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Plagiarism charges mar Melania Trump's moment


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I must admit, I'm not impressed with Melania, but if somebody hopes this will get me to vote for Hillary they will be disappointed.

Meliana isn't running for president...smile.png

Neither are her kids but they all find their way up on to the stage.

If Trump puts them in the public eye to represent and endorse him then they face the wrath of the media and public criticism. I actually kind of feel sorry for Melania as she is not cut out for this. The next time she speaks it is not going to be a comfortable experience and Trump will continue to ask that she and the kids lie to promote his interests. I think the kids will be more adept at it mind you. I think Melania will look a little more tired and aged by November.

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Donald and Melania taking international diplomacy to new heights. I can't wait for the great comedy to come out of this. What a pair of idiots.

They should take an international dictionary with them on any further climbs, or at least a thesaurus. I thought Donald Trump knew lots of big words and stuff. Surprised he didn't teach his trophy slav a few words.

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The only people denying it are the Trump train wreck campaign.

Experts: ‘1 in a trillion’ chance Melania Trump speech wasn’t plagiarism

CLEVELAND — Experts that hunt out plagiarism professionally say there is basically no chance that Melania Trump’s speech Monday night did not steal lines from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech.
Turnitin, a California-based company, uses a computer algorithm to automatically vet submitted writing for any matches that could amount to plagiarism. Following the controversy Monday, the company used that tool to analyze Trump’s Republican National Convention speech.


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She has repeated what every principal and school administrator and parent days speech would have said...nothing new there and give her a break ...English is not her first language....would be nice to hear her speak in her native language...that would get Trump his "i like the exotic vote" the dumb numbskull is an idiot ! If he wins POTUS....it will be American funniest videos for 4 years running !

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i personally think she was sabotaged, she is on record as being terrified of public speaking, and was very well rehearsed, she would not have done this on her own and no campaign staffer who was genuine would even attempt it.

then there is the fact that rick astley lyrics were also slipped into the speech

its funny as hell, and im all for any pitfall to the trump campaign, but i do pity the woman.

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Once more we got suckered in by Trump and his carny tricks. My view is that writers knew they were plagiarizing... "Hmm how can we draw more attention to wife #3? Ah.... just don't make it too obscure". We're all talking about it, debating it, here there and everywhere. If you thought Reagan was teflon, try Trump. No news is bad news, and bad news is good news.

IT doesn't matter if she copied speech.... facts, reality, standards of honesty, decorum... you name it..... those are for chumps and losers in Trump alternate universe. The more he flaunts the more they love him.

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Of course her speech had sections lifted from Michelle Obamas from a

few years ago. I just wonder who wrote it. While I am sure Melania was

involved in the development of the speech someone else crafted it and

wrote the final draft. Of course as Melania said she wrote it, she/the Trump

campaign have painted themselves into a corner. Too bad because it was

a good speech and delivered quite well. The public may view her as in the

dog house for the gaff and political hay will be made by Democrats

and late night television hosts,while the real culprit will anonymously be

moved to an inactive post within the campaign. (Thai style) tongue.png

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Am I the only one that finds this a bit ridiculous?

The words that were 'stolen' are all some of the biggest cliches that have heard a million times and probably said to my own kids a few times already..

It's not as if we are talking about anyone's unique research or findings..

No, you are not the only one. The "plagiarized" paragraph was nothing but very common platitudes not exclusive to anyone. This is much ado about nothing.

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The bumbling trump campaign has now admitted they have lied multiple times about the speech.

The resume lying trophy wife didn't write the speech which she lied about multiples times.

For her, that's a big deal as this was her coming out party to the world and she's got a major egg storm on her too perfect face.

Notes were taken down referring to other speeches, including Michelle Obama's.

They got incorporated into the final draft of the speech.

The speech writers incompetently failed to do a final check for plagiarism.

They are now FINALLY admitting the plagiarism but also their MISTAKE.

No problem if dealt with honestly from the start. Why didn't they do so right away? They have magnified what AMATEUR BOZOS they are.

Maybe Donald can have some private fun with this in the bedroom ... Lyin' Melania!

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Am I the only one that finds this a bit ridiculous?

The words that were 'stolen' are all some of the biggest cliches that have heard a million times and probably said to my own kids a few times already..

It's not as if we are talking about anyone's unique research or findings..

No, you are not the only one. The "plagiarized" paragraph was nothing but very common platitudes not exclusive to anyone. This is much ado about nothing.

You can drop the quotes, dude. The campaign has already admitted the text was copied from Michelle Obama's speech. It's not a theory.

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This is actually a fairly stupid controversy - and was really silly 7 years ago when candidate Obama plagiarized parts of his speech.... Guess what politicians steal ideas and how to express things - it is what they do ... steal. They also misappropriate songs without proper permission etc. -- while allowing the same companies to go after "infringers" without mercy.

The people that back the candidate will say it is much ado about nothing, while those against will say it is a crime against humanity -- and they are on opposite sides of the same debate only 7 years apart.

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It's the job of speech writers to alter borrowed ideas to be more original. The speechwriters failed. It would have been minor, but this was her first major speech and they responded to the controversy with a PACK OF LIES and kept up the lies for days, basically blowing up something minor into something more indicative of what kind of Mickey Mouse AMATEUR HOUR operation the trump campaign is operating. That is a campaign issue. Voters judge candidates partly on such things. Incompetent campaign operation ... incompetent potential administration.

