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Horror on German train as 'more than 20 people are injured' in axe attack


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That's reality. Most religious people aren't really religious at all from my experience. Even in Thailand, most Thai Buddhist go through the motions and rituals without really following the precepts or even knowing Buddhism. Hypocrisy and apathy rule over real religious belief for most all people in the world. Many in fact live the lives of atheists while claiming to belong to one religion or the next, especially the Christians who spend their time in the bars and out in the Thai nightlife.

Generally speaking, they are much nicer people to socialise with than the rabid true believers. Especially those with a god-given right to kill sinners and infidels. Just to get back to the topic, you understand.

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Couldn't agree more, but this rarely happens.

I can remember the IRA attacking the hotel in which politicians were staying during the course of their conference - but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Even the well-funded and organised 9/11 attack didn't kill any politicians or military AFAIK.

Its far easier to attack civilians sad.png .

"....9/11 attack didn't kill any politicians or military AFAIK." You really should educate yourself. Or did you think a plane flying into the pentagon wouldn't kill military staff working there?


My mistake.

So 125 Pentagon staff were killed and 2,605 in the World Trade Centre. 55 military staff were killed.

I think its safe to assume from these numbers that the vast majority were civilians and that the majority of Pentagon staff were admin., rather than military.

But you're (deliberately I suspect), missing my point....

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Glad they fast forwarded to the execution before the courts could even up the numbers and stuff the taxpayer with a bill or years of prison food.

As they said about the ISIS attack on a Mohammed cartoon event in Garland, Texas, last year, the best images on display were the chalk drawings on the pavement where the two attackers were killed by police.

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The majority of "homegrown" or "lonewolf" terror act are committed by people with a history of mental illness, most often depression. "


Most fo this has little to do with religion or even politics at all. These are just "ready made delusions" adopted by people that are ready to die anyway.


You're probably right sad.png .

But why is it happening so frequently over the last few decades?

Some analysts say it is because they are attracted to the attention mass killers receive in today's media driven culture.



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And you'll never guess what slogan he was shouting...bah.gif


Free Big Mac for everyone?

What was Anders Breivik shouting, or any of the deranged kids that killed their fellow school students?

The odd thing is that I agree that immigration by foreigners has to be severely curtailed to those with an offered position of employment - but I'm not a fan of the ' all Moslems are killers/bomb them all' school of thought either bah.gif .

Edit - Just realised that I forgot to mention allowing OBVIOUS holidaymakers to enter a country!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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We need background checks on ax purchases and a Federal Database.

Just as well people in Europe are unable to walk into a gun shop and buy a gun like they can in the US

and "legally" buy "and possess" a gun like they can in the US.

Yes and not much can be done about that, I do however think that having the ability to buy an asssult rifle primarily designed as a militarty battlefield class weapon should never be available to the general public to have at home, if someone wants to use such a weapon either join the army or join an approved gun club were the weapon must remain after use, there is no possible situation were such a weapon should be availabe in the public domain......none

As for Europe including the UK some of these types of weapons are being smuggled across open borders but they still remain highly illegal.

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In Europe you have to be careful now.
…at music concerts, at bars, in public swimming pools, in busses, in trains, at airports,
on big festivals, in shopping centers, in all large gatherings of people.
Many people are afraid and avoid to go out.

So islamic terrorism has now found its home in Europe.
Thanks to the idiotic migration policy from the left-liberal parties and there media helpers.
They try to talk the situation always down and always try to make the single case analysis.

In fact, Europe is experiencing a wave of terrorist attacks, where one or a few terrorists try as much people as possible to kill.
And in almost all attacks, the terrorists are muslims.

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We need background checks on ax purchases and a Federal Database.

Just as well people in Europe are unable to walk into a gun shop and buy a gun like they can in the US

and "legally" buy "and possess" a gun like they can in the US.

Yes and not much can be done about that, I do however think that having the ability to buy an asssult rifle primarily designed as a militarty battlefield class weapon should never be available to the general public to have at home, if someone wants to use such a weapon either join the army or join an approved gun club were the weapon must remain after use, there is no possible situation were such a weapon should be availabe in the public domain......none

As for Europe including the UK some of these types of weapons are being smuggled across open borders but they still remain highly illegal.

