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Jetstar flight to Phuket diverted to Bali


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The morning news reported a Jetstar flight from Sydney to Phuket was diverted to Bali to unload 6 unruly passengers. They were 'brawling' among themselves, refused to follow cabin crew instructions, and were drunk, so the flight crew diverted and had them unloaded in Bali to be interrogated by Indonesian police.

They will be returned to Sydney this morning, and have blown their holiday in Phuket and their $$.

Apart from the unacceptable conduct, I see a training, or lack of training, issue with cabin crew here. They were either served too much alcohol, or were tucking into their duty free, in which case the crew should have noted the deterioration in their behaviour and acted earlier to stop it.

I was on a domestic JQ flight a couple of years back when three Irish backpackers were drinking a bottle of scotch, and caused huge trouble. They came on board carrying empty take away coffee cups, and that should have been an immediate giveaway to the crew. Their behaviour then deteriorated, but the crew didn't act until I alerted them on landing that the behaviour was unacceptable and that they were drinking their own alcohol, a breach of the airline's liquor licence. I complained, was given a $100 voucher, and advised that their return tickets would be refunded, and they would be catching a bus back to Melbourne. Other airlines are given their names so that they couldn't book there.

Airlines have taken a hard line on this conduct and JQ has, in the past, pursued those causing a diversion, for costs, and they would be considerable, probably in the order of $10-20K.

The usual suspects can forget asking what could be expected from those living in a country that was set up as a penal colony... Thank you very much.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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"Their behavior then deteriorated, but the crew didn't act until I alerted them on landing that the behavior was unacceptable and that they were drinking their own alcohol, a breach of the airline's liquor licence."

Just wondering, why did you wait for landing ? Why not complain, or bring the situation to the crew's attention, if they were not already aware of it, as soon as the situation became an issue.

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Thank goodness for budget carriers, if only regular airlines would lift their economy prices just a little bit, normal folk with reasonable behaviour could be assured that decent airlines would remain bogan free.

Really, I only needed to read Jetstar, Sydney and unacceptable behaviour and I could join the dots.

Hopefully these a.holes get something special dropped into their luggage so they can spend a few decades in the lovely Indonesian accomodation facility for morons.

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I really do not know which is more shocking.

Thats 6 Australians were drunk on a plane or that that the rest of the plane appeared sober enough, for them to stand out.

Australians are the first admit they go on holiday and it all turns a little - Walkabout Creek

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I really do not know which is more shocking.

Thats 6 Australians were drunk on a plane or that that the rest of the plane appeared sober enough, for them to stand out.

Australians are the first admit they go on holiday and it all turns a little - Walkabout Creek

Bogan Australians maybe, and there are too many of them, but that's not even a reasonable generalization.

I think that if you've spent even a little time in Bali, you will note that there many nationalities behaving badly, some worse than others. Australians perhaps stick out in bali because there are over a million who holiday there each year, and increasing. On percentages, it would be no higher than others, my observation only, but I don't spend a lot of time in the touristy areas.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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"Their behavior then deteriorated, but the crew didn't act until I alerted them on landing that the behavior was unacceptable and that they were drinking their own alcohol, a breach of the airline's liquor licence."

Just wondering, why did you wait for landing ? Why not complain, or bring the situation to the crew's attention, if they were not already aware of it, as soon as the situation became an issue.

Having a little experience as a crew member, I can say almost unequivocally, that when attempts are made to rein in bad behaviour, it generally gets even worse, and I'd suggest that may be what happened on the flight in question.

I found their language offensive, as did a lot of other pax, but there was nothing physical happening, so better to wait until after landing.

The point I made was that I saw a lack of training in the cabin crew in not being able to recognize deteriorating conduct, and it was obvious they weren't buying drinks, but probably drinking their carry on. That puts the airline in a difficult position because their liquor licence is for alcohol provided by the airline only.

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Once took a flight from Brisbane to Fiji. Bunch of lads already drunk and loud, ordering more beer and the brews kept coming even though everyone on the flight could see they'd had enough. Maybe the cabin crew knew if they refused them things wouldn't go well.

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Had this happen in Sydney where a bunch of guy's and gals party with friends on the send off in the airport bar where I had a meal before boarding. During the trip they were ordering lot's of booze and then become very noisy and then trying to sing football songs where the hostesses had to refuse serving alcohol and give several warnings of arrest at the airport to shut them up .

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"Their behavior then deteriorated, but the crew didn't act until I alerted them on landing that the behavior was unacceptable and that they were drinking their own alcohol, a breach of the airline's liquor licence."

Just wondering, why did you wait for landing ? Why not complain, or bring the situation to the crew's attention, if they were not already aware of it, as soon as the situation became an issue.

Of course; I absolutely agree - why did the Crew not just put the 'plane in "Park" (at - what - 20 - 30 thousand feet?) and decide that they should wait for the nearest Patrol Car to contain the situation?


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So instead of making asses of themselves in Thailand, they can do it in Bali.

Same objective, different place.

The only ones inconvenienced were everyone else.

That won't be happening. They're in Immigration detention at Bali Int'l Airport awaiting their flight back to Sydney, via Melbourne, it's just been reportef.

Also reported is that JQ will recover losses! This is going to be expensivefor these idiots

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