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French Muslims apprehensive and alienated


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French Muslims apprehensive and alienated


PARIS: -- France is home to over 6 million Muslims around 9.6 percent of the population, the largest Muslim minority in Europe.

Since the Paris attacks and the slaughter in Nice Muslims in France are growing apprehensive and fear a backlash.

The community feels under threat from both French fury and ISIL.

Boubekeur Bekri is the vice-president of the Regional Muslim Council:“The Muslim community has been taken hostage and the most vulnerable members of the Muslim community are radicalised and used to fight against France. The fact that someone vulnerable is targeted and turned into a human bomb seems entirely credible to me.”

As the condemnations over the Nice attack continue and social divisions in France grow many forget that 30 of the 84 killed in the Bastille Day carnage were Muslims:“The Muslim community needs to wake up, stand up and say we have nothing to do with that, and we are part of the French community, and we stand against terrorism of course. I feel that I am the first victim of all these attacks and I am really sad that these things happen,” said one woman.

The President of the Republic, François Hollande, acknowledged the difficulties facing the Muslim community at the
Institute of the Arab World in Paris in January 2015.

His speech came just days after the Charlie Hebdo murders and the attack on the kosher supermarket:
“The Muslim community is the first victim of fanaticism, fundamentalism and intolerance. Radical Islam has preyed on all the contradictions, influences, poverty, inequalities.”

In Msaken, Tunisia, the birthplace of the Nice murderer Mohammed Bouhlel, the community feel a deep sense of shame that one of their own could commit such a heinous act.

His brother-in-law said: “He wasn’t thinking of Islam or attacking France. He was totally self-centered, he didn’t think about his wife or his daughter, he has two daughters, and a son, he didn’t think about his mother nor his family, he didn’t even think about Msaken’s reputation.”

Another thorn in the side of Muslims after the Nice atrocity is that Bouhlel failed to observe Ramadan and until recently drank heavily and smoked marijuana.

An individual at odds with Islam.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-21
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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that “wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!

Nah, they prefer the better education system, iPhones and shopping malls made by the infidels.

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!

Nah, they prefer the better education system, iPhones and shopping malls made by the infidels.

The French citizens need to stand up amd be counted. If their government isn't acting in accordance with the consensus, then crush them and organise a new government.

There are folks within the French Police and French military that are already trained for the role, start using them for what they were trained for and stop parading folks around for 'show'.

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!


Although I agree with you.

You seriously underestimate the strength of Political BS and '' Yuman Rites '' that prevails throughout the EU.

There is more than one way to skin a cat and some serious '' Outside '' the box thinking and action is required.

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!

Nah, they prefer the better education system, iPhones and shopping malls made by the infidels.

The French citizens need to stand up amd be counted. If their government isn't acting in accordance with the consensus, then crush them and organise a new government.

There are folks within the French Police and French military that are already trained for the role, start using them for what they were trained for and stop parading folks around for 'show'.

I get what you mean, but what you're suggesting is divorced from reality.

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!


Although I agree with you.

You seriously underestimate the strength of Political BS and '' Yuman Rites '' that prevails throughout the EU.

There is more than one way to skin a cat and some serious '' Outside '' the box thinking and action is required.

It makes me sick Rocky, watching that video of that truck mowing down young men, women and children for absolutely nothing. No sense in it whatsoever.

Years ago I use to work with a small team of guys and one of our duties was to be called to prisons when riots and other situations such as prisoners barracking themselves inside cells. We were the 'Cell extraction team'.

Primarily our roll was to extract prisoners from cells. The most important part of our duties wasn't actually the removal of the prisoner from the cell but ensuring that the prisoner was left with 'No other impression than that he or she 'HAD BEEN REMOVED" from the cell.

I don't recall ever receiving any "repeat customers", I guess our fantastic level of service left an ever lasting impression on our victims, whoops I mean clients. :D

If it were up to me, I would apply the same principles to the problem here. If this is indeed just a small manority of Muslims causing the problem, then they'd be extracted from French society, for good.