True - but that doesn't stop the worst elements of society being able to obtain, and sometimes use, those weapons .

I'm not talking about the career criminals - rather the gang yobs that have sprung up sad.png .

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In Europe you have to be careful now.

…at music concerts, at bars, in public swimming pools, in busses, in trains, at airports,

on big festivals, in shopping centers, in all large gatherings of people.

Many people are afraid and avoid to go out.

So islamic terrorism has now found its home in Europe.

Thanks to the idiotic migration policy from the left-liberal parties and there media helpers.

They try to talk the situation always down and always try to make the single case analysis.

In fact, Europe is experiencing a wave of terrorist attacks, where one or a few terrorists try as much people as possible to kill.

And in almost all attacks, the terrorists are muslims.


IMO you're wrong, but admittedly I've lived in Thailand for 10 years.

Back in the UK, I was vaguely worried about being attacked by yobs when going home when not entirely sober biggrin.png .

Moslems didn't cross my mind!

Edit - Mind you, having worked in the West End of London when the IRA was a permanent and obvious threat (and the fire that killed many people in an underground station) - I really wasn't that worried about terrorists.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Just as well people in Europe are unable to walk into a gun shop and buy a gun like they can in the US

and "legally" buy "and possess" a gun like they can in the US.

Yes and not much can be done about that, I do however think that having the ability to buy an asssult rifle primarily designed as a militarty battlefield class weapon should never be available to the general public to have at home, if someone wants to use such a weapon either join the army or join an approved gun club were the weapon must remain after use, there is no possible situation were such a weapon should be availabe in the public domain......none

As for Europe including the UK some of these types of weapons are being smuggled across open borders but they still remain highly illegal.

True - but that doesn't stop the worst elements of society being able to obtain, and sometimes use, those weapons .

I'm not talking about the career criminals - rather the gang yobs that have sprung up sad.png .

speaking specifically about the UK, there are not too many "if any" gangs or yobs as you describe them running around with assault class weapons such as AK47 or M16, Europe however is a different ball game, although still illegal they can be easily obtained and brought across borders from eastern Europe, in the US they can currently be bought over the counter - 8 US police officers would likely still be alive if that was not the case. The issue in Europe is likely going to get worse as more people with ill intentions get their hands on such weapons, it was lucky this guy with the axe hadn't been more determined and managed to get his hands on something like an AK47 or even a semi auto handgun

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Yes and not much can be done about that, I do however think that having the ability to buy an asssult rifle primarily designed as a militarty battlefield class weapon should never be available to the general public to have at home, if someone wants to use such a weapon either join the army or join an approved gun club were the weapon must remain after use, there is no possible situation were such a weapon should be availabe in the public domain......none

and "legally" buy "and possess" a gun like they can in the US.

As for Europe including the UK some of these types of weapons are being smuggled across open borders but they still remain highly illegal.

True - but that doesn't stop the worst elements of society being able to obtain, and sometimes use, those weapons .

I'm not talking about the career criminals - rather the gang yobs that have sprung up sad.png .

speaking specifically about the UK, there are not too many "if any" gangs or yobs as you describe them running around with assault class weapons such as AK47 or M16, Europe however is a different ball game, although still illegal they can be easily obtained and brought across borders from eastern Europe, in the US they can currently be bought over the counter - 8 US police officers would likely still be alive if that was not the case. The issue in Europe is likely going to get worse as more people with ill intentions get their hands on such weapons, it was lucky this guy with the axe hadn't been more determined and managed to get his hands on something like an AK47 or even a semi auto handgun

You're right of course - but even UK yobs somehow manage to get their hands on 'ordinary' guns - and kill people sad.png .

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BEIRUT (AP) - Islamic State group claims responsibility for train attack with ax and knife in Germany.

Isn't claiming responsibility something you do when you are sorry about the outcome? Aren't they actually taking credit for the violent attack on random strangers.

