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Trump's new derisive nickname for Clinton - 'Rotten'


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Trump's new derisive nickname for Clinton - 'Rotten'

ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump has a new, derisive nickname for his Democratic rival: Hillary "Rotten" Clinton.

Addressing backers in an overly warm ballroom in Roanoke, Virginia, the Republican presidential nominee on Monday lashed out at Clinton as low-energy and needing naps. He argued that she dropped her maiden name of Rodham because it sounds like Rotten.

For years, she chose to use the name Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"Why did she get rid of it? Hillary Rotten Clinton, Rotten Clinton. Hillary Rotten Clinton, right?" Trump told the crowd. "Maybe that's why, it's too close."

Trump has repeatedly referred to Clinton as "Crooked Hillary."

The event was held in the home state of Clinton's new running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, whom Trump derided as a "weird little dude" and a political "hack." Trump argued that Clinton made a mistake when she chose Kaine, describing the well-liked former governor and senator as the opposite of a fiery liberal that supporters of Clinton's former rival Bernie Sanders may have been drawn to.

Many of Sanders' supporters remain deeply committed to their candidate, holding demonstrations in Philadelphia and booing mentions of Clinton on the convention floor.

But most of Trump's speech focused on Clinton. The billionaire businessman unleashed a barrage of attacks against Clinton in light of the latest scandal to overshadow her run for office, accusing her of disloyalty for not protecting outgoing Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz following the release of hacked emails that suggest some DNC staffers favored Clinton over Sanders.

Trump claims Wasserman Schultz "worked very hard to rig the system" in Clinton's favor, and that Clinton responded by throwing her "under the bus."

He also suggested at one point that China may have been involved in the DNC hack, despite no evidence to suggest the country's involvement.

"Little did she know that China, Russia — one of our many, many friends — came in and hacked the hell out of us," Trump said sarcastically, framing the words "friends" in air quotes.

After Democratic Party officials learned their systems were attacked in late April, they sought the help of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike Inc., which then discovered traces of at least two sophisticated hacking groups on the Democrats' network — both of which have ties to the Russian government.

The FBI said Monday it is investigating how the hack occurred.

Trump's campaign has dismissed suggestions that the Russians may be trying to influence the election in his favor.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-26

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I'm no a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but all the same, I can't see Trump winning the race, he's biggest problems

is that he 's demeaning and degrading anyone and every one without worrying and considerations,

and I shudder to think if he continue to do that when he's the president,

I understand that all is fair in politics, but he's taking things in to the ' don't go there, it's too much' realms.....

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Trumps base loves the 5th grade name calling stuff but when he insults POWs or handicapped, thats pretty telling. The guy has mental problems.

Imagine what the international audience thinks when they hear the stuff these stupid people say.

LIke some third world Banana Republic they chant... 'Hillary for Prison" or "Lock her up" and then Trump says he will send her to prison if he is president. They go wild.

This is the kind stuff you hear in Uganda or North Korea.

So stupid but they love it.

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To what abyss has the USA degenerated, if these two are the best candidates for the presidency? Given the choice of voting for one or the other, I'd go for a beer.

The lack of quality candidates is due to the attack and destroy republican type politics.

Look at what they have spent on legally harrassing the Clintons and their associates.

$60 million taxpayer dollars on just the old WhiteWater investigation.. that cleared them. The harassment never stops.

Then look at the 24/7 denigration misinformation program called FOX News and the right wing attack talk radio, plus conspiracy nonsense.

Now, Trump is calling Bill Clinton a Pedophile rapist and promising to lock up Hillary.

Plenty of good thinkers could do the job of president but noooo, sorry, you can't......maybe your wife screwed the mailman 20 year ago, or you cheated on taxes a little bit, or your kid sold some coke or your daughter had an abortion or you hired an undocumented mexican maid or gardener 15 years ago.

EVERYONE in America will have to know everything about it...the milkman will be star on FOX,... and they will make up even worse stories. Like you are an illegal alien, gay muslim, double agent terrorist that is going to destroy the country!!!

Who wants their family to be put thru that crap?

