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A place to feel at home but far from home


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Well, living in a soi with six houses all occupied by westerners isn't so bad.

We are not very close to each other but give a helping hand when needed.

Just on the other side of the three foot wall are Thais living.

No problems with them either as long as you don't mind them burning their trash, plastic, rubber, styrofoam just about 30 meters from your porch, looking at their "tidy" yards and enjoy their cars engines running for hours to cool the inside down to freezing, before leaving.

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But surely that's the whole point of living in Asia,for the life it's brash,it's noisy and it's full of energy,it's what makes me feel alive in SEA!
And is running a car on tickover for a few hours in the daytime really such a disturbance,most of the places I've lived the birdsong would drown it out?

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Actually I have a different take on this.....


Years ago when we moved into our moobaan it was perfect.....Thai's were at 70% - the Thai neighbors were friendly, quiet, and respectful....It was a pleasure bike riding, walking, or going to the pool.....Everyone was staying to themself friendly but smiles & greetings were easy to come by.....People also drove with respect....It was a nice slice of Thailand - we're farang/thai with 2 daughters.....


Now - the numbers have flipped......Cars zoom so quick they had to install more speed bumps + increase the size of the existing ones.....Farang guys are running around shirtless to stupid or uncaring about the Thailand in which they live - women the size of Clydesdale horses are waddling the streets with their earbuds in talking loudly to each other over their ear buds I can hear them yelling their conversation 3-4 houses away in each direction - smiles & greetings non existent from them - the Thais are on the street less & less.....More boisterous kids are yelling & running around the pool area - - in short, it's just what I didn't want to be around before & certainly don't want around me.....When I rarely heard Thai voices around me farang conversations can be heard 2 houses away......Fortunately they are very strict about noise, party sounds or it'd be worse....


The Thais are bailing out with houses for sale at least doubled.....


We're looking a different areas now.....What used to feel like a nice little slice of living has gone to hell....


......You can keep your Farangi jungles ......


That's just a small thumbnail sketch/example.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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1 minute ago, pgrahmm said:

Actually I have a different take on this.....


Years ago when we moved into our moobaan it was perfect.....Thai's were at 70% - the Thai neighbors were friendly, quiet, and respectful....It was a pleasure bike riding, walking, or going to the pool.....Everyone was staying to themself friendly but smiles & greetings were easy to come by.....People also drove with respect....It was a nice slice of Thailand - we're farang/thai with 2 daughters.....


Now - the numbers have flipped......Cars zoom so quick they had to install more speed bumps + increase the size of the existing ones.....Farang guys are running around shirtless - women the size of Clydesdale horses are waddling the streets with their earbuds in talking loudly to each other over their ear buds - smiles & greetings non existent from them.....More boisterous kids are yelling & running around the pool area - - in short, it's just what I didn't want to be around before & certainly don't want around me.....


The Thais are bailing out with houses for sale at least doubled.....


We're looking a different areas now.....What used to feel like a nice little slice of living has gone to hell....

......You can keep your Farangi jungles ......


Exactly my point,I just lived in Bangkok in a beautiful Moo Baan in Prawet,full of well-to-do Thais Police Chiefs,Army Officers etc. and it was fantastic.They were all super friendly and often the old boys jogging around would stop at my garden just to say hello to the token foreigner living there.
Why on Earth would anyone want to live surrounded by whingeing foreigners,it is absolutely 100% my idea of Hell?

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1 hour ago, JAFO said:


Man you are a dreamer. So to be the devils advocate, A scenario to consider: Neighbor A borrows Neighbors B's lawnmower. Neighbor A uses it and hits rocks, tears up the blade, rips the bag. and then returns it. Neighbor B is going to expect Neighbor A to pay for it. What if he doesn't? Are you going to become a mediator for this. It could go for anything in this Borrow stuff program of yours. And after that event trust me it will spread and no one will loan stuff to others. Its just that simple. I have personally loaned items to neighbors and friends and got them back in damaged or terribly dirty. While we always want to believe people borrowing things from others will respect them, the reality is they do not.


Carry On with your Wayward Pines Story. I am enjoying it

That's perfectly OK Jafo, let me actually be thanking you for bringing on this.

