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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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18 hours ago, MJP said:


What happened to Bernie? He seemed alright. A bit far to the left, but not a bad bloke.


Assuming as we can Democrats will flip the Senate majority to take control of the body, Bernie is incoming chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.


It does taxes first and foremost.


Rotsa ruck to the fat cats. PACs money providers are constructing their bunkers now.

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19 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Obama is the worst POTUS ever. But Hillary will be even worse.

Ge I hope Trump wins - if only to shut up the diatribe from some posters here.

Yes he is probably the worst ever to people who sit and watch reality TV everyday and wait for the social security check to drop through the mailbox every week. People who when asked where Iraq is on a map will put the pin in Australia.


Part of me wants Trump to Win so that in 6 months you can all see how gullible and stupid you have been to elect a pathological egotistical, financially incompetent sex predator.


To anyone with half a braincell Obama is clearly one of the best Presidents of all time, and imagine how great he could have been if the Republicans would have done their public duty to work as Government. But oh no, they blocked Obama on more than 500 - yes FIVE HUNDRED BILLS. They never supported ANYTHING. It should be a national disgrace and scandal, apart to those that inhabit trailers. If Obama would have tried to pass a bill saying a clear days sky is blue the Republicans would have opposed it and said the sky was in fact Magenta.


America will get what it deserves! It will be difficult watching you go down the tubes, but me and hundreds of millions of others will and we will just think - 'told ya so'.

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5 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Donald Trump Hired Me As An Attorney. Please Don’t Support Him For President.




Thanks Skywalker 69 for sharing this must read extensive expose  (" Bullies will always exist somewhere, but the White House should not be that somewhere")


Edited by Opl
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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes he is probably the worst ever to people who sit and watch reality TV everyday and wait for the social security check to drop through the mailbox every week. People who when asked where Iraq is on a map will put the pin in Australia.


Part of me wants Trump to Win so that in 6 months you can all see how gullible and stupid you have been to elect a pathological egotistical, financially incompetent sex predator.


To anyone with half a braincell Obama is clearly one of the best Presidents of all time, and imagine how great he could have been if the Republicans would have done their public duty to work as Government. But oh no, they blocked Obama on more than 500 - yes FIVE HUNDRED BILLS. They never supported ANYTHING. It should be a national disgrace and scandal, apart to those that inhabit trailers. If Obama would have tried to pass a bill saying a clear days sky is blue the Republicans would have opposed it and said the sky was in fact Magenta.



Giving voice to Obama's inner voice. Haunting, beautiful, and heartbreaking:



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52 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Obama is the worst POTUS ever. But Hillary will be even worse.

Ge I hope Trump wins - if only to shut up the diatribe from some posters here.


You are the right wing little englander who claimed google's algorithm favored Hillary Clinton. You even presented this conspiracy theory as something you had discovered through your own research. Well, this is another conspiracy theory that has been debunked but it didn't stop you  and Trump from pushing it.


Trump peddles Google conspiracy theory



So given your history of passing off false information as fact, why should anyone pay attention to what a non American says about President Obama. Furthermore, you provide no criteria for anyone to assess your claim of him being the worst President ever. There have been 44 Presidents. Hillary Clinton will be the 45th. You expect us to believe that, as a non American, you have a comprehensive knowledge of all 44 Presidents sufficient to support your claim that Obama is the worst?


I think that the term that applies to you is Credibility Gap.


Your desire to silence your many critics on TVF is also telling. Is this some British style suppression of free speech or just the whining of someone who finds it difficult to counter facts, logic and reason with nothing more than stupid conspiracy theories and petulant whinges about things that really she nothing to do with you.

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19 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Your desire to silence your many critics on TVF is also telling. Is this some British style suppression of free speech or just the whining of someone who finds it difficult to counter facts, logic and reason with nothing more than stupid conspiracy theories and petulant whinges about things that really she nothing to do with you.



My underline. I think that's the bit that you want. You hit the nail on the head.



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6 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Donald Trump Hired Me As An Attorney. Please Don’t Support Him For President.



The attorney is saying the same things (about The Divider) I've been saying for months. 


