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Her turn now: Hillary Clinton makes her case for presidency


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Her turn now: Hillary Clinton makes her case for presidency

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — It's Hillary Clinton's turn.

After three days of Democratic stars, including a pair of presidents, asserting she is ready for the White House, Clinton must make that case for herself on her nominating convention's final night.

The first woman to lead a major U.S. political party toward the White House, Clinton will be greeted Thursday by a crowd of cheering delegates eager to see history made in the November election. But her real audience will be millions of voters who may welcome her experience but question her character.

For Clinton, the stakes are enormous.

She's locked in a tight general election contest with Republican Donald Trump, an unconventional candidate and political novice. Even as Clinton and her validators argue Trump is unqualified for the Oval Office, they recognize the businessman has a visceral connection with some voters in a way the Democratic nominee does not.

Campaigning in Iowa Thursday, Trump said there were "a lot of lies being told" at Clinton's convention. In an earlier statement, he accused Democrats of living in a "fantasy world," ignoring economic and security troubles as well as Clinton's controversial email use at the State Department.

The FBI's investigation into Clinton's use of a private internet server didn't result in criminal charges, but it did appear to deepen voters' concerns with her honesty and trustworthiness. A separate pre-convention controversy over hacked Democratic Party emails showing favoritism for Clinton in the primary threatens to deepen the perception that Clinton prefers to play by her own rules.

Former Oklahoma Sen. Fred Harris said it was important for his party's nominee to showcase the "original Hillary Clinton, before she became so guarded" when she takes the convention stage.

A parade of speakers at the Philadelphia convention vigorously tried to do just that on Clinton's behalf. First lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden each cast Clinton as champion for the disadvantaged and a fighter who has withstood decades of Republican attacks. Advocates and other Americans who have met Clinton throughout her career spoke of their quiet moments with one of the world's most famous women.

The Clintons' daughter, Chelsea, will introduce her Thursday night, painting a personal picture of her mother.

The week's most powerful validation came Wednesday night from President Barack Obama, her victorious primary rival in 2008. Obama declared Clinton not only can defeat Trump's "deeply pessimistic vision" but also realize the "promise of this great nation."

Seeking to offset possible weariness of a politician who has been in the spotlight for decades, he said of Clinton: "She's been there for us, even if we haven't always noticed."

Clinton appeared unannounced on the platform as Obama's closed his remarks to soak up the midnight roar of cheering Democrats. She pointed at the man who denied her the White House eight years ago, smiled wide and gave him a hug.

A studious wonk who prefers policy discussions to soaring oratory, Clinton has acknowledged she struggles with the flourishes that seem to come naturally to Obama and her husband. She'll lean heavily on her "stronger together" campaign theme, invoking her 1996 book "It Takes a Village," her campaign said.

Indeed, the Democratic convention has been a visual ode those mantras: The first African-American president symbolically seeking to hand the weightiest baton in the free world to a woman. A parade of speakers — gay and straight, young and old, white, black and Hispanic — cast Trump as out-of-touch with a diverse and fast-changing nation.

Clinton's campaign believes there are opportunities to woo moderate Republicans who are unnerved by Trump.

That effort was hammered home Wednesday by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a Republican-turned-independent, who implored Americans to "elect a sane, competent person with sane, international experience."

Ret. Marine General John R. Allen, a former commander in Afghanistan, will underscore the same point. He's one of several military leaders and service members who have taken the stage to vouch for Clinton's national security experience.

To Democrats, Trump's comments this week about Russia underscored their concerns about him becoming commander in chief.

Following reports Russia hacked Democratic Party emails, Trump said he'd like to see Moscow find the thousands of emails Clinton deleted from the account she used as secretary of state. The appearance of him encouraging Russia to meddle in the presidential campaign enraged Democrats and Republicans, even as he dismissed suggestions from Obama and other Democrats that Moscow already was intervening on his behalf.

Hours later, Trump told Fox News he was being "sarcastic" although shortly after his remarks on Wednesday, he tweeted that Russia should share the emails with the FBI.