For a start, i don't feel to be much of a "dreamer", more like a "practical person" and simply someone which dares to think with its own mind rather than be a sheeply's entity which keep its head down, no matter what.

We are living in a time where people should pull up their sleeves and connect their brain while they are doing that, as improvements don't just fall from the sky above us.

Regarding the borrowing of personal stuff, which break down while in use by someone else, that's it's never been much of an issue to me, but it can certainly be for someone else.

Let's say i broke something that belongs to you, certainly i wouldn't wait for you to come asking me to repair it, but i'll be the first to offer possible solutions, to the extent of buying you a whole new one if a reasonable fix can't be found, but that's just me and my personal lifestyle.

In a community, things can work out on many different ways, let's say that we all create a little insurance plan to cover these little problems, or we offer a member the opportunity to cover the costs involved in a manner that will suit everyone personal circumstances, and let's not forget, that as a very last resort, every member had already paid a sum upfront to cover the cost of its property, so, i don't think that a lawnmower will exceed that sum, but i am always open to suggestions, surely someone might come up with something better or even a way to improve things up?

But don't make the mistake to confuse your personal dealings inside a different kind of environment, with what we are discussing here.

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1 hour ago, MyFrenU said:

But surely that's the whole point of living in Asia,for the life it's brash,it's noisy and it's full of energy,it's what makes me feel alive in SEA!
And is running a car on tickover for a few hours in the daytime really such a disturbance,most of the places I've lived the birdsong would drown it out?

I think that the choices which attracted so many different souls to live here, might drastically differ from person to person, as our divergences here would also easily highlight....

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1 hour ago, pgrahmm said:

Actually I have a different take on this.....


Years ago when we moved into our moobaan it was perfect.....Thai's were at 70% - the Thai neighbors were friendly, quiet, and respectful....It was a pleasure bike riding, walking, or going to the pool.....Everyone was staying to themself friendly but smiles & greetings were easy to come by.....People also drove with respect....It was a nice slice of Thailand - we're farang/thai with 2 daughters.....


Now - the numbers have flipped......Cars zoom so quick they had to install more speed bumps + increase the size of the existing ones.....Farang guys are running around shirtless to stupid or uncaring about the Thailand in which they live - women the size of Clydesdale horses are waddling the streets with their earbuds in talking loudly to each other over their ear buds I can hear them yelling their conversation 3-4 houses away in each direction - smiles & greetings non existent from them - the Thais are on the street less & less.....More boisterous kids are yelling & running around the pool area - - in short, it's just what I didn't want to be around before & certainly don't want around me.....When I rarely heard Thai voices around me farang conversations can be heard 2 houses away......Fortunately they are very strict about noise, party sounds or it'd be worse....


The Thais are bailing out with houses for sale at least doubled.....


We're looking a different areas now.....What used to feel like a nice little slice of living has gone to hell....


......You can keep your Farangi jungles ......


That's just a small thumbnail sketch/example.....


If you had taken the time to read previous posts, you would have already seen that these elements would have been already excluded from even being given  a chance to be part of it, but that would be too much to ask for, eh?

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4 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

I think that the choices which attracted so many different souls to live here, might drastically differ from person to person, as our divergences here would also easily highlight....

So how is surrounding yourself with the exact same people that you left home to get away from any different than staying at home and doing the same thing?

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1 hour ago, SoiBiker said:


Sadly, I think it probably is. 

It looks as you just found each other, if that's your idea of fun, whom am i to stop you having it, go for it go, just don't ask me to share any of the stuff you are into, boys....to each its own :)

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1 hour ago, MyFrenU said:

Of course if you don't agree that it's a wonderful idea on here then you are attacked,exactly why I would never even consider living in such an awful place!

Attacked? I am just telling you that i am not into the kind of stuff you are into, MyFrenU, and i am not going to compromise on this for obvious reasons, i feel sorry for you, but people with your interests are not welcome into my life, find someone else, but it looks you are already in "good" company here :D

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4 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

It looks as you just found each other, if that's your idea of fun, whom am i to stop you having it, go for it go, just don't ask me to share any of the stuff you are into, boys....to each its own :)


You seem to either have a bit of an issue with reading comprehension, or you simply prejudge people and ignore what they're actually saying. 


Obviously, that's not my idea of fun, or I wouldn't have called it sad, would I?

