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Plan to track all foreigners - NOT JUST TOURISTS - by SIM cards moves forward


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17 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

You go to ATM for your bank and change the number to new one gf bought you sim does not have to be registered to you you can use any number

who knows what next they gonna implement. must be registered number on yourself for using with bank. everything is possible .

what will be the reaction if expats are cancelling their accounts due to restricted access. cancelling such sim cards after beeing abroad for more then 15 days.

its not practicable.

at least not without consequences for all airline companies involved  and bank as well.

(cant pay for bookings at 7/11 if outside thailand.)


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16 hours ago, Sunderland said:

This is clearly a local idea thought up in recent weeks to replace the national security threat that 'Pokemon Go' has become.


Local gamers will be given photos of foreigners they have to track down on their phones and capture, destroy or exterminate. In doing so gamers will be able to continue to have fun whilst ridding the nation of foreigners at the same time.




My passport is in a lead lined safe. :whistling:

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5 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

 . .. you have the best point in this discussion here. 


Their idea was, that the foreigner must have "location" always turned on.   This has technically no relevance to the "type of SIM Card" because, as you pointed out correctly, there is no SIM Card that hast automatic GPS on it,  so turning the "location" would reveal the thechnically unfit clowns who have come up with this nonsense.


With existing technics, you can locate a Smartphone SIM in use, by a triangular spotting between the receiving mobile signal ports.   So in effect, they can already locate a number that was handed out to a tourist at the airport.


Locating an  expat would be a VERY different story !!


 . . because they not consider, expat just asks and/or pays a Thai to register a new SIM.  Spot on!


. . .  they not consider you can always ask your wife, girlfriend, relative, to register your SIM. Spot on!


 . . . when they register a tourist who is gonna go on a 2 week holiday, why and for which purpose  do they need the whereabouts, will they track her/him down better after the boat capsized off the Phuket coast?? Tourists get registered at the local police when checking into hotels and guesthouses automatically, by the managements of their accomodations.  


Spot on!


Thailand's government officials again, for the trizillionth time, show the world how to communicate laughing stock.  They open their mouths and start talking, before they have worked on feasible concepts, the plan, the tricks, the flaws -  it takes some planning and knowledge. and technical knowledge.  Something most Thai officials up to high ranks completeyl lack about. Just remember the propellers in the river.







"They open their mouths and start talking, before they have worked on feasible concepts." 


It's better known as  - opening mouth to change feet.

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Without reading the whole thread the entire plan seems unfeasible, why not give us ankle bracelets, collectable and returnable at immigration? Troublesome ferangs could be chipped and pinned like pets in Europe, they could set up a department called ferang chipping squad.

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19 hours ago, pepi2005 said:

I'm sure that will help Thai tourism!


Many tourists are certainly big fans of military government surveillance.



I don't believe the hundreds of Millions of mainland Chinese visiting Thailand during the next few years will care much about this. As for other nationalities - they are not wanted any longer here anyway....

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Xenophobia redefined, or something deeper than that? Regardless, this country's distrust, for want of a better word, for foreigners and tourists, has reached new heights. Double-pricing scams, local scams, half-arsed proposals against tourists and now this.


Note to any officials reading this - I don't know about Singapore, but the part about  'same plan for Malaysia' is bullcrap. I'm not sure which baboon's arse you pulled it from, but the fact is, Malaysia requires all prepaid SIM cards to be registered. Foreigners AND locals. And that's that. No exceptions. No mentions about tracking and all that crap.


And while I'm no mobile telecommunications expert, I know for a fact that all SIM cards can be tracked and triangulated anyway, without any special permissions by the owner etc. And why are these bozos so intent on tracking foreigners who 'enter the country and commit crimes'? You can easily track Thais - really? You can't even find your own craptrap, even if you were given a map.


Still, it is good to know that some terrorist-cells and international big-time mafias are going to be registered and tracked - kudos to them for registering their SIM cards with their real names AND stating the purpose of their visit. Yup, I feel safer already.


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21 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Even if you assume that they will fail like with much of their IT systems:

(the whole concept is utter nonsense)

to me it is absolutely frightening that they develop such paranoid fantasies at all.


