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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:


FOX News Just Admitted Benghazi Investigation Was A Hoax To Smear Hillary.   






Fox News has thrown up the proverbial white flag and announced to the world the Republican-led Benghazi hearings have all been a hoax perpetrated on the American people in hopes of scoring cheap political points against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.




Hardly a newsflash to anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.



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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:


FOX News Just Admitted Benghazi Investigation Was A Hoax To Smear Hillary.   






Fox News has thrown up the proverbial white flag and announced to the world the Republican-led Benghazi hearings have all been a hoax perpetrated on the American people in hopes of scoring cheap political points against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.




My favorite line from that article.


"However, if one were looking to assess blame they might look to the Republican committee which cut the funding to security for embassies."


So the Republicans cut security funding for embassies and then blame Clinton for lack of security. Priceless.

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12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Clinton has many times used the Bin Laden thing as a way to bolster her own credibility to the adoring ( small ) crowd of her supporters. As anyone with more than half a brain cell knows, she had nothing more to do with planning the military side of the operation than to sit in a room thousands of miles away.


I doubt HRC claimed credit for planning the operation, ever. At best, she was part of those making the call to execute it. She would still have a wee bit more experience in these matters than Trump. 

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This guy doesn't get it.

trump lies MUCH MORE than Hillary.

He's a con man from way back. 

He also doesn't get that trump is clearly mentally unstable and shouldn't be near the nuclear codes.

I agree with him on one thing. Democrats are for making the USA more European, as in less economic inequality and health care access for all. That's a good thing. 

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On 10/25/2016 at 3:09 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Clinton has many times used the Bin Laden thing as a way to bolster her own credibility to the adoring ( small ) crowd of her supporters. As anyone with more than half a brain cell knows, she had nothing more to do with planning the military side of the operation than to sit in a room thousands of miles away.


Obama didn't plan the military side of it either.


Vice Admiral Radford did it, which is the standard procedure - y'know, a military guy (or a naval one depending on one's terminology).


Think of how a Bin Laden thing would have gone had Caligula Trump planned it since he is certain he and his horse know more than the generals/admirals know.

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56 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Think of how a Bin Laden thing would have gone had Caligula Trump planned it since he is certain he and his horse know more than the generals/admirals know.


Inspiring  - Caligula   :cheesy:   :clap2:  that is so true, you have hit the nail square on the head. You have given me a good giggle tonight thanks.

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On 10/24/2016 at 4:30 PM, Boon Mee said:

Well, here's a bit of Polling data you might want to peruse?  :smile:


IBD: Donald Trump to win the election




The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is about to win the US presidential election. At least according to the latest opinion poll from Investor's Business Daily (IBD).

The IBD/TIPP poll — a collaboration between Investor's Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) — has been the most accurate poll in recent presidential elections.
According to the IBD poll, published today, Trump leads with 43 percent against Hillary Clinton's 41 percent. 




UGE turnaround for Trump. 538 has him all the way up to 13.9% now vs HRC's 86.1% for chances of winning the election. That's up 1% in the last few weeks!


Big momentum swing, eh Boon? 


Hillary continues campaigning in red states hoping to grab a few of those in the coming landslide. 


Let's face it, Trump and the Republican party are screwed and screwed for the future as well.  The conservative media industrial complex successfully managed over the years to lock the Republican Party away from access to its own base. Wingnut websites, talk radio, and Fox News  moved the center of gravity in the Republican base further and further right. It's so far right at this point, it's now off in bizarro world. 


Every post by the wingnuts seems to get further and further out there. HRC could pass as a Republican in the Reagan era. Now if you're not 100% in the wingnut conspiracy camp you're a RINO. Ted Cruz was #2!!! 


There's a change a coming. As the old white guys die off there is simply not enough low-info deplorables out there to replace them. This election is it for Republicans. This is the one that changes everything. Bye bye, so long, farewell. 


Som nom na 

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Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate and former Republican,  Bill Weld effectively walked away from his candidacy and called for voters to vote for Hillary Clinton today. 


Weld urged people to defeat Trump with their votes. "Most families would not allow their children to remain at the dinner table if they behaved as Mr. Trump does. He has not exhibited the self-control, the discipline, or the emotional depth necessary to function credibly as a President of the United States." :cheesy:


Now for something really funny, let's watch complete idiot and big Trump supporter Alex Jones go completely off his rocker in another crying jag, bemoaning the state of the wingnut world :cheesy:


This is fantastic! Enjoy!



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3 hours ago, Pinot said:

Now for something really funny, let's watch complete idiot and big Trump supporter Alex Jones go completely off his rocker in another crying jag, bemoaning the state of the wingnut world :cheesy:


I wasn't going to watch that video since I can't stand Alex Jones in any capacity but I am glad I did just for the short clip where he goes all mental about some woman touching him. Alex stated she "rammed into him" but I watched that part several times and she seems to have just touched him on the arm then he freaks all out. What a sad, sad man. But I already knew that.

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Trump boasts about his philanthropy. But his giving falls short of his words.


"In the fall of 1996, a charity called the Association to Benefit Children held a ribbon-cutting in Manhattan for a new nursery school

serving children with AIDS. The bold-faced names took seats up front."


“There’s this kind of ruckus at the door, and I don’t know what was going on, and in comes Donald Trump. He just gets up on the podium and sits down.”


"Trump was not a major donor. He was not a donor, period. He’d never given a dollar to the nursery or the Association to Benefit Children,

according to Gretchen Buchenholz, the charity’s executive director then and now. Afterward, Disney and Buchenholz recalled,

Trump left without offering an explanation. Or a donation."



The narcissistic Bloviator on display.

