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PM vows to help northern and Isaan people despite their rejection of draft charter


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PM vows to help northern and NE people despite their rejection of draft charter




BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha thanked the people of the North and the Northeast – whether they accepted or rejected the draft constitution in Sunday’s referendum – and vowed to do his utmost to improve their livelihood and quality of life through long-term development plans.


He also expressed his appreciation for Mr Meechai Ruchupan, chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, for crafting a charter which was accepted by the majority of the Thai people as he insisted that neither the government nor the National Council for Peace and Order had interfered with the CDC in its drafting of the charter.


He said that the charter was regarded as “people’s constitution” because it was approved by more than 50 percent of eligible voters which is in accordance with international standard of referendum. He also warned against some elements who still try to distort the fact about the charter claiming that it was a military-mandated charter.


The prime minister said he could not talk much about what’s next to be done after the referendum, pointing out that he was yet to receive from the Election Commission the official result of the referendum which was initially due to be delivered on Tuesday.


However, he promised to announce the next steps to be taken in a nationwide TV broadcast once he has received the official referendum result from the EC expected on Wednesday.


The prime minister brushed aside criticism from foreign media against the referendum, saying that if the majority of the Thai people approved the draft charter in the referendum “then it was OK” and there is no need for him to make any clarification which, he noted, is the responsibility of the Foreign Ministry.


Asked when he will allow political parties to resume political activities, General Prayut said he would have to assess the situation and the roadmap first. Also, he noted that there are at least 10 charter-related laws which are yet to be promulgated before an election can be staged.


Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/175561-2/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-08-10
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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.




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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The prime minister brushed aside criticism from foreign media against the referendum, saying that if the majority of the Thai people approved the draft charter in the referendum “then it was OK”

About one-third of the electorate. Almost the same as with the 2007 constitution referendum.

Mathematically, the trend is like a standing sine wave.

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 "...he insisted that neither the government nor the National Council for Peace and Order had interfered with the CDC in its drafting of the charter."


He sounds like the little boy whose first response when his mother comes into the room: "I didn't eat the cookies." Even though she didn't mention anything about it.


Why would he have to mention that unless he already assumes that Thai elections are not on the up and up? 




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In what could be construed as an admission of guilt "...he noted that there are at least 10 charter-related laws which are yet to be promulgated before an election can be staged".


Apart from this "staged" election in 20??, up to that date the junta is going to be very busy "promulgating"!


From Section 130 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 2016, these will be:

(1) the Organic Act on Election of Members of the House of Representatives;
(2) the Organic Act on Acquisition of Members of the Senate;
(3) the Organic Act on the Election Commission;
(4) the Organic Act on Political Parties;
(5) the Organic Act on the Ombudsman;
(6) the Organic Act on Prevention and Suppression of corruption;
(7) the Organic Act on the State Audit;
(8) the Organic Acton Procedure of the Constitutional Court;
(9) the Organic Act on Criminal Procedure for Persons Holding political positions;
(10) the Organic Act on the National Human Rights Commission.

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Let's see if he and his government do it. 


PTP Ministers openly told areas that didn't vote PTP they would be spited, treated unfairly, and not get any government help - and they certainly did their best to deliver that. Phuket new convention center anyone?

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8 hours ago, Artisi said:

Negative, negative fxxxing negative, always the same people whinge whinge whinge, could bet that if the PM proposed  Bht 1M to everyone in Thailand they would still whinge. 


Lovely words are not one and the same thing as lovely deeds.

When they actually do give everyone in Thailand Bht 1M, let's take it from there...

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"saying that if the majority of the Thai people approved the draft charter in the referendum “then it was OK”"


But they didn't. Only a minority of the eligible electorate voted for him. Whatever the reason was, two thirds of the eligible voters in Thailand appear not to be impressed by Uncle Too. Which I can understand quite well.


I spoke to a local today and relayed Uncle Too's promise to help all Isaan people. He retorted that the best thing Too can do to help Thais would be to die. Soon.