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He was a deranged Muslim, an Islamist terrorist or just wanted revenge for the murder of his innocent family or friends in Afghanistan by western troops. Well, that's my view.

And he took advantage of the blanket "all welcome, borders open, please come" initiative by Mutti Merkel. Something which she simply ignores now.

His reasons are unimportant. He came and got away with it because so many have come and avoided any checks.

How many more deaths of innocent Europeans before Mutti Merkel apologizes for her hair-brained scheme of political correctness?

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BEIRUT (AP) - Islamic State group claims responsibility for train attack with ax and knife in Germany.

Isn't claiming responsibility something you do when you are sorry about the outcome? Aren't they actually taking credit for the violent attack on random strangers.

In this case its 'taking credit' for a lone nutter that attacked innocent people with a machete....

Did he have a 'plane/machine gun/grenade etc, ? No he didn't He was a lone, deranged person - but some group is 'taking credit' for his murderous rampage laugh.png .

Depressingly, some will believe this as they're not capable of thinking things through for themselves - but prefer to rely on their own 'gut belief'.....

This 'gut belief' was how people had no problem with having slaves. It was ordained by god/they were more civilised or better etc. etc.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Yes and not much can be done about that, I do however think that having the ability to buy an asssult rifle primarily designed as a militarty battlefield class weapon should never be available to the general public to have at home, if someone wants to use such a weapon either join the army or join an approved gun club were the weapon must remain after use, there is no possible situation were such a weapon should be availabe in the public domain......none

As for Europe including the UK some of these types of weapons are being smuggled across open borders but they still remain highly illegal.

There are many valid reasons for using a semi-auto hunting rifle, and some manufacturers present them in both military and sporting form. Remington make the sporting 7400 and "military" R25. Beneath the furniture there is very little difference except for magazine size.

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He's been named already on BBC

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Let me guess..."Swen Karlsson"...was I right?


And looked like this.

I wondered at first if this was the Scandinavian guy who massacred more than 80 youngsters in a youth holiday camp!

But no, a quick google search revealed that the Scandinavian 'holiday camp' killer was Anders Breivik.

Edit - For some reason there have been a number of lone, deranged people about over the last few decades that are happy to kill innocent people indiscriminately - even though they know that they will die at the end of the killing spree.

Anders Breivik killed people who were members of the political party in Norway that had initiated the immigration of muslims into Norway.

A previously very peaceful, happy community(l visited Norway in 1975)& now one of the rape capitals of Europe.

Rapes carried out, mainly by muslims.

l don't condone all that he did but l can understand it.

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He's been named already on BBC

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Let me guess..."Swen Karlsson"...was I right?


And looked like this.

I wondered at first if this was the Scandinavian guy who massacred more than 80 youngsters in a youth holiday camp!

But no, a quick google search revealed that the Scandinavian 'holiday camp' killer was Anders Breivik.

Edit - For some reason there have been a number of lone, deranged people about over the last few decades that are happy to kill innocent people indiscriminately - even though they know that they will die at the end of the killing spree.

Anders Breivik killed people who were members of the political party in Norway that had initiated the immigration of muslims into Norway.

A previously very peaceful, happy community(l visited Norway in 1975)& now one of the rape capitals of Europe.

Rapes carried out, mainly by muslims.

l don't condone all that he did but l can understand it.

So he wasn't just somebody filled with hate, that led him to kill innocent people?

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And you'll never guess what slogan he was shouting...bah.gif


That's what happens when people have religion and hate. You find America soldiers saying religious words too as they fight. And of course the Afghans and other Muslims fighting the enemies of the west also shout 'Alla Akbhar' when they fight alongside the US and other troops. I'm not making excuses for him; just pointing out the hypocrisy of those who think this man's hate is different that that which their nations and people spout. Hate's all the same and hate makes hate. So expect more.

