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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

Job Killer: Trump Bought $350 Million In Aluminum From China While US Industry Collapsed.


Newsweek has discovered that the Republican nominee went overseas to China to buy $350 million worth of aluminum just on his Chicago tower alone instead of using a US supplier like Alcoa.  More than half of all American aluminum smelting plants have shut down in just the last two years while billionaires like Trump buy cheap Chinese aluminum to save money. Newsweek reports:




How many of the items you purchase annually are "Made in the USA" ?


Sadly, this is a result of globalization. 


Do you or anyone you know boycott Chinese made goods? 


I try and avoid Chinese made goods but my closets are full of their sh**.

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Just now, ClutchClark said:


How many of the items you purchase annually are "Made in the USA" ?


Sadly, this is a result of globalization. 


Do you or anyone you know boycott Chinese made goods? 


I try and avoid Chinese made goods but my closets are full of their sh**.


There's no way to go back to the romantic past of Jimmy Stewart and It's a Wonderful Life. That is fiction. The world is globalized and there is no going back. Anybody who believes otherwise will be left standing still. Companies are accountable to shareholders, and shareholders don't give a crap where they are incorporated and will easily leave US shores for abroad as HQ if Trump tries his wacky plans.

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4 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Absolutely agree. However, Romney got destroyed in 2012 when he resisted disclosing his taxes, and finally relinquished and the public was calling for his head that hey only paid 14% on all his private equity earnings. 



Personally, I do not think that is what sunk Romney. It was far right idiots who refused to vote for him, because he was too much of a moderate. 

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Personally, I do not think that is what sunk Romney. It was far right idiots who refused to vote for him, because he was too much of a moderate. 


Yup, Romney would have made a much better President than Obama, and the country would be on a much better path now if he had been elected.

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8 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


How many of the items you purchase annually are "Made in the USA" ?


Sadly, this is a result of globalization. 


Do you or anyone you know boycott Chinese made goods? 


I try and avoid Chinese made goods but my closets are full of their sh**.

Trump is allways talking about bringing back jobs to the US, but he is just full of shit. Even the caps "Making America Great Again" are made in China. Trumps Ties are made in China and his shirts are made in Pakistan. He don´t ware the suits he sells instead he buys them from Brioni in Italy. Ivanka buys her scarfs from China, so yes the Trump family is so full of shit and the scary thing is his supporters buys it without a question.

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1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump is allways talking about bringing back jobs to the US, but he is just full of shit. Even the caps "Making America Great Again" are made in China. Trumps Ties are made in China and his shirts are made in Pakistan. He don´t ware the suits he sells instead he buys them from Brioni in Italy. Ivanka buys her scarfs from China, so yes the Trump family is so full of shit and the scary thing is his supporters buys it without a question.


I will ask a second time since you must have missed it when you quoted me.


Do you not own any Chinese made products? 


It is virtually impossible to live today without Chinese made products.


By gosh, the computer you are spitting on in anger is very likely 90% assembled with Chinese made products.


That is what Trump is talking about changing. Is it possible to become less reliant on China? I sorta doubt it but Trump is the only one talking about the concept. Hillary is just fine with the status quo. She has made no promises to help out the disenfranchised American Blue Collar worker. she has not said or done anything to recognize they even exist...oh wait, she did have something to say about that group of Americans a couple weeks ago when she disgracefully lumped them all together as racists right?

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30 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

More evidence may be emerging soon about Trump's contempt for other people's money and how he treats donations or cash he has access to as his personal piggy bank. The New York Attorney General has sent a cease and desist order to Trump Foundation and that Trump, under penalty of perjury, will have to open the books on his "foundation" piggy bank. Jail time and fines are possibly in the cards depending on what they find. 



Trump Foundation ordered to stop fundraising by N.Y. attorney general’s office.


“The Trump Foundation must immediately cease soliciting contributions or engaging in any other fundraising activities in New York,” wrote James G. Sheehan, the head of the charities bureau in the office of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D).





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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


I will ask a second time since you must have missed it when you quoted me.


Do you not own any Chinese made products? 


It is virtually impossible to live today without Chinese made products.


By gosh, the computer you are spitting on in anger is very likely 90% assembled with Chinese made products.


