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What is your all-time favorite movie?

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Shaw Shank Redemtion, Water World, Happy Gilmore, Breaking Bad series. Who can have just one??

I have just one, Brazil.....

Because it was the first of the kind of realization of Fantasy made possible with new cinema technology, because it had Robert De Niro in a for him unique role and starred an hilariously confused Jonathan Pryce, the effects was tremendously well done for the time and it was damned funny at the same time being tragic with a very bad ending.

Of course the second choice is Blade Runner, the latest anniversary edition.

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For me watching more and more movies makes them all less sensational and over the past five years I have watched way way too many. I wish I had one favorite. I like many of the ones posted here but can't single out any one that rises above the crowd anymore. There are only good and junk.

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"The Quiet Man" starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. "Stagecoach" the original film shot in 1939. " The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance". James Stewart, Lee Marvin and John Wayne. All were directed by John Ford. Also the original "Flight of the Phoenix" starring James Stewart.

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8 1/2. Fellini's masterpiece. Seen it at least 27 times, always get some new insight from viewing. Any reasons I could give would be limiting. I first saw it in 68 in college lecture hall 7 pm showing, rushed back to dorm and hauled my room mate along for 9 pm showing. It's got it all.

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My all time favourite film is Goodfather. My all time favourite war film is Das Boot, the shorter version, followed by the Soviet "Idi i smorti" (English title: Come and See).

Come and See is my pick for the most powerful war movie ever. I defy anyone to watch that movie and not be moved. Godfather trilogy too, though mostly 1 and 2. The third movie didn't seem so great to me.

I have many favourite movies, but two top favs that I can't split are The Mission and Jesus of Montreal.

The Mission purely because of it's humanity, and at the end the lack of it, and is based on historical truth.

The Mission

Jesus of Montreal, while a work of fiction, is a brilliant modern day interpretation of what could happen if Jesus Christ really did return to grace us with his presence (sarcasm intended) in this modern and times. The ending where he is 'resurrected' always gets me. I won't say more here in case folks who haven't seen the movie would like to, but 'resurrected' is a good way to describe what happens to the main protagonist at the end.

Jesus of Montreal

Jesus of Montreal is a French-Canadian movie and is in French, but you can find many versions with english subtitles, well worth the hunt if you haven't seen this movie.

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Debbie does Dallas


Good morning Vietnam

Saving private Ryan

And my all time best ever flick

The sound of music

Saving Private Ryan? Don't you mean Shaving Ryan's Privates? My pick for the funniest porn parody title of all time!

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The Ugly American I like Brando and then there are many other reasons.

The Crimson Pirate. Funny one of Burt Lancasters first movies.

Soylent Green Reminds me of what the future will look like

Omega Man Ditto

Series Banshee, The Strain, Fringe, POI,

I love a good movie or better yet a good series as they are a series of mini movies. They are hard to find today so I go back in time. I am amazed the copyright cops are trying to defend all this crap that the movie house's put out today. They finally caught up with KA last week.

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For me watching more and more movies makes them all less sensational and over the past five years I have watched way way too many. I wish I had one favorite. I like many of the ones posted here but can't single out any one that rises above the crowd anymore. There are only good and junk.

Know what you mean, but not being a film buff I tend to divide them between great, v good, OK and junk.

The 'great' films that spring to mind are Blood Diamond (the music is as powerful as the film), Snatch and the Godfather. I can watch all three time and time again.

Some of the v good films I thought 'great' on first viewing, but watching them a second time didn't have anything like the same impact (and I didn't particularly want to watch them again). - and so were relegated to 'v good' (on first viewing) in my personal rating system. Jim Carey films generally fall into this category, although I enjoy watching some other 'v good' films like Castaway/Charlie Wilson's War/Forrest Gump every now and again.

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One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - A brilliant satirical story of one man's fight against the mental hospital system, characterised flawlessly by Jack Nicholson in the lead role. Sad, funny, moving, exhilarating all at the same time.

Shawshank Redemption a close number 2.

That does it for me -- Cukoo's Nest by far

classic line

Doc Spivvy asks Randall "why do you think you are here - why did they send you over from the work farm?"

RPM - "Well I don't rightly know doc, but I'm here to help - I sure am, lets get to the bottom of Randall Patrick McMurphy, cuz I'm a Goddamn marvel of modern science!"

or paraphrased

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The Adventures of Barry McKenzie.Reminds me of who i am and why i love it.

And who could ever forget the sequel, Bruce Beresford's seminal exploration of a pissed-up Aussie yob deep in the bowels of the Mother Country and a few scenes in Europe... spreading Aussie 'culture' with what I consider the best title in Aussie Movie history:-

'Barry McKenzie Holds His Own'. Legend!