Funny but this religion seems to cater to far more haters than likers ,

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You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage going on over there. Maybe he came to Europe to take revenge, an eye for an eye. Western nations need to lock down their borders and have much more observation and treatment for people who are let in from these war torn nations. And with Turkey going to Islamists, Europe needs to keep Turkey out of the EU and control that border more. Nato needs to move its nukes out of Turkey. Times have changed.

Wow. Such thinking here really does display the moral depravity that passes for reason these days. Both terrifying and dizzying that a person can offer this post without any sense how demented it is.

Maybe his whole family was killed in Kabul. Therefore, he'll allow it to change him into the same quality of human and kill innocent others. Nice reasoning...how can you reconcile the circle here? In suggesting this animal was prompted to massacre by others who masacred, he nevertheless massacres...yet you offer a pass...

This reasoning is why the world is so effed up! ...the notion that depravity is victim is anti life.

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Don't worry they will soon conscript all your children and grandchildren for the Holy Crusade Extended War on Terror Once Trump is elected. Everything will be all Roses. New Slogan will be All the way Trumpy's Day. Nothing like the smell of Napalm. ANd hell you got 200 MOAB's you need to use before expiry. Remember women and Children first! Don't let clarity of thought alter your judgement.

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And you'll never guess what slogan he was shouting...bah.gif


That's what happens when people have religion and hate. You find America soldiers saying religious words too as they fight. And of course the Afghans and other Muslims fighting the enemies of the west also shout 'Alla Akbhar' when they fight alongside the US and other troops. I'm not making excuses for him; just pointing out the hypocrisy of those who think this man's hate is different that that which their nations and people spout. Hate's all the same and hate makes hate. So expect more.

Funny but this religion seems to cater to far more haters than likers ,
Provide one example of Americans saying religious words as they fight. One, or retract it. There are no religious battle cries.

The quasi bw Templar knight played dress up, but even they had no 'religious words.'

Yes, you ate making excuses. In two different posts you make an appeal to equivalency and a fallacy of false analogy. You msy not see it- clearly- but you do defend this. Hypocrisy. No, there actually is no equivalency of mandate, scope, time, and dead bodies in all history. This makes you...wrong.

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smedly, I challenge you to provide factual data to substantiate your claim that assault weapons (AK47's and M16's) are readily available to be sold and purchased over the counter, in the USA. But, you will not be able to do so because there is no truth in your statement. Did you post that misinformation believing all who read it would think it was true? If some readers do, they are as foolishly misinformed as you. I am a legally born US citizen and I find statements of posters from other countries who seem to make it their mission in life, to find fault and criticize the US appalling. Whether it be US politics, constitutional law, race issues, the right to own guns or how we don't speak real (5555) English. I like many other US citizens am concerned about the current political, racial, immigration issues and armed violence that are occurring in our country. But, these are our problems to deal not anyone else's. On the other hand, I don't give a <deleted> whether you think I do not speak real English (at least the people I talk to understand what I say), if Great Brittian leaves the EU or if Scotland leaves GB. Whether the EU collapses and the surge of middle east immigrants overwhelms Europe. I do not care if you feel safe in your country because your citizens do not have legal access to firearms. "Gotta ax" or should I have written "axe." But, be sure to ask the US for financial or military aid.

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And you'll never guess what slogan he was shouting...bah.gif


That's what happens when people have religion and hate. You find America soldiers saying religious words too as they fight. And of course the Afghans and other Muslims fighting the enemies of the west also shout 'Alla Akbhar' when they fight alongside the US and other troops. I'm not making excuses for him; just pointing out the hypocrisy of those who think this man's hate is different that that which their nations and people spout. Hate's all the same and hate makes hate. So expect more.

Funny but this religion seems to cater to far more haters than likers ,
Provide one example of Americans saying religious words as they fight. One, or retract it. There are no religious battle cries.

The quasi bw Templar knight played dress up, but even they had no 'religious words.'

Yes, you ate making excuses. In two different posts you make an appeal to equivalency and a fallacy of false analogy. You msy not see it- clearly- but you do defend this. Hypocrisy. No, there actually is no equivalency of mandate, scope, time, and dead bodies in all history. This makes you...wrong.

