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Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast'


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Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

Do you really think Republican voters are going to vote for Hillary because Trump is an *^>!££ ?

Not a chance.

I don't think Republicans will vote for Hillary because Trump is an a hole. But apparently you are willing to vote for the a hole. You state the Republican platform. Care to give some facts that show Trump gives a s%×t about your supposed Republican platform? Start with an easy one, tax. Hedge fund managers get away with murder, (so does Trump), but he will give them more?
Trumps platform?

What does it matter? Trump can promise all he likes that he is going to be a one man army controlling Washington but we all know that isn't the way politics works. Compromises, backroom deals, smoke & mirrors--at the end of the day its going to be the Party platform business-as-usual that wins out.

Trump makes campaign promises--thats all this talk is about Iran and the Wall with Mexico, etc..

The only people who seem to buy into it are the angry American wingnuts which consist of Liberals (based on the many anger-filled posts here at TVF disecting the costs of the Wall) and a small percentage of the Conservative movement--basically those who were TeaPartiers a few years ago and who have not yet passed away.

But sll of this is puting the cart before the horse--there is alot of time between now and November.

So why are you voting for Trump? To keep Hillary out? Cruze said vote your heart. Surely if you dislike both abstain. Lost vote? Possibly. What would happen if no one voted?

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So far, the shameless Bloviator has brazenly committed Copyright Infringement multiple times,

by using songs unauthorized by these recording artists.

And in fact, ignoring several requests to desist by continuing to do so:

The Rolling Stones

The Beatles/George Harrison

Bruce Springsteen


Neil young





The O'Jays






I think you will find that the Bloviator chooses venues with a music licence. All the artists can do is ask him not to use their music. Trump being Trump gives not a s@#t.

Queen already stated their lawyers were on it.

Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

Do you really think Republican voters are going to vote for Hillary because Trump is an *^>!££ ?

Not a chance.

This is why you will get the Government you deserve. There are more than the two candidates on the ballot list and one pair of them outstrips Trump or Clinton in every way. It does not matter who the party leaders give you, the people with the power are those that vote on the day. As Cruz said, look up and down that list. Johnson and Weld look excellent and definitely appear to have the desire and experience to make America great again.

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Simple answers for Simple minds.

Yeah, Simple Minds... Did know Trumps favourite Simple Minds song is Promised You a Miracle?

Now this is the song he SHOULD have playing before he walks out at his rallies!

Edited by NumbNut
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This might be one angle that Trump might be able to cash in on.

He might be able to hoodwink the American public into believing he's not a warmonger.

But then again, is the American public gullible enough to believe the president himself has powers to stop wars/invasions??

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America will be in trouble as Trump suggests, IF Trump is elected.

Love this: Ya should have had Jeb guys cheesy.gif Dump the Trump


Now that is a pretty damning chart... interesting to see that only Michelle Bachman has a higher 'pants on fire' rating that the orange-flavoured fruit loop.

And look at the Trumpinator's 'true' rating... nearly as small as his, errr, 'hands'. And the smallest rating on the chart.

So my take out of this is your average Trumpkin is not interested in facts. How can they be, when all the flea spouts is BS?

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A bit of an ironic blast from the past.

Film from FOX NEWS in 1927. Really.

It's the real deal Mussolini:

I greet with wonderful energy the American people and I see and recognize among you the salt of your land, as well as ours, my fellow citizens who are working to make America great.

More historic irony.

How were Italian immigrants viewed in those days:

"the alien scum from the cesspools and sewers of the Old World has polluted the clear spring of American democracy."

But some of them are good people?whistling.gif


Edited by Jingthing
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Both liberal Salon.com and ultra liberal Michael Moore (on Bill Maher) predicted that Trump might very well win the election. Wonder if China and Japan are thinking of selling their massive holdings of US Treasury securities? I wonder if I should do that? The US might be going in the tank soon. sad.png

Thats a good point. If Trump is elected, whats to bet there will be an unprecedented dumping of those securities in the first week?

And what would be the eftermath if such s thing happened?

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Really? The Wall?

Are we back to this?

Debunking the "debunkers"?

Lemmings, try to edjeekate yourselves:

First this:

This is what Trump's border wall could cost US

"A roughly 2,000-mile fence on the Mexican border would cost tens of billions."


And then this:

Donald Trump's deportation plan would be an economic nightmare

"The American Action Forum, a nonpartisan, center-right-leaning think tank,

released a study this week breaking down the economic consequences of deporting every unauthorized worker in the US."