5 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Donald Jr’s Friend Testified That His Father Used To Beat And Abuse Him.



Donald Jr. and his brother should be hired to roam around a mafioso's house as security guards, when the attack-trained German shepherds are taking a chow break.


1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

Obama is the worst POTUS ever. But Hillary will be even worse.

Ge I hope Trump wins - if only to shut up the diatribe from some posters here.


We certainly don't agree.  Have you seen recent interviews with Obama?  He's done one-on-ones with Stephen Colbert, and 2 days ago with Bill Maher.  If you know a more sage and decent man than Obama, please let us know who it is.   I also like Carter, but he's probably another prez that you hate.  



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37 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:



Thakkar, excellent song thanks.


It is. I can't stop listening to it. If you're interested, go to the My American Life website, scroll down to episode 599. The first 20 minutes of the episode are well worth listening to (about how facts don't seem to matter anymore). The "Seriously" song is available for free download till Dec 3rd.

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We seem to not be giving any or much time or attention to the economics aspect of a Trump presidency -- at least at this thread...



The Consequences of a Trump Shock 

OCT 29, 2016


WASHINGTON, DC – With the United States’ presidential election on November 8, and a series of elections and other political decisions fast approaching in Europe, now is a good time to ask whether the global economy is in good enough shape to withstand another major negative shock.


The answer, unfortunately, is that growth and employment around the world look fragile. A big adverse surprise – like the election of Donald Trump in the US – would likely cause the stock market to crash and plunge the world into recession.


Investors in the stock market currently regard a Trump presidency as a relatively low-probability development...if investors are wrong and Trump wins, we should expect a big markdown in expected future earnings for a wide range of stocks – and a likely crash in the broader market.



This is from a former chief economist at IMF and currently senior professor at the Sloan School of MIT. Too bad he and Trump can't debate one on one. He and HRC would have a reality based discussion or conversation. 

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D. Trump lives in an  other reality.. the art of desinformation


Obama silences angry supporters at Fayetteville rally   http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article112640728.html


But that didn't stop Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, campaigning a few states away at the time, from telling a completely opposite version of what happened, condemning Obama for screaming at the protester.





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45 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Fareed's Take: Why I'm voting against Trump.

Fareed gives his take on why Trump is dangerous to American democracy: his core beliefs are racism, sexism, protectionism, xenophobia, and authoritarianism.




I always considered Fareed a smart guy, but this look like a typical leftist answer to everything.  You are racist, sexist, xenophobe ...


Americans can choose from two crappy candidates. One crappy woman or one crappy man.  It's simple as that.


And Obama - The pretty boy is just doing what he was always best at. Polarizing society.  Men vs. women, whites vs. blacks, rich vs. poor

Democrats and their identity politics, we are going to save you minorities, just hold on ...




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45 minutes ago, Matej said:


I always considered Fareed a smart guy, but this look like a typical leftist answer to everything.  You are racist, sexist, xenophobe ...


Americans can choose from two crappy candidates. One crappy woman or one crappy man.  It's simple as that.


And Obama - The pretty boy is just doing what he was always best at. Polarizing society.  Men vs. women, whites vs. blacks, rich vs. poor

Democrats and their identity politics, we are going to save you minorities, just hold on ...







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2 hours ago, Opl said:

D. Trump lives in an  other reality.. the art of desinformation


Obama silences angry supporters at Fayetteville rally   http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article112640728.html


But that didn't stop Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, campaigning a few states away at the time, from telling a completely opposite version of what happened, condemning Obama for screaming at the protester.





It is simply incredible how Trump turns this around and says Obama was screaming at the protestor. Does Trump not realise that everything is being recorded? How do his supporters on here spin this one?

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Obama is the worst president ever?  How short people's memories are.


When George W. Bush took office the US was at peace, was running record budget surplus's, and had entered a mild recession after an unprecedented run of economic growth.  When he left office the US was dealing with two unfinished wars, the economy was in free-fall, and the Fiscal Year 2009 budget he approved was leading to the largest budget deficit in US history.


