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How does a Thai police do an investigation?


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If you are a suspect of a crime and you are called to the police station by letter you go down there but then what?

What are you rights when the police ask you questions? Do they have the right to take your photo or finger prints? Can they take your passport? Is it better to just be silent?

How does the investigation moves on? The police ask you question and submit it to the prosecuter office and they submit it to the court?

Anybody have any real website where it is stated?

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first they put on those skin tight pants and shirts , stand on the x marked on the floor , put a "i mean business" look on the face and take the "before pic" . later when they are caught by someone else they repeat the "pic" again with a "gotcha look" . kinda like your g/f's never ending selfies ...............ba da bada bing

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Police will do as little as possible. When you come to the Police station they will simply read you the charges against you. You will not be asked for a statement. Prepare a statement beforehand and try to submit it to the police file, little chance police will file it but try anyway. It all comes down to the court hearing. Get a good lawyer from Bangkok (not from Pattaya or the provinces, they are all corrupt, lazy and worthless) and the lawyer should come with you to the police station. Ask your Embassy to recommend a lawyer, they usually have the right lawyers.

Police will not do an investigation for small petty crimes, and certainly will not do anything if there is no money in it for them.

Edited by AlQaholic
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Not being a keyboard lawyer and never having been arrested,i dont know.And any other poster in the same position will only know what he/she has been told.

The best way to find out,is to do something wrong(posters choice) and find out for your self.I hear that it is a good thing to have access to a large amount of money though.And you will probably emerge,a much wiser man.

No one can really tell you only what they have been told by others.

Secrets of the holding cell are only disclosed.by the very few.

Good luck with that.

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Police will do as little as possible. When you come to the Police station they will simply read you the charges against you. You will not be asked for a statement. Prepare a statement beforehand and try to submit it to the police file, little chance police will file it but try anyway. It all comes down to the court hearing. Get a good lawyer from Bangkok (not from Pattaya or the provinces, they are all corrupt, lazy and worthless) and the lawyer should come with you to the police station. Ask your Embassy to recommend a lawyer, they usually have the right lawyers.

Police will not do an investigation for small petty crimes, and certainly will not do anything if there is no money in it for them.

And hope said 'embassy recommend' doesn't end up representing your opponent. Full knowledge of your case against them already to hand.

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Most police are responsible for one photo op per month, so when they have people visiting the police station, it's important to get your photo taken in a group.After the photo, the police investigation begins!

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You write "Crime" so I am assuming that you are accused of something that is punishable by criminal law. If it's criminal law, then the police don't have to summon you, they can arrest you anywhere in Thailand actually

Thai police like all others in the world have no rights to do anything against you if it is civil law. You need to tell what you are summoned to a police station for or no one can help really.

General rules:

It would surprise me if it is criminal law

Never go to a summons without a lawyer if you are even "a bit" guilty

I wouldn't worry one second about going to a police summons alone if I knew I was innocent

Thai Police have rules that they must follow when apprehending or arresting people and they can and do sometimes lose their jobs if they break them too obviously

A summon is nothing dangerous, the most the police can do is to keep you for a while

If it's civil law, then they have to request a judge to issue an arrest warrant if they want to keep you - hardly going to happen

A "second level policeman" Roi wen - will have a law degree. He is the one that can be scared of breaking the law

99% of what you read on Thai Visa about police that breaks the law and intimidate people to get money is total rubbish if it's outside Pattaya and the person in innocent.

If the person is *not* innocent, then perhaps the police really is doing the guy a favour by allowing him to pay himself out of what should have much more serious consequences

Edited by MikeyIdea
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  • 2 weeks later...

They sit in the middle of your lounge and pick there nose then check it out for ideas from the boggies from there nose . If they then decide from the boggies that there is no money in it for them they then say  I'll be back but they never come back :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

police law works like this...

first you will get called to police station for further investigation..your not found guilty yet..yes, you will be finger printed and when your case clears it will be removed..if its person to person issue, you can write your detail statement by lt. police who is in charge inside the police station under captains approval. it will be sent to district attorney and they will approve the document if your guilty or not. if you know your guilty and dont have a chanc, you can make deal with that person by having police present. you can pay government fine and pay minimum pay out to that person. if your involved in robbery or any other big crime, you will wait for d.a to go over our case. d.a will contact you and give you choice, if your found guilty police will be sent to your house to be arrested

Edited by squid master
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