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Hot mess: Earth on track for hottest year on record


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Are you actually claiming that climate change deniers weren't saying for years that 1998 was the hottest year on record and that since then temperatures have declined? And using that "fact" to deny the reality of global warming?

1998 was the hottest year on record (well, perhaps tied with 1934).

As for what happened since then, organisations such as the UK Met Office, the IPCC and numerous others accepted that there was a "pause" or "hiatus" in global warming up to 2014 or so. It was one of the most debated topics in climate science -- on both sides of the debate -- for three or four years from 2010 onwards.

As for what "climate change deniers" might have been saying, I have no idea -- I've never met one. In fact, I don't even know what the term is supposed to signify. It's just one of those silly Green/Left phrases which translates as "somebody who disagrees with me."

First of all, 1998 was not the hottest year on record.

Even if we ignore long term trends and just look at the record-breakers, 2015, 2014, 2010, and 2005 were hotter than 1998.

The myth of no warming since 1998 was based on the satellite record estimates of the temperature of the atmosphere. However, as discussed in the video below by Peter Sinclair, even that argument is no longer accurate. The satellites show warming since 1998 too.


As for the pause, you allege...this is where your doublethink comes in. The only way, you can allege that there was a pause is if you maintain that 1998 was exceptionally hot year for no special reason. Subtract El Nino out of 1998 and there is no pause. So do you accept that 1998 was a hot year due to El Nino or don't you? Like most anthropogenic global warming deniers, you want to have it both ways. There was talk of a slowdown, but not a pause. And even that is up for debate now.

And finally, over 90 percent of the heat that gets absorbed goes into the oceans. The shallower portion 0-700 meters of the oceans show a rising trend since 1974. The deeper portion of the oceans shows a rising trend since 1980. The oceans are the most accurate indicator of global warming.

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I'm often amused by the climate change protagonists who push a certain line, and then include the rider "that if it hadn't been for, etc" . They frequently have an out for their position.

I think very few would argue that the planet is not undergoing climate change, but it has ALWAYS occurred, and ALWAYS will. There have been times when the world has been very hot, and times when it has been very cold, and I think that humans trying to change that cycle/evolution of the climate are pi$$ing into a 40 knot northerly.

Certainly throwing money at the problem when coal fired power stations are being opened at record rates will solve nothing, and this is, of course, dependent on the thinking that the change is being generated by us humans.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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I'll bet everyrhing I own on there being a 'Global Cooling Cycle' within a decade.

Those 'scientist' have to extend their 5 minutes of fame and keep the research funds flowing.

The hole in the ozone layer?? Pardon?? What was that? Oh, I remember, we changed the refrigerant gas in airconditioners and fixed that hole in a couple of years!!

Warming waters off eastern Australia killing the corals of the Great Barrier Reef?? The water temperature in the Red Sea is 10 degrees warmer and has corals just as impressive.

The temperature isn't killing the Great barrier Reef, it's the amount of dissolved CO2 which is making the water acidic and dissolving the calcium carbonate from which it is made.

I am coming to the conclusion that the planet has had enough of the parasite man, and is going to kill us off. Actually, planet Earth works on a feedback system, change one thing and it affects something else. So man is in effect killing himself off.

What does man do to deserve to be exterminated? Mainly we won't control our birth rate and are overpopulating the planet. This means we are polluting the ecosystem to the point it won't support us. we exterminate other species at an alarming rate, we fill the oceans with toxic waste, we cut down the rainforests because of greed, and replace them with monoculture that supports no wildlife, we extract everything to the point nothing will be left for future generations, we pollute and overuse groundwater to the point of unuseability, we allow rich people to exploit many times the amount of resources that poor people do ( why do so many Americans think it necessary to have a car with an engine powerful enough to move a tank? ), we allow the military to waste vast amounts of resouces on stupidity, we kill millions of people for resources, our political systems are corrupt and driven by greed etc etc etc.

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Edited for brevity

Mr. Cook's work was quickly debunked. In Science and Education in August 2013, for example, David R. Legates (a professor of geography at the University of Delaware and former director of its Center for Climatic Research) and three coauthors reviewed the same papers as did Mr. Cook and found "only 41 papers—0.3 percent of all 11,944 abstracts or 1.0 percent of the 4,014 expressing an opinion, and not 97.1 percent—had been found to endorse" the claim that human activity is causing most of the current warming. Elsewhere, climate scientists including Craig Idso, Nicola Scafetta, Nir J. Shaviv and Nils-Axel Morner, whose research questions the alleged consensus, protested that Mr. Cook ignored or misrepresented their work.



