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Why put all the crazy regulations to try to prevent something that has not happened.

There's some bizarre thinking, for you. Reminds me of my (then young) wife when I took her for her first run in my new car:

"Put your seat belt on."


"In case we have an accident."

"No. I won't put it on"


"Because we haven't had one yet. So I don't see the reason for it"


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ignoring a suspension order tantamounts to putting the security

of the staff and visitors at risk, aside from the graver offence of

flouting laws regulating parks.

immediate enforcement should carried out of the suspension order.


only have to browse a few lines of this thread to see the usual falung nanni society bullshit. croks have to eat, if adult chinese people wanna take a minor risk and feed the croks they are big boys and girls and know the risks of feeding animals with giant sharpteethy beaks that will eat anything including chinese people, no need for 'regulations' on every fuking thing at taxpayer expense.


Looks more like a pontoon, than a raft..

By the pic, looks like it floats, has some safety features to stop, even Chinese people from being a meal..

I doubt this thing eoule


???? 8t or not.... Imagine twenty excited tourists rushing to one side of the raft.... All you an eat Chinese buffet in the making

Now if only the crocs were smart enough to all appear on the same side of the raft at once ????


Self designed rafts, and he said earlier they can take 800 tons weight.

Wonder if he is an engineer, has any knowledge of appropriate factors needed to include din the design, especially safety aspects and wonder if he actually calculated (correctly) the 800 tons he claims each raft can carry?

Have there been any inspections of anything at this venue? If not why not? Someone should get punished.

Does it have any certifications, any licence to operate, if yes what is the allowed scope of operation?

"Self designed rafts, and he said earlier they can take 800 tons weight."

Jesus, the nonsense some people post.

800 tons capacity, yet the number of passengers is limited to 15? Nowhere was 800 tones quoted, 8 tonnes was mentioned a number if times though.

Try keeping up with the reports that have said quite clearly that the venue is licenced. It seems to have escaped your notice that the main point of this OP is that that licence now appears to have been suspended.

To remain even bouyant with an 800 tonne mass would require the pontoons to displace 800 cubic meters of water equal to 8mx10mx10m.

Given that the raft itself appears far smaller than these dimensions, the person who stated this load was possible is just a bullshitter and an ignorant uneducated asse.


only have to browse a few lines of this thread to see the usual falung nanni society bullshit. croks have to eat, if adult chinese people wanna take a minor risk and feed the croks they are big boys and girls and know the risks of feeding animals with giant sharpteethy beaks that will eat anything including chinese people, no need for 'regulations' on every fuking thing at taxpayer expense.

Just like there's no need to regulate dive boats etc in the Andaman.... Why worry about a few amputated limbs and horrible deaths, right?

All part of the dangerous and adrenalin fueled experience that is Thailand

And it's not really at tax payers expense, (the tax payer is paying the safety inspectors, who are being ignored, causing further cost to the tax payer)... it's at the tour operators expense.... And ultimately their clients, who may, in the long run, prefer not to be eaten by a croc, or turned into chop suey by a boat propellor.


Are you familiar with any rafts designs for crocodile feeding? Why do you feel all these certifications are necessary?

So far no accidents or fatalities. Why put all the crazy regulations to try to prevent something that has not happened.

If his license has been suspended then post it on the front of the business, if not stop making such a big deal about it.

Lmao..... Don't you mean..... Why put all these crazy regulations in place and deprive the world of another Darwin Award nomination?



Why put all the crazy regulations to try to prevent something that has not happened.

There's some bizarre thinking, for you. Reminds me of my (then young) wife when I took her for her first run in my new car:

"Put your seat belt on."


"In case we have an accident."

"No. I won't put it on"


"Because we haven't had one yet. So I don't see the reason for it"


not necessarily seatbelts, but paraphrasing your example, my missus would have:



shrugged herself

and then Order me that I am "not allowed to say that"...

... because she says that saying it, makes it will happen

and to top that off, would still not 'On' the belt


Funnier and funnier.... No need to speculate about design and safety... It's a wee boat with plastic drum outriggers at each corner, for stability.... Maybe safety has been "managed" by extracting the crocodiles teeth, to preventing them from piercing the plastic drums!

