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Niece of Thai army torture victim sued for internet postings


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Niece of Thai army torture victim sued for internet postings

BANGKOK (AP) — The niece of an army conscript who was tortured to death by soldiers was arrested Tuesday on a complaint filed by the Thai military over her internet postings.

Naritsarawan Kaewnopparat last year had posted photos of her uncle's body and information about the torture he endured. She was arrested at her workplace in Bangkok on charges of criminal defamation and violating the Computer Crime Act.

Military personnel are rarely prosecuted for human rights abuses or other crimes in Thailand, and the military government that seized power in May 2014 has clamped down on free speech.

Naritsarawan won 7 million baht ($200,000) compensation in a malfeasance suit against the army, the defense ministry and the prime minister's office, but the actual perpetrators went unpunished.

The army's own investigation concluded Wichian Puaksorn was tortured by about 10 soldiers as punishment when he tried to run away a second time from his camp in the southern province of Narathiwat in June 2011. It said a first lieutenant gave the order and that Wichian was kicked, beaten and dragged across concrete; salt was rubbed in his wounds before he was wrapped in a sheet and beaten again.

"Naritsarawan acted as a representative and advocate in the place of her late uncle's mother," said Preeda Nakphew, an attorney for the Cross Cultural Foundation advocacy group. "She fought his case in court and was already paid compensation for his death, so it is unclear as to why the police are acting on this arrest warrant now."

In a separate case, three human rights activists who were tried on similar charges after being sued by the army will hear the court's verdict on Wednesday. The charges involve a report the three issued alleging torture by security forces in Thailand's southern provinces, where a Muslim insurgency has lasted more than a decade. They face the prospect of five years behind bars and a fine of $4,800.

Amnesty International called for Thai authorities to drop the charges and instead investigate the serious allegations the activists' report raised. "It is the state's duty to protect human rights activists, not to shield security forces from accountability," said Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty in a press release.

The report issued in February described acts of torture in the southern provinces as systematic and said that in spite of complaints and campaigns by victims and rights organizations, "the state has not taken any significant action to prevent and address torture."

Government spokesman Winthai Suvaree said in response to their report that there was no evidence to back allegations of torture.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-27

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So if you accuse somebody of murder and they did it, does the constitute defamation? By that standard isn't every court that accuses a criminal quilty of this? Surely saying somebody is a rapist is going to be harmful to them? Next time I get arrested I am suing the Police for saying bad things about me

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Seems the blanket amnesty for the junta knows no bounds.

Let's see the junta cheer squad on here justify these actions.

I believe the cheer squad has this departed or are very selective in responding.

Must only have the words, 'red' 'thaksin' or 'boogeyman, in the title before you hear from any of them.

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But remember all you 'farangs', you must respect the law here in thalland.

I'm really not sure what the laws are. They seem to change a lot on a powerful person's whim.

Can you imagine if you had a genuinely decent lawyer in a court of law and he/she was allowed to do their job properly. They could pick holes in every case here for sure.

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This is an abysmally low low from the RTA handlers here. There surely must be someone smart enough in the organization to know that this kind of action is going to reflect really badly on them & bring a whole heap of scrutiny on them both domestically and internationally.

The fact compensation was paid would show that the army / authorities know that the soldier died unlawfully, it appears this brave person is being targeted purely due to semantics. What a despicable outfit they are showing themselves to be

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The Thai military who now control this nation deserve no respect. Abusing this girl who only wants justice for her uncle is beyond belief. Her treatment shows the hearts of Thailand's wealthy and powerful. This nation needs an enema.

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This is an abysmally low low from the RTA handlers here. There surely must be someone smart enough in the organization to know that this kind of action is going to reflect really badly on them & bring a whole heap of scrutiny on them both domestically and internationally.

The fact compensation was paid would show that the army / authorities know that the soldier died unlawfully, it appears this brave person is being targeted purely due to semantics. What a despicable outfit they are showing themselves to be

"...reflect really badly on them...?"

You mean lose face?

No. It doesn't matter what people think outside LOS. Only what they think here, and here, if you think badly of us we will just throw you in kook.

That shuts most people up. For a while at least.

The three great tenets of democracy. Freedom to vote. Juries in courts and Freedom of Speech. Where are they?

