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Why is 81 mg. aspirin treated like a narcotic?


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Wholesale Pharmacy well north of BKK, used mostly by Drs and Hospitals. biggest pain is there is No parking anywhere near, and you have to wait till your name is called = 1½ [/size]- 2 hours. + only open from 9:30 - 5 Mon - Fri

Seeing Pickups and hospital Vans stop and pick up loads of Boxes, even cars will stop and loads of boxes are loaded, appear pre-ordered. did ask them about 3 years ago if I could phone my order, they said NO, only Dr, Clinics and Hospitals can have that service. my oder is very small between 4 -5,000 baht every 6 - 8 months.. I could hand in the order and go back later but is over 1 hours drive each way from where I live so pointless.

Probably worth the trouble if you need something fairly expensive on a regular basis. I dont think I'll be driving there from Pattaya for a tub of aspirin though!

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It's Cardiprin, not Carpidrin -- just for the record.

I've been buying it in Thailand for 20 years and not once been told it's restricted. And only a couple of times have I not been able to buy it (supplies run out, nek week mistah).

If I'm allowed to change the subject a tad -- my cardiologist has me on 2 81mg tablets a day, but no other blood thinner like Plavix, which I took for several months after being diagnosed as having had a heart attack (which I never realised I'd had).

Yes sorry for the typing error, but got to any pharmacy in Central or similar, they will all tell you "cannot sell"

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I expect it's really just a case of that particular pharmacy "just don't carry/just don't sell" that particular "brand name" due to low demand, cheaper brands/generics, etc.

I agree -- my regular stop for many years was Central Bangna, never had any problem buying Cardiprin or Aspent from any chemist anywhere in the building. @luk AJ, I'm not trying to pick an argument with you, just stating the facts.

PS: Fascino in the Pattaya district (several outlets) are indeed well-stocked and well priced. But there are many other places all over the area which are pretty good as well.

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It's Cardiprin, not Carpidrin -- just for the record.

I've been buying it in Thailand for 20 years and not once been told it's restricted. And only a couple of times have I not been able to buy it (supplies run out, nek week mistah).

If I'm allowed to change the subject a tad -- my cardiologist has me on 2 81mg tablets a day, but no other blood thinner like Plavix, which I took for several months after being diagnosed as having had a heart attack (which I never realised I'd had).

Yes sorry for the typing error, but got to any pharmacy in Central or similar, they will all tell you "cannot sell"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

I expect it's really just a case of that particular pharmacy "just don't carry/just don't sell" that particular "brand name" due to low demand, cheaper brands/generics, etc.

I agree -- my regular stop for many years was Central Bangna, never had any problem buying Cardiprin or Aspent from any chemist anywhere in the building. @luk AJ, I'm not trying to pick an argument with you, just stating the facts.

PS: Fascino in the Pattaya district (several outlets) are indeed well-stocked and well priced. But there are many other places all over the area which are pretty good as well.

Maybe we live in parallel worlds .. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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After 5 years Aspirin daily i stop 1 year ago. Feeling much better today. FDA Report said over time Aspirin makes a lot damage-Google up Aspirin damage to your health.

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Google up Aspirin damage to your health.

And just for fun, I did. And guess who comes in at #4? Yes, it's that snake oil selling quack, "Dr" Mercola.

To add the entertainment Mercola includes the quote "FDA has concluded that the data do not support the use of aspirin as a preventive medication by people who have not had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problems".

Funny that, complete lack of data supporting efficacy has never stopped his supporting a product before.

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I've taken an 81 mg aspirin every morning for more than thirty years now, and never had a problem buying them in Khon Kaen.

The only time I didn't was at the request of my dentist when i was due to have an extraction and she said no aspirin for a week before.

You can get them loose at the pharmacy opposite the main post office in town at 50 satang each or at many small pharmacies in a little plastic bottle containing 100 tablets.

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It is not treated as a narcotic and it does not require a prescription.

However it can only be sold where there is a full fledged pharmacist always on duty.

I bought some just kast week at my local pharmacy with no difficulty at all.

Just go to a proper pharmacy (i.e. not a Boots or Watsons) that is staffed by an actual pharmacist.

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There was a period where there was no stock of Apent M due to flood damage at the factory.

I was stopped a few times at a few Boots shops about needing a scrip.

Otherwise, have always found a supply.