"The authors of the paper, Ben Gitis and Jacqueline Varas, said that based on an earlier American Action Forum study, the direct costs,

of dramatically expanding immigration-enforcement agencies and courts to deport roughly 11 million people,

would already cost the US government an estimated $400 billion to $600 billion."

"Overall, removing all undocumented immigrants would cause private sector output to decline by between $381.5 billion and $623.2 billion.

This translates to a 2.9 percent to 4.7 percent reduction in total annual output from the private sector."




The heart of Donald Trump's immigration plan would cost a lot of money

"One report, released in 2010 by the left-leaning Center for American Progress, estimated that it would cost $200 billion,

to "to enforce a federal dragnet that would snare" immigrants unauthorized to live in the United States."

"Another recent estimate calculated that the cost of deportation would be disastrous for the US economy. According to the right-leaning American Action Forum ,

it would take between $400 billion and $600 billion to deport 11 million people without proper documentation over 20 years."

"That estimate doesn't take into account the cost of enforcement to prevent return, which could reach upward of $300 billion."


These States Will Lose Billions If Their Illegal Immigrants Are Deported

"Unauthorized immigrants made up 5.2% (about 8 million) of the U.S. workforce in 2010, according to a report from the American Immigration Council's Strength In Diversity report."

"The same year, the American Immigration Council and American Progress estimated that deporting all unauthorized immigrants,

from the country and sealing the borders to future unauthorized immigration,

would "reduce the U.S. GDP by 1.46% annually—or $2.6 trillion in lost GDP over 10 years."



Shucks, I know it's a lot o' numbers but, if you sit back and take a deep breath, and do a little research, you will see how you have been led around by the nose,

by the ignorant, opportunist Bloviator.

It may help...

Although, I doubt it.

Dunning Kruger.

Edited by iReason
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Do you really think Republican voters are going to vote for Hillary because Trump is an *^>!££ ?

Not a chance.

I don't think Republicans will vote for Hillary because Trump is an a hole. But apparently you are willing to vote for the a hole. You state the Republican platform. Care to give some facts that show Trump gives a s%×t about your supposed Republican platform? Start with an easy one, tax. Hedge fund managers get away with murder, (so does Trump), but he will give them more?
Trumps platform?

What does it matter? Trump can promise all he likes that he is going to be a one man army controlling Washington but we all know that isn't the way politics works. Compromises, backroom deals, smoke & mirrors--at the end of the day its going to be the Party platform business-as-usual that wins out.

Trump makes campaign promises--thats all this talk is about Iran and the Wall with Mexico, etc..

The only people who seem to buy into it are the angry American wingnuts which consist of Liberals (based on the many anger-filled posts here at TVF disecting the costs of the Wall) and a small percentage of the Conservative movement--basically those who were TeaPartiers a few years ago and who have not yet passed away.

But sll of this is puting the cart before the horse--there is alot of time between now and November.

So why are you voting for Trump? To keep Hillary out? Cruze said vote your heart. Surely if you dislike both abstain. Lost vote? Possibly. What would happen if no one voted?

A vote for Trump is a vote for the Republican Party.

That seems pretty basic to understand.

Are you a young voter and new to how this process works? Or perhaps a convicted felon and new to the process?

Edited by ClutchClark
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Do you really think Republican voters are going to vote for Hillary because Trump is an *^>!££ ?

Not a chance.
I don't think Republicans will vote for Hillary because Trump is an a hole. But apparently you are willing to vote for the a hole. You state the Republican platform. Care to give some facts that show Trump gives a s%×t about your supposed Republican platform? Start with an easy one, tax. Hedge fund managers get away with murder, (so does Trump), but he will give them more?
Trumps platform?

What does it matter? Trump can promise all he likes that he is going to be a one man army controlling Washington but we all know that isn't the way politics works. Compromises, backroom deals, smoke & mirrors--at the end of the day its going to be the Party platform business-as-usual that wins out.

Trump makes campaign promises--thats all this talk is about Iran and the Wall with Mexico, etc..

The only people who seem to buy into it are the angry American wingnuts which consist of Liberals (based on the many anger-filled posts here at TVF disecting the costs of the Wall) and a small percentage of the Conservative movement--basically those who were TeaPartiers a few years ago and who have not yet passed away.

