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Does Your Weight Increase Steadily In Thailand


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I just read on Stickman's site that he is complaining about his weight, increasing steadily since he came first to Thailand.

Since most of the farang eat healthier meals in Thailand than in farangland, this can not be the reason.

So what is it?

The drinking is the explanation some give. The increased consumption of beer and other liquids make us get bigger despite the healthy food.

I personnally do not think so, I have another explanation.

We are better taken care of than in farangland, making us lazy and "big" in no time,... :o:D

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my weight has steadely decreased in thailand BLue, but i notice that small person put on weight most of the time.

i went from 128.5 to 117 in 7 months.

Basically to hot to feel hungry and full with small portions that does it there.

i'm back in europe now and probably gained 2 kg in two weeks already.

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I just read on Stickman's site that he is complaining about his weight, increasing steadily since he came first to Thailand.

Since most of the farang eat healthier meals in Thailand than in farangland, this can not be the reason.

So what is it?

The drinking is the explanation some give. The increased consumption of beer and other liquids make us get bigger despite the healthy food.

I personnally do not think so, I have another explanation.

We are better taken care of than in farangland, making us lazy and "big" in no time,... :o:D

nobody walks anywhere much thats why .

its too hot to walk even a short distance so one normally hops in a taxi , or uses a car or bike.

when i am back in UK i walk a lot and exercise well , in thailand i walk or exercise very little, i use my bike or take a taxi.

then theres the rice and noodles diet which cant help and maybe the excessive beer intake for many gents....

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Well, bluecat, the longer one is here, the older one gets. Most people gain weight as they age, hence the term 'middle aged spread'. Sad fact, we all get older. Well, except me, of course, I still look as youthful as the day I came :o

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Well, bluecat, the longer one is here, the older one gets. Most people gain weight as they age, hence the term 'middle aged spread'. Sad fact, we all get older.

Agree, Sbk. And I think Stick is part of them,...

As far as I'm concerned, I sill have more or less the same weight I was having in my twenties.

And I put on weight quite easily.

Two weeks in Europe and I'm up a few kgs. Back to Thailand, it takes me ages to lose them.

Not fair,... :o

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My European friend was down within 8 weeks after visiting Thailand from 94 kg to 72 kg.

I myself lost last year 8 kg in 4 weeks, down from 83 to 75 kg.

I had 83 kg 2 weeks ago, I came back from Thailand yesterday after only 2 weeks there and lost 3 kg, now 80 kg.

The reason is my job, sitting too much either on the office chair or driving a car, another reason is the cold weather, drinking much hot tea with honey, coffee with sugar and milk.....

In Thailand, first look in a mirror, some swimming is like a daily duty twice a day for me.... no need to hurry, so I make long walks in the evening at the beach, especially in Pattaya....

Then, as it is hot outside, I am drinking water....only water....nothing else - no cola, coffee, juice.....a lot down with all these calories....

It is sooooo nice to hear soooo many times, that all these girlies love me soooo much........so I continue to walk and to walk....but my wife is waiting for me in our condo.....so I have to walk back, alone, no girlie for me..... so HE is coming and asking me, what is wrong? Maybe need urgently a sexy boy? Oh no, I was looking at him and I was running away - I am not into the gay or bi-scenery....

Gaining weight in Thailand? For sure not in my case...


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great thread bluecat. why didn't i think of such a topic? as for obesity, there's alot of it in thai wallets and i'm thinking about putting in my tax claim form for a refund. YEP, after seeing how much i've spent on NOUT i'm due a check up for high blood pressure.


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Like most others that have responded, I have *lost* weight in the LOS, not gained it as the topic suggests - a total of 18kgs in fact, and still dropping. Amazing Thailand.