Thursday night's convention lineup will also showcase Democratic up-and-comers, including Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro; Katie McGinty, a Senate candidate from Pennsylvania, and Illinois Rep. Tammy Duckworth, also a candidate for the Senate.

Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran who lost her legs in combat, took on Trump's readiness to be commander in chief, saying "I didn't put my life on the line to defend our democracy so you could invite Russia to interfere with it."


AP writers Kathleen Hennessey and Lisa Lerer contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-29

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A studious wonk who prefers policy discussions to soaring oratory....

Maybe should have studied CIA intelligence reports from Libya a few years ago, or read the regulations on the handling of classified documents. Studious wonk my ars, wonder who the writers of that are voting for...

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Hillary's biggest problem is she's a big phony and perceived as an untrustworthy liar. Of course, that won't keep the various sycophants in the media from singing her praises. The fact remains everything she touches is a complete disaster. She's unlikable at a personal level. She doesn't connect with people. Her policy ideas are out of touch.

Take importing "refugees" from Syria, for example. Normal Americans agree it's silly to import "refugees" from a pool of people that hate America and are prone to be sympathetic with extremists and terrorists.

Showcasing "the original Hillary Clinton" won't help. She's surrounded herself with communists and extremist and racist groups like the Black Panthers (and of course the Democratic Party). She has plans to put a lot of coal miners out of work and coal mining companies out of business.

With her trading US policy for high "speaking fees" (I wonder if some of these speeches ever even happened), it is common knowledge she is owned by corporate and foreign interests.

Hillary Clinton is a cancer and a parasite. Her and her husband have left a trail of raped and abused women (many of them strong armed by the "feminist" Hillary herself) and people in prison or dead.

I don't expect another carefully crafted speech, likely full of lies and misdirection, is going to make much of a difference either way.

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noun, Slang.

1) A student who spends much time studying and has little or no social life; grind.

2) A stupid, boring, or unattractive person.

3) A person who studies a subject or issue in an excessively assiduous and thorough manner; policy wonk.

Origin of wonk 1960-65

1, Americanism; of expressive orig.; nautical slang wonk “a midshipman,” Australian slang: “white person, homosexual” are probably independent formations

I think 2) applies.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Excellent speech.

The zinger was "Donald Trump said he knows more about ISIS than the Generals. <deadpan> No Donald. You don't".

Brought the house down.

I bet he was fumbling for his Twatter.

Now watch the Democrat convention bounce.


Added: Ah bless him, he's tweeting as fast as he can type.


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Watch all the left wingnut jobs crawl out of the woodwork....and claim HRC made a great speech. lol

It was more of an obnoxious, drilling monologue of emptiness.

facepalm.gif Her past violations of trust were not even addressed. She never even apologized.

Way too much time spent on trying to remake a broken image of truthfulness.

Sorry HRC......Your numbers fail you. Smarter Americans know better.

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Hilary makes her case for which presidency? I'm sure it will be a lost case for the US presidency.


Why Julian Assange Could Be Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Problem

There are indications that future disclosures will zero in on the relationships between donors and the Democratic campaign. Assange told Democracy Now that he has “a lot of emails about the close relationship between the DNC and the media — The Washington Post involved in a co-fundraising party, an off-list co-fundraising for the DNC, calling up MSNBC during the middle of a program and saying, ‘Pull that segment now,’ Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling up the president of MSNBC in order to discipline Morning Joe, etc. That’s, you know, of course, something that we’ve all suspected happens, but this is concrete proof of it.”

Others suspect there will be more emails about the Clinton Foundation. Whatever Assange has, though, it’s likely to mean more headaches for Clinton and her campaign.

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When you compare the two conventions, the Democrats pissed all over that mishmash of D-list celebs and non-entities painting a miserable picture of doom and gloom and offering nothing by way of solutions.

And is there ANYTHING Trump doesn't make with cheap foreign labour?

The Trump Home glassware line is made by Steklarna Rogaska, a Slovenian company.

The Trump Home furniture collection is made by Dorya Interiors, a Turkish company.

"I create jobs", yeah Donald, sure. In Turkey, Slovenia, China, Mexico, Bangladesh you do.


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Oh Dear Lord..

She is on now...my ears...my eyes....burning, burning.

