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Criticism grows for Trump's assailing of Muslim vet's family


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14 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

2) Donald Trump will rip her to smithereens.


The Donald is primed to dispatch Hillary.  We're about to witness the most bonkers run-in ever and it isn't going to be pretty. 

Edited by wooloomooloo
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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This is hilarious.

A new trend in protests at trump monster truck campaign rallies.

Hold up pocket CONSTITUTIONS.

Watch the trumpeteers boo!

So patriotic! 

Watch starting minute 13:




I doubt anyone cares.  Post your vote on 8 November, JT.  

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1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:


Or perhaps Mr. Khan should have spoken at the RNC convention, given Hillary Clinton voted to send Mr. Khan's son to war.


I am not sure if pointing out Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War really has any weight. It isn't like her vote alone tipped the balance. She like several other US Senators were duped by false and/or misleading information supplied by Dick Cheney and his gang. And if you read more about the vote, Hillary believed force was necessary to keep Saddam in check so he would allow inspectors back into Iraq. She never really wanted (or agreed to) a full blown war. It was Bush and crew that took the vote as a carte blanche to launch a full blown military invasion into Iraq to remove Saddam. So now people point fingers at her for a vote that she was lead into by false information from trusted (at the time) resources and blame her for a war she didn't want. I don't get that. Makes no sense to me at all.

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3 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


Lots of irrelevant information there. The fact remains, what Jimmy Carter did was perfectly legal. What Donald Trump proposes is perfectly legal. Foreigners have no right to immigrate here and the law clearly states the president can discriminate against any class of immigrants as he sees fit. No matter how many times you say fart, it won't change the simple facts.


And your attempt to equate liberal god FDR's internment of people IN THE USA on the basis of national origin with Trump disallowing Muslims from entering the country is quite frankly laughable.


The law has been controversial from its introduction as a bill punctuated by President Truman's veto (unsuccessful) because he thought it to be unconstitutional.


The law 8 USC 1182 hasn't been challenged in the courts, mostly because of the mood of the nation at the past times of its very limited application in very specific circumstances. We could bet the farm if Trump invokes the law it will go into the US courts right up to Scotus.


This is moot however given the vast and moderate middle American electorate is going to give Trump the bum's rush on November 8th.


Mr. Khan btw probably did not speak at the Republican convention because GW Bush and his Dick Cheney did not appear there or speak to it either -- y'know, the duo who thought up the Iraq war and all the lies to implement it. The two war criminals who belong in the Hague.

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3 hours ago, wooloomooloo said:

The Donald is causing mayhem again and his popularity commensurately soars, as always.  Roll on the start of the live debates next month.  


Hold on to your seats.

Another post from Oppositeland. In fact,  Trump's numbers have drastically declined. Even Rasmussen has Clinton ahead right now.

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

Most good conservatives should have a coloring book as well.


Yeah, preferably a join the dots... just to take the guess work out of it :gigglem:

Edited by NumbNut
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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Another post from Oppositeland. In fact,  Trump's numbers have drastically declined. Even Rasmussen has Clinton ahead right now.


I think of it as wingnut Bizzaro world, where up is down, etc. Trump is in freefall and the Lion King has got him up 20 points. The Republican dumpster fire rages on. 


I'll let Jerry Seinfeld explain it:



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On 8/5/2016 at 5:04 PM, Silurian said:


I am not sure if pointing out Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War really has any weight. It isn't like her vote alone tipped the balance. She like several other US Senators were duped by false and/or misleading information supplied by Dick Cheney and his gang. And if you read more about the vote, Hillary believed force was necessary to keep Saddam in check so he would allow inspectors back into Iraq. She never really wanted (or agreed to) a full blown war. It was Bush and crew that took the vote as a carte blanche to launch a full blown military invasion into Iraq to remove Saddam. So now people point fingers at her for a vote that she was lead into by false information from trusted (at the time) resources and blame her for a war she didn't want. I don't get that. Makes no sense to me at all.


The problem is we heard the very same tough talk from Bill Clinton and other Democrats before Bush was even president. So was Bill Clinton lying? Or was he honest and only Bush lying when both said the very same things about Saddam and WMDs?

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