Not sure about your history arjunadawn, but believe me, it is not unheard of to hear the name of Jesus Christ spoken aloud in moments of conflict or battle.
Usually with a descriptive word inserted between the two names..........................wink.png
I'm not American, but can guarantee that any god fearing (or not) person makes his religion known in moments of extreme stress.
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And you'll never guess what slogan he was shouting...bah.gif


That's what happens when people have religion and hate. You find America soldiers saying religious words too as they fight. And of course the Afghans and other Muslims fighting the enemies of the west also shout 'Alla Akbhar' when they fight alongside the US and other troops. I'm not making excuses for him; just pointing out the hypocrisy of those who think this man's hate is different that that which their nations and people spout. Hate's all the same and hate makes hate. So expect more.
Funny but this religion seems to cater to far more haters than likers ,
Provide one example of Americans saying religious words as they fight. One, or retract it. There are no religious battle cries.

The quasi bw Templar knight played dress up, but even they had no 'religious words.'

Yes, you ate making excuses. In two different posts you make an appeal to equivalency and a fallacy of false analogy. You msy not see it- clearly- but you do defend this. Hypocrisy. No, there actually is no equivalency of mandate, scope, time, and dead bodies in all history. This makes you...wrong.

Not sure about your history arjunadawn, but believe me, it is not unheard of to hear the name of Jesus Christ spoken aloud in moments of conflict or battle.

Usually with a descriptive word inserted between the two names..........................wink.png

I'm not American, but can guarantee that any god fearing (or not) person makes his religion known in moments of extreme stress.

"Believe you...gaurantee..." Your joking, right? You will equate us soldiers with allahu akbars and this conjecture should be taken on faith...from your pejorative post?

Well, let's then clarify. I am a former US special forces soldier. I spent over 12 years of my life in Iraq (5- years, not tours), Yemen, afghan, paki, indo, and other places, AND I was an officer in an Arab Army.

Your post is poorly veiled conjecture and the mental gymnastics can not even exercise what religious declarations soldiers declare in war. It's bs. "Go Jericho," what? The New Testament offers nothing comprable. You've libeled and now you disassemble. Worse, you've done both poorly.

May I offer an out? Perhaps you just believe it must be true and it came out wrong? Maybe. It's poor form to work in a moral equivalency on a topic regarding the maiming of innocents in the name of a desert Arabian God, Al Lah. Edited by Scott
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How many were killed by German commuters?

Exactly. Gotta love the "but we deserve it because we went in there argument" Take it out on the military and government, not it's ppl.

Now this guy is dead and will be forgotten.

Going in there isn't the reason. The reason is despite good intentions you killed tens of thousands in collateral damage. What about those people? I guess you think that the Germans shouldn't react to this and just take it and follow Christianity(the good religion) and forgive. Wow, that's a god idea. If you do that, maybe you won't add flames to the fire. That's what you want the Afghans who lost their families to do. You think they should just shut up and not react. That's not the way of today's Christians or Muslims. I'm just pointing out the truth not defending this crazy killers acts. Just pointing out other possible reasons for these acts. Some here would murder all the Muslims in the world for their 'peace'. They really are no different than those crazy terrorists they call out.

What you seem to be doing is taking your theory that the cause of the attack was because of collateral damage in the boy's home country and trying to sell it.

Of course, this is a possible reason for the attack. But so to would him being drug or alcohol fuelled, mentally unstable or having just been denied a counsel flat in an area of his own choice.

Who knows the mind of any 17yo now-a-days? Or the thought process of the 'experts' that eventually come up with the official reason as to why it actually happened.

Not saying you are wrong, but......

Exactly. He could have been radicalized out there or in Europe and carried out the attacks because of that. It could be that him and his family benefitted from the US in Afghanistan.

But you are arguing with a liberal extremist. An apologist who sees all terrorists as victims until proven otherwise. Hence the common line of attacking Christians and trying to put them on par with Muslim extremists.

As such, I would suggest you save your breath for someone that thinks non-liberals are entitled to an opinion.

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