Her tongue is burning too.

Imagine four years (at least) of that w00t.gif I can't bear to listen to that haranguing now let alone more of the same. Anyway, the only way she'll be president is if the voting's rigged .. Which of course will never happen laugh.png

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Again I was a little nervous, could Hillary take the stage and step it up a notch further after Michelle who bought the house down, Warren who slapped Trump around his flabby jowls and showed him to be the fool he is, Bernie who couldn't get a word in for 5 minutes till the applause of his passionate, fanatical fans subsided and then, the master of the spoken word Obama set not just the Convention on fire but around the free world his speech that outlined the true values and strength of the American People in contrast to the hate speech and racism and bigotry and ignorance of Trump.

Well, did she what! A mother a grand mother a fighter who never quits. A person who listens, a prophet of change. The People's champion. I ticket of unity with the American People. Her smackdown of Trump, like a houseproud woman whose cat just shiit on the carpet she grabbed Trump by the scruff of the neck and rubbed his nose in it. Wonderful stuff.

So the battle lines are drawn

Republicans: Hate speech, racism, fear mongering, homophobia, austerity for the poor tax breaks for the wealthy elite, religious bigotry, American set against American, more guns and violence a divided America.

Democrats: A united America, a prosperous America, the wealthy elite and Corporate America paying their way, a fairer share of productivity for the workers who generate the wealth, a path to citizenship for Mexicans and Latinos, respect and protections for the LGBTQ minority community, affordable health care, pharmaceutical and education for the People, criminal justice protection for minority's.

"Love Trumps Hate' and Hillary showed beyond doubt she is the person qualified to achieve change.

Democrats showed they are the political elite with the core values that reflect the American People, good People, kind People, courageous People, a united People.

'Don't Boo Trump.......VOTE!'

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A studious wonk who prefers policy discussions to soaring oratory....

Maybe should have studied CIA intelligence reports from Libya a few years ago, or read the regulations on the handling of classified documents. Studious wonk my ars, wonder who the writers of that are voting for...

If one wants to know how HRC did as Secretary of State, one should speak to those who worked with her. It would be much more reliable than listening to Trump or other uninformed wingnuts. For example, I would think a 4-star General who was actually in-theater would be much more credible....


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I watched both the Republican and Democratic conventions and in my mind there is no way Trump can or should be elected to be the President. He has no experience or depth and he does not have the intelligence to make decisions that are complicated and have far reaching consequences. His entire agenda is either based upon fear or how much something costs.

While Hillary Clinton is not my favorite person and I would have much rather had Bernie Sanders as President- she is the best of the 2 candidates. She has plans that are readily spelled out and how to achieve them. She has experience in a number of areas such as social programs and foreign affairs and she has the best advisors you can get- starting with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. vote for Trump places America on a further war footing. He will invade Syria and possibly Iran causing the death of untold thousands of Americans and the loss of a trillion dollars. Mrs Clinton will keep America out of war just as Obama has done. The better choice would have been Sanders who would have left the Middle East to the Arabs but that choice no longer exists.

Hillary Clinton is going to be a transitional President because while some of her policies will be progressive what America really needs is a real economic revolution which starts the redistribution of wealth away from the 1% to the other 99%. That day is coming but it won't be under Clinton but a Sanders like candidate who in the future will make the needed changes.

Donald Trump represents the worst in America and the worst possible choice ever for President. That leaves only one other choice.

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Now that Hillary Clinton's nomination acceptance speech and the DNC convention is over, we're all waiting with bated breath for the official GOP response from Scott Baio.

Meanwhile two historic milestones for women were reached:

1. HRC is the first woman in the USA to be nominated for the Presidency by a major party.
2. Michelle Obama is the only First Lady whose words were heard at both the Republican and Democratic conventions.

Edited by lifeincnx
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Hilary makes her case for which presidency? I'm sure it will be a lost case for the US presidency.