That is what Trump is talking about changing. Is it possible to become less reliant on China? I sorta doubt it but Trump is the only one talking about the concept. Hillary is just fine with the status quo. She has made no promises to help out the disenfranchised American Blue Collar worker. she has not said or done anything to recognize they even exist...oh wait, she did have something to say about that group of Americans a couple weeks ago when she disgracefully lumped them all together as racists right?


It's a pipe dream to think of becoming less reliant on China, both for the US, and for the entire world. China is the workshop to the world. For many, many reasons, including logistics, vast US and global investment and technology transfer already installed, as well as a unique work ethic, and with the emergence of dominant e-commerce giants like Alibaba, there is no likely scalable replacement on the near horizon. None. Trump is selling snake oil.

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


I will ask a second time since you must have missed it when you quoted me.


Do you not own any Chinese made products? 


It is virtually impossible to live today without Chinese made products.


By gosh, the computer you are spitting on in anger is very likely 90% assembled with Chinese made products.


That is what Trump is talking about changing. Is it possible to become less reliant on China? I sorta doubt it but Trump is the only one talking about the concept. Hillary is just fine with the status quo. She has made no promises to help out the disenfranchised American Blue Collar worker. she has not said or done anything to recognize they even exist...oh wait, she did have something to say about that group of Americans a couple weeks ago when she disgracefully lumped them all together as racists right?


Do you not own any Chinese made products? 

Yes I do. But I am not running for POTUS telling everybody China is beating us I will take jobs back to USA, BS he won´t, he even import his labor.



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24 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


There's no way to go back to the romantic past of Jimmy Stewart and It's a Wonderful Life. That is fiction. The world is globalized and there is no going back. Anybody who believes otherwise will be left standing still. Companies are accountable to shareholders, and shareholders don't give a crap where they are incorporated and will easily leave US shores for abroad as HQ if Trump tries his wacky plans.


I was 100% with you until the last sentence.


I would not call them "wacky" plans. I would call them at worst "campaign promises" and at best "good intentions". 


Is it possible to bring some jobs back to the US? Its worth a shot isn't it? I think it is.


Will attempting to limit the number of illegal immigrants in the US help return the jobs they are working back to Americans? The laws of economics and supply & demand would suggest it will. Is it worth a try? I think it is.


I don't recall Jimmy Stewart having to deal with these issues when he portrayed George Bailey. I might have to dust off the old VCR and watch it through to be certain unless you have watched it and can tell me.

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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I was 100% with you until the last sentence.


i would not call them "wacky" plans. I would call them at worst "campaign promises" and at best "good intentions". 


Is it possible to bring some jobs back to the US? Its worth a shot isn't it? I think it is.


Will attempting to limit the number of illegsl immigrants in the US help retuen the jobs they are working back to Americans? The laws of economics and supply & demand would suggest it will. Is it worth a try? I think it is.


I don't recall Jimmy Stewart having to desl with rhese issues when he portrayed George Bailey. I might have to dust off the old VCR and watch it through to be certain unless you have watched it and can tell me.


The only jobs coming back to the US are those that move UP the value chain, not DOWN the value chain. Those lower value jobs can never come back. Impossible. Hell, China is scrambling itself to outsource and find cheaper places to shove off what is now lower added value manufacturing to Vietnam and other places. It's an evolutionary science.

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11 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


The only jobs coming back to the US are those that move UP the value chain, not DOWN the value chain. Those lower value jobs can never come back. Impossible.


You are incorrect.

Some of those jobs I speak of are still in the US and being filled by illegals. 


Why don't you tske a look at the auto manufacturing sector that still continues in the US. 


Now don't go and pigeon hole me, I am not saying we can bring back the Industrial & manufacturing heyday that we enjoyed for half a century post-WWII but there are some limited gains which can be made. 


Does Trump intend to actually keep a campaign promise--well campaign promises are alot like those promises we used to make girlfriends to get in their pants--they are seldom kept.


I buy American whenever I can. Its not easy to do. Big ticket items like vehicles and farm machinery and appliances are all built with parts from overseas. But I just looked through my kitchen and I cannot find one item that is not produced right here in the USA. I make a point of it--I buy local if I don't produce it myself. 


