she said. The philosopher replied " We've already established that; now I'm trying to determine the price".

I'm glad you said bar girls are 'more honest' and not 'honest' as I know of a few that have many boyfriends and they all think they are the only one, They get told, "send me money and I won't have to work in bar, can go live at home in Issan with my family and kid", but never do, they keep working..

I even met one at a party, she was so excited showing off her new (2 week old) husband, said he go back to France in the morning to work for 2 months then come back, next night I see her at a disco, wedding ring gone, when I ask her she said 'I looking for man to F## k me', and just laughed..

The only honest woman may have been Mother Taressa ? Thai bar girls sure as hell aren't........... good thing is they don't with hold sex like a lot of wives do. Well, just until the price is established and paid first, so they are manipulating too... you don't put your hand down my pants till you pay me, and if you don't pay see what you get !! Zip. 5555 I have had many girls here, not all bar girls, many work, as receptionist, waitress, hair dresser, etc,,

but they all want money,, mostly to supplement the low wages they get paid, and I don't blame them for it, not one bit......

I love the girls here, but I sure don't believe them !!!


Looking at post histories it's not surprising to find many of the pro-prostitute sexpats also share other views in 'common', ie: pro-Trump or pro-Brexit and/or pro-Thaksin, pro-gun even. Also many bang on about Thai xenophobes, yet back home are xenophobes themselves. It's somewhat ironic many are anti-immigrant back home, yet apparently it's ok for them to come to this country primarily to take advantage of economically disadvantaged young girls, usually young enough to be their own daughters (or younger).

Yes, the likes of Nana and other dens of desperation are on the wane as are the #s of equally desperate sexpats themselves. Might add, it's also nice it's becoming rarer to see a sweaty fat old sexpat groping his child-like 'rent a date' on the BTS as was prevalent a few years ago. All good.

Meanwhile, the 5 star hotels along the Choapraya etc are doing brisk trade with families and older couples, and young couples are enjoying holidays at guesthouses & mid range places at the beaches and up-country as well. Thailand's tourism and economy will manage just fine without desperate pathetic foreign sexpests thanks. However, if one's 'world' consists of Nana, or Cowboy etc, yes your world is fading fast and things will continue to become much bleaker for you. No wonder you lot are so angry all the time lol!

and/or pro-Thaksin

GOOD GRIEF. Thaksin's good buddy Purachai did more to destroy the farang scene than any other Thai, EVER. So why would any "pro-prostitute sexpats" support him? I suggest you learn what you are on about before posting BS replies.


The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

I can't speak of South America but in Asia there is no bigger brothel as Thailand.

So where would those sextourists go then? Probably the Thai hookers will also go there.

..I read recently that Laos is the new hot spot....

loas is " not " the new spot, the new spot is sihanoukville in cambodia. google it. plus 280 dollars a year guarantees your lifetime stay hassle free .


Just to add, I think perhaps you (and some others here) are mistakenly assuming that my reason for not using prostitutes is down to some moral objection. This is not the case at all - the idea simply holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

You seem to use the pejorative term prostitute in many of your posts. Telling me that term has no puritanical overtones in your mindset is coming the raw prawn.

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants. Except the bar girls are more honest.

I am reminded of the philosopher who approached a beautiful woman at a party, and offered her a million pounds if she would sleep with him. When she accepted, he then asked if she would sleep with him for sixpence. " Certainly not - do you think I'm a whore?" she said. The philosopher replied " We've already established that; now I'm trying to determine the price".

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants

Does your wife go with 4-5 people a night----regardless of age.....as long as she achieves what she wants ....???.....coffee1.gif

go with 4-5 people a night


That's a good one. Most girls are lucky to get one or two a week, unless extremely beautiful, when they might, possibly, get 2 a night.

You obviously haven't been reading the threads telling us that Nana and Pattaya are dead, with hardly any customers.


Just to add, I think perhaps you (and some others here) are mistakenly assuming that my reason for not using prostitutes is down to some moral objection. This is not the case at all - the idea simply holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

You seem to use the pejorative term prostitute in many of your posts. Telling me that term has no puritanical overtones in your mindset is coming the raw prawn.

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants. Except the bar girls are more honest.

I am reminded of the philosopher who approached a beautiful woman at a party, and offered her a million pounds if she would sleep with him. When she accepted, he then asked if she would sleep with him for sixpence. " Certainly not - do you think I'm a whore?" she said. The philosopher replied " We've already established that; now I'm trying to determine the price".

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants

Does your wife go with 4-5 people a night----regardless of age.....as long as she achieves what she wants ....???.....coffee1.gif

go with 4-5 people a night


That's a good one. Most girls are lucky to get one or two a week, unless extremely beautiful, when they might, possibly, get 2 a night.