People that spread that kind of news are the real problem.

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Sorry, the Huffington Post is not a credible source. It is full of false propaganda.

There are plenty of other references you can find. It amazes me that you guys all wanted the details to come out about Bill Cosby and his distant past but whatever the Donald has done is ok. Seems that this particular rape is different - there is a witness, the woman that used to recruit teenagers for Epstein parties witnessed both Epstein and Trump rape the 13 year old. Their separate testimony's are pretty convincing and need investigation. They include a statement by the then girl that Trump explained, 'you better say nothing or you will disappear like Mary'. Seems this warrants investigation at least and someone needs to find out who 'Mary' might be. I fear for the safety of the women, and imagine if their names are public with the nut jobs in the USA - they will be dead within the week. Great candidate for POTUS !

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For a 'man' 70 years old aspiring to be the POTUS, he is as childish and spiteful as a 7 year old child.

Couldn't agree more.

It is quite breathtaking that what some citizens would describe as 'the greatest country on earth', has descended in to this level of disgrace and derogation concerning its political leaders. It is testimony to the power of mass hypnotism that things have gone as far as they have. This all makes good reading and we are all having a laugh, but in doing so we simply put fuel on the fire that makes Trump actually now believe he is the right man to lead the USA. This whole thing is going to turn out to be a disaster.

I read comments by people saying they want Trump as America needs someone who knows how to run successful businesses !!! Are they serious? Cheat and lie your way to the top using the most morally lacking legal team you can. He has left a huge wake of destruction of small businesses on his way to his current position and .............................oh whats the point! I'll just wait for November, the people will get what they truly deserve. Karma hits the USA.

Edited by Andaman Al
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I'm no a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but all the same, I can't see Trump winning the race, he's biggest problems

is that he 's demeaning and degrading anyone and every one without worrying and considerations,

and I shudder to think if he continue to do that when he's the president,

I understand that all is fair in politics, but he's taking things in to the ' don't go there, it's too much' realms.....

And can you tell me the name of any candidate previously that has not demeaned or degraded their competition?

All in all he is doing his best in this battle for presidency. He is certainly not the typical politician but maybe this is what the country needs now. someone who does things without worrying what the other guy thinks. and someone who speaks from their heart and not just reading some pre-wriiten script by their aide to say what they think everyone wants to hear.

I am no fan of either and have not voted in a long time because of the idiots presented to be voted for. But Trump may be what the country needs to become powerful and great again and to gain some of their lost monies back. Clinton sure as heck will not be doing this.

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I'm no a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but all the same, I can't see Trump winning the race, he's biggest problems

is that he 's demeaning and degrading anyone and every one without worrying and considerations,

and I shudder to think if he continue to do that when he's the president,

I understand that all is fair in politics, but he's taking things in to the ' don't go there, it's too much' realms.....

And can you tell me the name of any candidate previously that has not demeaned or degraded their competition?

All in all he is doing his best in this battle for presidency. He is certainly not the typical politician but maybe this is what the country needs now. someone who does things without worrying what the other guy thinks. and someone who speaks from their heart and not just reading some pre-wriiten script by their aide to say what they think everyone wants to hear.

I am no fan of either and have not voted in a long time because of the idiots presented to be voted for. But Trump may be what the country needs to become powerful and great again and to gain some of their lost monies back. Clinton sure as heck will not be doing this.

The only thing the US needs to do to get some of their 'lost monies' back, is to declare the Federal Reserve unconstitutional and take back ownership for printing your own money instead of it (the Fed) being owned by 13 European banking families. You will wipe 15 Trillion off your debt in a heart beat. The only problem is that such intentions and ambitions lead to dead Presidents.

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I guess what comes around goes around. US was critical of Thai political system (red vs yellow), assuming and extolling US demon-cracy is above all else. I guess every country has got its skeletons in its closet. Now it's transpired to the last stage and it's about to shove it down its poor citizens somewhere that sun doesn't shine - to choose cow manure or donkey manure!

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For a 'man' 70 years old aspiring to be the POTUS, he is as childish and spiteful as a 7 year old child.

