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Criticism grows for Trump's assailing of Muslim vet's family


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1 hour ago, Neurath said:

Struth! I though you were referring to Donald Trump. But no, not at all!  What a tangled web we weave.......

What is this all too common response that all of you anti-Trump posters rely on?

It sounds like that game you hear kids play, "I know you are but what am I?".

its embarassing when Trump relies on name-calling and its equally embarassing when the anti-Trump posters rely on the same name-calling. That was the point ai was making to iReason. 

I certainly hope that the embedded quote feature is brought back.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This whole thing is a farce. Obama's government has treated veterans so badly the troops are solidly for Trump. Perhaps the Dems could honour the living survivors before jumping up and down about a completely manufactured political farce over a dead one.

Number of veterans getting federal jobs is at a 5-year high

The share of federal jobs going to veterans is at its highest level in five years, new statistics show, with former service members making up almost half of full-time hires in the past fiscal year.

In government, 1 worker in 3 is now a veteran, proof that the White House's six-year push to give those who served in the military a leg up for federal jobs is working.

The bad news is that once veterans get into government, they don't stay long...



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Kasich was never in the contest for the nomination. The day Kasich announced he was already a has been who never was as a potential nominee. Trump had no effect on the Kasich candidacy whereas Trump demolished the Bush family/mafia.

As Governor of Ohio John Kasich and his formidable body of supporters will, frankly speaking, screw Trump there, and Trump has already lost Ohio because Trump makes suburban white married Republican women wretch -- and this is true throughout the country. 

Mr. Khan spoke extemporaneously as a trained and experienced lawyer would do, and as a father would do. He happens to have his views about Donald Trump just as the Republican rightwing mother at the Republican convention has her partisan and personal view of Hillary Clinton.

So this election campaign includes as a present centerpiece two dueling Gold Star Families, one blaming the Democrats and Hillary Clinton specifically for all evils, the other cussing out Donald Trump the Ignoramus, each family speaking from a national convention platform. Although the Khan Gold Star Family introduces the central element of religion to the duel, which gives 'em the moral high ground against Trump and the Republican party of 2016, let's call it even. 

All the same, Donald Trump deserves the bum's rush in this election and he's going to get it on November 8th, which will mark the end of the right wing fringe extremist political paranoids for good.  No one has ever believed the pararightwingnoids and after the November crusher no one will ever have the time of day for 'em again.

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:

Kasich was never in the contest for the nomination. The day Kasich announced he was already a has been who never was as a potential nominee. Trump had no effect on the Kasich candidacy whereas Trump demolished the Bush family/mafia.

As Governor of Ohio John Kasich and his formidable body of supporters will, frankly speaking, screw Trump there, and Trump has already lost Ohio because Trump makes suburban white married Republican women wretch -- and this is true throughout the country. 

Mr. Khan spoke extemporaneously as a trained and experienced lawyer would do, and as a father would do. He happens to have his views about Donald Trump just as the Republican rightwing mother at the Republican convention has her partisan and personal view of Hillary Clinton.

So this election campaign includes as a present centerpiece two dueling Gold Star Families, one blaming the Democrats and Hillary Clinton specifically for all evils, the other cussing out Donald Trump the Ignoramus, each family speaking from a national convention platform. Although the Khan Gold Star Family introduces the central element of religion to the duel, which gives 'em the moral high ground against Trump and the Republican party of 2016, let's call it even. 

All the same, Donald Trump deserves the bum's rush in this election and he's going to get it on November 8th, which will mark the end of the right wing fringe extremist political paranoids for good.  No one has ever believed the pararightwingnoids and after the November crusher no one will ever have the time of day for 'em again.

I don't think it's even for 1 simple reason. Clinton had enough class not to call out a grieving mother on the massive errors of fact in her speech.  Whereas Trump immediately insulted the Khans.

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One thing I'm confused about.

The rise of trump involved the enthusiastic support of the "alt right" which notoriously includes a lot of unapologetic white supremacists, even explicit Nazis.

That is not the same thing as the tea party.

Can someone explain how the tea party and the more explicitly fascist (and trumpian) alt right compare and contrast? 

Odds are, hopefully, trump will lose, but I don't see either of those factions just dying out with that loss. 

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There is quite a difference between name calling and giving an accurate description:

bloviate |ˈblōvēˌāt|verbtalk at length, esp. in an inflated or empty way.