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26 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

That's perfectly OK Jafo, let me actually be thanking you for bringing on this.

For a start, i don't feel to be much of a "dreamer", more like a "practical person" and simply someone which dares to think with its own mind rather than be a sheeply's entity which keep its head down, no matter what.

We are living in a time where people should pull up their sleeves and connect their brain while they are doing that, as improvements don't just fall from the sky above us.

Regarding the borrowing of personal stuff, which break down while in use by someone else, that's it's never been much of an issue to me, but it can certainly be for someone else.

Let's say i broke something that belongs to you, certainly i wouldn't wait for you to come asking me to repair it, but i'll be the first to offer possible solutions, to the extent of buying you a whole new one if a reasonable fix can't be found, but that's just me and my personal lifestyle.

In a community, things can work out on many different ways, let's say that we all create a little insurance plan to cover these little problems, or we offer a member the opportunity to cover the costs involved in a manner that will suit everyone personal circumstances, and let's not forget, that as a very last resort, every member had already paid a sum upfront to cover the cost of its property, so, i don't think that a lawnmower will exceed that sum, but i am always open to suggestions, surely someone might come up with something better or even a way to improve things up?

But don't make the mistake to confuse your personal dealings inside a different kind of environment, with what we are discussing here.


You know I gotta say I admire your conviction to your beliefs that the environment you are proposing can be a serene one where there are birds chirping, people all walking around smiling and everybody just helps everybody without a second thought unconditionally. Almost fairy tale like. I will go back to my comment I posted to you earlier, You do not understand human dynamics of the world these days. While I do not want to sound personal here you appear to be living in a vacuum. You need to live WAY WAY out in some jungle area to pull off what you are proposing.


I know personally I wouldn't want a neighborhood like you are suggesting. Sounds almost Amish. Little to controlled and honestly boring (Jim Jones and Kool Aid drinking comes to mind). I like a bit of character but there has to be some limits. I personally do not live in a gated "Mooban" with a security guard. In fact I haven't seen a westerner in my area is years except a few tht were passing through and took pictures of a temple. I like my house  tucked away at the end of a small street. I talk to my Thai neighbors. They are a great bunch. No expectations and I am surely not going to loan them my stuff as I would never ask to borrow theirs. I like my Stuff. I worked hard to acquire it. Sound Selfish.......? Not really. Just some personal rules I have about my things. However I am always a guy willing to offer a helping hand when asked. I do that frequently with the old Thai couple down my street.


Again, Please carry on with your Wayward Pines ideals, they are entertaining


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5 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


You seem to either have a bit of an issue with reading comprehension, or you simply prejudge people and ignore what they're actually saying. 


Obviously, that's not my idea of fun, or I wouldn't have called it sad, would I?

Imagine the Nirvana of living in a Moo Baan full of like-minded people! :whistling:

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5 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

You seem to either have a bit of an issue with reading comprehension, or you simply prejudge people and ignore what they're actually saying. 


I agree with you Soi Biker. He is clearly a selective reader and passes over material that he does not want to have to answer nor has one. 


In the end the OP posted a question to a "What If" and he is getting his responses. Some are a bit harsh but Thats forum life. But there have been some good comments and rebuttals to his "Wayward Pines" ideals.

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6 minutes ago, JAFO said:


You know I gotta say I admire your conviction to your beliefs that the environment you are proposing can be a serene one where there are birds chirping, people all walking around smiling and everybody just helps everybody without a second thought unconditionally. Almost fairy tale like. I will go back to my comment I posted to you earlier, You do not understand human dynamics of the world these days. While I do not want to sound personal here you appear to be living in a vacuum. You need to live WAY WAY out in some jungle area to pull off what you are proposing.


I know personally I wouldn't want a neighborhood like you are suggesting. Sounds almost Amish. Little to controlled and honestly boring (Jim Jones and Kool Aid drinking comes to mind). I like a bit of character but there has to be some limits. I personally do not live in a gated "Mooban" with a security guard. In fact I haven't seen a westerner in my area is years except a few tht were passing through and took pictures of a temple. I like my house  tucked away at the end of a small street. I talk to my Thai neighbors. They are a great bunch. No expectations and I am surely not going to loan them my stuff as I would never ask to borrow theirs. I like my Stuff. I worked hard to acquire it. Sound Selfish.......? Not really. Just some personal rules I have about my things. However I am always a guy willing to offer a helping hand when asked. I do that frequently with the old Thai couple down my street.