Exactly. 'Rotten' Hillary? Puh-leeeeze... howabout 'Schoolyard' Don? Because that's the level of his argument.

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Quite a brave girl to come forward.

Considering what will happen if it is not true (the defamation claims, lying under oath etc.), it may be a true complaint.

But difficult to proof, many criminals have a lapsing memory that far back.

Hope that it will be sorted out before the elections.

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The article from 'The Atlantic' is very good thanks.

I like this bit from the author of 'The Art of the Deal'.

Tony Schwartz, the writer of the best-selling book, said that he “genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.” In that light, Schwartz said he feels “deep remorse” at having “put lipstick on a pig.

The second article is equally as absorbing

Donald Trump is “remarkably narcissistic,” according developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

“Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,” clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis explained.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

America beware. Actually the world beware.

Edited by Andaman Al
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The article from 'The Atlantic' is very good thanks.

I like this bit from the author of 'The Art of the Deal'.

Tony Schwartz, the writer of the best-selling book, said that he “genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.” In that light, Schwartz said he feels “deep remorse” at having “put lipstick on a pig.

The second article is equally as absorbing

Donald Trump is “remarkably narcissistic,” according developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

“Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,” clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis explained.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

America beware. Actually the world beware.

You know, I believe every word of that with respect to Trump's presumed psychological disorders. So what about Hillary Clinton? Wouldn't you agree she is most likely a sociopath and perhaps a psychopath as well? Anybody who would consider voting for either one of these <deleted> also needs their head examined IMO.

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The article from 'The Atlantic' is very good thanks.

I like this bit from the author of 'The Art of the Deal'.

The second article is equally as absorbing

Donald Trump is “remarkably narcissistic,” according developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

“Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,” clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis explained.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

America beware. Actually the world beware.

You know, I believe every word of that with respect to Trump's presumed psychological disorders. So what about Hillary Clinton? Wouldn't you agree she is most likely a sociopath and perhaps a psychopath as well? Anybody who would consider voting for either one of these <deleted> also needs their head examined IMO.

Under the current circumstances I agree and I think a vote for either will be a huge retrograde step for the USA and therefore the world. I have said it before and I will say it again, the USA CAN take a safe option for 4 years to allow alternative candidates to appear and that is to go for the Johnson/Weld vote. It is simple and makes total sense. The Americans have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying to make a real change to US politics, which if they remain unchanged are destined to crash and burn.

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All of you including Trump/Clinton who think America will be great again........my friends, that ship has sailed. The future is the rise of China and India, and probably Africa in the future. The karma has changed and the world is moving on. Empires now have a shorter life span than they did when the British Empire existed, and the American Empire is a perfect example of that. If by some bizarre twist of fate Trump gets elected, then the decline of the West will be accelerated. Be glad you live in Thailand.

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97552" timestamp="1469499240"]

The only thing the US needs to do to get some of their 'lost monies' back, is to declare the Federal Reserve unconstitutional and take back ownership for printing your own money instead of it (the Fed) being owned by 13 European banking families. You will wipe 15 Trillion off your debt in a heart beat. The only problem is that such intentions and ambitions lead to dead Presidents.

It is so sad that people actually believe this tripe.

Just a simple question. If the US defaults on that 15 Trillion in treasury notes, what happens to the holders of those notes? Keeping mind who is the largest holder of those notes (hint: it ain't china )


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Sorry, the Huffington Post is not a credible source. It is full of false propaganda.

Whatever you think of HuffPo, the existence of the lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a thirteen year old is fact.

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Sorry, the Huffington Post is not a credible source. It is full of false propaganda.

Whatever you think of HuffPo, the existence of the lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a thirteen year old is fact.

I have a dream........arrest, prosecute and jail the pair of them. For cruel and unusual punishment, put them in the same cell.

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The man-child, the Bloviator, continues his divisive rhetoric.

Keep it up Donnie. Keep showing the world what you are. thumbsup.gif

It's no wonder none of his "friends" or business associates showed up or spoke for him at the convention...

Edited by iReason
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