The issue with breaking up larger pills is that the low dose is taken daily so it's got enteric coating. You want that.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think some of the problem appears to be a lack of stock in pharmacy warehouses.

twice in my last 3 visits to a large dr/pharmacist only warehouse upcountry they had none.

the same for large condoms

Your comment has descended into humor you braggard.
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I think some of the problem appears to be a lack of stock in pharmacy warehouses.

twice in my last 3 visits to a large dr/pharmacist only warehouse upcountry they had none.

the same for large condoms

Are you saying that there is a correlation between aspirin and large condoms? No wonder the aspirin is always sold out.

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I have bought over the counter ever since retiring here in 2011 without question at local pharmacy.. They supply me with all except Brilinta, which, I am told can bought ola at the hospital pharmacy (expensive at $179.00 a month).

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The funny thing is that I have experienced the lack of normal 500mg Aspirin as well.

Once not so long ago went to several Boots and Watsons just to see that there were about a dozen brands of ibuprofein and another bunch of paracetamol in the shelf, but no aspirin. They said they were out of stock.

However, the first mom&pop pharmacy had no shortage. They were as astonished as I was to learn that the large chain pharmacies would have a shortage of something so fundamental as acetosalicylic acid :D

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As mentioned, a few years ago when there was so much flooding, the company that made 81mg aspirin was flooded out - although they had a stockpile, they were limiting their sales to hospital pharmacies. Local pharmacies were telling people that wanted it that they had to go to the hospital to get it, which apparently led to the belief that a prescription was required.

But, this shortage only lasted a few months and it became available again. It is possible that some pharmacies never tried to order it again believing that a prescription was required - just my guess, of course. I have had no problem purchasing 81mg tablets - as many as I wanted - from the larger pharmacies here in Pattaya (Fascino is one and another, don't know the name, is on Sukhumvit opposite the Pattaya Orphanage and next to DMED hearing aid shop).

As to 325mg aspiring, I could never find that in Thailand, it was either 300mg or 500mg. Also, when as mentioned above, the person was told by the pharmacy that 81mg aspirin required a prescription, but mentioned warfarin was available, would lead me to distrust that pharmacy. Warfarin it is not a substitute blood thinner - it is an anticoagulant. My doctor had me taking it for a while since I had had a stroke, but I had to have periodic blood tests (prothrombin) which measures blood clotting. This is necessary to ensure you are getting the proper dosage (as I understand it, dosage amounts can change depending on other factors). I have read articles noting folks have died because of internal bleeding when they were taking warfarin (in USA, requires a prescription) and they were not being monitored through periodic blood tests. I no longer take warfarin as my doctor has put me on a newer anticoagulant medication called Eliquis that is specifically for people with atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat that can cause blood clots and lead to ischemic stroke - which is my situation) - the new medication also does not need to be monitored with prothrombin tests.

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Your bring in more than 30 days supply of medication. One day customs will search you, monkey house for you.

Don't know here they stopped you but I have been stopped at 4 different times at the airport entering Thailand for a 2-3 month stay and have had meds (16 different) with me and it have never been a problem. They just checked so my bottles had my name on then.

All was 90 day supply.

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I brought in a years supply of Cartia Duentric Coated Aspirin 100mg

Your bring in more than 30 days supply of medication. One day customs will search you, monkey house for you.

Keep this quiet but i have brought in 6 months supply for donkeys years with my prescription , never any problem ,the worst that would happen is they would be confiscated , dont make up scare stories .

I brought in a years supply of Cartia Duentric Coated Aspirin 100mg with a letter from my doctor, is this illegal as I need to take one a day with some other meds (post heart attack 2008).

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Your bring in more than 30 days supply of medication. One day customs will search you, monkey house for you.

For aspirin? Seems unlikely, even in Thailand.

I carry a letter from my Australian GP listing my medications as a precaution. Have never had to produce it, and I've been bringing 6 months worth of meds into Thailand for 7 years now. They X'ray the luggage, so presumably they must see the packs.

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I imagine that shop was happy to sell them for 1B each. I buy mine in Sainsbury's supermarket in the UK for 0.5B each, and I bring back 400 of them on my yearly shopping trip. If only I could do all my shopping for the whole year in the UK rather than have to pay way over the odds for a very poor choice of things here.

I long ago gave up looking for logic in any Thai rules.

You are still pay way too much. If you go to a a pharmacy that has reall stock you can pay ฿400 for 2,000 or about 0.2 each
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There seems to be a lot of different posters on here. Have all you guys been diagnosed with clogged arteries?

Or is this some mass hysteria event, where rumours have circulated around the bars, internet and other vines.

"Take daily aspirin to prevent heart attacks. 100% efficient and no side effects".

And so millions of oldies, all keen to avoid immediate death and prolong the lifelong boozing and overeating, self prescribe. Even with no history of arterial constriction.