Surely the interests of the greater community outweigh the need to worry about a few broken skulls.

A complete and dramatic overhaul of the immigration system is required. If you can't come and play nicely, in the French way, then there's no place for you in France. End of story.

I would gladly head up a team of folk to do the job, especially if I got to eat fresh French croissants every morning and got to wear one of those silly hats. :P

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Sad for those good Muslims that have integrated and truly call France home, but the truth is, if all of the Nice victims were Muslims it wouldn't have made a massive amount of difference because it is as much an attack on the state as it is the people.

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Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!


Although I agree with you.

You seriously underestimate the strength of Political BS and '' Yuman Rites '' that prevails throughout the EU.

There is more than one way to skin a cat and some serious '' Outside '' the box thinking and action is required.

It makes me sick Rocky, watching that video of that truck mowing down young men, women and children for absolutely nothing. No sense in it whatsoever.

Years ago I use to work with a small team of guys and one of our duties was to be called to prisons when riots and other situations such as prisoners barracking themselves inside cells. We were the 'Cell extraction team'.

Primarily our roll was to extract prisoners from cells. The most important part of our duties wasn't actually the removal of the prisoner from the cell but ensuring that the prisoner was left with 'No other impression than that he or she 'HAD BEEN REMOVED" from the cell.

I don't recall ever receiving any "repeat customers", I guess our fantastic level of service left an ever lasting impression on our victims, whoops I mean clients. biggrin.png

If it were up to me, I would apply the same principles to the problem here. If this is indeed just a small manority of Muslims causing the problem, then they'd be extracted from French society, for good.

Surely the interests of the greater community outweigh the need to worry about a few broken skulls.

A complete and dramatic overhaul of the immigration system is required. If you can't come and play nicely, in the French way, then there's no place for you in France. End of story.

I would gladly head up a team of folk to do the job, especially if I got to eat fresh French croissants every morning and got to wear one of those silly hats. tongue.png

There is method in the madness if you care to analyse and join the dots. Sickening ? Yes, undoubtedly. Surprising ? No. Only those that are in complete denial will be surprised.

Broken skulls ? Good in theory, great for shock effect but totally counterproductive. Now ''Extraction '' is the way to go. We pay a lot of spooks good money. Time they started earning it at home.

It is doubtful if EU wide immigration policy will be overhauled. In any case, it is too late. The damage has been done over the past 25 years.

There is plenty of trained people who would be only too happy to do the dirty work. Overturning the bleeding hearts brigade would be the first, longest and hardest hurdle.

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We only need worry about the bleeding hearts and various libertarians if they become 50% of the voting population.

Let's face it, what's better, a broken Europe where civilians can be murdered at any given moment or a few bleeding hearts crying on the to back channels or websites like, "mymohammedisdifferent dot com".

Good people need not fear, terrorists and loonies should be very concerned.

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!


Although I agree with you.

You seriously underestimate the strength of Political BS and '' Yuman Rites '' that prevails throughout the EU.

There is more than one way to skin a cat and some serious '' Outside '' the box thinking and action is required.

It makes me sick Rocky, watching that video of that truck mowing down young men, women and children for absolutely nothing. No sense in it whatsoever.

Years ago I use to work with a small team of guys and one of our duties was to be called to prisons when riots and other situations such as prisoners barracking themselves inside cells. We were the 'Cell extraction team'.

Primarily our roll was to extract prisoners from cells. The most important part of our duties wasn't actually the removal of the prisoner from the cell but ensuring that the prisoner was left with 'No other impression than that he or she 'HAD BEEN REMOVED" from the cell.

I don't recall ever receiving any "repeat customers", I guess our fantastic level of service left an ever lasting impression on our victims, whoops I mean clients. biggrin.png

If it were up to me, I would apply the same principles to the problem here. If this is indeed just a small manority of Muslims causing the problem, then they'd be extracted from French society, for good.