Wasn't much I could say to that really... If that's what the hive mind thinks then he may be in a spot of bother.



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2 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:

"saying that if the majority of the Thai people approved the draft charter in the referendum “then it was OK”"


But they didn't.


I spoke to a local today and relayed Uncle Too's promise to help all Isaan people. He retorted that the best thing Too can do to help Thais would be to die. Soon.


Wasn't much I could say to that really... If that's what the hive mind thinks then he may be in a spot of bother.




If you don't vote you can't complain. The majority of those that voted approved. 


The PTP was against it.. but it seems they don't have that much followers anymore or they don't follow their leaders anymore. Everyone knew they were against it and till their followers did not vote no.. or did not even bother to vote because nobody paid them. 



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Let the numbers show where the money went. As it is now BKK unfairly sucks up the government's tax money over the rest of the nation. Bangkok doesn't hold most of the nations people but it gets most of its benefits. The poor work there then in old age return home to their forgotten countryside. Bangkok provides less conscripts for the Thai military than the rest of the nation and always has. The poor built this nation with their labor, they make everything work and built those skyscrapers and roads and raise that agriculture for the haves. They deserve so much better. A debt is truly owed.  A lot can be done but I doubt Prayuth's willingness to take off his blinders.


I also think there should be an investigation into all government and state-related offices to see where cronyism and nepotism is rampant. Each employee should give his roots and his parents roots and the names of other family connections in other offices or positions. Helping the rest of Thailand, means stopping the cronyism and nepotism which Bangkok again has massive interest in ignoring.

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:


If you don't vote you can't complain. The majority of those that voted approved. 


The PTP was against it.. but it seems they don't have that much followers anymore or they don't follow their leaders anymore. Everyone knew they were against it and till their followers did not vote no.. or did not even bother to vote because nobody paid them. 



Funny. It's easy for you to spout lies. I bet you don't even see that Mod comment on the top of this thread. What do you think it is like for Thai people? You are arguing with people who have tape on their mouths.


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1 minute ago, Alive said:

Funny. It's easy for you to spout lies. I bet you don't even see that Mod comment on the top of this forum. What do you think it is like for Thai people? You are arguing with people who have tape on their mouths.


What lies,  no lies written there. 


People knew the PTP was against it it was in the news, people could all vote (many did not bother their mistake) then of those who did vote the majority voted YES. Nobody forced those people to vote YES it was their free will. 


Now with this new constitution the PTP is a spent force. it will be so much harder to be corrupt now the statute of limitations on corrupt politicians is gone and now the punishment is increased. This is the end for the man from Dubai. Now he cant wait for all the charges to go away. 


I might not like the appointed senators.. but these other changes about corruption are a godsend and will cripple the PTP.  

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8 minutes ago, Alive said:

Let the numbers show where the money went. As it is now BKK unfairly sucks up the government's tax money over the rest of the nation. Bangkok doesn't hold most of the nations people but it gets most of its benefits. The poor work there then in old age return home to their forgotten countryside. Bangkok provides less conscripts for the Thai military than the rest of the nation and always has. The poor built this nation with their labor, they make everything work and built those skyscrapers and roads and raise that agriculture for the haves. They deserve so much better. A debt is truly owed.  A lot can be done but I doubt Prayuth's willingness to take off his blinders.


I also think there should be an investigation into all government and state-related offices to see where cronyism and nepotism is rampant. Each employee should give his roots and his parents roots and the names of other family connections in other offices or positions. Helping the rest of Thailand, means stopping the cronyism and nepotism which Bangkok again has massive interest in ignoring.

Bangkok brings in  most of the money so its only fair they get most of the returns too. Just look other countries capitals always get more and profits always flow back there where the most taxes are paid. 

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:


What lies,  no lies written there. 


People knew the PTP was against it it was in the news, people could all vote (many did not bother their mistake) then of those who did vote the majority voted YES. Nobody forced those people to vote YES it was their free will. 