DERIVATIVES: bloviation nounbloviator

lemming |ˈlemiNG|noun• person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, esp. a headlong rush to destruction

Of course, a Lemming or two may crawl out of the woodwork soon, and claim "Crooked" or "Criminal" Sec. Clinton in their standard deflection mode.

But that would be defamation and libel. The difference is clear.

Given the fact that those terms are simply, unfounded baseless fabrications.

Made up accusations in the Lemming's heads. With no legal basis.

libel |ˈlībəl|


1 Law a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

• the action or crime of publishing a false statement about a person

• a false and malicious statement about a person.

• a thing or circumstance that brings undeserved discredit on a person by misrepresentation.

  Law defame (someone) by publishing a libel

• make a false and malicious statement about.

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9 minutes ago, Publicus said:


At this point can anyone say with a straight face Donald Trump seriously wants to be Potus.


Ha, I have wondered that very thing.

Trump is in this race to boost his ego and the Clintons are in this race to boost their net worth $$$.

now can we talk about the actual party platforms of these two candidates instead of how unwualified either is and which one lied the most?

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10 hours ago, NeverSure said:

Trump had nothing at all to do with Khan's son's death. Hillary did as she voted for the war. Trump was against the war, said so at the time, and if up to him Khan's son would probably still be alive.

Yet who does the press attack? Wikileaks has already proven that the press and Clinton work together on their talking points, but they got this one wrong. Khan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and makes his living selling visas to Islamists. He used to be Clinton's lawyer.

This was a setup that's backfiring.


do you really believe that concocted büllshait? :coffee1:

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the parents of a Muslim U.S. Army captain who was killed in Iraq

I assume in the US like many first world countries you do not get commissioned unless you are "officer material" and for that you need a good education and upbringing.

His parents should be credited for bringing up such a fine young man, instead Trump does only what a moron could do...

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Numerous off-topic posts and replies have been removed along with troll posts deflecting from the topic.   If this type of posting continues you may expect a warning and suspension.   The topic is limited in scope and is rather specific.  

Stay on topic, please.  

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

She didn't need to be given a script, and she probably volunteered to do it.

I'm sure you have some facts to back up your implication that Mr. Khan was given a script. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ms. Smith's speech was unscripted. Certainly no fact checkers were involved.

Edited by ilostmypassword
grammatical error
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6 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


If only ireason were capable of posting without the immature name-calling then he might actually get a direct response. 



I like iReason's posts. They're often actual quotes, sometimes statistics from reputable organizations, and often truth ......all the sorts of things Trump and his supporters abhor.


4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

10% Kasich is just a loser that is sore at Trump for destroying him in the primaries. He is dishonourable for not honouring his commitment to support the winner of the primaries. I have no respect for losers like him.

Only the usual people are attacking Trump over this. His supporters don't care.


"His supporters don't care"  Great.  An honest statement.  As The Divider himself said, he could shoot someone dead at downtown NYC and he wouldn't lose any supporters.  It's looking that way.  No matter what grave character blemishes are reveatled about the Divider, his supporters will stick with him.   


Added to that, you had to take a swipe at Kasich, the only halfway decent contender on the Republican stage. True to form, Trump and his supporters will attack everyone who doesn't shower him in praise which he so desperately seeks, ......albeit expects,  .......demands.   The Divider has alienated nearly every American, from VIP to tramps, except the 13% (of the general public) hardcore rednecks.


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Donald Trump sees more Republican support drift


"More prominent Republicans - including a congressman - have they said will not vote for Donald Trump, arguing he is unfit to serve as president."

"On Tuesday, Richard Hanna of New York became the first Republican congressman to publicly declare that he would vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton." 

"Mr Hanna called Mr Trump "a national embarrassment". :clap2:


Lovin' it. :thumbsup: 

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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Donald Trump sees more Republican support drift


"More prominent Republicans - including a congressman - have they said will not vote for Donald Trump, arguing he is unfit to serve as president."

"On Tuesday, Richard Hanna of New York became the first Republican congressman to publicly declare that he would vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton." 

"Mr Hanna called Mr Trump "a national embarrassment". :clap2:


Lovin' it. :thumbsup: 


I expect this will become a Tsunami of Republicans politicians going with HRC. Face it, Trump is a disaster, as is the Republican party.


Can you imagine a Democratic politician breaking ranks and coming out for Trump? 


Think about independent voters...you think they'll break for Cheeto Jesus? 


The Republican party is a burning dumpster fire. 


