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In blow to GOP unity, Trump refuses to back Ryan, McCain


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In blow to GOP unity, Trump refuses to back Ryan, McCain



DAYTONA BEACH, Florida (AP) — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Tuesday that he is refusing to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. John McCain just two weeks after pledging to bring the fractured GOP together at the party's nominating convention. He also ripped into New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte in the same interview with the Washington Post. All three have primary challengers, and all three disapproved of Trump's criticism of the Muslim American parents of an Army captain killed in Iraq.


Trump's refutation of Ryan, the nation's most senior elected Republican, carried particular derision.


"I'm just not there yet," Trump said in the interview. Those are very close to the words Ryan used in the long months before he endorsed Trump, telling CNN on May 6, "I'm not there right now."


Ryan never sought Trump's endorsement, his spokesman said.


"Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump's endorsement," said Zack Roday, Ryan's campaign spokesman. "And we are confident in a victory next week regardless."


The billionaire celebrity famous for retaliating when he feels insulted also refused to endorse McCain, a prisoner of war in Vietnam who Trump previously derided for having been captured.


"I've never been there with John McCain because I've always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets," Trump told the newspaper Tuesday. "So I've always had a difficult time with John for that reason, because our vets are not being treated properly. They're not being treated fairly."


As for Ayotte, who is running for a second Senate term and skipped the Republican National Convention, Trump said: "You have a Kelly Ayotte who doesn't want to talk about Trump, but I'm beating her in the polls by a lot."


"We need loyal people in this country," Trump added in the interview. "We need fighters in this country. We don't need weak people."

McCain is a locked in a three-way race ahead of an August 30 primary. The primary for Ryan's House seat is next week and Ayotte's primary is next month. All three have said they would support Trump as the GOP presidential nominee.


All three chided Trump for engaging in a flap with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and Purple Heart after his death in 2004. From the podium of the Democratic National Convention, Khizr Khan criticized Trump's position on Muslims and asked whether the real estate mogul had read the Constitution. Trump said the grieving father had "no right" to criticize him but later acknowledged their son is a hero.


McCain's response was a lengthy denunciation in which he said the GOP nomination does not confer on Trump "unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us."


Ryan condemned any criticism of Muslim Americans who serve their country.


"Captain Khan was one such brave example. His sacrifice — and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan — should always be honored. Period," Ryan said.


Ayotte declared she was "appalled" by Trump's spat with the Khans.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-03
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4 minutes ago, Credo said:

As you said, the man is a walking disaster.   He is incapable of unifying anyone or anything.   Under his leadership, we will see a return to something akin to the Dark Ages.


The Dark Ages? 


I was thinking more along the lines of GOP lawmakers simply marginalizing the man and moving ahead with their own platform. 


Trump choosing not to support McCain and Ryan clearly shows he is unfit for the Republican ticket.




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In the end when the whole Rep party crumbles and he loses the election, Trump can come out and say he is a Democrat and always was. He can say he knew what he was doing all along and by saying all sorts of stupid things he was able to help his Democrat party win big!

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9 minutes ago, Alive said:

In the end when the whole Rep party crumbles and he loses the election, Trump can come out and say he is a Democrat and always was. He can say he knew what he was doing all along and by saying all sorts of stupid things he was able to help his Democrat party win big!


There is no doubt Trump has far more Liberal-type personal characteristics and historically he was a Democrat.



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Yes, he is the great divider. But are these Republican primaries? If so, it makes sense he does not favour one candidate over another. And McCain is a relic who should not be re-elected anyway.

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5 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Why should Trump support either of the two of them.

Both RINOS and backsliders.  McCain is senile and Ryan is a Globalist of the worst stripe...:thumbsup:


He should accept them because he has asked to join their team and has been accepted.


Now is not the time for a party fracture.


Now is not the time for angry Trump supporters to direct their anger at the GOP--it is time to focus that anger at the Dems.


That is the stage of the election process we are in.

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Trump has always said that this supporters are the under-educated, the angry under-achieving whites, parochial-leaning people who do not read the news.

And there are tens of millions of them.  These are the most loyal supporters in the country, and they listen only to Trump, and will fervently follow him to the end.

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53 minutes ago, tx22cb said:

Trump has always said that this supporters are the under-educated, the angry under-achieving whites, parochial-leaning people who do not read the news.

And there are tens of millions of them.  These are the most loyal supporters in the country, and they listen only to Trump, and will fervently follow him to the end.


Yeah, the only issue is that once this farce is over, Trump will jump in his private jet, be met by his luxury limo, and retreat to his penthouse and mansions and wait for the offers. His supporters will jump in their 10 year old pickup trucks, and retreat to their trailer park homes and wait for their measly monthly pay checks.


Wait until buyer's remorse sets in for this bunch. Talk about buying a pig in a poke.

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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


The Dark Ages? 


I was thinking more along the lines of GOP lawmakers simply marginalizing the man and moving ahead with their own platform. 


Trump choosing not to support McCain and Ryan clearly shows he is unfit for the Republican ticket.