BTW, I have read China is actually outsourcing some of their manufacturing to SE Asian neighbors these days...heard much about that ? You seem to have your finger on the pulse of things.

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30 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You are incorrect.

Some of those jobs I speak of are still in the US and being filled by illegals. 


Why don't you tske a look at the auto manufacturing sector that still continues in the US. 


Now don't go and pigeon hole me, I am not saying we can bring back the Industrial & manufacturing heyday that we enjoyed for half a century post-WWII but there are some limited gains which can be made. 


Does Trump intend to actually keep a campaign promise--well campaign promises are alot like those promises we used to make girlfriends to get in their pants--they are seldom kept.


I buy American whenever I can. Its not easy to do. Big ticket items like vehicles and farm machinery and appliances are all built with parts from overseas. But I just looked through my kitchen and I cannot find one item that is not produced right here in the USA. I make a point of it--I buy local if I don't produce it myself. 


BTW, I have read China is actually outsourcing some of their manufacturing to SE Asian neighbors these days...heard much about that ? You seem to have your finger on the pulse of things.


Yes, China is outsourcing to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, and other places because wages have risen and they are starting to face the same things the US faced 40 years ago. India is always the great promise, but fails to meet the test in many areas, and is developing along different lines, and has different characteristics so we can't use the same metrics we use for China.


Sure, the US and every advanced society has need for lower value jobs, and that's why we need Mexicans and other managed programs to deal with those, similar to Thailand and Myanmar.  I don't see American picking oranges in Florida anytime soon, but maybe I'm wrong.


BTW, those products you see stamped as 'Made in the USA' in your kitchen (which I also assume is in the USA) are likely only partially made there. As you say, all producers use the cheapest and best component or base parts and materials for the quality sold, and in many cases that can be a large percentage of the value of the product stamped made in the USA, plus they may use tricky duty drawback programs so that in essence you are buying an almost 100% made abroad product and thinking it is made locally.  



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12 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

This is what some Americans wanted to change when they voted for Trump. They wanted to speak out about the corruption in our career politicians--the kind of corruption that favors the wealthy who can & do buy politicians.


So as much as I dislike Trump, the fact our politicians on both sides of the aisle created this opportunity for him and his "ilk" to avoid paying taxes is an example of what Trump supporters were hoping to fix. 


Are you kidding?   Everything Trump has proposed thus far (drastically lowering taxes for super rich, for example) is designed to continue to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.  When I hear 'Trickle down economics' I think of a poor family living in a tiny apartment directly under Trump's bathroom in his 5000 sq ft. gold-encrusted penthouse, .....and the gold toilet pipe leaks through the floorboards.


1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

 That is why smart pols put their fortune into blind trusts, and do other advance planning.


Trump Jr. was asked about whether his dad would put money into a 'blind trust.'  the punk said, 'Sure. My father will put money into a trust managed by me and other family members.'  The interviewer then said, 'but that then wouldn't be a blind trust, if family members controlled it.'

Trump Jr. honestly didn't understand, even after being gently educated by the interviewer.

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17 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Yes, China is outsourcing to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, and other places because wages have risen and they are starting to face the same things the US faced 40 years ago. India is always the great promise, but fails to meet the test in many areas, and is developing along different lines, and has different characteristics so we can't use the same metrics we use for China.


Sure, the US and every advanced society has need for lower value jobs, and that's why we need Mexicans and other managed programs to deal with those, similar to Thailand and Myanmar.  I don't see American picking oranges in Florida anytime soon, but maybe I'm wrong.


BTW, those products you see stamped as 'Made in the USA' in your kitchen (which I also assume is in the USA) are likely only partially made there. As you say, all producers use the cheapest and best component or base parts and materials for the quality sold, and in many cases that can be a large percentage of the value of the product stamped made in the USA, plus they may use tricky duty drawback programs so that in essence you are buying an almost 100% made abroad product and thinking it is made locally.  




Our Seasonal Migrants in the US that pick fruit are primarily documented workers although the ratio of undocumented fruit pickers has increased annually. 


Americans might pick oranges but they would insist on better wages than the current stagnated wages, which would then drive up the cost of Florida OJ so much that Americans would trade down for Brazilian OJ products...yeah, I have some knowledge of how things work.