According to WikiPedia, Bruce Beresford wanted to make the film The Getting of Wisdom but was unable to initially raise the finance. So following the success of the first Barry McKenzie movie, the pressure was on to shoot a sequel, so 'Barry McKenzie Holds His Own' began shooting in February 1974. Most of the film was shot on location in England, Wales and Paris, with some studio scenes shot in London. Edna's home movie footage was shot at Palm Beach, Sydney, in December 1973.

This and the original Bazza McKenzie movie are so stupid they're good. And to think they originally sprang forth from a comic strip in the UK Private Eye magazine clap2.gif

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Taxi Driver, nobody has ever filmed NYC so well, the Godfellas and almost all Scorsese movies, great director;

Hitchkock and Truffaut movies too.

Truffaut was a great fan of Hitchcock and Scorsese is a fan of the 2 others and i am fan of those three.

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It's a Wonderful Life (1946). Reduces me to tears every time I watch it.

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels would be a more modern favourite.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I think we must all love lots of different movies, of course. Not gonna be listing them all here... smile.png

The German movie, "Die Brücke" ("The Bridge") certainly made an impression on me when I watched it as a kid. A friend tells me that his WWII veteran father actually took him to the theater to see it, in an effort to "let him know what war is all about."

I found what appears to be the full length version of the original movie on youtube. English subtitles are available... Click on "CC" in the lower right area. Interestingly, I also saw newer color clips for a movie named "Die Brücke." Also appears to involve WWII, I think, so maybe there was a remake. But they didn't really have to do a remake. The original was very nearly perfect, and the black and white was an excellent touch. Much better than color.

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Tough call. I guess if measured by the ones I've watched more than once it would probably go something like this:

Blade Runner (all versions)

(1 min 11 sec), and just after that
(53 sec).

Anything Scorsese/Tarantino/Spacey

Anything in the genre of lock stock type movies.

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It seems that many movies in SE Asia come and go quickly... The movies still exist, of course, but can be almost impossible to find.

An example of this is the 1994 French-Cambodian flick, "Rice People." It exists on youtube, in multiple forms, though it has a variety of different names in different languages there. I found it somehow a year or two ago as "Neak Sre." It's easier to find now as someone updated the title of the movie to be "Neak Sre' Rice People." The entire movie is there as a 13 part playlist with English subtitles. Not to worry... It's extremely watchable! About as good as having the entire movie in one piece! Do not turn on the English subtitles via yahoo, as there are already much better English subtitles embedded in the video.

Synopsis: "Life will chew you up and spit you out without a thought." Cambodian farmer version. Probably of interest to those westerners who visit or live in SE Asia, and who have visited or want to visit Cambodia.

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One more... Because it's at least something of a favorite, because it's on youtube and so free to watch, and because unlike "The Terminator," or "Enemy at the Gates," or "Nakatomi Plaza," et al, there's a good chance people here will not have seen it. This one is a Vietnamese-French movie, again with various names... The French name is "Gardien de Buffles," or "Buffalo Garden." But a search for "Buffalo Garden" turns up little if anything. An alternate name is apparently "The Buffalo Boy," which is how I found it on youtube. English subtitles, but in this case, you have to turn them on by clicking on the "cc" in the lower right area of the video screen.

What's it about? In this case, there's actually a wiki page for "The Buffalo Boy." It reports that it was filmed in Cà Mau Province, Vietnam's southernmost province

"An old man named, Kim is telling his family history to his grand daughter, as she found the bones of his father.

"When he was a boy, Kim's father was ill, when their lands flooded. His two buffaloes have no forage. Kim takes the two buffaloes in search of good grass. He joins Lap's herding team, but One of the two buffaloes dies.

"Later he helps Det, who builds a new herding team with him, to reunite with his girl friend and their son, whom Det hasn't seen for 5 years.

"When Kim hears his father is dying, he goes to U Minh. The father reveals the truth of Kim's ancestry. A couple of strangers help Kim put his father's corpse in a safe place in the water, until the flooding subsides and he can be properly buried.

"Lap confirms what Kim's father told him as he died:--that Kim's true mother is the sister of Lap, whom Kim's father raped on a buffalo herding run.

"Kim tries to rape Det's wife. Det dies in a skirmish between Lap's and Kieng's buffalo herding teams. Kim adopts Det's son, Thieu.

"In a voiceover, Kim says that the Japanese came in to drive out the French, and then were themselves driven out. This political change does not seem to affect rural Vietnam." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Buffalo_Boy

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One more recommendation. Sorry, but no link to the full movie. Here's a trailer, however. This is a very modern and professionally done movie. Not an old classic or art film. The comments from reviewers in the trailer speak for themselves, one such being "Superbly composed...The best Hitchcock movie in decades." It's from 2009. I can't be sure you can find it in any video stores (do they still have those) around here, or on Netflix or wherever. If you have the chance to watch it, however, it really is quite good, in a Korean Hitchcock kind of way.

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