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Defamation laws are not the same as in the west you can be correct and still go to prison this helps silence the masses.

Indeed. Shout 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre and risk jail time even if there is a bloody fire!
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If that is the form of torture the Thai Army dishes out to it's own kind then ordinary citizens.need to be very very concerned as to what might happen to them if they dare upset the military and it's masters.

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maybe the RTA in part of the final judgement, imposed a Non-Disclosure Clause as part of the payment deal - but never informed HER of it , because that would mean an outcome had been disclosed


it could be that she was publicly exposing their 'trade secrets and military tactics' to the enemy - but That would be treason then wouldn't it!!

Maybe that is next...

Edited by tifino
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If that is the form of torture the Thai Army dishes out to it's own kind then ordinary citizens.need to be very very concerned as to what might happen to them if they dare upset the military and it's masters.

Why do you think the ordinary Thai People acquiesce to Military Rule?

They know what they are like.

But don't confuse acquiescence with acceptance or agreement.

Rubbing salt into wounds - Sweet Mother of God these are some really nasty people.... All those tales of people being burnt alive in oil drums in the fields of Issan somehow don't seem so outlandish.

Edited by JAG
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This is an abysmally low low from the RTA handlers here. There surely must be someone smart enough in the organization to know that this kind of action is going to reflect really badly on them & bring a whole heap of scrutiny on them both domestically and internationally.

The fact compensation was paid would show that the army / authorities know that the soldier died unlawfully, it appears this brave person is being targeted purely due to semantics. What a despicable outfit they are showing themselves to be

"...reflect really badly on them...?"

You mean lose face?

No. It doesn't matter what people think outside LOS. Only what they think here, and here, if you think badly of us we will just throw you in kook.

That shuts most people up. For a while at least.

The three great tenets of democracy. Freedom to vote. Juries in courts and Freedom of Speech. Where are they?

Ask the likes of Smedley, Halloween, Scorecard, Baerboxer as they're steadfast in their support of the Junta,and how they're going about creating Nirvana!!

If these gentlemen cannot see that if these three tenets of haminitarian communal living are not imposed or provided by the powers that be, first and foremost

before everything else, what hope can we have in this modern world of creating a stable and fair society, anywhere? Real democracy is under attack all over the

globe, even in the countries that invented it and grew great on it.

Mind you, without a concept of God, and creation, the idea that God created man and man (common man with rights) created the parliament, not the other way around, we may have a problem of priority here.

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Seems the blanket amnesty for the junta knows no bounds.

Let's see the junta cheer squad on here justify these actions.

What is happening to this lady is unconscionable -- no one should defend it.

But then comes the silliness from people like stuttering parrot----" the junta cheer squad on here justify"

I'm sorry because in my ignorance I didn't realise that the Junta brought these liable laws in--I didn't realise that the lese-majeste laws were also brought in by the Junta--- I thought it was a 1908 law.

But anyway its just as well we had nearly 8 years of the Shinawatra's to alter these laws and make them fairer..... That is what their cheer squad is saying they did , isn't it.

The number of prosecutions under Thai lèse-majesté laws has soared as ... under the administration of the new prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra----https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/29/thailand-crackdown-insults-royal-family

Thailand Yingluck backs Twitter censorship policy


Government promises a clampdown

Edited by oxo1947
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Seems the blanket amnesty for the junta knows no bounds.

Let's see the junta cheer squad on here justify these actions.

What is happening to this lady is unconscionable -- no one should defend it.

But then comes the silliness from people like stuttering parrot----" the junta cheer squad on here justify"

I'm sorry because in my ignorance I didn't realise that the Junta brought these liable laws in--I didn't realise that the lese-majeste laws were also brought in by the Junta--- I thought it was a 1908 law.

But anyway its just as well we had nearly 8 years of the Shinawatra's to alter these laws and make them fairer..... That is what their cheer squad is saying they did , isn't it.

The number of prosecutions under Thai lèse-majesté laws has soared as ... under the administration of the new prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra----https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/29/thailand-crackdown-insults-royal-family

Thailand Yingluck backs Twitter censorship policy


Government promises a clampdown


None of which explains (one might say excuse) those here who through their (sometimes enthusiastic ) support for rule by the military at the very least implicitly accept such behaviour .

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