You obviously haven't been reading the threads telling us that Nana and Pattaya are dead, with hardly any customers.

I agree, the very attractive and sexy ones still do well, But one ( okay looking) told me she goes with anyone, no matter how fat , old or ugly they are,

or I may not get another customer for a week.. and I think all girls are much more liberated about sex these days so guys don't need to come here looking for bar girls like they used to a few years ago !! It's only after you marry them, that they stop wanting sex... 55555


Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!

Why don't you tell them the truth?

Because most of them come from western countries, where they are completely under the spell of a feminist doctrine of emasculation. If I were to tell them the truth, they could not handle it. Well, my wife and I think Thailand is really bad. All the women there are sex slaves. And the ones who are not slaves are submissive. Not like us. We are powerful. We own our men. We control them. Nobody gets over on us.

So, by telling this lovely little story about ancient archaeology, it bypasses all of the nonsense. It cuts them off at the pass. It eliminates the drivel. They literally do not know what to say. I just do not need to hear their prudish, judgmental, ignorant opinions of Thailand.

Fair points. I guess it can get pretty annoying having to constantly justify living in Thailand to those who have little or no knowledge of the country.

Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

A UN representative in Thailand admitted that the numbers were ballooned to receive more AIDS funding.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1392821

hiv numbers have been cooked for a very long time, in africa they still diagnose people with hiv/aids without a blood test



The "strain" of HIV now predominant in Thailand (HIV 1 type E ? This strain does not require blood interchange for contamination of the new victim. It is capable of transfer through tissue contact ( ? ) alone.. Not a comfortable situation when you contemplate the reality of this........


And contemplate further the very real complexities of deranged motivation whilst in pursuit of brief self satisfaction. Take care out there!


Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!

Why don't you tell them the truth?

Because most of them come from western countries, where they are completely under the spell of a feminist doctrine of emasculation. If I were to tell them the truth, they could not handle it. Well, my wife and I think Thailand is really bad. All the women there are sex slaves. And the ones who are not slaves are submissive. Not like us. We are powerful. We own our men. We control them. Nobody gets over on us.

So, by telling this lovely little story about ancient archaeology, it bypasses all of the nonsense. It cuts them off at the pass. It eliminates the drivel. They literally do not know what to say. I just do not need to hear their prudish, judgmental, ignorant opinions of Thailand.

Yes, they're absolutely full of prejudices, and it's completely useless to talk about Thailand. Farang women are ultimate bigots.

If it wasn't for the sex industry cows would still roam in the single strip Don Muang airport. Totty brought all the business in, Thais should celebrate their status as the largest brothel in the world.

I don't agree. Provide decent social support for poor Thais and the attraction of taking money to let Joe Farang satisfy his carnal needs using your body, will diminish.

Prostitution exists everywhere, there's nothing one can do to stop it, anymore than you can stop dogs copulating in the sois. But the sex trade in Thailand needs to be reduced to a background noise consistent with the rest of the world, and Thailand badly needs to curtail its reputation for being a sex-tourist destination. Whilst probably only being indirectly linked, this would most likely also drastically reduce the incidence of paedophilia in Thailand, which is currently rampant, and the reputation that Thailand has for being more-or-less a safe haven for criminals of all descriptions.

Many good things are likely to result, whether by design or not.


Do you understand that someone on the UK dole still needs £12,000 a year extra to just scrape by? Thailand has zero chance of ever building a social network that even wealthy countries can no longer afford.

Also, I'll wager the 'law of unintended consequences' would trump your 'many good things'. Or do you subscribe to the *winning the war on drugs* delusion as well?

Noble sentiments. Destined to be unrealised hope.


The "strain" of HIV now predominant in Thailand (HIV 1 type E ? This strain does not require blood interchange for contamination of the new victim. It is capable of transfer through tissue contact ( ? ) alone.. Not a comfortable situation when you contemplate the reality of this........


And contemplate further the very real complexities of deranged motivation whilst in pursuit of brief self satisfaction. Take care out there!

Your comment about a 'superstrain' of HIV transmitting via tissue (unbroken skin) contact is utter nonsense.

Bugchasing (dysfuctional unsafe behaviour to deliberately infect onself) is irrelevant to the discussion. And besides it's passive or receptive. Thus poses no risk to others in the pursuit of said infection.

Sex workers are generally safer than the general (promiscuos) population in most countries where condoms are promoted, Thailand being one. Tons of data out there to back it up.


Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

A UN representative in Thailand admitted that the numbers were ballooned to receive more AIDS funding.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1392821

hiv numbers have been cooked for a very long time, in africa they still diagnose people with hiv/aids without a blood test


Chiang Mai, and surrounding provinces are indeed a known global HIV black spot.