As for my kitchen, its still full of appliances like Kitchen-Aid made in the USA 40 years ago. The only item that is not is my Nespresso Espresso maker cause its the only thing I have bought in decades.


I was saying all my food products are USA and that is true except for a couple items. My Pure Vanilla extract, my Salt and my bottle of 100% Blue Agave Tequila.


I am not a Trump supporter, I am a Republican this election (I was a Ron Paul voter last election). I have voted Democrat back when the Party was solidly in support of Labor but they traded that group of Americans in for the Welfare demographic some time back and lost my vote. Sadly, it might be some of those old blue-collar tradesman that have been outsourced and are now on welfare ;-(


But what I take exception to are posters like yourself who look down their noses at Trump believers and scoff at them for wanting to believe that jobs might come back. These peoples identities have been stolen by globalization. Who are you or anyone else to belittle them for dreaming ? All the fatcats in society today have this displaced segment of Americans to thank for making America what it was in its heyday following WW-II. They were raised with work ethics and they paid their dues.

They are entitled to some respect. And before one of these little snivelling liberals comes on here and pouts they are all white racists the fact is this group included blacks working side-by-side with the whites and building for a better future...and one can look at Detroit to see this is true. 


Have a good one. Thanks for the good insights.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


I was 100% with you until the last sentence.


I would not call them "wacky" plans. I would call them at worst "campaign promises" and at best "good intentions". 


Is it possible to bring some jobs back to the US? Its worth a shot isn't it? I think it is.


Will attempting to limit the number of illegal immigrants in the US help return the jobs they are working back to Americans? The laws of economics and supply & demand would suggest it will. Is it worth a try? I think it is.


I don't recall Jimmy Stewart having to deal with these issues when he portrayed George Bailey. I might have to dust off the old VCR and watch it through to be certain unless you have watched it and can tell me.


The parallel is that American commerce now looks like that version of life that came to pass had George Bailey never been born. "Main Street's" chief economic drivers would appear to be strip clubs, pawn shops; "vaping" stores; tattoo parlors; payday loan businesses and if you live in my state, marijuana shops. Yeah, it's a wonderful life.

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You are not allowed to change quotes by making them Bold. I know its a useful practice that quickly allows us to know what specifically you were responding to but it results in posts being deleted.


See if you can go back and edit it. 



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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


The parallel is that American commerce now looks like that version of life that came to pass had George Bailey never been born. "Main Street's" chief economic drivers would appear to be strip clubs, pawn shops; "vaping" stores; tattoo parlors; payday loan businesses and if you live in my state, marijuana shops. Yeah, it's a wonderful life.


There is so much truth to your observations.


I just returned from a cross-country trip across rural America like that old book "Blue Highways" and it was full of exactly what you say. 


So many of those towns are places without any hope...just desperation. 


And the desperation is not racist--it has afflicted residents of all colors.


EDIT: howabout the South where every other Billboard has a religious theme and in between each of those is a billboard advertising Adult stores with peep shows.

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


The parallel is that American commerce now looks like that version of life that came to pass had George Bailey never been born. "Main Street's" chief economic drivers would appear to be strip clubs, pawn shops; "vaping" stores; tattoo parlors; payday loan businesses and if you live in my state, marijuana shops. Yeah, it's a wonderful life.


Haha, speaking of fictional alternate universes, if Trump is elected, it will be like the Back to the Future episode where Biff got hold of the betting odds book and became the Trump-like casino evil, crass magnate controlling Hill Valley. Hey, wait a minute, I recall reading the screenwriter based that character actually on the real Donald Trump. :shock1:

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3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


There is so much truth to your observations.


I just returned from a cross-country trip across rural America like that old book "Blue Highways" and it was full of exactly what you say. 


So many of those towns are places without any hope...just desperation. 


And the desperation is not racist--it has afflicted residents of all colors.


And if you take a slower pass through those towns you'll see all the "deplorables" children down at the military recruitment center on their journey to becoming the cannon fodder in service to the elites who find them so contemptable.

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Our Seasonal Migrants in the US that pick fruit are primarily documented workers although the ratio of undocumented fruit pickers has increased annually. 


Americans might pick oranges but they would insist on better wages than the current stagnated wages, which would then drive up the cost of Florida OJ so much that Americans would trade down for Brazilian OJ products...yeah, I have some knowledge of how things work.


