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What should I do ?

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Are you tired of life, naïve or a troll?
Assuming your story is true, this little loan shark is property of the southern thai man.
I can guarantee you 100% that her thai (ex) husband knows exactly where she is in Bangkok.
Go away, as soon as possible.

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At best, this is a prelude to a request for money. At worst, you're getting into some pretty deep stuff. I'd get clear if I were you.

We've been together for 3 months and she has never asked me for money. She even bought me an expensive watch for my birthday 3 weeks ago. But I'm thinking too much drama and maybe danger.
Make sure you have the exclusive movie rights. I think you have a winner here. Get the mafia b/f to put some money into this for a movie and let him select the person that plays his part. Edited by elgordo38
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Yes you stick around 'I'm sure she's for real!!!!' Send her whatever money she needs to sort things out. I'm sure she will wait for you with the added bonus of she is getting younger for you she will soon be 15 again. Jesus man get a grip

Why would I need to get a grip or send her money? She is sitting right beside me in Bangkok. If you can't give an opinion, then don't reply.


She is sitting right beside you while you are asking, on a public forum, about getting rid of her???

The story is getting better and better just a pity you can't edit out your earlier 'typos.'

Edit to add:

What should you do?

In future, write the story on paper, proof read it, give it to someone else to proof read, correct any obvious mistakes, rectify any plot holes, note and repair any contradictions. Then, when you (and any other proof readers/editors) are satisfied that the story is okay, take the paper, scrunch it up (softer on the backside) and hang it on the nail next to the squat hole.

Actually, to be honest, I have found this thread to be quite entertaining. Keep posting.

Edited by Stray
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Thanks everyone for your advice. I'm still undecided but leaning towards calling it quits. Lastly, I could care less who believes this story or not. And for the members who have nothing better to do than accuse people of being a troll, pick apart grammar in posts, and argue and bicker on here, if it's the only thing in life that still gives you pleasure, then keep it up, I feel so sorry for you and I hope you can somehow find joy in your pathetic lives.

Gee, I give you genuine good advice and you stomp on me.

"Why are people so unkind"

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An American once told me,that real fear is when you owe 50 large to a guy with a name like Vincentio (the blade) Scalise.Or better known as 'the Assisino.

i can imagine that is the sort of fear,you must be feeling now.If you are not,then you should be. This girl is owned by this guy,it aint just a boy/girl relationship.If he finds out about you, and has any suspicions that you may have screwed her,he will go ballistic..

I would leave town on the next stage,to parts far North and not show your face again until he is dead.There is no doubt that she will give you up,for fear of him hitting on her family and friends.

If you want to keep your Gonads,that is your only way out.

Change your sim card,address,and start another life.

You should have departed for pastures new when this came to light.If the bank is scared of him,he is a pretty powerful guy.

Sorry old chum,but i would not be in your shoes for all the tarts in Thailand

veya con deus.

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First question do you belive her???? Raped and then fell in love with him!!!!. Ran her own loan shark buisness with who's money!!!! Sure this is not a line she's spinning. Maybe she met a 60 yr old Farang and juiced him dry now moving on with tall tails.

If her story is true her Ex would have already tracked her down and dealt with the situation. Where did you meet her by the way.

I met her on Thai Joop. Just curious how one could track her down? Only a handful of her close friends know where she is.

Did you just wake up or are you always like this?

One close friend that knows her whereabouts is enough...they can track her by Facebook, her Mobile number,...and so many more ways....and that's just for normal people, Mafia guys have the same possibilities and other ways, they bribe a high placed cop to use he's services!!!

Edited by off road pat
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This is a typical bullshit story you hear at the bar scene "high ranking mafia guy" sound like the whole thing is crap, her old boyfriend is just some looser, don't beleive this crap that he has all these 'connections' one born every minute

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It could be the beginnings of a scam or it could be the truth. Either way I'd get out, you really don't want to get in the middle of this. It costs as little as £300 to contract a killing in Thailand and he might have mate who will do it for nothing or in repayment of a debt. Don't think she can't be traced and he won't be able to find either of you because the whole place is corrupt, if he wants to find her he can. At the very least wherever you go, whatever you do, you will be looking over your shoulder.... its just not worth it.