What is more interesting to me than how many scientists agree or not, is that most politicians appear to agree that climate change is man made ( that is obviously ridiculous- the most man can do is make change slightly more pronounced ) yet do absolutely nothing to rectify the situation.

Seems to me that more people are aguing over how many people agree or not, than coming up with solutions, of which there are none that would actually work. Still, it allows politicians to appear to be doing something while not, and invent more taxes.

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I'll bet everyrhing I own on there being a 'Global Cooling Cycle' within a decade.

Those 'scientist' have to extend their 5 minutes of fame and keep the research funds flowing.

The hole in the ozone layer?? Pardon?? What was that? Oh, I remember, we changed the refrigerant gas in airconditioners and fixed that hole in a couple of years!!

Warming waters off eastern Australia killing the corals of the Great Barrier Reef?? The water temperature in the Red Sea is 10 degrees warmer and has corals just as impressive.

The temperature isn't killing the Great barrier Reef, it's the amount of dissolved CO2 which is making the water acidic and dissolving the calcium carbonate from which it is made.

I am coming to the conclusion that the planet has had enough of the parasite man, and is going to kill us off. Actually, planet Earth works on a feedback system, change one thing and it affects something else. So man is in effect killing himself off.

What does man do to deserve to be exterminated? Mainly we won't control our birth rate and are overpopulating the planet. This means we are polluting the ecosystem to the point it won't support us. we exterminate other species at an alarming rate, we fill the oceans with toxic waste, we cut down the rainforests because of greed, and replace them with monoculture that supports no wildlife, we extract everything to the point nothing will be left for future generations, we pollute and overuse groundwater to the point of unuseability, we allow rich people to exploit many times the amount of resources that poor people do ( why do so many Americans think it necessary to have a car with an engine powerful enough to move a tank? ), we allow the military to waste vast amounts of resouces on stupidity, we kill millions of people for resources, our political systems are corrupt and driven by greed etc etc etc.

That is NOT what the CC protagonists are saying about the reef.

Check this Bureau of Meteorology link http://www.bom.gov.au/oceanography/oceantemp/GBR_Coral.shtml

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I'll bet everyrhing I own on there being a 'Global Cooling Cycle' within a decade.

Those 'scientist' have to extend their 5 minutes of fame and keep the research funds flowing.

The hole in the ozone layer?? Pardon?? What was that? Oh, I remember, we changed the refrigerant gas in airconditioners and fixed that hole in a couple of years!!

Warming waters off eastern Australia killing the corals of the Great Barrier Reef?? The water temperature in the Red Sea is 10 degrees warmer and has corals just as impressive.

The temperature isn't killing the Great barrier Reef, it's the amount of dissolved CO2 which is making the water acidic and dissolving the calcium carbonate from which it is made.

I am coming to the conclusion that the planet has had enough of the parasite man, and is going to kill us off. Actually, planet Earth works on a feedback system, change one thing and it affects something else. So man is in effect killing himself off.

What does man do to deserve to be exterminated? Mainly we won't control our birth rate and are overpopulating the planet. This means we are polluting the ecosystem to the point it won't support us. we exterminate other species at an alarming rate, we fill the oceans with toxic waste, we cut down the rainforests because of greed, and replace them with monoculture that supports no wildlife, we extract everything to the point nothing will be left for future generations, we pollute and overuse groundwater to the point of unuseability, we allow rich people to exploit many times the amount of resources that poor people do ( why do so many Americans think it necessary to have a car with an engine powerful enough to move a tank? ), we allow the military to waste vast amounts of resouces on stupidity, we kill millions of people for resources, our political systems are corrupt and driven by greed etc etc etc.

That is NOT what the CC protagonists are saying about the reef.

Check this Bureau of Meteorology link http://www.bom.gov.au/oceanography/oceantemp/GBR_Coral.shtml

That was in 2011. New research says it is CO2 that is killing the coral.

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How did I know you were going to say that???


Remember the crown of thorns starfish.....the one that was going to destroy the reef within a couple of years??? That one. Turns out it's a normal cycle of nature, and it occasionally trashes sections of coral, but it's not lethal. There were thousands of scuba divers out spearing and collecting the starfish, and in so doing, upsetting the ecological balance of the reef, but that's OK.

Remember the hole in the ozone layer? The one that was closed in just a couple of years by changing the refrigerant gas in airconditioners and refrigerators? Another con.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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I'll bet everyrhing I own on there being a 'Global Cooling Cycle' within a decade.

Those 'scientist' have to extend their 5 minutes of fame and keep the research funds flowing.

The hole in the ozone layer?? Pardon?? What was that? Oh, I remember, we changed the refrigerant gas in airconditioners and fixed that hole in a couple of years!!