Stop "exercising". You're going to disappear in thin air,... :o

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I also have lost a lot of weight,and I can't afford it, I have never been overweight in my life,but was in real good shape when i was younger and worked long hours and ate like a horse,,then in 68 to 72 I had some heavy duty sickness while in Viet Nam and since have not got back to my full weight,

But since coming to Thailand,I have lost weight every month so far and now am underweight,But I do not care for Thai food and so do not overeat,I eat enough that I am not hungry,but they do not have a dunkin donuts,Krispy creme, or a burger king on every corner either. :o

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Hehehhe, I like this topic... :D

When I'm in Thailand, my weight decrease a great deal. I don't know why. I gain so much weight when I am abroad (like now :D ).

I think it's the food, the booze and all the snacks I have in England that get to me. When I was in Thailand, most of the food & snacks are protein based (with the exception of rice & noodles which I usually have in small amount). The booze... well... I drink less in Thailand as well... for some reason that I don't know myself. :D

Before I came to England, my weight was 45 kgs.....Oh, those good old days.... Now, the reality is to cruel to be told.... (boo...hoo...hooo!) :o

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I always had a problem putting on weight , only been in the LOS for 7 months this time and gone from 75 to 89 kgs!!! I know the food has nothing to do with it but the beer is the culprit. I have gone from the Ethopian look to the Homer Simpson look!! pretty soon i can move to Pattaya and wear speedoes on the beach with grace :o

Also interesting to see all those fat little Thai kids running around, sure it must be the coke, McPukes diet !! Also interesting the prevalence of diet pills amongst teenage/20's females. My wife was a regular pill popper until she got pregnant . Oh well.

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face it, you cotton pickers...it's like I said all along. Thai food is for shit and you necessarily limit your local intake to whats required to avoid starvation. When you get back to the land of vindaloo, royale with cheese and dunkin' donuts you go ape <deleted>...

'energy (fat) is neither created or lost...' just becomes more attractive given the circumstances...

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I have sometimes gained and sometimes lost weight. I'm about 5'10" and 97 kilos

I struggle with weight at 52 but am not in bad cardiovascular condition.

I had thought inactivity combined with increased beer intake due to extreme heat were my biggest opponents.

I allways liked the 3 to 4 days of dysentary occassionaly to slim down. I dubbed it the Mahatma Ghandi weight loss system.

Success or your money back fron the street vendor. :o

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I also loose weight when I reside in the Kingdom.From 88kilo to 76 in 2 months in one trip.I feel that the food is so satisfying & tasty that I just know I have eaten, been satisfyed and stop. Swimming a mile or two a day helps too.


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Exercise is the key; any kind, for westerners anyway. Many Thais don't do much strenuous exercise but can still maintain trim bodies. Maybe genes have something to do with it, or maybe Thais do all the exercise they need in the bedroom.

Hmmm... just don't know.

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I used to drink beer only in summer time, the sad fact is that it's always summer in Thailand. My all time low record was 72 kg, I'm on a healthy 93 kg now and exercize at least three times a week in the gym. I don't drink beer everyday, four bottles a week must be my average, it must be the food!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I just read on Stickman's site that he is complaining about his weight, increasing steadily since he came first to Thailand.

Since most of the farang eat healthier meals in Thailand than in farangland, this can not be the reason.

So what is it?

The drinking is the explanation some give. The increased consumption of beer and other liquids make us get bigger despite the healthy food.

I personnally do not think so, I have another explanation.

We are better taken care of than in farangland, making us lazy and "big" in no time,... :o  :D

nobody walks anywhere much thats why .

its too hot to walk even a short distance so one normally hops in a taxi , or uses a car or bike.

when i am back in UK i walk a lot and exercise well , in thailand i walk or exercise very little, i use my bike or take a taxi.

then theres the rice and noodles diet which cant help and maybe the excessive beer intake for many gents....

2 stone in 12 months, you are spot on, too bloody hot to walk anywhere and a pint of the amber nectar instead of water, plus my g/fs understanding of my passion for the stuff, and I dont have to look like Brad Pitt for her and I dont have to look at wee willy winky anymore as i cant see him under the bulge :D

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