Only states like North Korea or Turkmenistan can surpass that where every foreigner has it's agent accompanying.


...where every foreigner has it's agent accompanying.


Coming soon to a tourist destination near you:

The tourist police in Thailand have announced they are to increase in number by 825.

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18 hours ago, Gweiloman said:


How would they cut the service of a normal tourist who's just here for a few days and using roaming on his phone? 


well, clearly they can't do that, and clearly that's not what I was referring to

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1 hour ago, aquario33 said:

you may be in need for the same Number, for receiving OTP codes linked to Bank account etc.

once using another( based on Thai person), might be unaible to register for such services...?

so, the only way to keep the old number, is , probably, to REGISTER it on your name, with the new mandatory foreigner sim. of course if simply need to call and text etc. wouldnt need that.


And what do you think about using a bank account on her name, and use any number for OTP, no problem at all.

It is easy to change the number, only she'll have to go to the bank for mention the new number.

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29 minutes ago, aquario33 said:

who knows what next they gonna implement. must be registered number on yourself for using with bank. everything is possible .

what will be the reaction if expats are cancelling their accounts due to restricted access. cancelling such sim cards after beeing abroad for more then 15 days.

its not practicable.

at least not without consequences for all airline companies involved  and bank as well.

(cant pay for bookings at 7/11 if outside thailand.)


So let me get this straight what you are saying is they might change the rules at the banks??? I doubt that. Now you can register any phone number on your account  by using the ATM.  You have no need to register a sim card. 

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18 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Tourism is very important to the Thai economy   Expats spend a fraction of the money that tourists spend.  Thailand as a country do not like immigrants  (ie ex-pats) but tolerate them if they bring something to the table.  Everything else is just hot air



I don't agree. For example: Expats rent Ten Thousands of Condos or houses owned by Thais who use the rent to raise their kids or afford their lifestyle.

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A couple observations from the full article:


"They..." us foreigners.... "... would only receive a location-tracking SIM card once they showed their passport to purchase one from a Thai service provider."  I can only imagine the LONG lines for this new SIM.


and two...


“The function is not in SIMs card for Thais because we can always easily track them."  Why there are very little unsolved crimes in LoS.

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19 hours ago, mlmcleod said:

Ah, yes!  Why do I think the new farang SIM card will be required at a premium price??:blink:  I for one, will be more than happy to forego the pleasure and do without the cell phone!


Don't get mad, it's just my opinion!!:)


But you need Line to stay in touch with all the ladiezzz B)

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Well, setting aside the expected hoo-ha, I'm curious as to what is in the minds of the government.


They say this SIM card nonsense (it's quite possibly another grandiose plan that Thais don't have the smarts or know-how to implement) is a response to foreigners committing crimes, but I think this is nonsense, foreigners commit a tiny percentage of the crime in Thailand and the best way to reduce that is to stop the corruption payments for the police to turn a blind eye.


A colleague of mine suggested that this is a part of a move to create a state similar to Myanmar. Foreigners not welcome. I'm not so sure, because there seems to be no better way to ensure Thailand's demise and entry into the small club of pariah states, not because of the importance of foreigners living in Thailand, but the world community would have a pink fit about it. I doubt Mr Prayuth is quite that stupid (though I do think he has mental health problems). I think it's possible for this to be the thin end of a wedge which will gradually make it clear that foreigners are not welcome in Thailand, and if we are 'being encouraged to leave', then taking money out of the country would become a no-no - and more restrictions on taking money out of the country would be a telling (and worrying) sign.


Yes, I know it sounds unbelievable in the 21st Century, but more and more, I don't honestly think Thailand lives in the 21st Century, and, as I say, I'm increasingly thinking that Mr Prayuth and his mates are a few sandwiches short of a full picnic - based on what they say and what they do, and the yawning chasm that often exists between those two things.


I'd be really interested in what others think. Are we on the way out? Persona non grata? Or is it just an extension of the existing xenophobic paranoia?




The fat lady is singing.

Edited by Winniedapu
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Even better, can stick one of these devices on every falang's head as they go through immigration!  Then all they need to do is pair it with their smart phone, and walla! No falang will ever be able to escape!




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17 hours ago, chiang mai said:


And you never knew those things before you came here, goodness me!