Why Julian Assange Could Be Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Problem

There are indications that future disclosures will zero in on the relationships between donors and the Democratic campaign. Assange told Democracy Now that he has “a lot of emails about the close relationship between the DNC and the media — The Washington Post involved in a co-fundraising party, an off-list co-fundraising for the DNC, calling up MSNBC during the middle of a program and saying, ‘Pull that segment now,’ Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling up the president of MSNBC in order to discipline Morning Joe, etc. That’s, you know, of course, something that we’ve all suspected happens, but this is concrete proof of it.”

Others suspect there will be more emails about the Clinton Foundation. Whatever Assange has, though, it’s likely to mean more headaches for Clinton and her campaign.

Thankfully, Fox News is non-partisan, fair and balanced said no one, ever.

OK, so Trump lifted his main slogan "Make America Great Again" from Ronald Reagan. Now that the Republican convention has tried to paint a bizzaro world, after midnight view of America, perhaps team Trump could use Spiro Agnew's phrase as a sub-heading: "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism."

Edited by lifeincnx
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Hilary makes her case for which presidency? I'm sure it will be a lost case for the US presidency.


Why Julian Assange Could Be Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Problem

There are indications that future disclosures will zero in on the relationships between donors and the Democratic campaign. Assange told Democracy Now that he has “a lot of emails about the close relationship between the DNC and the media — The Washington Post involved in a co-fundraising party, an off-list co-fundraising for the DNC, calling up MSNBC during the middle of a program and saying, ‘Pull that segment now,’ Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling up the president of MSNBC in order to discipline Morning Joe, etc. That’s, you know, of course, something that we’ve all suspected happens, but this is concrete proof of it.”

Others suspect there will be more emails about the Clinton Foundation. Whatever Assange has, though, it’s likely to mean more headaches for Clinton and her campaign.

I don't doubt any of that, but for fear of sounding like a broken record, NOTHING will stop Hilarity C. from acting as the next POTUS -- proof of lies won't, proof of crimes won't, proof of incompetence won't, proof of greed and collusion with Wall Street ....etc. There is no 2-party system. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was chosen to ensure there was no real alternative, and he'll just get more outlandish as things go along until it's too late to replace him, but no sane person could actually vote for him.

Edited by Inn Between
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Her only "case" to be President is that she is a woman

Indeed, and I suspect that is what the DNC was getting at with their "vaginally" (THEIR WORD) reachout. At least now everyone knows the DNC thinks of groups of voters as something to be ridiculed and made fun of. Of course, most of us knew that already.

By the way, I LOVE your avatar.

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Excellent speech.

The zinger was "Donald Trump said he knows more about ISIS than the Generals. <deadpan> No Donald. You don't".

Brought the house down.

I bet he was fumbling for his Twatter.

Now watch the Democrat convention bounce.


Added: Ah bless him, he's tweeting as fast as he can type.


Hillary Clinton needs to avoid a Twitter war:


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When you compare the two conventions, the Democrats pissed all over that mishmash of D-list celebs and non-entities painting a miserable picture of doom and gloom and offering nothing by way of solutions.

And is there ANYTHING Trump doesn't make with cheap foreign labour?

The Trump Home glassware line is made by Steklarna Rogaska, a Slovenian company.

The Trump Home furniture collection is made by Dorya Interiors, a Turkish company.

"I create jobs", yeah Donald, sure. In Turkey, Slovenia, China, Mexico, Bangladesh you do.


So all of his buildings in the US were built in other countries?

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If one wants to know how HRC did as Secretary of State, one should speak to those who worked with her. It would be much more reliable than listening to Trump or other uninformed wingnuts. For example, I would think a 4-star General who was actually in-theater would be much more credible....


So we should listen to those that work with her? OK. The person who knows her best work-wise, Huma Abedin, says that Hillary Clinton is "often confused". How about we ask Chris Stevens? Oh, that's right. We can't. He's dead. Hillary ignored his pleas for security and was murdered by savage terrorists.

Yes, let's listen to those who work with her and elect someone who's "often confused" and watches her own people get murdered for eight hours while doing nothing but worrying about how it will effect the next election. Great idea!

Edited by MajarTheLion
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If one wants to know how HRC did as Secretary of State, one should speak to those who worked with her. It would be much more reliable than listening to Trump or other uninformed wingnuts. For example, I would think a 4-star General who was actually in-theater would be much more credible....