Surely the interests of the greater community outweigh the need to worry about a few broken skulls.

A complete and dramatic overhaul of the immigration system is required. If you can't come and play nicely, in the French way, then there's no place for you in France. End of story.

I would gladly head up a team of folk to do the job, especially if I got to eat fresh French croissants every morning and got to wear one of those silly hats. tongue.png


Why limit this action to France?

All mudslimes should be extracted from Western countries and taken back to the sand dunes where they would be processed and if found that they can fully integrate would be brought back with tracking chips fitted so that they could always be monitored.

Too strong? Then just for the tree huggers, just send them back and leave them there.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon be he is dead right on this one.

No Limit to France, just a good place to start.

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!

Nah, they prefer the better education system, iPhones and shopping malls made by the infidels.

Better education, fair enough, but in many Arabic / Islamic countries the shopping is far better!

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"Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots"

They will just wait until they have the numbers, elect local muslim councillors/mayors and then change the laws to suit themselves. It is already happening. Conquest by stealth.

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"Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots"

They will just wait until they have the numbers, elect local muslim councillors/mayors and then change the laws to suit themselves. It is already happening. Conquest by stealth.


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Alienated is just a liberal trigger word allowing the indigenous population to assume responsibility for the minority they wish to make excuses for. Previous to mass Muslim immigration workers came from Southern Europe, who were poor and disadvantaged. Within a generation they and their children had assimilated. Those who don't or refuse to assimilate are in effect pre-alienated by choice.

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Perhaps if they all went out and demonstrated with banners and shouted 'Death to all radical Muslims' or 'We love France more than Islam', then people might start taking these so-called, moderate Muslims more seriously.

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I've often wondered how hatred towards certain beliefs etc. turns into hatred towards all individuals with a similar background.

Back in Nazi Germany it was the Jews - now it is the Moslems that are ALL considered as sub-humans sad.png.

Trying to deny access to our countries by those populations that contain a large percentage who hate us, makes sense. But hating all of them??

Although, to be fair, I can remember pretty much hating all South African whites a few decades ago (apartheid and all that) - until I was introduced to a South African family that had fled to England as they had a small newspaper that earned the ire of the authorities for supporting the blacks' cause......

It was probably that lesson that taught me not to automatically hate any group - as not all of that group share the same appalling beliefs.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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I see the retarded are out today!

One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

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I see the retarded are out today!

One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

The forum can probably do without the insults, which can only reduce you to their level rolleyes.gif .

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"Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots"

They will just wait until they have the numbers, elect local muslim councillors/mayors and then change the laws to suit themselves. It is already happening. Conquest by stealth.

That is democracy. If more people vote for charia than for the previous system of rich above the law and poor under it, then that is what will happen. It is the evolution of our countries and we should respect that and also keep a positive attitude. Modern people welcome the future, there is no point hating, just accept and adjust. Will your life really change when Europe is Islamic? I for one am excited by this prospect.

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Perhaps if they all went out and demonstrated with banners and shouted 'Death to all radical Muslims' or 'We love France more than Islam', then people might start taking these so-called, moderate Muslims more seriously.

Whilst I've no doubt that moderate Moslems in Western countries just wish to live a peaceful life - I do agree that unfortunately they need to publicly demonstrate that they have no time for the radical Moslems.

Its unfortunate as I'm sure they'd prefer to keep a low profile in the current, hostile climate - but the hatred has reached the point (as shown by many posts on this forum) that keeping a low profile/saying that they hate the killings etc. is not enough to appease those who have already decided they are all 'guilty'.

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Yeah the UK accepted them all in and gave them citizenship. In the end what do Muslims there want?

"Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that wives should always obey their husbands. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife. 52% agreed that homosexuality should be illegal."


Somebody needs to explain to the farqing idiots that they don't get to form their own 'mini community' within whatever country they reside and start calling the shots. If 51 percent of English folks decide something, well that's different.