As for my kitchen, its still full of appliances like Kitchen-Aid made in the USA 40 years ago. The only item that is not is my Nespresso Espresso maker cause its the only thing I have bought in decades.


I was saying all my food products are USA and that is true except for a couple items. My Pure Vanilla extract, my Salt and my bottle of 100% Blue Agave Tequila.


I am not a Trump supporter, I am a Republican this election (I was a Ron Paul voter last election). I have voted Democrat back when the Party was solidly in support of Labor but they traded that group of Americans in for the Welfare demographic some time back and lost my vote. Sadly, it might be some of those old blue-collar tradesman that have been outsourced and are now on welfare ;-(


But what I take exception to are posters like yourself who look down their noses at Trump believers and scoff at them for wanting to believe that jobs might come back. These peoples identities have been stolen by globalization. Who are you or anyone else to belittle them for dreaming ? All the fatcats in society today have this displaced segment of Americans to thank for making America what it was in its heyday following WW-II. They were raised with work ethics and they paid their dues.

They are entitled to some respect. And before one of these little snivelling liberals comes on here and pouts they are all white racists the fact is this group included blacks working side-by-side with the whites and building for a better future...and one can look at Detroit to see this is true. 


Have a good one. Thanks for the good insights.


Clutch, Trump is a despicable, proven liar who cares for no one but himself and feeds off creating hope in the less fortunate. You say you take exception at posters who look down their noses at Trump "believers" - come on! He has done nothing good in his life. You talk about how great it is he wants to bring back jobs to America, can't you see he simply just says that? If 18 months ago he would have started by bringing back all the businesses he has in other countries to the USA and producing his goods at home, he would have some credibility. But he did not, he stands on stage spouting lyrical about himself and creating jobs and continues to produce goods in sweatshops in China, India, Bangladesh etc.



Who are you or anyone else to belittle them for dreaming ?


It is simply that - dreaming, and Trump will turn your dreams into a nightmare. Your idea of moving back to a utopia and correcting the corruption in Capitol Hill cannot be achieved by employing one of your countries most corrupt and morally bankrupt people to do it. This is mass hypnotism at it's best and everyone is walking to the end of the cliff edge. Many of us looking outside-in despair that many folks are now totally blinded. Do not consider us looking down our noses but more slapping you in the face and shaking you by the collar saying 'wake up' you are falling over a cliff.


Your vote for the 'Republican Party' is wasted because Trump is the complete antithesis of the Republican parties values. Clinton is an establishment scoundrel but Trump is not the way to beat her. Your country is dividing into the many parts that has made it whole and 'great' and the wounds that Trump is creating will take a generation or more to heal.


We are not complaining that Trump pays no taxes by using legal loopholes. When you don't pay taxes you do not send out tweets saying "Obama doesn't pay enough tax", 'Tax dodgers are ruining our countries infrastructure' etc etc. You are wise to shut up. You don't tell 300 million people you contribute millions to charity when you contribute to nothing and that is provable.


You used the word 'believers' above and that is key. You are all taking this in without a single piece of evidence to demand the truth. And that evidence is so easy to provide. If every Trump supporter shouted at a rally "you want our vote - produce your tax returns" over and over (instead of 'build the wall' - then you would be in control. If he is what he says then take a simple step to prove it and if he does and what he says is true, I would drive you to your ballot box myself.


Unfortunately I do not know what the magic wand is to fix the hole you have been thrown in. Maybe the need for the right to bear arms is finally upon the USA. Next Friday prior to the next debate on Sunday if every single American was armed to the hilt and stood in an hours silence around every single main Government building in the land, including the White House and Capitol Hill holding signs saying 'stop the political corruption' then maybe you would finally get a debate where both parties swear to work together for the common good of the country. Right now you will never have bipartisan cooperation again and that will lead to the complete downfall of the USA and the country you love within the next 10 years.


Good luck, and do not blame us outsiders for butting in because the security and well being of our families depend on the choices that YOU and your peers make in 5 weeks to come.

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13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Clutch, Trump is a despicable, proven liar who cares for no one but himself and feeds off creating hope in the less fortunate.