The thing is that it is important for as many politicians as possible to work toward obtaining the goals and legislation that they want.   This is usually sharply divided down party lines, with compromises being made to get things accomplished.   Trump has very little on which he will compromise and he is largely without a general policy.   He is a divider of epic proportions.   

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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

I am befinning to think Trump ran for the position just to stroke his ego and now that he has his name on the ticket he does not want it. 


Can the repubs find a replacement at this late in the process. 


Trump is a walking disaster.


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This election is about non-politicians. America is fed up with these do nothing, ass kissers, who accomplish nothing but DEBT!

Why should Trump endorse anyone that has been a politician for most of their lives. Trump is anti-incumbent and what the silent majority will elect in November! What America needs is Term Limits, so these people don't die in office! Go Trump!

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5 hours ago, Credo said:

As you said, the man is a walking disaster.   He is incapable of unifying anyone or anything.   Under his leadership, we will see a return to something akin to the Dark Ages.

Pretty much the same could be said about the Obama presidency except the reference to Dark Ages.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Why should Trump support either of the two of them.

Both RINOS and backsliders.  McCain is senile and Ryan is a Globalist of the worst stripe...:thumbsup:


YES! He shouldn't support any republican running for office except the ones who gave up their last ounce of dignity and joined the Trumpeteers. Chris Christie comes to mind. He's managed to alienate almost every politician in the GOP. Everything is going according to plan. The Republican party died in Cleveland. 


The GOP has become a white reactionary party, paranoid and delusional, jumping at the shadows of Muslim terrorists, gay activists, and angry black people it sees around every corner. Trump is the culmination of years of the party tolerating and even encouraging these sorts of fears. 


Congrats wingnuts...you've got your candidate running for President of the United States. :clap2:

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Why should Trump support either of the two of them.

Both RINOS and backsliders.  McCain is senile and Ryan is a Globalist of the worst stripe...:thumbsup:


I am afraid that if anyone is a RINO it is definitely Trump.  He is both big government type that supports the continuous use of expropriation for things the constitution never meant (pretty much anything anyone with big pockets wants).  His expertise is conning those willing to be conned and the use of demagoguery with regards to immigration and immigrants (which was made possible by President Obama's lack of enforcing the law).  He is no conservative.  He is not a conservative in the libertarian strain (small government), and is not a conservative as far as religious conservatives would be concerned if they were not so easily willing to be conned this election.  


As far as not getting the support from Trump, it is a blessing in disguise.  Many are pretending to support him because of party politics -- but if he wins -- in 4 years time those that did so for political reasons will only end up finding they are holding a poison chalice.

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Nothing to worry about here.  Trump is steadily banging the nails into his own coffin.  It was widely predicted that he would self-destruct once he got the nomination and so far that is what he is doing.  I would like to see the lunacy escalate a bit though, at the moment it is pretty boring.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You mean like declaring bankruptcy 4 times? 


And stiffing small American businesses because he decided that he didn't want to pay what he'd agreed?


It was other people that got left with the debts, not that thieving orange hustler.

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Trump's continued rants and antics are very troubling for prospective Repub voters.  It seems one must choose between a pathological-liar and an individual who has repeatedly demonstrated a lack of self-control.


Wake me up when it is over!


Invest in guns, ammunition, survival foods and shelters.

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2 minutes ago, Rod Gold said:

Trump's continued rants and antics are very troubling for prospective Repub voters.  It seems one must choose between a pathological-liar and an individual who has repeatedly demonstrated a lack of self-control.


Wake me up when it is over!


Invest in guns, ammunition, survival foods and shelters.


A Republican voter is not faced with any type of dilemma as you suggest.


A vote for Trump is a vote for GOP.


Out of curiousity, and no disrespect intended, but do you reside in the US? The only reason I ask is that the agendas of the two parties are so completely opposite each other that no Republican is going to switch to Democrat any more than the opposite of that would be true. At most, disaapointed voters will remain home on voting day.



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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


A vote for Trump is a vote for GOP.



If only that were true...


If Trump truly represents the GOP, what a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in.


Several GOP members have just recently stated that they will not back Trump in any way. Even those lovely Koch brothers are not even bothering to fund Trump.

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


If only that were true...


If Trump truly represents the GOP, what a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in.


Several GOP members have just recently stated that they will not back Trump in any way. Even those lovely Koch brothers are not even bothering to fund Trump.

I just wish there were enough to coalesce around Gary Johnson -- but unfortunately the debates are rigged not to allow for unknowns to get into it -- even on the first debate.  A catch 22 - you must have 15% in the polls to get there but it is hard to get there without the exposure a first debate would provide.

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:


If only that were true...


If Trump truly represents the GOP, what a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in.


Several GOP members have just recently stated that they will not back Trump in any way. Even those lovely Koch brothers are not even bothering to fund Trump.


Trump does not need to represent the GOP.


All that matters is a vote cast for Trump is one more vote to put an end to obama/clinton/dnc.


Sure it would have been nice to have had more but Golden boy is who we got.


And Trump still beats hillary.

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