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Trump has a record of siding with Putin on key issues


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Trump has a record of siding with Putin on key issues

MOSCOW (AP) — Donald Trump has refused to condemn Russia's military takeover of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, saying if elected he would consider recognizing it as Russian territory, in the latest of a series of statements that have raised eyebrows about the Republican candidate's intentions toward the Kremlin.

"We'll be looking at that. Yeah, we'll be looking," Trump told reporters on Wednesday.

Accepting Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea would be a radical departure from U.S. policy. The United States and the European Union worked together to punish Russia by imposing economic sanctions and have shown no willingness to lift them. Even Belarus, Russia's closest ally and neighbor, did not recognize the annexation.

While Trump has sided with Putin on a wide range of issues, Putin has not openly backed the Republican nominee and the Kremlin denies interfering in the U.S. electoral process. Hillary Clinton's campaign claimed that Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers as part of an effort to undermine her candidacy.

Although the Russians "will keep their mouths tightly zipped until Election Day," they clearly prefer Trump, said Wayne Merry, a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council and former diplomat who spent six years at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

"They don't know exactly what to expect from Donald Trump, but they think two things about him: One, that he has a number of advisers who they see as being relatively open-minded if not sympathetic about Russia. And second, they see him as a deal maker," Merry said.

"When they look at Hillary Clinton they see somebody they really do not like."

On the personal level, Clinton is not the type of leader that Putin likes to deal with, said Mikhail Zygar, a Russian journalist and author of "All the Kremlin's Men."

"We cannot imagine them sitting in the pub, drinking beer, or vodka, or whiskey or whatever," he said of Clinton and Putin. "We cannot even imagine them going to the theater or cinema together: They have so little in common, they have no topics to chat about, and that's the very important thing for Putin."

"For him, it's very important to be respected and to be treated as a world leader, and to have his own agenda."

Here is a look at some of the issues where the views of Putin and Trump coincide:


NATO's eastward expansion has long been a sore spot for Putin, who has accused the Western military alliance and the United States of violating what he said were informal agreements not to encroach upon Russia's borders.

Russia's support for separatist fighters in eastern Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea spooked Eastern Europe, especially the Baltic nations that were once part of the Soviet Union. In 2014, NATO created a rapid-reaction force to protect its most vulnerable members against a confrontation with Russia. Putin has decried the build-up.

In sharp contrast to the assurances made by Clinton and the current U.S. administration, Trump has suggested that under his leadership the United States might abandon its NATO military commitments. In an interview with The New York Times last week, Trump said he would decide whether to protect the Baltic states against Russian aggression based on whether those countries "have fulfilled their obligations to us."


Putin is a key backer of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who has been accused of targeting civilians in Syria's ongoing civil war. Western nations including the United States insist that as part of a political transition Assad should step aside. The future of the Syrian president has been a major stumbling block in Syria talks between Moscow and Washington, with Russia insisting that Assad can only be removed through an election.

Trump, however, has expressed his opposition to regime change in Syria and said the U.S. and Russia should focus on working together to destroy the Islamic State group.


On the morning after Britain voted last month to leave the European Union, Putin sought to sound neutral, warning of the "traumatic effect" of the vote. Russia watchers, however, believe that Moscow wants Britain, one of its severest critics in Europe, to leave the EU and relishes any development that could weaken the 28-nation bloc.

Trump, however, saluted the British vote, saying "they took back their country, it's a great thing."


"Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve as president of the U.S.," Trump tweeted this month. "Her temperament is weak and her opponents are strong."

Just like Trump, Putin has been keen to dismiss Clinton as weak because she is a woman. Responding to Clinton's remarks comparing his actions in Ukraine to those of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, Putin said in an interview with the RT channel in December: "It's better not to argue with women."

"Mrs. Clinton wasn't known for an elegant turn of phrase before," Putin said. "When people cross certain boundaries, the bounds of propriety, it speaks of their weakness, not their strength. But weakness is not a bad quality for a woman."


Associated Press writers Lynn Berry and Francesca Ebel contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-29

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Trump is a strongman ignoramus same as Putin.

Two thugs in a pod. No, Trump is not a commie. Trump is a fascist.

Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort worked in a high paid employment for Putin's puppet dictator in Ukraine against the policies and positions of the United States.

The Trump campaign is pro-Putin.

Trump's statements for Russia to hack Trump's opponent for the office of Potus is seriously questionable legally and constitutionally, and it puts America second behind Russia which wants to destroy Nato and EU.

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The left is attempting to invoke the spectre of neo-Mccarthyism. "That evil Trump is a Ruskie Commie sympathizer." I doubt that will get much traction with the Democrat's base of young Millennials and illegal aliens, none of whom would have a clue as to what Mccarthyism was in the 1950s. And the 'Pokemon Go' generation probably never tunes in to the MSM unrelenting drum-beat of "Evil Putin; Russian Aggression. Evil Putin; Russian Aggression. Evil Putin; Russian Aggression." They're all much too busy taking selfies and chasing alternate-reality Pokemon characters with their Dumb-Down-Phones Smart-Phones.

Edited by connda
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Ahh...the new spin to knock down Trump's popularity with his base...accuse him of being a commie bastard.

Nice try.

Who is doing the spinning? The Trump campaign had a number of chances to disavow Trump's own Putin praise and hacked email return requests talk down. HE DIDN'T DO IT. In fact he doubled down defending the need to get those 30,000 emails back (they aren't relevant to anything). When the situation started to heat up with calls of treason against Trump, he backed off and said he was joking. Just joking, unbelievable...literally.

Trump is amazing. If HRC had done this the wingnuts would have pounced.

He's an idiot, a certifiable idiot.

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The real question is, which candidate for the War Party is less likely to cause WWIII.

We know Killary all too well. Trump is a wild card but if he withdraws from all the pointless American military misadventures and returns NATO to its real purpose--protection--unbelievably (never thought I'd say this!), he may be the better President.

Nonetheless, I'll be voting Jill Stein, somebody who really cares about peace, the environment, and the lives of real people. Getting Americans used to voting third-party is the only hope to break the long-standing political impasse of just another Bozo for president.

" which candidate for the War Party is less likely to cause WWIII. "

Its as clear as day which one that is ...........................

"I do not believe that Russia and China are paying any price at all -- nothing at all -- for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime. The only way that will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price"..

Hillary Clinton

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The left is attempting to invoke the spectre of neo-Mccarthyism. "That evil Trump is a Ruskie Commie sympathizer." I doubt that will get much traction with the Democrat's base of young Millennials and illegal aliens, none of whom would have a clue as to what Mccarthyism was in the 1950s. And the 'Pokemon Go' generation probably never tunes in to the MSM unrelenting drum-beat of "Evil Putin; Russian Aggression. Evil Putin; Russian Aggression. Evil Putin; Russian Aggression." They're all much too busy taking selfies and chasing alternate-reality Pokemon characters with their Dumb-Down-Phones Smart-Phones.

Read the headline again,sir.

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Try You Tube Hillary lying for 12 straight minutes to see why trump is so popular. Trump stole the spotlight yet again right in the middle of HER convention. He makes a joke and the media goes wild. He really has the media in the palm of his hand. Like inviting Cruze to speak knowing full well he would not endorse. Proving in front of millions that he really was lyin Ted. The left can wail and cry, call him names and he uses it to dominate the media. All part of the deal.

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Something needs to change the direction that the current path is on with Russia. And Mr Trump is the only one willing and capable of doing it. The West is a lot better off with Russia as an ally. Look at history. Good things happen when the West works in sync with Russia. And bad things happen when the opposite position is taken. Once again. Good policy from Mr Trump.

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Something needs to change the direction that the current path is on with Russia. And Mr Trump is the only one willing and capable of doing it. The West is a lot better off with Russia as an ally. Look at history. Good things happen when the West works in sync with Russia. And bad things happen when the opposite position is taken. Once again. Good policy from Mr Trump.

Fully agree with you on this. Russian communism is dead and the country no longer represents a threat to the West.
The episode Crimea was wanted by a vast majority of the population. There was not a single shot.
Same for eastern Ukraine. Unfortunately there are weapons there and this should be negotiated by the stakeholders taking into account the wish of the population.
But what a shame for Europe to be surpassed by Trump in reconciliation with Russia.
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Trump is a strongman ignoramus same as Putin.

