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Hating on Hillary: Republican convention down and dirty


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As someone said, hating is the unifying force among the Republicans, at least a lot of them. Some with a genuine belief in their principles have refused to show up at the convention, refused to endorse Trump, or distanced themselves from the man.

Most of the democrats I know really don't hate Trump. They don't want him to be President, but they don't hate him. Not like most of the Republicans hate Hillary. Most of the democrats I know also find Melania's little gaffe with the speech more entertaining than serious because it comes from the party that holds itself up as holier than thou.

There is a difference between prosecution and persecution. Since the Republicans haven't been able to prosecute Hillary, they will persecute her instead.

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Hate is now officially part of US politics. Will this be the first ever Presidential election where the winner is the "least hated"?

A generation of Americans have been raised on political FOX fake news. The laughing stock of journalists. Chairman Roger Ailes is the father of the hate and fear campaign model...and he's proud of it. People that watch that stuff are so misinformed.

When I meet new people, I can always tell they are FOX viewers. Within 5 minutes they go into some right wing anti Obama rant. Sad what that channel has done.

We all have lost a friend or relative to FOX .

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That's right - Democrats never 'hated' Bush either. Just called for his assassination on a pretty regular basis...whistling.gif



Thank you for reinforcing the point in my previous post.

I would have to say you are the epitome of a right wing media consumer, constantly reposting the nonsense from those wacky right wing conspiracy sites.


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We can't all be held captive by the LMC (Liberal Media Complex) as some are aboard the good ship TVF whistling.gif

We know, we know. Obama is a gay, muslim, illegal alien that snuck into the USA, ran for president and any day now he is going to declare martial law, take the guns, lock everybody up in FEMA camps, then stay president for life or until THEY want him out....

I know your not joking because Iv'e seen that garbage you watch.

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How vacant. Hillary's paymasters bought and employ BLM as a tool to get her to office. BLM murders cops. Period. Not some. They are killers. This is the backdrop to calling these people haters.

I can go down a list of violent actions/calls from the left and none are staged as satire, parody, or couched in politics- none. It's sick that humans who find being hated repugnant are called haters for rejecting hate! Sick ppl. Hillary and hate are virtually indistinguishable in the collective lexicon.

LA Times this month calls for violence against Trump supporters and argues it justifies. The left is silent.

LA Times called gir/fancies a coup against any president Trump, etc. the left is silent.

Oh, and a ,sundry list of dead cops and Hillary embraces BLM and their cause- revolution. See sponsor, RevCom Now- a communist revolution group.

This is just more vomitus from the rationally and morally bankrupt permanent revolution class.

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How vacant. Hillary's paymasters bought and employ BLM as a tool to get her to office. BLM murders cops. Period. Not some. They are killers. This is the backdrop to calling these people haters.

I can go down a list of violent actions/calls from the left and none are staged as satire, parody, or couched in politics- none. It's sick that humans who find being hated repugnant are called haters for rejecting hate! Sick ppl. Hillary and hate are virtually indistinguishable in the collective lexicon.

LA Times this month calls for violence against Trump supporters and argues it justifies. The left is silent.

LA Times called gir/fancies a coup against any president Trump, etc. the left is silent.

Oh, and a ,sundry list of dead cops and Hillary embraces BLM and their cause- revolution. See sponsor, RevCom Now- a communist revolution group.

This is just more vomitus from the rationally and morally bankrupt permanent revolution class.

Vomitus? That's actually a word? Thank you arj. Factually devoid post as usual, but always entertaining.

The poor TV baggers are pulling out all the stops as the Republican ship sinks below the waves. Seeing pathetic Ted Cruz get booed off the stage last night brought tears to my eyes...I was laughing so hard.

Here are the Republicans getting criticized for the ridiculous hate being thrown at HRC and what do they do? They hurl hate at HRC. THEY CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES! clap2.gif

Trump's on tonight. I hope he doesn't start acting all "Presidential." I want him speaking like he usually does, in wingnut crazy train of thought mode.

I knew this was going to be an insane week in Cleveland and it hasn't disappointed. Best election EVER!!!

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How vacant. Hillary's paymasters bought and employ BLM as a tool to get her to office. BLM murders cops. Period. Not some. They are killers. This is the backdrop to calling these people haters.

Just what office has she gotten to through BLM? Are you conceding that she will be the next President? Are you preparing yourself for what to blame her for next?

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Chris Christie Puts Hillary Clinton On Trial And Prosecutes Her In RNC Speech


Last night at the Republican convention, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who’s a former federal prosecutor, did the job the FBI and the Justice Department refuse to do.


He blows her away...deservedly.smile.png

"if" Trump gets in do you think he will prosecute her or go at her in some legal way?

