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Thailand sex tourism crackdown targets brothels and underage prostitutes


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This again! Kudos for saving kids, but all this talk of curtailing the visible sex market - of which most is through consenting adult Thai women - will do nothing but screw the tourist industry and part of the anything goes Thai trait, yet completely overlook the rest. Clean it up, stop the trafficking, make it legal, go after the pilfering ladyboys, sure, but most of all bleedin' acknowledge that the real (local) industry goes way beyond the bars and go-gos.

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jmccarty,This entire post is ill-conceived bullshit. Well played. Numbers don't lie, and more often than not, expose the truth.

Edited by Songlaw
I accidentally posted, instead of replied.
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Hmmm I am no mathematician but the numbers seem wrong. According to wikipedia the GDP of Thailand is around 400 Billion Dollars so 10% is 40 billion. According to this article there are 123,000 sex workers. How they came up with this figure I have no idea but let's run with it anyway. 


So I divided 40 billion by 123,000 and it comes up with the figure of $325,203 per sex worker. 


Also I divided the amount of people in Thailand against the number of sex workers 70 million vs.123,000 sex workers. This gives the total amount of sex workers represent a 0.0017571429% of the population. 


So  0.0017571429% of the population seems to be contributing 10% of the GDP at $353,203 per sex worker? They also state a sex worker can make up to 5,000 Baht a night. This comes out to 1,825,000 Baht per year if they get this amount every single day of the year. That is nowhere even close to $353K and obviously they will not get that amount most of the time and certainly not everyday.


Somebody has really just pulled their figures out of nowhere. Yes the bars make money too and I realize it isn't as simple as my math but it still isn't anywhere close to the truth. 


Also I am simply using figures from the article so please don't argue with me about the numbers used as I don't believe they are anywhere near accurate. 





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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

Don't worry Thais: this is about foreign sex tourists. Domestic consumption will not be impacted.

Except many of those 123,000 will no longer service falang; now stuck with the Thai trade that has already rejected most of them as too dark.

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1 minute ago, alantheembalmer said:

According to the World Bank, Thailand's GDP in 2015 was $395.3 billion. So, 10% would be $39.53 billion, divided by 123,000 sex workers, would mean that the average person would make $321,382 per year. They must be kept very busy.



You beat me to it but I was thinking exactly the same thing

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13 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Are you able to cite any actual facts to back up your claim, or are you just tossing this out because you are uncomfortable with the fact that prostitution is indeed located in key tourist locations?


I note that there is criticism of some  faith based groups who attempt to assist sex trade workers. I have one question for the critics: Who else is willing to deal with some rather disgusting and diseased people? I'll be blunt, I won't go near some of them. I have heard too many sob stories that are BS and I have seen far too many hookers in Thailand who are infected with HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes, HPV etc. who willingly spread the disease because they are angry at the world and the customers who infected them.





By your own admission "You won't go near hookers", yet you somehow you know they all have hiv ? Not sure who they are catching it from given that most of  there customers are not  gay or intravenous drug users. And there sole purpose is to pass it on, again how would you know this?

I suggest you do some research on how hiv is transmitted between an infected female and a male. It is a very low percentage, if at all.

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The scam relies on no mention of Thais using Prostitutes , it must be bad Australians .
The church packs take advantage of the huge congregation 's hearing the ugly Aussies are causing all this .
Suggested donation per sponsor rescue is $1500 so it's a thriving business.
( though listed as non profit)

The blurred lines are important too.
It's much harder getting support to close bars that house hookers in the late 20s and early 30s .
No photos of 44 year old boilers downing a tequila shot with a faith no more t shirt.
Nope just born again Asia"s getting a 500 baht hand out to be part of the baptism shot for the propaganda pitch.

The plant comments here for the novice reader sent to investigate .
And the complete lack of making the discernment between child sex tourism and regular industry.
A massive difference.
Christians will tar the whole industry as one.

The reality is its estimated that 61% of sex workers in Asia are servicing other Asians .
Yet here we go again with the falsehoods and ridiculous claims and accusations .
Dishonest Christian propaganda .

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2 minutes ago, alantheembalmer said:

According to the World Bank, Thailand's GDP in 2015 was $395.3 billion. So, 10% would be $39.53 billion, divided by 123,000 sex workers, would mean that the average person would make $321,382 per year. They must be kept very busy.


I think you are omitting other people in the industry, as in pimps etc., who probably take a large slice of the cake. 

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Nothing wrong with doing good or havi

13 minutes ago, R123 said:

This Damien May is one of these typical do gooders who should not be allowed in Thailand; if there is a problem with under age workers let the Thai's sort it and these foreigners who are in Thailand on a moral crusade should be in there own countries sorting out problems.