If they don't like it, packing your bloody bags and peace off somewhere else where they already have sharia law. I believe there's no shortage of p,aces already sporting the archaic laws.......so pick one and GO!

Nah, they prefer the better education system, iPhones and shopping malls made by the infidels.

Better education, fair enough, but in many Arabic / Islamic countries the shopping is far better!

Gotta love halal consumerism.

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I see the retarded are out today!

One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

Where to start? First of all nobody approves of the deaths of innocent civilians so you are burning a straw man there. Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French. Third, IF it turns out the US or French accidentally killed some civilians you can be sure it was not deliberate and maybe a consequence of Islamist terrorists resorting to their usual human shield tactic. Some crappy equivalence argument you are trying to pull there. But just supposing for the sake of argument I accept some equivalence what sort of degenerate takes this as justification to murder other innocent civilians in retaliation?

Back to topic from your flaming, the French Muslim population has been a problem for years, by every metric from education to prison population they collectively don't fit in. This problem has been allowed to fester and get worse due to failure to deal with incitement and extremism in the Mosques and religious schools. As the Muslim population increases so does the scale and frequency of violence.

Prior to the Nice attack and a Moroccan stabbing a woman and her three daughters a French politician stated France is a couple of incidents away from civil war, I put it to you that much of the French population feels alienated not just the Muslims.

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I've often wondered how hatred towards certain beliefs etc. turns into hatred towards all individuals with a similar background.

Back in Nazi Germany it was the Jews - now it is the Moslems that are ALL considered as sub-humans sad.png.

Trying to deny access to our countries by those populations that contain a large percentage who hate us, makes sense. But hating all of them??

Although, to be fair, I can remember pretty much hating all South African whites a few decades ago (apartheid and all that) - until I was introduced to a South African family that had fled to England as they had a small newspaper that earned the ire of the authorities for supporting the blacks' cause......

It was probably that lesson that taught me not to automatically hate any group - as not all of that group share the same appalling beliefs.

Careful with the Jewish comparison when talking about modern France.

Last time I heard mosques and Islamic religious schools don't need to be protected with armed guards.

Jewish temples and schools ... DO.

Too bad that Jewish grocery store in Paris that was hit by the Islamic Jihadist wasn't protected as well.

Of course it is true there are parallels to Islamophobia and Jew hating.

But being a Jew in modern France is no picnic ... enemies from three sides:

Traditional right wing fascist nativist (the French people that enthusiastically cooperated with the Nazis)

Islamic based Jew hatred

Left wing Jew hatred done under the thinly disguised cover of Israel demonization

That's a lot of people!

Edited by Jingthing
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I see the retarded are out today!

One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

Where to start? First of all nobody approves of the deaths of innocent civilians so you are burning a straw man there. Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French. Third, IF it turns out the US or French accidentally killed some civilians you can be sure it was not deliberate and maybe a consequence of Islamist terrorists resorting to their usual human shield tactic. Some crappy equivalence argument you are trying to pull there. But just supposing for the sake of argument I accept some equivalence what sort of degenerate takes this as justification to murder other innocent civilians in retaliation?

Back to topic from your flaming, the French Muslim population has been a problem for years, by every metric from education to prison population they collectively don't fit in. This problem has been allowed to fester and get worse due to failure to deal with incitement and extremism in the Mosques and religious schools. As the Muslim population increases so does the scale and frequency of violence.

Prior to the Nice attack and a Moroccan stabbing a woman and her three daughters a French politician stated France is a couple of incidents away from civil war, I put it to you that much of the French population feels alienated not just the Muslims.

Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French

Nope it is not. Look at the history of Irk and tell me one more time the US and French and UK are not responsible for the mess there and all the elements coming from this stupid invasion. Same apply for Lybia, Syria...

I see the spin doctors are quite good on you, you really think the bombs, the past weddings bombings and other civilian casualties are because of human shields? you should really see how a war works and look at the way bombs explode for real and not on TV shows.

