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Noel Thomas - Farewell Old Friend.

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Noel's very close friend advised me by email this morning of Noel's passing. I'm sure he won't mind me quoting parts of his message.

I have the sad duty of informing everyone that Noel passed away during his operation for Esophageal Cancer. His time of death was 1810 hours Saturday, Thai time. Noel was a good man and an extremely close friend to me who will be sadly missed by many people. His family has been informed already, so now I am sending this message to a list of email addresses Noel provided me prior to surgery.

I was with Noel the afternoon/evening before his surgery in his hospital room together with his girlfriend Wan and my girlfriend. Noel continued to display his usual humour and wit right till the end. To the uninformed one would never have guessed Noel was fighting Cancer such was his indomitable strength of character. Even during the months leading up to the operation not once was Noel heard to moan or groan about his condition. He did what he always did in the five years I am proud to call him a friend and faced any adversity head on with utter determination to succeed. Regretfully this time it was not to be.

Had Noel survived the operation the Surgeon said he would have had between 3-6 months left to live and his quality of life would have been extremely unpleasant. Unfortunately Noel was not given this choice. Noel never once put himself first, first and foremost was his concern for those around him and how they were coping with his condition such was his remarkable and unique character.

My condolences to you all, I am quite sure that Noel made an impression on each and everyone one of you.


I also received the email and I felt honoured that Noel had added me to the list of recipients. He was a very fine man and his passing has caused me very great sadness. The tears are streaming down my face as I type. Yes Farewell old friend.


It's always sad, but more so when it is someone that is held in such high regard by his friends, and it's obvious Noel was..

My deepest sympathies to his family and friends.



Sad news indeed. I met Noel for the first time last year about this time frame. It was at the "2005 JAIDEE APPEAL JW DRUNKATHOLON: IN MEMORY OF AOM" to raise money for the Camillian Centre, a home for children with HIV/AIDS. Some of you may remember the "dying girlfriend" thread last year. Noel was the person behind the scenes who took care of Aom and got her into the Camillian Centre. He was a great and wonderful man and will be sorely missed by his friends and family.

Indeed, remarkably, he seemed able to keep his sense of humor thru it all and with that I think he wouldn't mind if I share an email he sent to me to "explain" his condition.

September 22nd Noel wrote:

"I have to admit to having been rather preoccupied for the past few weeks.

No easy way to tell you this, but I have the Big 'C'.

No, I have not bought a superstore chain; I have a large malignant tumour in my oesophagus.

I had three days of intensive chemotherapy last week at Bumrungrad and today was my fifth day of irradiation. I will be having daily Star Wars sessions five days per week for the next three weeks. Following that, I will have another four days of chemo.

Then it will be the op soon after.

They will completely remove my oesophagus, tumour et al. They will then use part of my stomach to replace the oesophagus. It is something of a major procedure as they have to go in via my neck, through the ribs and also open up the stomach. I am happy to say that the surgeon has granted my request to be asleep when all this goes on.

Oh well, nobody said life should be easy and I am doing my best to keep my sense of tumour. ;-)

So now my campaign to conquer the crab has begun in earnest and I am determined to beat it."

He put up the good fight but unfortunately it was not to be. RIP.


i'm sorry to hear this.

My respect and condolences to those he left behind.

Noel, may you be in a happier place.

rest in peace sweet soul,


edit: removed one minor curse of surprise


Sad news....... RIP

Noel, in happier times with Father G at Camillian Centre.


I'll miss you mate, you little bastard!

How very sad this news is.

I had the pleasure of witnessing his sensitivity and caring relating to this deserving cause.

He provided me with valuable and personal information relating to someone in one of the photo,s.

To say I am truly feeling very down at the moment is an understatement.

May you be blessed where ever your next journey takes you Noel and thank you again for being the caring human being you are. :o

marshbags :D:D:D


The eloquence of the letter the letter that Mobi has shared with is typical of Noels concern fo others before himself.

Thanks Mobi for sharing this with us all.

Are there any plans being discussed to honour his memory please ( at a respectable time in the future ), friends and administration ?

A collection for his favourite project this post refers to would be a deserving tribute to him and one he would approve of, i,m sure.

In my most humble of opinions.

Your family must be considered first of course and may we in some small way contribute / show and empathise with their feelings at this very sad time

May God bless you and keep you all safe.


Although I never met Noel his postings on this forum portrayed him as a good kind hearted brave man who loved life and helped others who were less fortunate.

It is very sad news indeed to read to-day that he has lost his fight to beat cancer and I will miss his common sense, factual and humerous posts which have provided brighter moments for all of us.

You will be sadly missed Noel R I P.

My deepest condolences to family and friends.

Noel's very close friend advised me by email this morning of Noel's passing. I'm sure he won't mind me quoting parts of his message.

I have the sad duty of informing everyone that Noel passed away during his operation for Esophageal Cancer. His time of death was 1810 hours Saturday, Thai time. Noel was a good man and an extremely close friend to me who will be sadly missed by many people. His family has been informed already, so now I am sending this message to a list of email addresses Noel provided me prior to surgery.

I was with Noel the afternoon/evening before his surgery in his hospital room together with his girlfriend Wan and my girlfriend. Noel continued to display his usual humour and wit right till the end. To the uninformed one would never have guessed Noel was fighting Cancer such was his indomitable strength of character. Even during the months leading up to the operation not once was Noel heard to moan or groan about his condition. He did what he always did in the five years I am proud to call him a friend and faced any adversity head on with utter determination to succeed. Regretfully this time it was not to be.

Had Noel survived the operation the Surgeon said he would have had between 3-6 months left to live and his quality of life would have been extremely unpleasant. Unfortunately Noel was not given this choice. Noel never once put himself first, first and foremost was his concern for those around him and how they were coping with his condition such was his remarkable and unique character.

My condolences to you all, I am quite sure that Noel made an impression on each and everyone one of you.

as a newish member i am moved by the way the forumers have paid their respects.....sad to hear of the death of a good person.........r.i.p noel


Very sad news indeed, I never had the chance to meet him but greatly admired his dedication and philanthropy in helping the Camillian Center.

Sincere condolences to his friends and family.

Oh well, nobody said life should be easy and I am doing my best to keep my sense of tumour. ;-)

So now my campaign to conquer the crab has begun in earnest and I am determined to beat it."

Indeed, a reminder to us all how fragile we really are.

R.i.p Noel


I have been thinking about Noel most of the day and one thought keeps popping up. If anyone was going to take advantage of the publicity that his passing has caused, it would have been Noel himself. He was never one to miss an opportunity to raise some money through the 'Jai Dee' appeal for the Camillian Centre. As he is not able to do it perhaps we can assist him in our own ways to help him achieve his 2 million Baht target, by encouraging our friends to donate a little to the Jai Dee appeal.

Please visit this website: http://www.bahtbus.com/csc/

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