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Russian television shows what the Kremlin thinks of Clinton


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26 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

pretty presumptive of you....but then again, you are entitled to an opinion...whether right or wrong.

nobody I know, is a traitor.  if you are pointing fingers at me, you should know that I served 22 years in the USMC honorably.  

would sure hate to put troops in harm's way with Hillary at the helm.  She would never pickup the phone, when help was needed.

Among those that I would consider traitors are the people that fail to safeguard classified information (Hillary and Snow...for example).  And those that fail to support our military. (Hillary).


That is real treachery, my friend.



" if you are pointing fingers at me, you should know that I served 22 years in the USMC honorably."

This guy has also served, right?


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On 8/1/2016 at 8:40 PM, smotherb said:

I never cease being amazed at your comments. So, you are saying you agree with Russia and you know Trump's intents. How quaint. And, it's not the Democratic party.

He is entitled to his opinion! Democrats must be snorting "coke" to keep the good vibes up for Hillary, while "the donald" is a bit of a <deleted> Hillary is wrong to the bone! Listen to the people who have known her for over 20 years, all they can say is that she is a self serving bithc who doesn't care who she walks over to get what she wants!! The people who vote be damned! By the way, if you ask for "links", no problem! ;):thumbsup::wai:

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On 8/1/2016 at 6:39 PM, Baerboxer said:

But he's right. The people of Crimea voted to be with Russia and not remain as a Ukrainian province. Stalin forcibly moved the Crimean Tartars and exiled them. Crimea was never part of Ukraine until the Ukrainian Kruschev decided to give it to them when he was the Soviet Union's dictator. He didn't bother asking let alone with a vote. Or do you consider votes undemocratic?


Undemocratic? I shouldn't bother...but what the heck...


1) the referendum was organized in two weeks.


2) Citizens of Crimea were give two choices; independence or joining Russia.


3) Then at the polls people were confronted and intimidated by armed invaders, the "polite green men".


So, no, the vote wasn't democratic.


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Would have thought it better for the Russians to keep their nose out of the US election, anyone they might favor would only lose points due to that. The fact that so many don't care, or are blinded, to how rotten to the core Hilary is should be telling in itself, perhaps we have been conditioned to willing accept sociopaths as our leaders, either that or she is just seen as the lesser evil.


You do have to wonder though, the characteristics required by those seeking office are the same characteristics that make them unsuitable for the job. Odd that we as a species resent being told what to do as individuals but willingly submit to inappropriate leaders as a collective.

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12 hours ago, TPI said:

He is entitled to his opinion! Democrats must be snorting "coke" to keep the good vibes up for Hillary, while "the donald" is a bit of a <deleted> Hillary is wrong to the bone! Listen to the people who have known her for over 20 years, all they can say is that she is a self serving bithc who doesn't care who she walks over to get what she wants!! The people who vote be damned! By the way, if you ask for "links", no problem! ;):thumbsup::wai:

Where is it you see I am denying him his opinion? I asked if he is agreeing with Russia and knows what Trump thinks; and pointed out his faux pas. 

I am thoroughly disgusted that these two, Donald and Hillary, are all the US can bring forth. So, I am not pro-either; in fact, I am anti-both. I simply find issue with those who make, shall we say, less than informed statements—of course, that is my opinion.  

So allow me to ask you a question: If I take your key statement and only change the subject; is it also true?

For example: (Donald) is wrong to the bone! Listen to the people who have known (him) for over 20 years, all they can say is that (he) is a self serving (bas*ard) who doesn't care who (he) walks over to get what (he) wants!!

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Here is a fantastic opinion piece about what truly motivates Putin...


America, welcome to the war
Russia doesn’t want to just bring down Hillary Clinton but rather the United States itself.


Russia has been using a playbook developed in the KGB’s Andropov Institute and by other intelligence agencies, a set of methods called “active measures” described by KGB defector Oleg Kalugin as follows: “Not intelligence collection, but subversion: active measures to weaken the West, to drive wedges in the Western community alliances of all sorts, particularly NATO, to sow discord among allies, to weaken the United States in the eyes of the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and thus to prepare ground in case the war really occurs. To make America more vulnerable to the anger and distrust of other peoples.”



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14 hours ago, mopar71 said:


Undemocratic? I shouldn't bother...but what the heck...


1) the referendum was organized in two weeks.


2) Citizens of Crimea were give two choices; independence or joining Russia.


3) Then at the polls people were confronted and intimidated by armed invaders, the "polite green men".


So, no, the vote wasn't democratic.



But neither was a dictator giving it to Ukraine in the first place. Or certain countries helping remove a democratically elected Ukrainian leader because he didn't lean towards their way of thinking. 

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41 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


But neither was a dictator giving it to Ukraine in the first place. Or certain countries helping remove a democratically elected Ukrainian leader because he didn't lean towards their way of thinking. 