Obama ended the two wars, brought the country out of the economic free-fall that threatened to put the country in another great depression, has reduced the deficit and left the US with the best growth of all large developed economies. http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/wesp/wesp_archive/2015wesp_chap1.pdf  


Things aren't as good as we want them to be (they never are) but they are a lot better than they were.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

It is simply incredible how Trump turns this around and says Obama was screaming at the protestor. Does Trump not realise that everything is being recorded? How do his supporters on here spin this one?

Compulsive Lying Disorder?


A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts. Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible.



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16 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

GOP Blocks Probes Into Trump-Russia Ties.


Russian hackers are apparently trying to mess with our elections. But congressional Republicans are crippling any investigations—while their probes of Hillary Clinton continue.



They don't trust him with the twitter account but thy are ready to trust him with the kodes to the nukes. 

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18 hours ago, Publicus said:


We seem to not be giving any or much time or attention to the economics aspect of a Trump presidency -- at least at this thread...



The Consequences of a Trump Shock 

OCT 29, 2016


WASHINGTON, DC – With the United States’ presidential election on November 8, and a series of elections and other political decisions fast approaching in Europe, now is a good time to ask whether the global economy is in good enough shape to withstand another major negative shock.


The answer, unfortunately, is that growth and employment around the world look fragile. A big adverse surprise – like the election of Donald Trump in the US – would likely cause the stock market to crash and plunge the world into recession.


Investors in the stock market currently regard a Trump presidency as a relatively low-probability development...if investors are wrong and Trump wins, we should expect a big markdown in expected future earnings for a wide range of stocks – and a likely crash in the broader market.



This is from a former chief economist at IMF and currently senior professor at the Sloan School of MIT. Too bad he and Trump can't debate one on one. He and HRC would have a reality based discussion or conversation. 


Stock markets recovered nicely today on Comey's FBI news that in spite the agency-wide program of going to extreme measures for the GOP to find evidence of guilt of Clinton, and announcing same globally to affect the election, based on not yet having seen the Weiner eamils, none has been found...again. Of course, Trump, who earlier applauded Comey, has now turned and called him a traitor and that he has rigged the FBI results for Clinton. Absolutely hilarious.

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Final Des Moines Register poll of Iowa has Trump winning easily

Trump is the top choice for 46 percent of Iowans who have already cast a ballot or plan to do so on Election Day, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, compared to 39 percent who say they’re for Clinton…

Forty-one percent of independents support Trump, compared to 34 percent who back Clinton. Trump likewise leads by 5 percentage points — 43 to 38 — among voters under 35…

Lots more bad news for Crooked Hillary here: 



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If Trump does not get elected he is going down! If he does get elected then Pence will be POTUS!



But newly obtained documents show that in the early 1990s, as he scrambled to stave off financial ruin, Mr. Trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would most likely declare it improper if he were audited.



Regardless of whether the I.R.S. objected, Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance in this case violated a central principle of American tax law, said Mr. Buckley, the former chief of staff for Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation, who later served as chief tax counsel for Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee.

“He deducted somebody else’s losses,” Mr. Buckley said. By that, Mr. Buckley meant that only the bondholders who forgave Mr. Trump’s unpaid casino debts should have been allowed to use those losses to offset future income and reduce their taxes. That Mr. Trump used the same losses to reduce his taxes ultimately increases the tax burden on everyone else, Mr. Buckley explained. “He is double dipping big time.”

In any event, Mr. Trump can no longer benefit from the same maneuver. Just as Congress acted in 1993 to ban stock-for-debt swaps by corporations, it acted in 2004 to ban equity-for-debt swaps by partnerships.

Among the members of Congress who voted to finally close the loophole: Senator Hillary Clinton of New York.


This article below may be a little difficult for the more synaptically challenged (you know which side you are on :wink: ) but all is explained. Even a full 27 page document from his lawyers at the time of the declared 965 B USD tax loss - fraud (included to download in the article), saying that Trump is skating on thin ice and if the IRS do indeed audit him properly he is mincemeat.




Good bye Trump, one way or the other you will be ruined or in jail with Madoff. Maybe if he changes his name to Donaldsky Trumpovsky, his close friend Putin may give him somewhere to live.


Edited by Andaman Al
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