Fortunately. HIV is not as virulent as the man wants you to fear it is. This is globally self evident.

However there's still no cure for stupid. Which is why Russian infections are exploding. Their preventive approach is primitive in spite of proven preventive advances elsewhere, which they ignore. This only accelerates their epidemic.


Let not forget that prostitution is not widely available here because of foreigners. Thais are using that all the time. Any Karaoke bar in most remote area of the country the Thai customer can take out the waitress or waiter. It is part of their culture. Husband play on the side is Thai typical. Foreigner using bars or prostitution services are a very small percentage compare to Thai people.

Let's not forget that we're discussing the tourist minister here, so foreigners are most likely her main concern.

You are completely incorrect. What you said could not possibly be further from the truth. She has no concern for foreigners. Her only concerns are for politics, appearances, keeping the tourist trade moving forward (a very convoluted affair, in her own mind, without the required experience in the tourism industry) promoting Thailand overseas, etc. No concern for tourists that are already here. If she had any concern there are dozens of ways she could express that concern, with policies that benefitted tourists. Such as:

1. Public safety improvements.

2. Traffic safety improvements.

3. Setting up tourist information kiosks, that were not manned by someone selling a product, but rather an employee of the government, like you see in so many other countries that care, ready, willing, and able to provide useful information for tourists.

4. Abolishing the two tier pricing system at the National Parks, which many of us will not visit, due to the extortioner practices on admission fees.

5. Working on abolishing the scams that affect the industry.

I could go on and on and on. There is so much that could be done, if she cared one iota.

That seems to sum it up pretty well.


Yeah, that 2 pricing system sucks,, make a foreigner pay 200B and a Thai 50B.. your forget the foreigner makes three times that amount in an hour for an average wage.. where a Thai makes 50B for 2 hours work,, and if your retired you probably collect a good pension, what to Thais get ??

stop moaning,, and it goes on everywhere, in Auckland NZ, you can get in free to some things if you live in the city where as everyone else pays....

get over it !!

Remember the Thai minimum wage is 300 THB a day. How many Farangs would be able to live on this?

Thais pay more than Brits for a China visa here. But Americans pay most of all (reciprocal fee charges at work)

Also Thais visiting China need to show proof of funds to get visa. Farangs do not. Makes me smile...


I read the other day that HIV patients under medical supervision, that have undetectable levels in their blood and are generally safe.

Also, a person in a high risk situation may take HIV drugs as preventative.


Yes, they're absolutely full of prejudices, and it's completely useless to talk about Thailand. Farang women are ultimate bigots.

It's just a knee jerk reaction hammered into them by feminist propaganda, after blurting out the standard lines, next thing you'll hear is 'you have a girlfriend then?' spoken in the way of 'want to get it on?'. Just ignore the opening ceremonies and it's business as usual.


The "strain" of HIV now predominant in Thailand (HIV 1 type E ? This strain does not require blood interchange for contamination of the new victim. It is capable of transfer through tissue contact ( ? ) alone.. Not a comfortable situation when you contemplate the reality of this........


And contemplate further the very real complexities of deranged motivation whilst in pursuit of brief self satisfaction. Take care out there!

HIV never did require just "blood interchange" - what are you talking about?


Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!
Why don't you tell them the truth?

Because most of them come from western countries, where they are completely under the spell of a feminist doctrine of emasculation. If I were to tell them the truth, they could not handle it. Well, my wife and I think Thailand is really bad. All the women there are sex slaves. And the ones who are not slaves are submissive. Not like us. We are powerful. We own our men. We control them. Nobody gets over on us.

So, by telling this lovely little story about ancient archaeology, it bypasses all of the nonsense. It cuts them off at the pass. It eliminates the drivel. They literally do not know what to say. I just do not need to hear their prudish, judgmental, ignorant opinions of Thailand.
Fair points. I guess it can get pretty annoying having to constantly justify living in Thailand to those who have little or no knowledge of the country.

Especially when the hyperbole is coming from closeted people who know next to nothing about the world that exists outside the US, and in particular know nothing about the third world, not having traveled to these countries, but rather just reverberating useless stuff they have heard second hand. It is just dogmatic drivel. I do not have time for that. As I get older, the one thing I am noticing about myself, is that I do not suffer fools easily. And that is probably a good thing. If you have an educated opinion, or an opinion based on experience, or wisdom, I am all ears. Otherwise, keep the moralistic judgments to yourself. They do not serve any constructive purpose, other than momentarily allowing you to feel superior.


Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!
Why don't you tell them the truth?

Because most of them come from western countries, where they are completely under the spell of a feminist doctrine of emasculation. If I were to tell them the truth, they could not handle it. Well, my wife and I think Thailand is really bad. All the women there are sex slaves. And the ones who are not slaves are submissive. Not like us. We are powerful. We own our men. We control them. Nobody gets over on us.