Two thugs in a pod. No, Trump is not a commie. Trump is a fascist.

Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort worked in a high paid employment for Putin's puppet dictator in Ukraine against the policies and positions of the United States.

The Trump campaign is pro-Putin.

Trump's statements for Russia to hack Trump's opponent for the office of Potus is seriously questionable legally and constitutionally, and it puts America second behind Russia which wants to destroy Nato and EU.

First of all you don't even know what fascism is.

Secondly Trump said "if you can find the 30,000 lost emails, release them." There is NOTHING illegal in what he said and everyone in America deserves to see what was in those emails because she was selling favors to America's enemies while she was supposed to be Secretary of State. The server was confiscated by the FBI months ago, so Trump as well as everyone else in the world BUT YOU knows that it can't be hacked. Nice try though.

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Ahh...the new spin to knock down Trump's popularity with his base...accuse him of being a commie bastard.

Nice try.

no but soon they will know about his debt to the russian mafia. trump does what trump does best FAIL. he will not secure the presidency. his son will FK it up for him by not keeping his mouth shut about their HUGE INVESTMENTS IN RUSSIA. (acttualy its a HUGE DEBT, remeber drumpf faied miss universe there? anyone? anyone?no? ok..) his taxes will be released/hacked, 2 weeks before the vote. watch. I dont like either.

but i got my popcorn out. and my vote registeration submitted.

my vote counts too.

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"He's an idiot, a certifiable idiot. " OK...so Trump is an idiot!

Hillary on the other hand used an unsecured server stashed away in a closet at her home to correspond with the president, her staff, other US government agencies, and several international government representatives while serving as the Secretary of State for the United States of America...

...and Trump is the idiot?

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"He's an idiot, a certifiable idiot. " OK...so Trump is an idiot!

Hillary on the other hand used an unsecured server stashed away in a closet at her home to correspond with the president, her staff, other US government agencies, and several international government representatives while serving as the Secretary of State for the United States of America...

...and Trump is the idiot?

I like people who see the problem for what it is.

HRC is a huge security risk, but there is more.

None of us really know yet what will be published next...the real dilemma is that, quite possibly, Hillary and the Democratic Party could be blackmailed into making harmful decisions/policies (should they win).

Not to mention, how many other people (that she has emailed) who may stand to be implicated in "transgressions" that make the Democrats out to be fools. (which they are, anyways)

Edited by slipperylobster
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It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

Does he realise what position he's applying for?

Edited by neverdie
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It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

A meathead that will best HRC in November. BTW

Well my friend, that remains yet to be seen and is unlikely

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It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

A meathead that will best HRC in November. BTW

Well my friend, that remains yet to be seen and is unlikely

He is already ahead. Yet, Hillary has tons of emails being highlighted for release by wikileaks.

I don't see HRC as improving her numbers.

Do not be surprised, when the National Headlines reveals a new batch of incriminating evidence against Hillary. I think it all has to do with timing. Now that she is officially the Democratic Candidate, it could be as soon as tomorrow.

Goodbye silly hilly !

Edited by slipperylobster
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It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

A meathead that will best HRC in November. BTW

Well my friend, that remains yet to be seen and is unlikely

He is already ahead. Yet, Hillary has tons of emails being highlighted for release by wikileaks.

I don't see HRC as improving her numbers.

Do not be surprised, when the National Headlines reveals a new batch of incriminating evidence against Hillary. I think it all has to do with timing. Now that she is officially the Democratic Candidate, it could be as soon as tomorrow.

Goodbye silly hilly !

She's a Criminal. Doesn't give justification to vote for a psychopath.

Both Hillary and Donald should of been drowned at birth, don't make either of them POTUS .
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Trump is a strongman ignoramus same as Putin.

Two thugs in a pod. No, Trump is not a commie. Trump is a fascist.

Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort worked in a high paid employment for Putin's puppet dictator in Ukraine against the policies and positions of the United States.

The Trump campaign is pro-Putin.