Now expect a bunch of deflection blowback about Hillary's issues. Yes, she's got them for sure, but THIS thread is about a sign of lying and incompetence on the trump side of things.

Ideally, a convention is intended to be a well crafted ON MESSAGE multiple day ADVERTISEMENT for the party's nominee. The fact that people are mostly talking about the pretty lady's plagiarized speech due to an UNFORCED ERROR in the trump campaign for at least two of the four days of the convention, is a huge FAILURE of that plan.

Also, because this was the first major exposure of Melania, it's possible that this FIRST IMPRESSION of her (Iying about writing the speech, etc.) could become STICKY. As an opponent of trump, I certainly hope so. She's a public figure now. Play in the big leagues and that's the risk you take. Her purpose was to soften the correctly harsh image of trump. The fact that we're talking about her lying and plagiarized speech shows she failed, big time.

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I've known quite a few eastern European slavic "fashion models." Plagiarism is probably the least offensive thing she did to get where she is today. wink.png

I hate the smell of racism late at night, especially when those posters claim to hate Trump because he's a racist.

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I've known quite a few eastern European slavic "fashion models." Plagiarism is probably the least offensive thing she did to get where she is today. wink.png

It will soon come to light she fast tracked her citizenship and lied in the application.

Deport her!

She probably is a Muslim too.

Your sarcasm is really top.

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I've known quite a few eastern European slavic "fashion models." Plagiarism is probably the least offensive thing she did to get where she is today. wink.png

I hate the smell of racism late at night, especially when those posters claim to hate Trump because he's a racist.

trump may not be a racist but he plays one on t.v.

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I must admit, I'm not impressed with Melania, but if somebody hopes this will get me to vote for Hillary they will be disappointed.

Meliana isn't running for president...smile.png

You're right. She isn't. But first lady is a thing in American political life. First ladies travel all over the world and meet with and converse with the press and other world leaders and their spouses. I would like to see the issue of her lying about graduating from university in Slovenia elevated. The ACTUAL and TRUTHFUL facts about the education level of first ladies is a legitimate question for the public. Is it true or not that she just attended for about one year while lying about graduating for many years? Again, it would not be a problem if the truth was stated. But there seems to be a lot of noise that she has LIED about this for years. If she is going to be first lady, and god forbid because that would mean her fascist hubby was president, the public deserves the truth. Also, don't be naive, the truth about her education will come out whether she and trump wants it to or not.

Is that a good role model for a first lady for the American people? Don't bother going to college ... just LIE about it and say you graduated.

Who will ever know?

Also, to trump -- RELEASE YOUR TAX FORMS!

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I must admit, I'm not impressed with Melania, but if somebody hopes this will get me to vote for Hillary they will be disappointed.

Meliana isn't running for president...smile.png

You're right. She isn't. But first lady is a thing in American political life. I would like to see the issue of her lying about graduating from university in Slovenia elevated. The ACTUAL and TRUTHFUL facts about the education level of first lady's is a legitimate question for the public. Again, it would not be a problem if the truth was stated. But there seems to be a lot of noise that she has LIED about this for years. If she is going to be first lady, and god forbid because that would mean her fascist hubby was president, the public deserves the truth. Also, don't be naive, the truth about her education will come out whether she and trump wants it to or not.

Also, to trump -- RELEASE YOUR TAX FORMS!

If all the truth in this presidential election was stated would not be a problem for the first lady from the Republican candidate, but it would be a problem for the wife from the first gentleman of the Democratic candidate.

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Dude, we're talking about MELANIA here. Talk about your obsession with Hillary on a Clinton thread, OK?

Sure the Clintons have had scandals.

But now that trump is the nominee and Melania aspires to be the first lady ... EVERYTHING is game.

Her coming out party turned out to be a disaster.

What else is there? Surely there is more.

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

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Let Jingthing post his partisan smears in peace. whistling.gif

I see, and you're not partisan. Do you agree this is a thread about Melania Trump or not?

She's in the spotlight now for the first time. All is fair game.

The unknown question I have now is that if Melania will be associated with this copied speech indefinitely just like Howard Dean is with his infamous SCREAM.

I can't predict that one.

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

You think she would ruin her own career, by admitting fault, just for Trump?

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

You think she would ruin her own career, by admitting fault, just for Trump?

Its hardly ruined. It would have been ruined if Trumped fired her . Im not getting your logic

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ha ha the speech writer was named and offered her resignation to Trump who...saves the day and refuses her resignation, tells her we learn from our mistakes.

Wonder what her bonus was for taking the fall.

Trump, your a legend !

You think she would ruin her own career, by admitting fault, just for Trump?

Its hardly ruined. It would have been ruined if Trumped fired her . Im not getting your logic

It seems you don't get most of the logic behind this convention and Trump's policies, but it is you forgiven.

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Let Jingthing post his partisan smears in peace. whistling.gif

I see, and you're not partisan. Do you agree this is a thread about Melania Trump or not?

She's in the spotlight now for the first time. All is fair game.

The unknown question I have now is that if Melania will be associated with this copied speech indefinitely just like Howard Dean is with his infamous SCREAM.

I can't predict that one.

Yes, it is about Melania. Yet, surely you see how absurd it is, for a Hillary and Obama supporter, to try and lecture someone about honesty and integrity.cheesy.gif

Also, it seems Michelle's speech, had some similar statements to an Elizabeth Dole speech. Do you want to discuss that?

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