President Yanukovych's removal was a bit more complicated than what you indicate.

Yanukovych was elected in 2010 in part because of his support for joining the EU that was hugely popular with Ukrainians. But towards the end of 2013 he rejected the EU association agreement, instead negotiating with Russia for a loan bailout and closer ties. Long story short, he was removed by parliament the day after he fled to Russia seeking asylum from an angry Ukrainian public on the grounds that he "withdrew from his duties in an unconstitutional manner". Whether his removal had any active political support by other countries is speculative.

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On 8/3/2016 at 11:08 AM, mopar71 said:

Here is a fantastic opinion piece about what truly motivates Putin...


America, welcome to the war
Russia doesn’t want to just bring down Hillary Clinton but rather the United States itself.


Russia has been using a playbook developed in the KGB’s Andropov Institute and by other intelligence agencies, a set of methods called “active measures” described by KGB defector Oleg Kalugin as follows: “Not intelligence collection, but subversion: active measures to weaken the West, to drive wedges in the Western community alliances of all sorts, particularly NATO, to sow discord among allies, to weaken the United States in the eyes of the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and thus to prepare ground in case the war really occurs. To make America more vulnerable to the anger and distrust of other peoples.”



Yes Putin definitely would like to see the USA greatly weakened, and it's clear he thinks the best path is through the moronic and clownish trump person. 

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On 2 สิงหาคม 2559 at 9:34 AM, neverdie said:

Mate, I wouldn't be as bold to suggest that, I should choose my words more carefully.


I dont think either Clinton or trump are suitable for the position, that is where I stand.


i fear, one of these two imbeciles is going to land the job.


now if only the American system wasn't so corrupted in the sense that money seems to really control how far along folk get with their campaign.  I have no doubt there's some excellent people from the states who could smash the job, only problem is........where are they, why arnt they at the front of this.


Do you think Sanders can get there from here?


id personally would love to see a fantastic American president.......ITS LONG LONG OVERDUE!

........where are they, why arnt they at the front of this.


They want nothing to do with politics in the USA.

The media are to blame, with their vitriolic attacks on anyone that they decide they don't like. They not only attack the candidate, but their families as well. No responsible parent would subject their children to such.

That means only the most narcisstic and egotistical will run.

Americans got the candidates they deserve for allowing it to happen.

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53 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I think Russia would like Clinton to win. They will certainly have her 30,000 "deleted" e mails and can use them to control her.



it is a very old and effective tactic.


her butt is owned


Edited by slipperylobster
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On 8/2/2016 at 6:19 PM, slipperylobster said:

pretty presumptive of you....but then again, you are entitled to an opinion...whether right or wrong.

nobody I know, is a traitor.  if you are pointing fingers at me, you should know that I served 22 years in the USMC honorably.  

would sure hate to put troops in harm's way with Hillary at the helm.  She would never pickup the phone, when help was needed.

Among those that I would consider traitors are the people that fail to safeguard classified information (Hillary and Snow...for example).  And those that fail to support our military. (Hillary).


That is real treachery, my friend.




I served 22 years in the USMC honorably.  


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the USMC General "Fighting" Joe Dunsford outranks you however and he was chosen by President Barack Obama. 


I wuz and Army man myself (Infantry) via university ROTC but I served my due time honorably then got the hell out. Almost everyone I served with was on the torchlight right and voted Republican. 


Day after the November 8th election btw Vlad will be eating turkey (half-baked). On Inauguration Day January 20th Vlad will be eating crow. After that he'll be eating shit. :lol:


Vlad and his propaganda arm Wikileaks -- Vlad y'know gave Julian Assange a live television talk show in Moscow. Maybe Ed Snowden can get out of Russia someday too to live several years in the closet of some foreign embassy of a Latin American dictatorship.


Thx for your service btw.



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14 hours ago, Publicus said:


I served 22 years in the USMC honorably.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the USMC General "Fighting" Joe Dunsford outranks you however and he was chosen by President Barack Obama.


I wuz and Army man myself (Infantry) via university ROTC but I served my due time honorably then got the hell out. Almost everyone I served with was on the torchlight right and voted Republican.


Day after the November 8th election btw Vlad will be eating turkey (half-baked). On Inauguration Day January 20th Vlad will be eating crow. After that he'll be eating shit. :lol:


Vlad and his propaganda arm Wikileaks -- Vlad y'know gave Julian Assange a live television talk show in Moscow. Maybe Ed Snowden can get out of Russia someday too to live several years in the closet of some foreign embassy of a Latin American dictatorship.


Thx for your service btw.



Officers have a great time in the military and no doubt in the US they have no problem getting treatment from the VA. The rank and file, on the other hand, get treated like c**p ( I speak from experience ) and apparently in the US they have a hard time getting treated by the VA. The way Vietnam vets have been abandoned by their governments ( professional politicians all ) is a scandal. The rank and file know that HRC won't change anything. They are for Trump.

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