Sorry but what does your comment have to do with the post ? If you have been long enough here you would know how silly your comment are. Thai's in general don't see foreigners as national security threats and in the past the governments haven't either. Just under the present junta we are seen as a threat, because they are ultra nationalist. Next time you have nothing better to do go to your allocated bar stool and have a cold one.

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23 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

How many tourists a year? 20 million? And they are going to try and track them all? 555555


Not really the point, is it. Imagine you've just arrived at the airport for your two week holiday and been ordered to accept a tracking device for the duration of your stay? In the name of sanity, what other country in the world would do this? Particularly one constantly courting tourism? IF it were me, I'd be on the next flight OUT. Monkeys.

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Will I get to keep the number I paid 500 baht for and my 4g Internet package? 


Unless they limit thais to one Sim per person most will just get a Thai registered Sim in their phone.  Actually,  may be a good idea to do it now... 

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I wish them luck. Overall, they are incompetent, so I doubt this will ever see the light. Just another grand idea, like their own Thai internet and version of Facebook they spoke of before. Pipe dreams.

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8 minutes ago, balo said:

I have news for you , it's never going to happen.   This was just another silly idea.

So can we please go back and discuss our daily digestion instead.  :coffee1:

Let's hope it will be yet another stupid idea put forward - and rejected as being a bad/pointless/stupid idea.

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On 8/9/2016 at 1:09 PM, BlindMagician said:

Good idea. How about 250,000 leave in protest, all giving the same reason to a long list of media outlets. Go big.


Maybe Anonymous can do a hack, so the location for all is given as bring on the moon.

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


I think you are somewhere close to the truth there Winnie.


IMO it is simply about the 0.01% of inter-bred Thais who have obscene wealth. They want total control. They want ultimate power. They are like the elite families of feudal Europe and are followed and supported by their boot-lickers, and those who aspire, and also worship wealth and those who have it as their diety. 


They do and say as they please, because they are untouchable, some of them are even worshipped. 


To a man of independent thought, these actions appear to be a result of brainwashing, or borderline insanity. 


As to us poor foreigners, we are neither wanted or required here for the most part. They wouldn't hesitate to get rid of us all overnight were it not for the privileges afforded to them in the West. They don't like us because they know we won't respect them just because of their money. 


So they will continue to poke and prod us, those of us they can get to that live in their country and when we criticise their military rule or their human rights abuses, they will respond with more hoops to jump through, and more regulations... 


If even one of our spineless governments reciprocated in kind, one has to wonder at the effects that would have on their fragile egos? "it's not fair" I think would be frequently heard.


Thanks for that thoughtful response, which echoed some of the things I also think but did not say.


A watching brief I think, these days I notice that foreigners are increasingly getting the sh|tty end of the stick. When I took my wife to get our daughter a passport a while ago, I attempted to assist. When the tosser behind the desk appeared to use that as a reason to give even worse service I wandered off and left them to it. This is a developing patter; whereas once we used to get courtesy or deference, now we seem to get contempt and obstruction.


I try not to take it personally, pereferring Napoleon's adage. So I just call them a dopey canute in words of two syllables and shake my head in awe at their IQ level. They don't understand the words but the facial expressions and body language are universal so I make sure they get the dismal message. before wandering off, but I do take notice of the distinct change. On this last occasion, I went back after the matter had been finalised (not to my wife's satisfaction) and offered the woman in the sparkly clean uniform a 20 baht tip for the service, In front of her manager and mates.


That was a satisfying moment.


And yes, I agree with you; I wish governments would reciprocate, especially in the land ownership thing. But it won't happen. Thailand hardly registers at all on the radar of most places outside Africa, and the Africans are only interested in drugs and scams for the most part, so som nam na Thailand.



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I just read that some tosser says the SIM card thing won't apply to resident foreigners, despite yesterdays press report that it specifically would.


Usual Thai methodology, thrust a microphone in 20 people's faces and get 25 different versions of the same thing. Good innit?


Still, it was likely a flag being run up the pole to test reaction. Watch for another reversal in the coming weeks.


A flip-flop a day keeps the thinkers at bay. Welcome to Thai management 101.




God wants mayhem, God wants a clean fight...

Edited by Winniedapu
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