Throw in a whole bunch of national security violations, some excessively expensive speeches and influence peddling and that sounds like the woman he is running against.

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70 for 70: Memorable Donald Trump quotes on his big birthday

“My attitude is if somebody’s willing to pay me $225,000 to make a speech, it seems stupid not to show up. You know why I’ll do it? Because I don’t think anyone’s ever been paid that much.” (The New Yorker, 1997)"  :whistling:

“I probably visited  Mar-a-Lago , my 118-room house in Palm Beach, no more than two dozen times in the years I’ve owned it. As for my yacht, The Trump Princess, it is a dazzling trophy and a terrific business tool, but it never really became part of my personal life. For me, you see, the important thing is the getting ... not the having.” (Trump Surviving at the Top, 1990)" :whistling:

"I like kids. I mean, I won’t do anything to take care of ‘em. I’ll supply funds, and she’ll take care of the kids.” (The Howard Stern Show, 2005)"


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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Throw in a whole bunch of national security violations, some excessively expensive speeches and influence peddling and that sounds like the woman he is running against.


There ya go again.


Attempting to use your prejuditial delusions as facts.


With absolutely no legal basis.


No foundation whatsoever.


Just cursory emotions.


Oh yeah, and then there is this from the Bloviator:


“My attitude is if somebody’s willing to pay me $225,000 to make a speech, it seems stupid not to show up. You know why I’ll do it? Because I don’t think anyone’s ever been paid that much.” (The New Yorker, 1997)"


Dunning Kruger.

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Here is the history of the great businessman. He was in serious trouble until he took his casino business public, moving his personal debt to it for the shareholders to pay. He continued to draw huge salary and bonus while the company was driven to bankruptcy. 


Again, if you do think theses are the personal traits of a US president, that is fine, but don't waste our time defending the actions. It just makes you look ridiculous and just as hypocritical as Trump.




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Lest we forget, the Bloviator suckered thousands of shareholders to invest in his Ponzi Scheme with the Casinos.


Suckers, who lost all.



“He put a number of local contractors and suppliers out of business when he didn’t pay them,” said Steven P. Perskie, who was New Jersey’s top casino regulator in the early 1990s. “So when he left Atlantic City, it wasn’t, ‘Sorry to see you go.’ It was, ‘How fast can you get the hell out of here?"


"In an August 1990 report, New Jersey regulators noted the “sheer volume of debt” on Mr. Trump’s holdings: $3.4 billion, including $1.3 billion on the casinos and $832.5 million in loans personally guaranteed by Mr. Trump. Regulators warned then that “the possibility of a complete financial collapse of the Trump Organization was not out of the question.”


“Trump crawled his way to the top on the back of little guys, one of them being my father,” said Ms. Rosser, who runs Triad today. “He had no regard for thousands of men and women who worked on those projects. He says he’ll make America great again, but his past shows the complete opposite of that.”  :whistling:



The chickens are coming home to roost.

The Bloviator is being exposed for the despicable con-man, huckster that he is.

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All these discussions going back and forth on both Trump and Clinton only go to prove that both have too much history to be president. Hillary is such a liar that it makes my head spin and Trump just is not smart enough and is rude. This entire world is going to hell and we have these two to pick from, God save us !!!

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Former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, once the lead Republican lawyer on the Senate committee investigating Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Whitewater scandal, will vote for the former secretary of state for president this fall.

Chertoff told Bloomberg that his decision to support Clinton over Donald Trump came down to the former’s stronger stance on national security issues and the latter’s inability to control his impulses. 

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/michael-chertoff-endorses-clinton-229044#ixzz4M5fhRuTE 



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1 hour ago, ttthailand said:

All these discussions going back and forth on both Trump and Clinton only go to prove that both have too much history to be president. Hillary is such a liar that it makes my head spin and Trump just is not smart enough and is rude. This entire world is going to hell and we have these two to pick from, God save us !!!

Actually, your perception of Hillary being an exceptionally prolific liar is false. Objective analysts have determined she does lie at a normal rate for an American politician. trump on the other lies more than any other presidential candidate in American history. Double standard much?

Also consider the SEXISM in this race.

Imagine if a woman candidate had married multiple times, with children of different wives, had appeared in a porno video, etc. It would be OVER. 

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