Nothing wrong with doing a bit of good or having morals. These sort of threads always bring out the hysterical pro prostitution gang, I wonder why that is? Prostitution aimed at tourists or not is riddled with crime, drugs, violence and mental health issues. Behind the bright lights it's very depressing and a world almost everyone would be better off out of.

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22 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

"My wife just doesn't understand me like you do."

I said to the fourteen year old, Vietnamese  prostitute.....................:coffee1:


Both humorous, and disturbing. Nice.

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3 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:


I think you are omitting other people in the industry, as in pimps etc., who probably take a large slice of the cake. 

Even so the math makes no sense. A hooker doesn't produce north of 300K in revenue per year no matter how you split it. 


It would be great if we get get an estimated number of how many johns are involved. We know the Thais aren't paying these kind of prices. So how many foreign sex tourists come to Thailand every year?  That would be a more telling figure. 

Edited by anotheruser
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It will never be eradicated but it can be controlled. Even Saudi has places. One thing the TAT needs to do and that is not to use it as a tourist incentive to visit the country. Obviously some things are being done which is good but, and I was stopped for saying this but will say it here, if you went down Sukhumvit (Bangkok) from 6am to 7am it is far from funny. The "girls are plying their trade on the sidewalks, accosting people. I had the unfortunate experience when I was going to get breakfast at a hotel.

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Prostitution is illegal in the Philippines too ... however in the Phils ... sex workers, over 18 , are registered and have monthly health checks, so bar girls are over 18, that doesn't stop the christian (mainly american) ngos 'saving the sex slaves' by having the bars regularly raided where no under age girls are found .... however in the burbs philipino adults sell 11 year old girls to other philipinos in private homes for a couple of $ a time to pay off debts by their parents ..... protected by police and ignored by the do gooder christian ngos  .....

I don't condone under age prostitutes or sex slavery ... but really the girls working in the bars are mostly there by choice

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Dr Nitet Tinnakul of Chulagongkorn university estimated 2.8 million sex workers .
Some human rights groups also have high figures.

The accepted figure is about 200,000
No one knows for sure .
As for the 10 % it's inaccurate - the real totals are said to be about 3%.
More misleading quotes .

The idea is to imply Thailand relies heavily on godless evil men who plunder their underage daughters.
More neurotic attempts to scam money from unaware Australians reading the article.

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1 minute ago, Fireyfish said:

Prostitution is illegal in the Philippines too ... however in the Phils ... sex workers, over 18 , are registered and have monthly health checks, so bar girls are over 18, that doesn't stop the christian (mainly american) ngos 'saving the sex slaves' by having the bars regularly raided where no under age girls are found .... however in the burbs philipino adults sell 11 year old girls to other philipinos in private homes for a couple of $ a time to pay off debts by their parents ..... protected by police and ignored by the do gooder christian ngos  .....

I don't condone under age prostitutes or sex slavery ... but really the girls working in the bars are mostly there by choice

I would disagree. With poor to no education and no help from any organisation in Thailand many of the girls have no choice. I reckon if you asked them the majority would tell you "I need to eat". With no social support and no qualifications there is very little choice for them

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38 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Whoa. Do that and Patong and Pattaya will lose most of their foreign residents and visitors. :cheesy:

They are targeting brothels with under age girls !!!      I don't think many guys are wanting young under age girls, sure there are a few that will...  

I live at Patong beach and the youngest working girl I have met here, was 18, that is legal..    So where are these underage brothels in Patong  and  Pattaya ???  maybe some are in BKK. or up county,  where the Thai guys seem to like young girls from reading posts on here,,  in these so called kereoke bars....     

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That wont affect tourists in Pattaya.


It might put younger girls into the bars.


They need a clear out in Pattaya these Grab a Granny Bars are terrible 

WELLCUM being screamed at the top off there voice in between a spoonful of rice (or a shuvel full).

As a kid I remember seeing my brothers Mother in Law at a party dancing in her bloomers and a corsett type thing she wasnt a pretty sight.

Even she was not  as bad as the red mini dress floopy meaty  legs with shorts underneath bawling out of the Grab a Granny places.

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What's the stat? 56% of Thais admit to sex outside of marriage?

Assuming its only the men who use prostitutes, and both men and women have affairs with non prostitutes, that means there is a high % of Thai men playing with prostitutes, so there must be a high cash flow. But, as this is unreported income, how is the 10% calculated?


Also, the bit where he says he disguises himself as a paedo starts to ring a warning bell... ominous?