But sll of this is puting the cart before the horse--there is alot of time between now and November.
So why are you voting for Trump? To keep Hillary out? Cruze said vote your heart. Surely if you dislike both abstain. Lost vote? Possibly. What would happen if no one voted?

A vote for Trump is a vote for the Republican Party.

That seems pretty basic to understand.

Are you a young voter and new to how this process works? Or perhaps a convicted felon and new to the process?

Why are you so sure that a vote for Trump is a vote for the Republican platform? Neither a voter or a felon myself. (Got away with a few things in my youth). Not as old as you. Still a bit of an old fart to younger people. All I would ask for is some semblance of a direction. Trump seems all over the place to me. Name one firm policy he has.
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Trumps platform?

What does it matter? Trump can promise all he likes that he is going to be a one man army controlling Washington but we all know that isn't the way politics works. Compromises, backroom deals, smoke & mirrors--at the end of the day its going to be the Party platform business-as-usual that wins out.

Trump makes campaign promises--thats all this talk is about Iran and the Wall with Mexico, etc..

The only people who seem to buy into it are the angry American wingnuts which consist of Liberals (based on the many anger-filled posts here at TVF disecting the costs of the Wall) and a small percentage of the Conservative movement--basically those who were TeaPartiers a few years ago and who have not yet passed away.

But sll of this is puting the cart before the horse--there is alot of time between now and November.

So why are you voting for Trump? To keep Hillary out? Cruze said vote your heart. Surely if you dislike both abstain. Lost vote? Possibly. What would happen if no one voted?
A vote for Trump is a vote for the Republican Party.

That seems pretty basic to understand.

Are you a young voter and new to how this process works? Or perhaps a convicted felon and new to the process?

Why are you so sure that a vote for Trump is a vote for the Republican platform? Neither a voter or a felon myself. (Got away with a few things in my youth). Not as old as you. Still a bit of an old fart to younger people. All I would ask for is some semblance of a direction. Trump seems all over the place to me. Name one firm policy he has.


I honestly could not tell you because I don't really listen to Trump. He is making alot of campaign promises that have zero chance of becoming a reality. I would have far prefered many of the other candidates in the Republican Debates. I do not trust Trump any more than I do any politician and I think the belief some of his supporters have that he is too wealthy to be bought is completely without merit. There is no such thing as ever having enough power or enough wealth for these people. I happen to trust Hillary even less. Although I did not share almost any ideology with Bernie I actually think he was a pretty honest guy as far as his lot goes.

I think you have described Trump's roadmap to getting his promises accomplished fairly well.

There is no road map.

Trump does not have the roadmap but the politicians he will be relying on travel that road everyday and will sort out the detsils.

Do I think he will tow the GOP line if he gets in office? Yes because they never would have allowed him the nomination if he had not brokered some power deals.

Trump is historically a moderate so I think his right-wing campaign promises are simply his vehicle to the WH much like obama saying he would unite the country after the debacle of GWB. Is a wall going to be built along the Mexican border?

Only if politicians can figure out how they can funnel much of the construction contracts to their own pockets through awarding bids to those that bribed, or rather lobbied the most.

Anyway, I would say Trump is more inclined to support the GOP agenda than Hillary is so he has my vote.

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don't think Republicans will vote for Hillary because Trump is an a hole. But apparently you are willing to vote for the a hole. You state the Republican platform. Care to give some facts that show Trump gives a s%×t about your supposed Republican platform? Start with an easy one, tax. Hedge fund managers get away with murder, (so does Trump), but he will give them more?
Trumps platform?

What does it matter? Trump can promise all he likes that he is going to be a one man army controlling Washington but we all know that isn't the way politics works. Compromises, backroom deals, smoke & mirrors--at the end of the day its going to be the Party platform business-as-usual that wins out.

Trump makes campaign promises--thats all this talk is about Iran and the Wall with Mexico, etc..

The only people who seem to buy into it are the angry American wingnuts which consist of Liberals (based on the many anger-filled posts here at TVF disecting the costs of the Wall) and a small percentage of the Conservative movement--basically those who were TeaPartiers a few years ago and who have not yet passed away.

But sll of this is puting the cart before the horse--there is alot of time between now and November.
So why are you voting for Trump? To keep Hillary out? Cruze said vote your heart. Surely if you dislike both abstain. Lost vote? Possibly. What would happen if no one voted?

A vote for Trump is a vote for the Republican Party.

That seems pretty basic to understand.

