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NBTC to propose special SIM cards for foreign tourists so they can be traced


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"...Once the proposal gets a greenlight from the telecom committee..."


No only does this deserve to be treated with derision by ALL visitors to this country, but it could also be argued that these racist pigs are at odds with their own "daft" Constitution:


Section 36 A person shall enjoy the liberty of communication by whatsoever means. The censorship, detention or disclosure of communication between persons including any other act, with a view to being aware of or obtaining information therein, shall not be permitted, except by a court order or warrant or any other ground as specified by law.


Perhaps they could just microchip any non-Thai?

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1) All tourists should have a 'special sim' like all jews in the war had to have a special armband or star

2) By implication they are assuming all tourists are criminals, or at least a large proportion to even consider this course of legislation.

3) Good on the Thais for at least not saying 'it is in order to assist tourists more quickly and effectively"..... no they have called it straight and simply said "the visitors would be traced more easily in case some of them might engage in illegal activities" so they are freely admitting that it is to track foreigners

4) Any criminal is NOT going to use a trackable easily identifiable SIM..... no they will simply steal a local one, or use a global one with international usage.

5) How will this help when the good people of the Thai underworld do what they usually do in tourist hot-spots..... and steal the tourists wallet/purse/bag and phone???? the authorities will end up tracking their own people too!?

6) As mentioned by other posters.... all longer term foreigners have had to produce ID/passports and register their SIM/number already..... they already know who and where we are, so I do have to agree with an earlier humorous post that said 'why not just give every tourist and foreigner arriving a waterproof ankle-bracelet" to just seemly tag and track us in the first place -  That at least is unlikely to be stolen and at the very worst will hopefully help locate the dead bodies....whereas a phone sim can go missing (as can the phone!)  

7) and finally.... "Thai nationals are not required to use SIM cards which can be used to trace back to their locations because they were required to show their ID cards when they bought SIM cards, explained Mr Thakorn."

 - Ummm!?????? as in point (6) longer-term foreigners ALSO had to do this..... provide ID and proof of person getting the SIM card (AS per THAI law)

The MAIN point is... a serious or dangerous foreign criminal element or potential terrorist is NOT going to register himself, NOT going to give any correct address, NOT going to use a trackable SIM or phone.... they will come in, maybe on false details or slip across a border somewhere and lay low while they do what they plan..... 


I am sure I am missing many other things here..... but is this just not a waste of money, resources and man-power? one that damages foreign relations and tourism???

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16 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

They have got to be kidding. Good I have a local sim for over 10 years now, and they will have to remove that one from my prying hands.


Of course it is a blatant invasion of privacy AND I as a foreigner was also required to present my passport for my local sim to even work after their registration <deleted> two years or so ago.


Also, people that bring their own sim used and simply roam are not going to be easily traced, wonder if those Einsteins ever thought of that..







Doesn't sound as if you are a tourist, in which case you won't be affected.  So far as I can see, there is no intention to spread the net to foreign residents. 

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Why is it that military governments and their acolytes are so totally obsessed with gathering information on people - most of which is useless and all together is far too much to sift and handle anyway? just another load of useless info that infringes basic human rights and the authorities will be unable to deal with.


If you think you are paranoid and the government is out to get you, take another look - it it the authorities that are paranoid and think YOU are out to get them.....

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15 hours ago, madmitch said:

And if the tourist doesn't own a mobile phone?


Which is why there's been a recent surge in demand for the old analogue 'phones on ebay. Drug dealers in the UK (for one) prefer them as they can't be traced/monitored. So, that old Ericsson you've stashed away may come in handy if this level of paranoia keeps up. 

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1 minute ago, dageurreotype said:


Which is why there's been a recent surge in demand for the old analogue 'phones on ebay. Drug dealers in the UK (for one) prefer them as they can't be traced/monitored. So, that old Ericsson you've stashed away may come in handy if this level of paranoia keeps up. 

And there I was, taking the p!ss out of my dad's ancient Motorola while I was in London last week! He'll have the last laugh!

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8 minutes ago, Peterphuket said:

Once there was a famous dutch football coach who said: I'm the one who's as smart, or are you the one who's so stupid.

I think there all along been said.


He asked the reporters: Am i so smart or are you so stupid?


Even if the tourist has a phone would you think they take the simcard out so they can't call their family anymore?


They will say: "Bye bye Thailand, we go to Bali!"

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Since all SIM cards already are required to be registered to either a Thai's national ID number or a foreigner's passport number, the only possible reason for this proposal is to charge foreigners additional fees (i.e., dual pricing).

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Immigration in Pattaya used to hand out copies of other peoples passports as a way of recycling paper (printing on the other side) so you could use those.

Hang on, they have had 27 copies of my passport so far for just about anything you can think of, so that may not be such a good idea after all.

Please disregard :D

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17 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

They have got to be kidding. Good I have a local sim for over 10 years now, and they will have to remove that one from my prying hands.


Of course it is a blatant invasion of privacy AND I as a foreigner was also required to present my passport for my local sim to even work after their registration <deleted> two years or so ago.


Also, people that bring their own sim used and simply roam are not going to be easily traced, wonder if those Einsteins ever thought of that..





While I too have a local SIM and number for over 10 years and agree with you 100%...Thailand has become a true Police State and Big Brother State that cares nothing about Privacy rights nor personal liberties. Thankfully they remain the epitome of ineptitude! ;)

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how about to give a 24h police escort to be sure 100% your not a criminal,

or to install immediately in the airport 1 spy software in you mobile device ?

+ a criminal background record  that also includes arrests, charges dismissed, charges pending and charges of which the individual has been acquitted. Just to enter the country

Edited by Terry1968
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21 minutes ago, Oink said:

Immigration in Pattaya used to hand out copies of other peoples passports as a way of recycling paper (printing on the other side) so you could use those.

Hang on, they have had 27 copies of my passport so far for just about anything you can think of, so that may not be such a good idea after all.

Please disregard :D


Still happening in Phuket..... I got given a printed form about a month ago at Phuket town Immigration, had the full passport scan of some American on the back of it ?!?!?!?! (phot/number /ID usual stuff!)

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