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I think recently there was actually an article that was pretty accurate - mentioning that sex trade in Thailand is 90% or more domestic. And the vast majority has nothing to do with underage or forced labor. 


This one's pretty much the opposite, full of total nonsense, poorly disguised morality piece. 

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1 hour ago, Plutojames88 said:

Destiny Rescue Facebook page has the image below of Baptism -

On its website it suggests $1500 will sponsor a rescue and also says 26 rescues last month.


The article says its hard to find underage girls in bars in Pattaya these days.

So , in reality their targets they admit are elsewhere.


Which leads us back to the closing of sex industry making them happier?


Not that this will happen.

However, the agenda is clearly influenced by dogma .


All we need now is their sponsored mouth pieces to turn up here again with the shame tactics.


Whilst they may have a role , ( Destiny Rescue) clearly a Christian fundamentalism is at work.


I have no brief whatsoever for peadophiles and think they all should be locked up. But I also have little time for missionaries. What makes them think their myths are better than the local myths. And while they are looking for peadophiles they should have a close look at some of their members.

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4 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

I would disagree. With poor to no education and no help from any organisation in Thailand many of the girls have no choice. I reckon if you asked them the majority would tell you "I need to eat". With no social support and no qualifications there is very little choice for them

Yes,  I agree many have no choice but to work in the bars etc,,  , but also many choose too, they could work in a restaurant, supermarket, or where ever for about 300B a day, usually a 12 hour day..  when they can make 1,000B or more for an hour ??  that is their choice !!

and woman enjoy sex too, maybe they not enjoy some of the men that want them,  but they can always say NO..   

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26 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Nothing wrong with doing good or havi


Nothing wrong with doing a bit of good or having morals. These sort of threads always bring out the hysterical pro prostitution gang, I wonder why that is? Prostitution aimed at tourists or not is riddled with crime, drugs, violence and mental health issues. Behind the bright lights it's very depressing and a world almost everyone would be better off out of.



Bless you. Many older foreign males will not like you for your compassionate honest statement.

They want everyone to be a depraved sex tourist so that they need not take responsibility for what they do. they will constantly  deflect by saying, but the Thais do it, when they should be  focused on their own behaviour(s).

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Sex Tourism may indeed be very evident in Pattaya , Bangkok and other resorts where foreigners holiday .

The major part of prostitution is enjoyed by Thais .

I have heard tell of young women training to be masseurse , but when they travel south to a resort , they are soon having sex with clients of their massage parlour .

They are earning a lot more money which they send home to Mom and Dad .  A massage business risks being closed down if the masseurse are found to be prostituting themselves with clients .  Often girls are sacked and sent home to their family .  Mom and Dad are furious for the loss of all that money sent home ,

despite the fact that they know their daughter was earning it as a prostitute .  Thai women don't see having sex for money as prostitution , to which we foreigners attach a stigma ; if it earns good money , provides a better life for them and their families , it's OK . 

Country girls cannot find much well paid work in rural areas , so gravitate south to find better paid jobs ; but people at the lower end of the employment scale are still poorly paid , just enough to scrape along .  Young women enjoy the fun and freedom in a resort , being asked out enjoying alcoholic drinks , sex and the opportunity to earn a lot more money .  

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The differentiation between the sex tourist dealing with an adult and and child is blurred deliberately in the article .
The reality is ( the article even concedes it) is that in places like Pattaya few rescues by Destiny Rescues occur.
Yet they get funding largely on speculative articles like this one that seems to imply these sex workers service westerners.

When in fact the girls most rescued in areas where Thai clients are using them.

Another non disclosure is their organisation is Christian based.
That they ""pressure "" Buddhists to renounce their religion.

For this reason I have sent copies of their activities to the ministers concerned.
And hope their work visas are looked at closely.


and baptising Thai nationals for a fee is scorned on ....here is the evidence against these people......it's one thing to operate on the pretension of helping under age sex workers ...and another raising money on false damning stories against the Thai reputation ...then paying Thais to forget their Buddhist religion 


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What is it with the Australian news media and sex tourism to Thailand.


It seems every month or so, there's a new article pretty much rehashing the same old stuff. Australians heading for the "steamy underbelly" of Thailand.


Whatever happened to the idea of newspapers/news media actually producing "news"!

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Why not be positive and instead institute a crackdown on those overage prostitutes who are giving the industry a bad name.


An age cleanout from the top as well as the bottom would be a good thing. Thus leaving the middle ground a safe selection for those discerning customers who visit Thailand for their special cultural experiences and gratification.

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