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You said you met her on Thai Joop (dating site) if he is Thai Mafia and high ranking he will have contacts of course he will. Private detectives could be used I'm sure he will know a few. Then you met her on Thai Joop 3 months ago only 5 months after she effectively went into hiding. How long had she been on Thai Joop before she selected you!!! What is your age by the way.

I'm 25 and she is 30
Well at least when a 25yr old farang called anthony ends up on thai visa after slipping and falling off a 28th floor condo balcony we will have an idea of who it was.....
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At 13.49 you said she was 35, Now you are telling us she is 30. Are you 20, 30,40,50 or 60 ? I do love a story whereby the ages change on every page.

It's called a typo, she is 30
The story was BS from jump..

No way to justify that typo.

Try it..

And... If she's a current GF, with a ex, that is in the mob.

Make up a new GF, but don't use the repeated story of a wealthy GF that pays for everything, and you're not sure where she gets her $$..

Edited by D3030
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Whether her story is true or not don't let your feet fail you now....exit. First, if she is telling the truth your life with her would be one of hiding and running and always looking over your shoulder. If she is fabricating the whole thing for whatever reason she may have, is that the lady you want to be with? But you know this or you wouldn't have posted this question in the forum. You just want to hear others say you should exit.

There are tens of thousands of other lovely Thai ladies who don't have a mafia boyfriend and who don't fabricate stories as great as this. Unless you are MI5 and licensed to kill....get away. At 25 you are still a very young man and possibly a bit naive.

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Whether her story is true or not don't let your feet fail you now....exit. First, if she is telling the truth your life with her would be one of hiding and running and always looking over your shoulder. If she is fabricating the whole thing for whatever reason she may have, is that the lady you want to be with? But you know this or you wouldn't have posted this question in the forum. You just want to hear others say you should exit.

There are tens of thousands of other lovely Thai ladies who don't have a mafia boyfriend and who don't fabricate stories as great as this. Unless you are MI5 and licensed to kill....get away. At 25 you are still a very young man and possibly a bit naive.

and dont forget there are tens of thousands of girls out here who will say anything to get their hands on your cash. i dont understand why any guy under 40 would be in a relationship and even then life is best single unless you want kids. life is so much better single, especially in thailand.

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Thanks everyone for your advice. I'm still undecided but leaning towards calling it quits. Lastly, I could care less who believes this story or not. And for the members who have nothing better to do than accuse people of being a troll, pick apart grammar in posts, and argue and bicker on here, if it's the only thing in life that still gives you pleasure, then keep it up, I feel so sorry for you and I hope you can somehow find joy in your pathetic lives.

I find it pathetic that you have to come on TV to ask for advice like this....hahaha

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What kind of answers or advice did you really expect to find from grumpy, disgruntled old men in the Pub section of Thai Visa who prefer nothing more than making snide remarks because their own lives are so sad.

You would probably get better advice asking your questions on another less bitter forum.

Edited by Rayk
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First question do you belive her???? Raped and then fell in love with him!!!!. Ran her own loan shark buisness with who's money!!!! Sure this is not a line she's spinning. Maybe she met a 60 yr old Farang and juiced him dry now moving on with tall tails.

If her story is true her Ex would have already tracked her down and dealt with the situation. Where did you meet her by the way.

Some of these girls are a lot younger mentally than their age suggests.

At 15, she might have been unable to make sense of her emotions. If the guy was telling her he loved her all along, she might have confused control with love. It happens

That's a good point but should I stick around?

Jeez, what is it you do not understand? If your telling the truth, you are wet behind the ears! Move your ass before someone moves it for you. Remember what Forrest Gump said? wai.gifcoffee1.gif

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