So we should listen to those that work with her? OK. The person who knows her best work-wise, Huma Abedin, says that Hillary Clinton is "often confused". How about we ask Chris Stevens? Oh, that's right. We can't. He's dead. Hillary ignored his pleas for security and was murdered by savage terrorists.

Yes, let's listen to those who work with her and elect someone who's "often confused" and watches her own people get murdered for eight hours while doing nothing but worrying about how it will effect the next election. Great idea!

This is the point Hillary made in her speech. Okay having a big fat mouth but once you get in the Oval Office and have to make the hard decisions you need someone like her. Measured, unwavering and most of all understands the complexity of Foreign diplomacy and the limitation of a Nations power and ability to protect US citizens on foreign soil. Also a thorough understanding of the Geneva and Vienna Conventions and International Laws the US is subject too and must abide by. Hillary remained disciplined and made every decision in the best interest of America and its People even though knowing a good friend was in grave danger. It is what she means when she mentions the 'rigours of high Office'. The last person you want in the Oval Office is a dipshit like Trump who doesn't have the slightest understanding of International Law and the responsibility of Office. You demonstrate perfectly why Hillary is the most qualified person to hold the Office of President.

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So we should listen to those that work with her? OK. The person who knows her best work-wise, Huma Abedin, says that Hillary Clinton is "often confused". How about we ask Chris Stevens? Oh, that's right. We can't. He's dead. Hillary ignored his pleas for security and was murdered by savage terrorists.

Yes, let's listen to those who work with her and elect someone who's "often confused" and watches her own people get murdered for eight hours while doing nothing but worrying about how it will effect the next election. Great idea!

This is the point Hillary made in her speech. Okay having a big fat mouth but once you get in the Oval Office and have to make the hard decisions you need someone like her. Measured, unwavering and most of all understands the complexity of Foreign diplomacy and the limitation of a Nations power and ability to protect US citizens on foreign soil. Also a thorough understanding of the Geneva and Vienna Conventions and International Laws the US is subject too and must abide by. Hillary remained disciplined and made every decision in the best interest of America and its People even though knowing a good friend was in grave danger. It is what she means when she mentions the 'rigours of high Office'. The last person you want in the Oval Office is a dipshit like Trump who doesn't have the slightest understanding of International Law and the responsibility of Office. You demonstrate perfectly why Hillary is the most qualified person to hold the Office of President.

How can someone who is "often confused" have these qualities you say are needed?

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If one wants to know how HRC did as Secretary of State, one should speak to those who worked with her. It would be much more reliable than listening to Trump or other uninformed wingnuts. For example, I would think a 4-star General who was actually in-theater would be much more credible....


So we should listen to those that work with her? OK. The person who knows her best work-wise, Huma Abedin, says that Hillary Clinton is "often confused". How about we ask Chris Stevens? Oh, that's right. We can't. He's dead. Hillary ignored his pleas for security and was murdered by savage terrorists.

Yes, let's listen to those who work with her and elect someone who's "often confused" and watches her own people get murdered for eight hours while doing nothing but worrying about how it will effect the next election. Great idea!

Did you even read the link? Just listen, then, to what the General had to say.

Edited by Sheryl
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If one wants to know how HRC did as Secretary of State, one should speak to those who worked with her. It would be much more reliable than listening to Trump or other uninformed wingnuts. For example, I would think a 4-star General who was actually in-theater would be much more credible....


So we should listen to those that work with her? OK. The person who knows her best work-wise, Huma Abedin, says that Hillary Clinton is "often confused". How about we ask Chris Stevens? Oh, that's right. We can't. He's dead. Hillary ignored his pleas for security and was murdered by savage terrorists.

Yes, let's listen to those who work with her and elect someone who's "often confused" and watches her own people get murdered for eight hours while doing nothing but worrying about how it will effect the next election. Great idea!

How many GOP reports clearing her and the White House of any wrongdoing over Benghazi do you want before you stop spouting this tired old rubbish?

And how many times do I have to remind people that Stevens TWICE turned down additional military security?

Repeating lies does not make them miraculously become truth.

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