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Searching for evidence of Trump’s personal giving

"The Washington Post has contacted more than 400 charities with some ties to the GOP nominee in an effort to find proof of the millions, he has said he donated to them. We’ve mostly been unsuccessful."


"So far, The Post's search has turned up little. Between 2008 and this May — when Trump made good on a pledge to give $1 million to a veterans' group — its search has identified just one personal gift from Trump's own pocket."



A sample page from the 405 inquiries:



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On 10/27/2016 at 5:22 AM, Pinot said:

Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate and former Republican,  Bill Weld effectively walked away from his candidacy and called for voters to vote for Hillary Clinton today. 


Weld urged people to defeat Trump with their votes. "Most families would not allow their children to remain at the dinner table if they behaved as Mr. Trump does. He has not exhibited the self-control, the discipline, or the emotional depth necessary to function credibly as a President of the United States." :cheesy:


Now for something really funny, let's watch complete idiot and big Trump supporter Alex Jones go completely off his rocker in another crying jag, bemoaning the state of the wingnut world :cheesy:


This is fantastic! Enjoy!




Does anyone else see the similarity to a WWE publicity rant? How many Trump supporters think the WWE is real?



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On 10/24/2016 at 4:30 PM, Boon Mee said:

Well, here's a bit of Polling data you might want to peruse?  :smile:


IBD: Donald Trump to win the election




The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is about to win the US presidential election. At least according to the latest opinion poll from Investor's Business Daily (IBD).

The IBD/TIPP poll — a collaboration between Investor's Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) — has been the most accurate poll in recent presidential elections.
According to the IBD poll, published today, Trump leads with 43 percent against Hillary Clinton's 41 percent. 



Hey, I just checked out IBD's latest. They have clinton up 4 in a 4 way race, up 5 in a two way race.  Doing better here than in the lying ABC tracking poll. Thanks for directing my attention to this source.

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Analysis Thanks to Trump, We Can Better Understand How Hitler Was Possible


America isn't Nazi Germany and Trump isn't the Führer. But today it is easier to grasp how millions of people accepted the outrageous lies and dangerous delusions offered by the tyrant.

....continued ....


And please spare me your “how dare you compare” indignation, if you are so inclined. I do not claim that America is Nazi Germany, that Trump is Hitler or that another Holocaust is just around the corner. But the blanket ban on using the most discussed, most debated and most researched issue of the 20th century as a reference point for viewing current events is, in my view, beyond ridiculous. Especially as it usually comes from people who routinely depict every two-bit Arab propagandist as a Goebbels and every minuscule human rights NGO as successors of kapos and Judenrats.


Viewed through the lenses of the current presidential campaign, historical descriptions of Hitler’s appeal to the German masses suddenly seem hauntingly familiar. Take, for example, Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw’s description of the recurring themes in Hitler’s speeches: “The contrast of Germany’s strength in a glorious past with its current weakness and national humiliation – a sick state in the hands of traitors and cowards who had betrayed the Fatherland to its powerful enemies and behind them, the Jews...a cheating and corrupt government and party system presiding over economic misery, social division, political conflict and ethical collapse.”


Or Richard Evans, writing in The Coming of the Third Reich: “He gained much of his oratorical success by telling his audiences what they wanted to hear. He used simple, straightforward language that ordinary people could understand, short sentences, powerful emotive slogans...There were no qualifications in what he said; everything was absolute, uncompromising, irrevocable, undeviating, unalterable, final. He seemed, as many who listened to his early speeches testified, to speak straight from the heart, and to express their deepest fears and desires. Increasingly, too, he exuded self-confidence, aggression, belief in the ultimate triumph of his party, even a sense of destiny.”


Of course, most people didn’t take Hitler seriously at first. Refined Germans viewed him with distaste and dismissed him as a buffoon, and not only because of his melodramatic speeches and volatile gestures. Writing in the New Statesman, social critic William Crotch recounted his own impressions of the future German dictator in the late 1920’s: “Another thing that struck me was the man’s utter incapacity to deal with important details....His talk was a succession of vague generalities, couched in attractive if flowery language, but showing in every case either complete ignorance or at least complete contempt for detail.”


read more: http://www.haaretz.com/world-news/u-s-election-2016/1.749153


I've been wanting to say something about this for weeks now, but dared not to as I didn't feel I could properly back it up, and I didn't want to do any research. Then today I came across this!!!


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20 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

it's exactly what it says and you dont like it because it strikes too close to home . 


I don't like it because comparing Trump to Hitler is moronic - as is defending it.

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For the US voters. You have the choice of an incredibly corrupt thieving liar and a buffoon. Hillary is as nasty of a woman as any who has ever drawn a breath. I don't know how anyone in their right mind could  honestly support her. I sometime back decided that I could not support either candidate. Yes, I am not voting in this absurd election. I shudder to think what the future of the country will be if this horrible woman is elected.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

She lies much, much less than trump and that's a fact.


She lies about matters concerning national security which is much more important. Electing a serial liar about security issues is insane.

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6 minutes ago, Gary A said:

For the US voters. You have the choice of an incredibly corrupt thieving liar and a buffoon. Hillary is as nasty of a woman as any who has ever drawn a breath. I don't know how anyone in their right mind could  honestly support her. I sometime back decided that I could not support either candidate. Yes, I am not voting in this absurd election. I shudder to think what the future of the country will be if this horrible woman is elected.


By not voting, you are helping one of the candidates get a better chance of being elected.  Is it the one you want to help?

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14 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I don't like it because it is moronic - as is defending it.



14 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I don't like it because it is moronic - as is defending it.


of course someone who is exposed as being much like they were would say that. but the contempt of the rest of the world will only get worse so get used to it

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


She lies about matters concerning national security which is much more important. Electing a serial liar about security issues is insane.


and he is a serial liar and will lie about matters concerning national security if he is ever privy to them.

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