So, by telling this lovely little story about ancient archaeology, it bypasses all of the nonsense. It cuts them off at the pass. It eliminates the drivel. They literally do not know what to say. I just do not need to hear their prudish, judgmental, ignorant opinions of Thailand. Yes, they're absolutely full of prejudices, and it's completely useless to talk about Thailand. Farang women are ultimate bigots.

In the west, they have alot of power. They have nearly full sway over their men. They are accustomed to being in full control, and like the near emperors they are, they are not accustomed to having their power questioned, nor threatened. Here, most Western women walk around like zombies. Their boyfriends and husbands are eyeing every woman who walks by, because they are dazzled by women who are comfortable with the dignity and elegance within femininity. The guys start coming to the realization that for the most part, they are living with a man, who sort of looks like a woman. Most of their own women do not have a nanogram of femininity in their entire being. So, the whole experience is totally disconcerting to both of them. All the gals can come up with is that the women here are wallflowers, they have no will of their own, they are hypnotized into being totally obedient to their men, they are totally submissive, and most of them are whores. Why else would Asian women be so comfortable being so feminine? Dressing sexy. Walking like women walk. Using their feminine wiles. Not very creative on the part of Western women. Not very soulful. And for the most part, very racist. A very sad commentary on most women in the west.

This is especially true of the US, the UK, and Australia. They are by far the worst offenders. I am not sure about the rest of Europe.


Only way to rid Thailand of prostitution would be to medically insure all Thai-men became impotent and stayed that way.

Of course the more visible tourist focused prostitution, could more easily be removed (read: hidden). They could just start closing down the known tourist bar-areas. Next would then be to forbid all foreign men to enter the country or all Thai-girls to stay indoor.

Would love to see how the execute this one. Let me guess... a few "crack-downs" and the idea is forgotten in a couple of weeks?

There's no need to even address the local sex industry with Thai men. Once the foreigner-frequented areas are shutdown, the issue is out of the global eye, the xenophobic mania is satiated, and the problem is "solved". This simply isn't about what Thai men are up to, and the problem isn't the sex industry (it's about negative foreign publicity).


Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!

Why don't you tell them the truth?

Because most of them come from western countries, where they are completely under the spell of a feminist doctrine of emasculation. If I were to tell them the truth, they could not handle it. Well, my wife and I think Thailand is really bad. All the women there are sex slaves. And the ones who are not slaves are submissive. Not like us. We are powerful. We own our men. We control them. Nobody gets over on us.

So, by telling this lovely little story about ancient archaeology, it bypasses all of the nonsense. It cuts them off at the pass. It eliminates the drivel. They literally do not know what to say. I just do not need to hear their prudish, judgmental, ignorant opinions of Thailand.

Yes, they're absolutely full of prejudices, and it's completely useless to talk about Thailand. Farang women are ultimate bigots.

In the west, they have alot of power. They have nearly full sway over their men. They are accustomed to being in full control, and like the near emperors they are, they are not accustomed to having their power questioned, nor threatened. Here, most Western women walk around like zombies. Their boyfriends and husbands are eyeing every woman who walks by, because they are dazzled by women who are comfortable with the dignity and elegance within femininity. The guys start coming to the realization that for the most part, they are living with a man, who sort of looks like a woman. Most of their own women do not have a nanogram of femininity in their entire being. So, the whole experience is totally disconcerting to both of them. All the gals can come up with is that the women here are wallflowers, they have no will of their own, they are hypnotized into being totally obedient to their men, they are totally submissive, and most of them are whores. Why else would Asian women be so comfortable being so feminine? Dressing sexy. Walking like women walk. Using their feminine wiles. Not very creative on the part of Western women. Not very soulful. And for the most part, very racist. A very sad commentary on most women in the west.

This is especially true of the US, the UK, and Australia. They are by far the worst offenders. I am not sure about the rest of Europe.

Complete rubbish. I know a bunch of women here from the UK and the USA, and that in no way describes them or their relationships.

You sound like a scared little boy who ran away from the West and it's frighteningly empowered women who weren't interested in you, and is desperately trying to make up a narrative to fit the situation that paints as less of a loser.

How many western women do you actually know in Thailand?


To elaborate, I know plenty of people here in relationships with Thai women who don't talk this kind of rubbish. I'm not trying to tar them with the same brush.


To elaborate, I know plenty of people here in relationships with Thai women who don't talk this kind of rubbish. I'm not trying to tar them with the same brush.

you implied only poor little asian women would accept the wests loser men, the same racist attitude spouted by western women, who simply refuse to accept that some men for a variety of reasons might prefer asian females

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