I still wait to have headline news about the bombing in Baghdad, the "je suis Baghdad" and other crap like this... I wait to have all those politicians who were in Paris (Bibi, US, French, german, UK) parading in front of the crowd, crying crocodile tears...

I m waiting to see the same emotion on Boko Haram exactions.

Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Daesh were created by Western governments, like it or not!

I don t see the people turning their stupid comments to german community when it comes for exemple to co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. But you will tell me this is different, right?

Either that or you selectively read the comments in TV...

If you knew a bit more about french immigration and how muslim immigration was handle after the colonies era, then you could see how the French governments didn t gave a sh!t about them and parked them in suburbus of the cities and let them here, as well as the suppression of 13.000 policemen in those area because Sarkozy wanted to cut budget.

So re-read the comments here and then come back

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I see the retarded are out today!

One more time : last month in Baghdad: 350 dead

Yesterday h US-French coallition killed 60 civilians, including women and kids... and so much more

But u will tell me they deserve it... you re clearly not worth more than daesh.

Where to start? First of all nobody approves of the deaths of innocent civilians so you are burning a straw man there. Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French. Third, IF it turns out the US or French accidentally killed some civilians you can be sure it was not deliberate and maybe a consequence of Islamist terrorists resorting to their usual human shield tactic. Some crappy equivalence argument you are trying to pull there. But just supposing for the sake of argument I accept some equivalence what sort of degenerate takes this as justification to murder other innocent civilians in retaliation?

Back to topic from your flaming, the French Muslim population has been a problem for years, by every metric from education to prison population they collectively don't fit in. This problem has been allowed to fester and get worse due to failure to deal with incitement and extremism in the Mosques and religious schools. As the Muslim population increases so does the scale and frequency of violence.

Prior to the Nice attack and a Moroccan stabbing a woman and her three daughters a French politician stated France is a couple of incidents away from civil war, I put it to you that much of the French population feels alienated not just the Muslims.

Second It was ISIS who caused the deaths in Baghdad, not the French

Nope it is not. Look at the history of Irk and tell me one more time the US and French and UK are not responsible for the mess there and all the elements coming from this stupid invasion. Same apply for Lybia, Syria...

I see the spin doctors are quite good on you, you really think the bombs, the past weddings bombings and other civilian casualties are because of human shields? you should really see how a war works and look at the way bombs explode for real and not on TV shows.

I still wait to have headline news about the bombing in Baghdad, the "je suis Baghdad" and other crap like this... I wait to have all those politicians who were in Paris (Bibi, US, French, german, UK) parading in front of the crowd, crying crocodile tears...

I m waiting to see the same emotion on Boko Haram exactions.

Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Daesh were created by Western governments, like it or not!

I don t see the people turning their stupid comments to german community when it comes for exemple to co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. But you will tell me this is different, right?

Either that or you selectively read the comments in TV...

If you knew a bit more about french immigration and how muslim immigration was handle after the colonies era, then you could see how the French governments didn t gave a sh!t about them and parked them in suburbus of the cities and let them here, as well as the suppression of 13.000 policemen in those area because Sarkozy wanted to cut budget.

So re-read the comments here and then come back

That western involvement in the Middle East has been a disaster is undeniable. Without donning a tinfoil hat much of this is down to ignorance of the region and the law of unintended consequences. Talking of tinfoil do you really believe the US actually created ISIS? I don't mean by a chain of events leading to a power vacuum, I mean by deliberate premeditation.

It is revealing how your logic revolves around injury done to the Muslim world by the west leading to some search for revenge, revenge sadly missing when Muslims slaughter other Muslims, in far greater numbers. Or is this Muslim on Muslim violence intended to somehow spite the west? Anyway murderous grievance based on some perceived injury to the Umma is the best argument I can think of to stop all Muslim immigration and start deporting those who are considered a threat.

P.s other groups are often dumped in a particular location within a Country without them becoming virtual no go zones running on their own parallel legal systems.

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      Tensions Rise Between Trump and Zelensky Amid Ukraine's War Efforts and Election

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