Amazing Thailand



Guys and gals do you think any thing you say on this matter will make any difference, this is a Thai on Thai matter. Get on with your own lives I used to get into these debates but now leave the Thais to themselves to work out the situation. Enjoy the benefits of Thailand, feminine ladies, great food, great beaches (depending where you are as some provinces do not have beaches) and of course less strict implementation of laws. The last is a main reason most foreigners are in Thailand. If you want to make Thailand like the UK, Australia etc you would probably not enjoy it as much.


This was just on Ch 3 news and the authorities claimed they didn't know the place existed! My Thai wife just raised her eyebrows at that statement.

Her next comment was, up to them, if they are stupid enough to do this then, som nom na!

Time for another cuppa I think.


Send over 10 soldiers, close the place down

And arrest this ass h..e before He kills someone

With those unsafe rafts. Proof of safety....reopen

But fine Him B100,000....

Close the place down on the basis of not having any safety related incidents and being 100% in compliance with the law? I think there's a flaw in that suggestion somewhere.

Arrest him before he kills someone? What? Have you ever killed anyone, I assume not? So let's apply your logic to everyone and arrest you and the rest of the non-murdering population before you and the rest of us start killing, eh?

Jeez - are you kidding? Do you really believe those raft passengers are safe from crocodiles? Your argument is specious to say the least. coffee1.gif


Send over 10 soldiers, close the place down

And arrest this ass h..e before He kills someone

With those unsafe rafts. Proof of safety....reopen

But fine Him B100,000....

Close the place down on the basis of not having any safety related incidents and being 100% in compliance with the law? I think there's a flaw in that suggestion somewhere.

Arrest him before he kills someone? What? Have you ever killed anyone, I assume not? So let's apply your logic to everyone and arrest you and the rest of the non-murdering population before you and the rest of us start killing, eh?

Ummm.... Definitely a flawed suggestion by someone.... Logically, (and I use that word with some trepidation) if the operator was 100% in compliance with the laws required to operate such a venture, then he wouldn't have been ordered to close down.

That he was, (ordered to shut down) strongly implies that he was NOT 100% in compliance with the pertaining laws.

This seems self evident... Especially when coupled with the explainations given by the relevant authorities.

With the amount of deaths discussed in this forum, it's amazing to me, that some posters advocate taking no action against what seems apparent to most, to be an inherently dangerous tourist attraction

Sometimes it's not IF, but WHEN.

Attached is a pic of what appears to be a safe crocodile viewing venue, which does not include floating a bunch of raw meat amongst a feeding frenzy of one of the planets most dangerous creatures.



What these vessels needs to be in and no doubt ate not is "in survey"

That means as they carry passengers they are inspected by a qualified marine surveyor and comply with all safety regulations. No matter if they are on the high seas or in aake.

Anyone want to bet these "vessels" are in survey?


I don't know how well connected the owner is which might give him confidence but the general way in which officials don't go about their job it's little wonder people don't bother too much about complying with the law.


only have to browse a few lines of this thread to see the usual falung nanni society bullshit. croks have to eat, if adult chinese people wanna take a minor risk and feed the croks they are big boys and girls and know the risks of feeding animals with giant sharpteethy beaks that will eat anything including chinese people, no need for 'regulations' on every fuking thing at taxpayer expense.

I agree, but sometimes (in Thailand, all the time} idiots have to be protected from idiots and I am not referring to the crocs.


Maybe he is Thai, Thais love adding lots of zeros

Self designed rafts, and he said earlier they can take 800 tons weight.

Wonder if he is an engineer, has any knowledge of appropriate factors needed to include din the design, especially safety aspects and wonder if he actually calculated (correctly) the 800 tons he claims each raft can carry?

Brilliant. The Chinese VT-4 battle tank weighs 52 tons - I'd like to see 15 of those piled on top of one of those flimsy rafts. Might scare the sh!t out of the crocs, though.

I thought that I remember reading 8 tonnes, not 800. But obviously even that is not going to happen.

Maybe the designer could prove their strength by sitting on top of one of his rafts loaded with his claimed max load!

Maybe he is Thai !


Self designed rafts, and he said earlier they can take 800 tons weight.

Wonder if he is an engineer, has any knowledge of appropriate factors needed to include din the design, especially safety aspects and wonder if he actually calculated (correctly) the 800 tons he claims each raft can carry?

Have there been any inspections of anything at this venue? If not why not? Someone should get punished.

Does it have any certifications, any licence to operate, if yes what is the allowed scope of operation?

45 gallon oil drums are quite strong ....

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