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How vacant. Hillary's paymasters bought and employ BLM as a tool to get her to office. BLM murders cops. Period. Not some. They are killers. This is the backdrop to calling these people haters.

I can go down a list of violent actions/calls from the left and none are staged as satire, parody, or couched in politics- none. It's sick that humans who find being hated repugnant are called haters for rejecting hate! Sick ppl. Hillary and hate are virtually indistinguishable in the collective lexicon.

LA Times this month calls for violence against Trump supporters and argues it justifies. The left is silent.

LA Times called gir/fancies a coup against any president Trump, etc. the left is silent.

Oh, and a ,sundry list of dead cops and Hillary embraces BLM and their cause- revolution. See sponsor, RevCom Now- a communist revolution group.

This is just more vomitus from the rationally and morally bankrupt permanent revolution class.

Here is classic right wing pro forma PC. Bring up the bogey-man, the colored person, the radical and be purposefully obtuse about the meaning of words. Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter. Yet some folk just have to create the dog whistle, the stalking horse, the creature under the bed, hiding there with the Reds from an earlier generation to stimulate the hate, fear and, lets be clear, vile and blatant racism.

Resounding condemnation of a public interest group that protests institutionalized racism and murder within the law enforcement fraternity in America. False and provocative misinformation attributed to these people in an effort to sustain a narrative against a hated political rival who daily demonstrates a competence that far outweighs here oafish, clumsy, hollow rival - a fact that is recognized by even those who dislike her as a result of decades of brutish personal attacks by the fringe.

You know how I know this poster is full of it? Because amongst this litany of false outrage there is not one mention of Al Baldasaro. http://www.ibtimes.com/who-al-baldasaro-trump-adviser-says-hillary-clinton-should-be-shot-treason-2393385

Right wing agitprop PC. So full of hypocrisy that it cannot stand to look itself in the mirror. You make reference to vomit?

Edited by PTC
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Politicians will be politicians.

Lower than used-car salesmen.

btw, y'all realize Trump isn't one? smile.png

Trump is a politician pretending not to be one.

Oh really?

What public office has Trump ever held? whistling.gif

He's starting by trying to be president because he knows he couldn't be elected assistant dog catcher in Lower Podunk ...

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Chris Christie Puts Hillary Clinton On Trial And Prosecutes Her In RNC Speech


Last night at the Republican convention, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who’s a former federal prosecutor, did the job the FBI and the Justice Department refuse to do.


He blows her away...deservedly.smile.png

"if" Trump gets in do you think he will prosecute her or go at her in some legal way?

If Trump gets elected there is going to be waaaayyyy to much chaos to worry about her...

Worry about these "ifs":

If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his iPod?

If man evolved from monkeys, how come we still have monkeys?

If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

If you are bald, what hair color do they put on your driver's license?

If God sneezes, what should you say?

If a bunch of cats jump on top of each other, is it still called a dog pile?

If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59PM but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on?

If a mime is arrested, do they tell him he has a right to talk?

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That is all that unites the GOP. It is not united behind Trump, the only thing that united is their hatred. And apparently even that is not the big unifier any more.

And them Dems didn't run on hatred for Bush when Obama got elected?rolleyes.gif

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Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter.

Black Live Matter is a farce. Republicans are telling the truth about it. The whole movement is based on a false narrative - black Americans risk being gunned down by police simply because of the color of their skin - and most of their supposed examples have turned out to be justified shootings in the end.

The Numbers Are In: Black Lives Matter Is Wrong about Police


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As someone said, hating is the unifying force among the Republicans, at least a lot of them. Some with a genuine belief in their principles have refused to show up at the convention, refused to endorse Trump, or distanced themselves from the man.

Most of the democrats I know really don't hate Trump. They don't want him to be President, but they don't hate him. Not like most of the Republicans hate Hillary. Most of the democrats I know also find Melania's little gaffe with the speech more entertaining than serious because it comes from the party that holds itself up as holier than thou.

There is a difference between prosecution and persecution. Since the Republicans haven't been able to prosecute Hillary, they will persecute her instead.

Democrats are blinded lemmings leaping off the cliff.

Hillary is a scoundrel. Plain and simple. Part of the Corrupt System that allows her to be exempt from Rules that the rest of us most follow.

Showing no remorse at her constant manipulations, lying and other childish behaviors.

We should all hate this kind of system...as it is not the democratic way.

Only fools support leaders who place themselves above the law.

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I don't particularly like Hillary, but at least she seems to be working for Americans, unlike the opponent.

Trump has shown more and more ideologies which follow the Kreml dogma. Destroy the western co-operation. After an while of trolling, Russia, maybe with a help of China, can divide and concur the divided west.