Again, Please carry on with your Wayward Pines ideals, they are entertaining


Amish,I love it! :cheesy:

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26 minutes ago, JAFO said:


You know I gotta say I admire your conviction to your beliefs that the environment you are proposing can be a serene one where there are birds chirping, people all walking around smiling and everybody just helps everybody without a second thought unconditionally. Almost fairy tale like. I will go back to my comment I posted to you earlier, You do not understand human dynamics of the world these days. While I do not want to sound personal here you appear to be living in a vacuum. You need to live WAY WAY out in some jungle area to pull off what you are proposing.


I know personally I wouldn't want a neighborhood like you are suggesting. Sounds almost Amish. Little to controlled and honestly boring (Jim Jones and Kool Aid drinking comes to mind). I like a bit of character but there has to be some limits. I personally do not live in a gated "Mooban" with a security guard. In fact I haven't seen a westerner in my area is years except a few tht were passing through and took pictures of a temple. I like my house  tucked away at the end of a small street. I talk to my Thai neighbors. They are a great bunch. No expectations and I am surely not going to loan them my stuff as I would never ask to borrow theirs. I like my Stuff. I worked hard to acquire it. Sound Selfish.......? Not really. Just some personal rules I have about my things. However I am always a guy willing to offer a helping hand when asked. I do that frequently with the old Thai couple down my street.


Again, Please carry on with your Wayward Pines ideals, they are entertaining


You have to think, that if the world it's in a mess as it is, it's just because there are people exactly as yourselves, which aren't willing to improve a single thing around them, so, next time you want to complain about anything, i would suggest to have a long look at the mirror, then try to understand the reasons of your inconveniences, i am going to keep it short, but trust me, i could go on and on to tell you just how wrong your own views are, and how they will finally have an impact on you too, willing or unwilling, and that's a fact.

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It's quite bizarre to the point of surreal,to watch this whole thing unfold now with imagined cliques being formed that clearly don't exist!
I imagine this thread will pretty much serve as the prototype for how well this project,let's call it 'Farangland' would operate in real life!

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3 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

You have to think, that if the world it's in a mess as it is, it's just because there are people exactly as yourselves, which aren't willing to improve a single thing around them, so, next time you want to complain about anything, i would suggest to have a long look at the mirror, then try to understand the reasons of your inconveniences, i am going to keep it short, but trust me, i could go on and on to tell you just how wrong your own views are, and how they will finally have an impact on you too, willing or unwilling, and that's a fact.


It's not so much that I'm not willing to improve things, but more that I don't believe my immediate environment would be improved by the removal of all the Thai people. 

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8 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Sorry, when did I say that?



you can't even recall what you just wrote a few moments back, ohh well, you seems to be really almost all on the same level here, just a few intelligent posters so far, but that's okay, i am not really going to offer anything more than an open discussion to a public forum to you guys, sorry but you will have to cope with it

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33 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

You have to think, that if the world it's in a mess as it is, it's just because there are people exactly as yourselves, which aren't willing to improve a single thing around them, so, next time you want to complain about anything, i would suggest to have a long look at the mirror, then try to understand the reasons of your inconveniences, i am going to keep it short, but trust me, i could go on and on to tell you just how wrong your own views are, and how they will finally have an impact on you too, willing or unwilling, and that's a fact.


Come on now. I am just trying to rationalize in my mind how you plan to pull off this little "Life behind the big walls with a bunch of like minded foreigners". Seriously. I am a very open minded guy but there are things in play that even you cannot change. Do I like how society has changed, No not in many segments. Are there entitled, rude, selfish,obnoxious people everywhere you go, Yes. Am I going to change it, No!. I learned along time ago, focus on your area of influence. That is my family and friends. Try and Smile a lot, treat others how you would want to be treated.


Again I wish you the best on your quest. The only way this happens is if you find a bunch of really low self esteem lost people with a bunch of money to throw at your ideals. You will  find that what you envisioned happening will likely never come to fruition.  Short of that this thread was fun and welcome to Thailand.

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