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Nutter neighbour insults wife - what can we do? Help please.

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To add to Mr Holmes' post, don't forget boing and cymbals crash sounds. And repeat the funny clips around 6 times. Boing.

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You can make some serious cash from this situation.

Find out her name (LETS SAY ITS PORN) and start a blog called THE ANTICS OF LADY PORN

Do a short intro on her and keep updating it with videos daily.its guaranteed to go viral.

Then the media might show up to do an interview or a variety show.

Treat this as a fun hobby.revenge tastes better when you do it slowly and on your terms.

Dont dabble in anything illegal or you will lose the people's sympathy.

I promise you she will stop once the abuse starts pouring in online.

Seriously the best advice to date.

Guys of the OP and myself don't recognize social media for the great tool it can be.

You already have the CCTV so build a "Best Of" compilation.

And a second lesson I just learned is to not get on JHolmesJR's bad side.

Word wai.gif


A taller wall between the two properties?

A sprinkler system directed towards the neighbors place that can be switched on minutes before your wiife leaves your house?

Order your wife to calm down.

The offending property is opposite - across the road. Sprinkler system - joke right?

Order wife to calm down? She is Thai and I've already said she is at her wits end, 1) she would not accept orders from me and I don't blame her, she is a wife, not a servant and 2) she is hurting badly and is coming unravelled so your comments do not help.

Has anyone got any sound and reasonable sympathetic advice to help my poor wife?

I didn't mean any disrespect to your wife or to appear callous but my wife listens to me and knows the final word is mine.

Is this not the way it is for most farang men with Thai wives?

Your wife probably lets you think you have the final word - that's the way it is for most farang men as long as the money keeps flowing


Simply "ignore" the neighbour (I know that's easier said than done). When she realizes that her insults and comments are falling on deaf ears, she'll most probably get bored and stop.

I see no reason for you to move out of, what seems to be, a perfectly fine house and neighbourhood just because of one person.

Good luck.

Thailand, one does not lock up all crazy people, and you're dealing with one of them.

Consequently all combat actions, legal or otherwise, would be grossly immoral and doomed to failure.

The big problem is that you attach importance to these mentally ill remarks. You should be happy instead, and remember your chance to be sane.

Worse, you fall to its level, insulting she on this thread.

The fat cow...

A savage animal...

These statements do not honor you and make clear that the fact that she took you as a personal enemy is not random. As more your wife does not seem better advised, I do not see any solution to this case.

On 7/30/2016 at 1:39 PM, Agent Sumo said:

Your wife probably lets you think you have the final word - that's the way it is for most farang men as long as the money keeps flowing

Now here's an educated farang.


Your wife can SUE her for defamation if there are witnesses I know this because I called a bar girl a <deleted!> and she sued me and WON well I admitted it so hardly won but the point is your wife needs to make a complaint to the Police (make sure you have video evidence) and that she did it in front of people 




The problem, in my opinion, are those with your marriage that have been revealed by this problem.

By your own admission, you earn the money but you and your wife decide how to spend it. Really??

The house is in her name

Yet she demands that you do something about this woman

You bear the burden of responsibility and the duty to take action.

Seems like she has double standards.

I suggest that you tell your wife to turn the other cheek. They are just words and the manner in which she is behaving when called names is unreasonable and illogical.

You are concerned that your marriage is in jeapordy . . . that's crazy when you consider it in the light of day.

Sort your wife out, if you can, and the neighbour problem will disappear.

Maybe the fat woman knows something you don't?

You can't do anything legal or ethical about the neighbour but you can review your marriage??

Just a suggestion




Thinking outside the box  here, perhaps the neighbor can be bribed into good behavior.  Of course there are numerous problems with this approach and am just throwing out an idea.

On July 30, 2016 at 11:02 AM, cliveshep said:

I guess my post was too long for you.

We are selling the house - I did say that - but it takes time and really - should I have to for this reason?

No, you shouldn't have to, but TIT and you are a lowly, no-account farang.  Enjoy the "culture".


Hire a couple of school kids and having them wear a white sheets visit her at night making a scary voices, that well make her to &lt;deleted&gt; and keep busy for a while.

Good luck to you and your family.


Image from Google.

On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 0:44 PM, cliveshep said:

And spend final years in a Thai prison before being deported if I was still alive. Like THAT advice is sensible! Get real!

Try praying then

On July 30, 2016 at 3:03 PM, happy Joe said:
Thailand, one does not lock up all crazy people, and you're dealing with one of them.
Consequently all combat actions, legal or otherwise, would be grossly immoral and doomed to failure.
The big problem is that you attach importance to these mentally ill remarks. You should be happy instead, and remember your chance to be sane.
Worse, you fall to its level, insulting she on this thread.
The fat cow..
A savage animal...
These statements do not honor you and make clear that the fact that she took you as a personal enemy is not random. As more your wife does not seem better advised, I do not see any solution to this case.