Trump's statements for Russia to hack Trump's opponent for the office of Potus is seriously questionable legally and constitutionally, and it puts America second behind Russia which wants to destroy Nato and EU.

First of all you don't even know what fascism is.

Secondly Trump said "if you can find the 30,000 lost emails, release them." There is NOTHING illegal in what he said and everyone in America deserves to see what was in those emails because she was selling favors to America's enemies while she was supposed to be Secretary of State. The server was confiscated by the FBI months ago, so Trump as well as everyone else in the world BUT YOU knows that it can't be hacked. Nice try though.

"if you can find the 30,000 lost emails, release them."

Sounds like an appeal, to me.

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Something needs to change the direction that the current path is on with Russia. And Mr Trump is the only one willing and capable of doing it. The West is a lot better off with Russia as an ally. Look at history. Good things happen when the West works in sync with Russia. And bad things happen when the opposite position is taken. Once again. Good policy from Mr Trump.

Fully agree with you on this. Russian communism is dead and the country no longer represents a threat to the West.
The episode Crimea was wanted by a vast majority of the population. There was not a single shot.
Same for eastern Ukraine. Unfortunately there are weapons there and this should be negotiated by the stakeholders taking into account the wish of the population.
But what a shame for Europe to be surpassed by Trump in reconciliation with Russia.

Crimea is an important Russian naval base and when the US supported by Soros set up a puppet government in the Ukraine Putin could feel NATO making a squeeze. You're right that the people of Crimea actually wanted Russia to annex them because they felt threatened. Many in the Ukraine are not very happy with the Soros appointed government as well. It's a delicate situation and I think Trump is aware of that.

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It would be great if you could delete Donald trump all together.

What a meathead.

Does he realise what position he's applying for?


Well he's a multi billionaire with an IQ of over 150 that for years said he never wanted to run for president and meant it. I do think he realizes what position he's applying for. For decades he always hoped someone smart would become president to fix many of the problem he perceived such as China phuqing over the country but no one came up to the plate; so he has, even though he never wanted to.

If Trump is a 'meathead' then I want to be a 'meathead' too.

Edited by TimTang
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Trump is a strongman ignoramus same as Putin.

Two thugs in a pod. No, Trump is not a commie. Trump is a fascist.

Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort worked in a high paid employment for Putin's puppet dictator in Ukraine against the policies and positions of the United States.

The Trump campaign is pro-Putin.

Trump's statements for Russia to hack Trump's opponent for the office of Potus is seriously questionable legally and constitutionally, and it puts America second behind Russia which wants to destroy Nato and EU.

First of all you don't even know what fascism is.

Secondly Trump said "if you can find the 30,000 lost emails, release them." There is NOTHING illegal in what he said and everyone in America deserves to see what was in those emails because she was selling favors to America's enemies while she was supposed to be Secretary of State. The server was confiscated by the FBI months ago, so Trump as well as everyone else in the world BUT YOU knows that it can't be hacked. Nice try though.

The post presumes to know something specific, i.e., that a poster does not know something specific that the poster has stated. This sounds like Donald Trump speaking and Donald Trump is an ignoramus loudmouth who is the uniquely American fascist, the Siberian Candidate.

Donald Trump and the Chekist Vladimir Putin are political bedfellows. Trump is calling on Putin to invade the sovereignty of the United States to insert himself in the US election of Potus to try to influence it. This is illegal and also a violation of the 4th Amendment which makes it unconstitutional to advocate.

FYI, one aspect of fascism is the complete rejection of any and all international law or any international body in favor of the nation-state being the supreme and absolute authority. Fascists reject internationalism absolutely and they have always rejected it. (We could go through the fascist checklist cause Trump fills almost all the boxes to include male supremacy as an official doctrine.)

(Presently all international bodies such as the UN are not superior to a state's national sovereignty unless by agreement in such an instance as genocide occurring in a nation state, as occurred in Nazi Germany or, more recently, in Kosovo.)

In Donald Trump's fascist world he can call on Vladimir Putin to invade the sovereignty of the United States by inserting himself in the election of a Potus. Trump is a wild radical madman who officially represents the Republican party of 2016.

The extreme right love Trump. They don't need an armband to know which way the wind blows.

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