Patriotic folks should re-consider who they are really supporting, they should reconsider who is the puppet master behind the person. For Hillary it's the Wall street. For Trump is the Mother Russia.

Which is better?

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How vacant. Hillary's paymasters bought and employ BLM as a tool to get her to office. BLM murders cops. Period. Not some. They are killers. This is the backdrop to calling these people haters.

I can go down a list of violent actions/calls from the left and none are staged as satire, parody, or couched in politics- none. It's sick that humans who find being hated repugnant are called haters for rejecting hate! Sick ppl. Hillary and hate are virtually indistinguishable in the collective lexicon.

LA Times this month calls for violence against Trump supporters and argues it justifies. The left is silent.

LA Times called gir/fancies a coup against any president Trump, etc. the left is silent.

Oh, and a ,sundry list of dead cops and Hillary embraces BLM and their cause- revolution. See sponsor, RevCom Now- a communist revolution group.

This is just more vomitus from the rationally and morally bankrupt permanent revolution class.

Here is classic right wing pro forma PC. Bring up the bogey-man, the colored person, the radical and be purposefully obtuse about the meaning of words. Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter. Yet some folk just have to create the dog whistle, the stalking horse, the creature under the bed, hiding there with the Reds from an earlier generation to stimulate the hate, fear and, lets be clear, vile and blatant racism.

Resounding condemnation of a public interest group that protests institutionalized racism and murder within the law enforcement fraternity in America. False and provocative misinformation attributed to these people in an effort to sustain a narrative against a hated political rival who daily demonstrates a competence that far outweighs here oafish, clumsy, hollow rival - a fact that is recognized by even those who dislike her as a result of decades of brutish personal attacks by the fringe.

You know how I know this poster is full of it? Because amongst this litany of false outrage there is not one mention of Al Baldasaro. http://www.ibtimes.com/who-al-baldasaro-trump-adviser-says-hillary-clinton-should-be-shot-treason-2393385

Right wing agitprop PC. So full of hypocrisy that it cannot stand to look itself in the mirror. You make reference to vomit?

Here it is. The left: always emotional, always personal, and always varying degrees of violent. Witness the ad hominem- a point being offers as better by declaring an opponent personally worse.

No, there's no duty to include in an observation an opposing POV. Irrespective of Al the point is valid.

It's not false outrage. It's real.

Unsure what the "colored person" nonsense is all about, but then most won't. It's just not exercised from my post. I've no where made any post the better by making a TV poster personally worse. It's a characteristic of the left that's employed the same way healthy minds employ reason.

Hillary Clinton should be tried for treason. Because it wasn't battlefield or such shot would be exessive. She is a traitor.

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The RNC have absolutely nothing to offer the American people other than "You shouldn't vote for the other lot".

It was the same with Romney, and the same with McCain.

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The RNC have absolutely nothing to offer the American people other than "You shouldn't vote for the other lot".

Claptrap. They believe that taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone and that wages should be set by the free market. They also believe in less government regulation. These things could help the business community. They offer plenty of alternatives to the democrats ideas.

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Post #50

And here is the classic, hollow, baseless deflection used by the Lemmings.

The Trumpeteer version of the childhood taunt:

"I know you are but, what am I?" facepalm.gif

What a great rebuttal. I'm going to read it again.....

Hate on Bush all you want to prop up Obama in 2008, but don't you dare hate on Hillary in 2016. Typical liberal double standard.

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The RNC have absolutely nothing to offer the American people other than "You shouldn't vote for the other lot".

Claptrap. They believe that taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone and that wages should be set by the free market. They also believe in less government regulation. These things could help the business community. They offer plenty of alternatives to the democrats ideas.

Taxes shouldn't be increased for anyone - which maintains the status quo of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And of course let's keep the things like the obscene subsidies to Big Oil.

US wages should be "set by the free market", which generally involves outsourcing jobs to the cheapest third world nations.

Less government regulation so that they can pollute, collude, rob, cheat and steal.

These things help THEM enormously, but the "business community", only if they can afford to buy politicians.

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Black Lives Matter. The intent is front and centre. It is in the name, perfectly clear. Black Lives Matter.

Black Live Matter is a farce. Republicans are telling the truth about it. The whole movement is based on a false narrative - black Americans risk being gunned down by police simply because of the color of their skin - and most of their supposed examples have turned out to be justified shootings in the end.

The Numbers Are In: Black Lives Matter Is Wrong about Police


You better tread lightly with this topic or you will be labeled a "racist".

You can wear a BLM t-shirt to work and on the court but if you say something negative about the BLM then you are risking losing your job or political seat.

Edited by ClutchClark
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