Warming waters off eastern Australia killing the corals of the Great Barrier Reef?? The water temperature in the Red Sea is 10 degrees warmer and has corals just as impressive.

The temperature isn't killing the Great barrier Reef, it's the amount of dissolved CO2 which is making the water acidic and dissolving the calcium carbonate from which it is made.

I am coming to the conclusion that the planet has had enough of the parasite man, and is going to kill us off. Actually, planet Earth works on a feedback system, change one thing and it affects something else. So man is in effect killing himself off.

What does man do to deserve to be exterminated? Mainly we won't control our birth rate and are overpopulating the planet. This means we are polluting the ecosystem to the point it won't support us. we exterminate other species at an alarming rate, we fill the oceans with toxic waste, we cut down the rainforests because of greed, and replace them with monoculture that supports no wildlife, we extract everything to the point nothing will be left for future generations, we pollute and overuse groundwater to the point of unuseability, we allow rich people to exploit many times the amount of resources that poor people do ( why do so many Americans think it necessary to have a car with an engine powerful enough to move a tank? ), we allow the military to waste vast amounts of resouces on stupidity, we kill millions of people for resources, our political systems are corrupt and driven by greed etc etc etc.

The oceans are NOT becoming acidic... and never will be.

The oceans are base,...alkaline... and can never become acid. They reach a saturation point of co2 long... long before that happens..

You can have co2 levels of thousands of ppm.... and they will not be acidic.

Perhaps you could explain to us how bivalves and corals came into existence in the oceans when atmospheric co2 levels were in the thousands of ppm.

25 miles from me are fossil coral reefs about 350 million years old... Atmospheric co2 was about 800 ppm at the time...

In my collection I have a fossil clam about 120 million years old... Atmospheric co2 was about 1500 ppm at the time... (the coral didn't die off...and neither did the bivalves.... . strange... I wonder why. )

Corals became widespread about 440 million years ago.... when co2 was over 4000 ppm...... They were spreading like crazy at the time... apparently doing quite well for themselves...

Corals and bivalves ...(Like clams, oysters etc.. ) have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Have you any clue to how many Earth changing disasters they have survived. They even survived the Permian–Triassic (P–Tr) extinction event 252 million years ago, and the great Chicxulub Impact event 65 million years ago and Ice Ages and warm Earth when there were forests growing near the North Pole and no ice or snow at all on the planet.

They are not going to die off from 400 or even 500 ppm of atmospheric co2.


Edited by Catoni
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I'll bet everyrhing I own on there being a 'Global Cooling Cycle' within a decade.

Those 'scientist' have to extend their 5 minutes of fame and keep the research funds flowing.

The hole in the ozone layer?? Pardon?? What was that? Oh, I remember, we changed the refrigerant gas in airconditioners and fixed that hole in a couple of years!!

Warming waters off eastern Australia killing the corals of the Great Barrier Reef?? The water temperature in the Red Sea is 10 degrees warmer and has corals just as impressive.

The temperature isn't killing the Great barrier Reef, it's the amount of dissolved CO2 which is making the water acidic and dissolving the calcium carbonate from which it is made.

I am coming to the conclusion that the planet has had enough of the parasite man, and is going to kill us off. Actually, planet Earth works on a feedback system, change one thing and it affects something else. So man is in effect killing himself off.

What does man do to deserve to be exterminated? Mainly we won't control our birth rate and are overpopulating the planet. This means we are polluting the ecosystem to the point it won't support us. we exterminate other species at an alarming rate, we fill the oceans with toxic waste, we cut down the rainforests because of greed, and replace them with monoculture that supports no wildlife, we extract everything to the point nothing will be left for future generations, we pollute and overuse groundwater to the point of unuseability, we allow rich people to exploit many times the amount of resources that poor people do ( why do so many Americans think it necessary to have a car with an engine powerful enough to move a tank? ), we allow the military to waste vast amounts of resouces on stupidity, we kill millions of people for resources, our political systems are corrupt and driven by greed etc etc etc.

Do you suffer from Alarmist Delusional Paranoia Syndrome ? ?

There is help for ADPS...... you should get counselling, and perhaps medication.

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That is NOT what the CC protagonists are saying about the reef.

Check this Bureau of Meteorology link http://www.bom.gov.au/oceanography/oceantemp/GBR_Coral.shtml

That was in 2011. New research says it is CO2 that is killing the coral.

Coral came into being at a time when the atmosphere had thousands of ppm of atmospheric co2. Coral spread rapidly around the world when atmospheric co2 level was more than 4000 ppm..

We have fossil coral reefs 350 million years old 25 miles from where I live. Earth is co2 poor right now in comparison to the past.. ... level of only about 400ppm...

