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Ex-KKK leader David Duke runs for Senate: 'My time has come'


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Since failing to distance himself from Duke, it's being reported that DT is polling at 0 (ZERO) with black voters. Make America Hate Again!

Hasn't reached zero with Latino voters yet, but give him time.

The book Freakanomics from a few years back has an interesting section on a guy, a true son of the south, who joined the Klan just to see how they operate. It's an amusing read.

Edited by bendejo
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Since failing to distance himself from Duke, it's being reported that DT is polling at 0 (ZERO) with black voters. Make America Hate Again!

Hasn't reached zero with Latino voters yet, but give him time.

Trump was polling with 0% of the black vote before the weak Duke connection was made.

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Ridiculous, Trump is no more a racist than you are. People support Trump as the anti establishment

populist. Just look at his historical hiring record. Plenty of women and minorities. Yes he may be

an egomaniac with delusions of grandeur, but he is not a racist. Duke on the other hand is a racist. whistling.gif

He is in the hospitality industry...hence many are minorities and women, really nothing to brag about....its the lowest paying jobs that no Americans want. He clearly does look down on non-whites as less superior or not american even if they were born in the US.

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Duke is strategically correct.

The Republican platform is racism, bigotry, ignorance and fear mongering so perfect time for like minded people to crawl out from under their rock and bathe in the 'sunshine'.

He will fit in nicely.

That much is certainly true, and the Republican platform is Trump. The GOP tried hard and fruitlessly not to have it be Trump, but he is the platform. Trump may not be a racist, bigot, isolationist, hick, but he sure plays one perfectly to the masses. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he is not a racist, but happily stoking hatred to get another notch in his belt. He senses the opportunity, feeds to the discontented GOP fringe base all the want to hear, and we'll see what he actually does if elected. For sure he is part of the reason Duke feels NOW is the time to also crawl out from under his rock, he also senses opportunity that in large measure Trump has created. Wouldn't surprise me to see all kinds of these hateful creatures emerge now that Trump has opened pandora's box.

I tend to believe that it was Trump's intentions from the beginning to appeal to the "racist, bigot, isolationist, hick (+conspiracy wackos)" demographic as he believes them to be underserved in mass media. He figures he'd get some free publicity during the primaries and once he got bounced, he would start his Trump TV network that would be even further right than Fox News. To his surprise, the Republican field was so lame that he actually managed to win nomination.

Prediction: After Trump gets demolished in the General Election, he will announce the creation of the Trump TV network, aka, Fox News on steroids.

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Duke is strategically correct.

The Republican platform is racism, bigotry, ignorance and fear mongering so perfect time for like minded people to crawl out from under their rock and bathe in the 'sunshine'.

He will fit in nicely.

That much is certainly true, and the Republican platform is Trump. The GOP tried hard and fruitlessly not to have it be Trump, but he is the platform. Trump may not be a racist, bigot, isolationist, hick, but he sure plays one perfectly to the masses. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he is not a racist, but happily stoking hatred to get another notch in his belt. He senses the opportunity, feeds to the discontented GOP fringe base all the want to hear, and we'll see what he actually does if elected. For sure he is part of the reason Duke feels NOW is the time to also crawl out from under his rock, he also senses opportunity that in large measure Trump has created. Wouldn't surprise me to see all kinds of these hateful creatures emerge now that Trump has opened pandora's box.

I tend to believe that it was Trump's intentions from the beginning to appeal to the "racist, bigot, isolationist, hick (+conspiracy wackos)" demographic as he believes them to be underserved in mass media. He figures he'd get some free publicity during the primaries and once he got bounced, he would start his Trump TV network that would be even further right than Fox News. To his surprise, the Republican field was so lame that he actually managed to win nomination.

Prediction: After Trump gets demolished in the General Election, he will announce the creation of the Trump TV network, aka, Fox News on steroids.

I am pretty crrtain obana has spent the past 8 years appeasing the lazy, unemployed, rioting, welfare collecting inner-city demographic with a felony record community.

In true Liberal form this is now the time that you will accuse me of being a racist and worse although I have only provided the identical type of statement as yourself.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Duke is strategically correct.

The Republican platform is racism, bigotry, ignorance and fear mongering so perfect time for like minded people to crawl out from under their rock and bathe in the 'sunshine'.

He will fit in nicely.

That much is certainly true, and the Republican platform is Trump. The GOP tried hard and fruitlessly not to have it be Trump, but he is the platform. Trump may not be a racist, bigot, isolationist, hick, but he sure plays one perfectly to the masses. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he is not a racist, but happily stoking hatred to get another notch in his belt. He senses the opportunity, feeds to the discontented GOP fringe base all the want to hear, and we'll see what he actually does if elected. For sure he is part of the reason Duke feels NOW is the time to also crawl out from under his rock, he also senses opportunity that in large measure Trump has created. Wouldn't surprise me to see all kinds of these hateful creatures emerge now that Trump has opened pandora's box.

I tend to believe that it was Trump's intentions from the beginning to appeal to the "racist, bigot, isolationist, hick (+conspiracy wackos)" demographic as he believes them to be underserved in mass media. He figures he'd get some free publicity during the primaries and once he got bounced, he would start his Trump TV network that would be even further right than Fox News. To his surprise, the Republican field was so lame that he actually managed to win nomination.

Prediction: After Trump gets demolished in the General Election, he will announce the creation of the Trump TV network, aka, Fox News on steroids.

I am pretty crrtain obana has spent the past 8 years appeasing the lazy, unemployed, rioting, welfare collecting inner-city demographic with a felony record community.

In true Liberal form this is now the time that you will accuse me of being a racist and worse although I have only provided the identical type of statement as yourself.

The difference is there is actually polling data showing trump supporters are as described. Can show show any data for your claim?




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