I love this election. 

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Oh dear, I notice that Boon Mee has been reading Breitbart again.

Can someone give him the link to Alex Jones, I know he already reads Drudge, and bless him he does lap it all up.



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33 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Oh dear, I notice that Boon Mee has been reading Breitbart again.

Can someone give him the link to Alex Jones, I know he already reads Drudge, and bless him he does lap it all up.




Does it concern you that the leaked DNC emails show a relationship between the DNC and the Press whereby the Press serves an agenda sympathetic to the DNC? From what I have read, even major news orgsnizations have lost their integrity.


I don't know much about Breitbart but are you saying his claims are actually fabricated? Or just that he has a buas opposite of yours?


Can you actually name a news outlet today that is not biased one way or another? 


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39 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I don't know much about Breitbart but are you saying his claims are actually fabricated? Or just that he has a buas opposite of yours?



The second one. I do not read Breitbart myself, but they are just as accurate as something like the Huffington Post.

Breitbart will probably excuse Trump for his remarks and the Huffington Post will crucify him.

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10 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

Ha, I have wondered that very thing.

Trump is in this race to boost his ego and the Clintons are in this race to boost their net worth $$$.

now can we talk about the actual party platforms of these two candidates instead of how unwualified either is and which one lied the most?

Good idea to talk about platforms. Though Trump has already been very explicit about not honoring treaties or trade agreements, so why anyone would think him beholden to something so thin as a Republican Party Platform is beyond me and, I'd hazard, any reasonable person.  

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Yup, it's corrupt all the way down:


Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together


"Khan, according to Intelius as also reported by Walid Shoebat, used to work at the law firm Hogan Lovells, LLP, a major D.C. law firm that has been on retainer as the law firm representing the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States for years. Citing federal government disclosure forms, the Washington Free Beacon reported the connection between Saudi Arabia and Hogan Lovells a couple weeks ago. "




Check my shocked face that the Left Wing Media isn't telling us the whole story, eh? :facepalm:

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36 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Good idea to talk about platforms. Though Trump has already been very explicit about not honoring treaties or trade agreements, so why anyone would think him beholden to something so thin as a Republican Party Platform is beyond me and, I'd hazard, any reasonable person.  


Do you know so little about the American Political system of balance of power and checks & balances to think the President simply makes all the rules that he so chooses?



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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Does it concern you that the leaked DNC emails show a relationship between the DNC and the Press whereby the Press serves an agenda sympathetic to the DNC? From what I have read, even major news orgsnizations have lost their integrity.


I don't know much about Breitbart but are you saying his claims are actually fabricated? Or just that he has a buas opposite of yours?


Can you actually name a news outlet today that is not biased one way or another? 


Both major parties as well as many organizations are close relations with the press and have prepared press releases and points to give to journalists.   I have worked on both sides.   Organizations prepare a press release, briefings and other materials.   It is up to the journalists to check the sources and the pursue possible leads.   Even rather minor players will have someone in charge of Public Relations.   Talk about a tempest in a teapot.   



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The DNC Email revelations made is perfectly clear that the U.S. News Media is in the pocket of the Democrat Party ... It is near impossible to deny it now... The Lame Stream Leftist News media was ready, set - go to pounce on Trump no matter what he said.   And it looks every more likely that this sorrowful father was a shill being recruited and paid to set up an EMOTIONAL MOMENT ... It is okay for Hillary Clinton to call the mother of a Bengazi slain victim as a liar but not okay for Trump to say anything ... what a farce ... 

Edited by JDGRUEN
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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I like iReason's posts. They're often actual quotes, sometimes statistics from reputable organizations, and often truth ......all the sorts of things Trump and his supporters abhor.



"His supporters don't care"  Great.  An honest statement.  As The Divider himself said, he could shoot someone dead at downtown NYC and he wouldn't lose any supporters.  It's looking that way.  No matter what grave character blemishes are reveatled about the Divider, his supporters will stick with him.   


Added to that, you had to take a swipe at Kasich, the only halfway decent contender on the Republican stage. True to form, Trump and his supporters will attack everyone who doesn't shower him in praise which he so desperately seeks, ......albeit expects,  .......demands.   The Divider has alienated nearly every American, from VIP to tramps, except the 13% (of the general public) hardcore rednecks.



Obama's supporters do not care what anti-America outrage he does next ... So why should it surprise you that Trump's supporters do not care what anyone thinks? . 

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