Well, the FDA does not agree with you. They also have no interest in making profits from drug sales.

So where did the highly accurate one size fits all 81 mg come from? (Except for the one guy who "needs" 100 mg, I wonder why the word "need" was used. Maybe because he is from Australia and not America. Certainly not because the slipperiness of his platelets has been measured and 81 mg does not quite do the job)

81 mg is 1/4 the standard 335 mg size. And where did that come from? It is 5* 1 grain, the old measurement of dispensing drugs. So why does 335 mg fit all sizes? Well, it doesn't, so most of the population will be getting too much or too little, but on average 335 has the desired effect without causing blood to gush out of the mouth.

However, I have really good news for all sagging old gits (I am not excluding myself from that set), there is one medicine which will improve your prognosis for almost all diseases and stave off Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. You guessed it.


Get off yer bums and move under your own power.

I realise that this is bad news for all those who would like to believe that excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and obesity can all be fixed by popping a daily pill.

Oh, and rolling out of bed five times a night for a pi55 does not count.

So stop the pill popping and take exercise. You know it makes sense.

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I imagine that shop was happy to sell them for 1B each. I buy mine in Sainsbury's supermarket in the UK for 0.5B each, and I bring back 400 of them on my yearly shopping trip. If only I could do all my shopping for the whole year in the UK rather than have to pay way over the odds for a very poor choice of things here.

I long ago gave up looking for logic in any Thai rules.

You are still pay way too much. If you go to a a pharmacy that has reall stock you can pay ฿400 for 2,000 or about 0.2 each

This is getting ridiculous. We're down to 0.2 Baht/pill. A saving of 0.3 Baht over the previous bid. That is 109 Baht/year less spent on medicine and could be invested in over two large beers.

2,000 pills = 6 years' supply @ 1.5 Baht / week.

There is a man totally convinced on the efficiency of the pills. Most of us oldies hesitate at buying more than a day's supply of anything in case we don't get to see tomorrow.

The accounting could be a total disaster if you die with the bottle half full.

But I am impressed. Honestly. The poster is certainly not one of those guys who cannot live in Thailand for less than 100,000 Baht/month.

I wonder how much I could save if I ordered six year's supplies of all my consumables?

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I really do not believe most aspirin sellers are making much profit on blood thinning sales - and those that are can be easily avoided by shopping.

81mg has been extensively tested against other size and appears the best compromise between blood thinning to prevent blockage and bleeding issues. There is a clear and very much tested path to this low dose (and if may go lower).

Blood thinning has been a known factor for decades and in most cases people have been professionally advised to take this precaution - either from family history or current conditions. It is not chewing gum but a known low cost medication that may prevent serious and expensive issues.

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There was, I believe, a problem a few years back with some people having an anaphylactic reaction or children with Reye's Syndrome. I know briefly that I could only get 81 mg aspirin from the hospital pharmacy.

These days it always seems to be available at Fascino's in Pattaya. Recently the price was 11 baht for a strip of 10 or 43 baht for a bottle of 60.

Edited by Suradit69
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I imagine that shop was happy to sell them for 1B each. I buy mine in Sainsbury's supermarket in the UK for 0.5B each, and I bring back 400 of them on my yearly shopping trip. If only I could do all my shopping for the whole year in the UK rather than have to pay way over the odds for a very poor choice of things here.

I long ago gave up looking for logic in any Thai rules.

You are still pay way too much. If you go to a a pharmacy that has reall stock you can pay ฿400 for 2,000 or about 0.2 each

This is getting ridiculous. We're down to 0.2 Baht/pill. A saving of 0.3 Baht over the previous bid. That is 109 Baht/year less spent on medicine and could be invested in over two large beers.

2,000 pills = 6 years' supply @ 1.5 Baht / week.

There is a man totally convinced on the efficiency of the pills. Most of us oldies hesitate at buying more than a day's supply of anything in case we don't get to see tomorrow.

The accounting could be a total disaster if you die with the bottle half full.

But I am impressed. Honestly. The poster is certainly not one of those guys who cannot live in Thailand for less than 100,000 Baht/month.

I wonder how much I could save if I ordered six year's supplies of all my consumables?

Some people are definitely penny wise and pound foolish. Tabulating savings in terms of a few satang a day does seem ridiculous. I suppose you have to factor in the interest you could have made on that 400 baht if you left it in the bank a little longer. Thinking about it gives me a headache. Maybe I'll take a couple of aspirin.

6 year old aspirin would almost certainly have begun to decompose and smell of acetic acid, like vinegar. I guess it's still safe to take, but medicine that old always seems a bit dubious.

Edited by Suradit69
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