Go below 150ppm... and plant photosynthesis planet wide shuts down..... . Guess what would happen then ! ! !

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I suppose it makes a better headline than "World cools by record amount in 2016" - the estimated average global temperature has dropped by 0.5C since January, as the El Nino falls away.

May 2016 was cooler than May 1998, which was during the last big El Nino. It may be that 2016 pips 1998 overall as the hottest year on record, but it's guaranteed that 2017 will be cooler than 2016.

Don't expect to read about that in the one-narrative legacy media, though.

You already tried this slight of hand RB. You got caught out on another thread pulling this one mate.

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It is concerning. El Nino faded in March so you would expect La Nina to begin cooling things down a little.

Very odd. Not good when the Earth goes off the script. Scientists better pull their finger out and find out why.

Too much heat in the oceans and one place we definitely don't want warming is the Arctic Methane beds. That shiit gets out and it's unstoppable. Burn all the fossil fuels you want it will make no difference.

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It is concerning. El Nino faded in March so you would expect La Nina to begin cooling things down a little.

They have. The temperature anomalies for 2016, according to NASA, are:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

1.14 1.33 1.29 1.09 0.93 0.79

So temperatures have dropped half a degree Centigrade in the last 3 months. Even before La Nina has kicked in.

Another victory for facts over bedwetting Green/Left fantasies.

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It is concerning. El Nino faded in March so you would expect La Nina to begin cooling things down a little.

They have. The temperature anomalies for 2016, according to NASA, are:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

1.14 1.33 1.29 1.09 0.93 0.79

So temperatures have dropped half a degree Centigrade in the last 3 months. Even before La Nina has kicked in.

Another victory for facts over bedwetting Green/Left fantasies.

Yes temperatures change throughout seasons. Each temperature is setting a record of high temperature set the previous year. February 2016 compared to the previous February 2015 not the previous month of January. Twice you have played this silly game RB.

You have to get it through your head Global Temperatures are increasing not decreasing. The concern here is that we expect temperatures to cool off from last years El Nino but they aren't they are continuing to set hotter records compared to the previous year.

Jan 2016 hotter than Jan 2015, February 2016 hotter than February 2015, etc

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/25/2016 at 7:33 PM, up2u2 said:

Yes temperatures change throughout seasons. Each temperature is setting a record of high temperature set the previous year. February 2016 compared to the previous February 2015 not the previous month of January. Twice you have played this silly game RB.

You have to get it through your head Global Temperatures are increasing not decreasing. The concern here is that we expect temperatures to cool off from last years El Nino but they aren't they are continuing to set hotter records compared to the previous year.

Jan 2016 hotter than Jan 2015, February 2016 hotter than February 2015, etc

RB likes to play games and pose data in ways to sound correct... but is as misleading as any stage magician. I was just remembering his arguments from 2010 when we first had such a discussion (see this old thread about rice production) ... which then had me search for what recent discussions were on Thai Visa.

Why I recalled that discussion was due to seeing a new presentation on the reasons warming will cause global food insecurity. While the 2010 article debated above was initiated by discussing rice, Prof. Battisti shows what lies ahead for all the major grains (wheat, corn and rice.) He used historical data where rainfall and plant nutrition where optimal, but an unusually hot year was the variable that affected crops.
Per each ºC increase over optimal temperature for that plant, the results by crops show corn production in Mexico drops 10%, rice in the Philippines 17%, and wheat in India 15%. Rice in Thailand is already grown at over the optimal temperature.

For people wanting a teaser as to what is explained in the video:

Back to the current focus on year to year temperatures, this article shows how 2016 has set a string of new records in YTD temperatures.

YES, 2017 will likely be cooler IN THE ATMOSPHERE. The oceans are absorbing the bulk (93%) of the energy imbalances between what is received in sunlight and what is radiating back out to space. The imbalance is caused by the greenhouse gas insulation density of the atmosphere as humans burn hydrocarbons, and methane leaks from near wellheads or warming ocean and Arctic sources. We have begun cutting such emissions on a per capita basis, but not much on a net global total. The emissions need to be brought to a net sequestration of carbon ASAP. The effects of CO2e (all greenhouse gases summed to CO2 equivalents) take about 40 years to reach half the ultimate temperature rise. What we are experiencing today in heat effects as to storms and extremes between droughts and floods are due mostly to CO2e from the mid 1970s, but over half the emissions have been since the late 1980s. If humanity acts together (something I see less and less likely) the CO2e might be sequestered before the worst of what consequences unfold - avoiding them.


The natural variability in temperature cycles over El Nino/La Nina cycles is a wave pattern that now sits atop arising slope - heading towards temperatures that the current plants and animals are ill equipped to survive.

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