Are you a young voter and new to how this process works? Or perhaps a convicted felon and new to the process?

Why are you so sure that a vote for Trump is a vote for the Republican platform? Neither a voter or a felon myself. (Got away with a few things in my youth). Not as old as you. Still a bit of an old fart to younger people. All I would ask for is some semblance of a direction. Trump seems all over the place to me. Name one firm policy he has.


I honestly could not tell you because I don't really listen to Trump. He is making alot of campaign promises that have zero chance of becoming a reality. I would have far prefered many of the other candidates in the Republican Debates. I do not trust Trump any more than I do any politician and I think the belief some of his supporters have that he is too wealthy to be bought is completely without merit. There is no such thing as ever having enough power or enough wealth for these people. I happen to trust Hillary even less. Although I did not share almost any ideology with Bernie I actually think he was a pretty honest guy as far as his lot goes.

You sound quite reasonable and I appreciate that rarity on TVF.

I think you have described Trump fairly well.

Do I think he will tow the GOP line if he gets in office? Yes because they never would have allowed him the nomination if he had not brokered some power deals.

Trump is historically a moderate so I think his right-wing campaign promises are simply his vehicle to the WH much like obama saying he would unite the country after the debacle of GWB. Is a wall going to be built along the Mexican border?

Only if politicians can figure out how they can funnel much of the construction contracts to their own pockets through awarding bids to those that bribed, or rather lobbied the most.

Anyway, I would say Trump is more inclined to support the GOP agenda than Hillary is so he has my vote.

All your posts suggest you are a nice bloke. Why would you, as an intelligent person, blindly vote for Trump because he is Republican? If he happened to be running on the Democratic ticket would you vote for him? I get the "platform" ideal but is that what you will get?
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All your posts suggest you are a nice bloke. Why would you, as an intelligent person, blindly vote for Trump because he is Republican? If he happened to be running on the Democratic ticket would you vote for him? I get the "platform" ideal but is that what you will get?

The only thing that could make Trump a less desirable candidate to me is if he was running on the Democrtic ticket ;-)

I am voting Republican and I would cast my ballot for the GOP if they were running a monkey this go round.

I feel betrayed by obama and I do not share his agenda or his priorities and Hillary has actually stated a vote for her is a vote for an obama third term.

I hope I am around to see a viable 3rd party candidate run and the young voters who supported Bernie this year and Ron Paul in 2012 might actually have more political clout as their population increases to see a 3rd party candidate.

Until then I will vote GOP because they drop a few more crumbs my way as they steal from the cookie jar than the Dems do.

I am late for my massage. Catch you later.

Edited by ClutchClark
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All your posts suggest you are a nice bloke. Why would you, as an intelligent person, blindly vote for Trump because he is Republican? If he happened to be running on the Democratic ticket would you vote for him? I get the "platform" ideal but is that what you will get?

The only thing that could make Trump a less desirable candidate to me is if he was running on the Democrtic ticket ;-)

I am voting Republican and I would cast my ballot for the GOP if they were running a monkey this go round.

I feel betrayed by obama and I do not share his agenda or his priorities and Hillary has actually stated a vote for her is a vote for an obama third term.

I hope I am around to see a viable 3rd party candidate run and the young voters who supported Bernie this year and Ron Paul in 2012 might actually have more political clout as their population increases to see a 3rd party candidate.

Until then I will vote GOP because they drop a few more crumbs my way as they steal from the cookie jar than the Dems do.

I am late for my massage. Catch you later.

Can you not bring yourself to use a capital letter for Obama? Third party? The promise of the unattainable American Dream? You suggest you have been away from the horrors of Thailand and camped out in the USA. Just back for a visit? Spend more time with your wife, time may be short. Massage? Happy ending? Like you and your posts.

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Benghazi victim's mother asks Trump to stop talking about son's death

"The mother of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died during the 2012 Benghazi attacks,

penned a short letter to the editor of The New York Times asking that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and the GOP stop invoking her son's death."

"I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection," Mary Commanday wrote in the letter, which was published Saturday.
"I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign."
I suppose the cynical Bloviator will listen to Mary Commanday about as much as he did to the recording artists who have told him to stop using their music...
A Mother’s Complaint About a ‘Cynical Use’ of Benghazi

To the Editor:

As Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’s mother,

I am writing to object to any mention of his name and death in Benghazi, Libya, by Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party.

I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection.

I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign.


Oakland, Calif.


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