You must have been too busy passing judgement to read that the OP never suggested it was "random"....they are neighbors to the crazy fatty.

On 7/30/2016 at 0:02 PM, ClutchClark said:

I didn't mean any disrespect to your wife or to appear callous but my wife listens to me and knows the final word is mine.

Is this not the way it is for most farang men with Thai wives?

Why should you have the final word on anything? It should be a joint decision, with compromise if necessary on either side.

Marriage should be an equal partnership.

On 30 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 10:51 AM, beachproperty said:

Sorry to hear you have a bad neighbor? Why not just .....MOVEblink.png

Did you not read the OP. He wants to move, but probably can't sell it because everyone else probably knows about the nutter over the road. Pity the OP decided to renovate the place despite the nutter being like that from day one.

I'd like to be sympathetic, but this is yet another case of why expats should rent instead of buying. This sort of thing has been on the internet for probably as long as there have been forums about Thailand, and even 10 years before the internet even existed I knew not to buy because of precisely this sort of situation.

Now, if the OP is even willing to listen to me now, do like Trump and build a wall so high the nutter can't see over it, put a screen on the gate, and tell your wife that if anyone is hiring a hit man you don't want anything to do with it, including giving her money, as you don't want to go to jail. BTW, why does she have to ask you for money? Doesn't she work?

12 minutes ago, johnnygimbo said:

Why should you have the final word on anything? It should be a joint decision, with compromise if necessary on either side.

Marriage should be an equal partnership.

LOL. Many Thai/ farang marriages are an equal partnership- the farang husband provides the money and the wife spends it :D.

If I insisted on the final word in my marriage I'd regret it every day for the rest of my married life. Best not to say anything at all for a peaceful life. In my situation, it's not just me and her- the family keep stuffing it up and if I say anything about it I get the whole "it's Thai culture" thing rammed down my throat. I was happy once, when we lived far, far away from all of them.

Perhaps the OP needs to get the family to come to stay in all those rooms he has and they might do something to help, Thai style.

16 minutes ago, johnnygimbo said:

Why should you have the final word on anything? It should be a joint decision, with compromise if necessary on either side.

Marriage should be an equal partnership.


Because I am the Man and I bring home the bacon.

It is an equal partnership...but when its a tie-vote, then my vote weighs more.

If you don't treat your own significant other this way then you are ruining it for every man every where.


On 7/30/2016 at 1:07 PM, JHolmesJr said:

I wish I could take full credit mate but this is not an original idea….it is very effective though….


Good to see some helpful non sanctimonious advice here.

You sound like a guy under the pump and a couple of folk have decided to make sport of you. I would have thought most have had a troublesome neighbor(s) in their lives although some one who is demented is a special challenge.

You have tried everything else so this may make you feel a tad better and square away your other half at the same time. Still manage it carefully so it does not bite your butt.


Having had a very annoying slightly nutty neighbour I can agree that it is very unlikely that anything will be done to keep this woman from continuing to annoy you and as she is mentally unstable, shaming, befriending, etc. will (as you clearly know) not make the slightest bit of difference.

 You need make her family do more to have her medication upped to keep her quiet and as usual in domestic issues the police are useless (except they would like to blame the Farang I they can) .

You could try getting a lawyer to write a letter to her husband threatening to make him financially liable for her actions and for your wife's medical bills.

But I have just had a thought, why don't you get a VERY large poster of a certain royal personage and mount it in a prominent position right in front of your house. Every time she insults you or your wife you can step behind the picture and I bet that it will not be long before this behaviour is stopped.

Give it a try, else maybe your wife should stay with your sister until you can sell.

Ignore all those posting the usual nasty crap and GOOD Luck getting this sorted soon. 

Sorry her sister.

50 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Because I am the Man and I bring home the bacon.

It is an equal partnership...but when its a tie-vote, then my vote weighs more.

If you don't treat your own significant other this way then you are ruining it for every man every where.



"Bring home the bacon" Sounds like fratricide to me.


A few years ago we had a similar problem. The daughter of a neighbor did not like the neighborhood kids that my children played with. One day the daughter attempted/pretended to run the kids over with her motorbike. Well my wife was having none of that.

We immediately called our "friendly" policeman and told him the story. His recommendation was to "take the low cost option" which means calling someone to deal with the issue. First we located the farang husband of the woman who's daughter was the offender and located him in a local drinking establishment. Once we explained the story he said he would take care of it immediately. At the same time we called a thai friend who, although he is big, is very mild mannered.

The thai friend and the house owner showed up about the same time. We arrived back at the house to witness the mild mannered Thai man blocking the entire street with his minivan and yelling loud enough to hear it 100m away. The farang was loudly agreeing.

Minutes later the offending party arrived and wai'ed at my wife's feet.

It has never happened again. Peer pressure really works well in Thailand. The thing was, it happened once and the response was fast and hard, delivered by locals. Message received and problem solved.

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