Now with this new constitution the PTP is a spent force. it will be so much harder to be corrupt now the statute of limitations on corrupt politicians is gone and now the punishment is increased. This is the end for the man from Dubai. Now he cant wait for all the charges to go away. 


I might not like the appointed senators.. but these other changes about corruption are a godsend and will cripple the PTP.  


Why are all the laws written to control PTP and anyone else who resists this regime? You love this regime. I can't argue with you. Everything here is unfair. If I opened my mouth at work, I'd probably lose my job or violate some NCPO law. I can't speak freely. Fear is in the air. You don't get it because you are ignorance or don't give a hoot.


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5 minutes ago, Alive said:


Why are all the laws written to control PTP and anyone else who resists this regime? You love this regime. I can't argue with you. Everything here is unfair. If I opened my mouth at work, I'd probably lose my job or violate some NCPO law. I can't speak freely. Fear is in the air. You don't get it because you are ignorance or don't give a hoot.



The laws are written to control corruption.. the PTP is corrupt. Now they can be in government but can't steal.. then they don't even want it. 


Poor guy can't speak freely i pity you. You should have gotten a better job where people could not tell you what to do.  I have not much love for this regime, just dislike the PTP more. Its a question of lesser evils. I am all for the new corruption laws that is the only way to go. To make sure that those who are in government can't get rich from it. Then a new breed of politicians rice its the only way. So yes I am for this charter because of the extra corruption provisions (against the appointed senators but when did we ever get perfection)

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48 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Let's see if he and his government do it. 


PTP Ministers openly told areas that didn't vote PTP they would be spited, treated unfairly, and not get any government help - and they certainly did their best to deliver that. Phuket new convention center anyone?


I don't believe it but you may be right. If you post a link to your comment that "PTP ministers openly told areas...." I'll believe you.

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2 hours ago, Alive said:

Funny. It's easy for you to spout lies. I bet you don't even see that Mod comment on the top of this thread. What do you think it is like for Thai people? You are arguing with people who have tape on their mouths.


Yes - people are being gagged, to the extent that they cannot freely, frankly and fearlessly express certain points of view, here on this Forum, at work, even out in mixed company. Now I don't know why, but the noun 'bully' leaps into my mind. What is a bully? A person or body of people who for whatever reason have the position or power to lord it over others who are in a much weaker position, to intimidate them, to say and do whatever they want about them - but not to let them reply or respond in any efficacious way. I was always taught to despise bullies. They are cowards - pathetic, weak, morally spineless and spiteful individuals who deserve nothing but loathing and contempt. Oh! Sorry! Why have I suddenly veered off at a tangent and started going on about bullies? Can't think why! Now, to get back to talking about present-day Thailand and its recent and current situation ....

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3 hours ago, robblok said:


What lies,  no lies written there. 


People knew the PTP was against it it was in the news, people could all vote (many did not bother their mistake) then of those who did vote the majority voted YES. Nobody forced those people to vote YES it was their free will. 


Now with this new constitution the PTP is a spent force. it will be so much harder to be corrupt now the statute of limitations on corrupt politicians is gone and now the punishment is increased. This is the end for the man from Dubai. Now he cant wait for all the charges to go away. 


I might not like the appointed senators.. but these other changes about corruption are a godsend and will cripple the PTP.  

I believe saying the PTP is a spent force may be a little Premature. Yingluck may be banned from seeking Public Office for 5 years but her popularity is seemingly untarnished. Maybe they reinvent themselves again. And probably will be somewhat hamstrung by this new Constitution but they will be back. Do not write a Horse off until the finish line and this race is only in its infancy

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On August 10, 2016 at 3:16 AM, Artisi said:

Negative, negative fxxxing negative, always the same people whinge whinge whinge, could bet that if the PM proposed  Bht 1M to everyone in Thailand they would still whinge. 


maybe people don't believe him - btw, that is called being skeptical, you call it whining - ... maybe people don't believe him because he is a serial liar... 


... you reap what you sow

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On 8/10/2016 at 5:27 PM, Alive said:


I don't believe it but you may be right. If you post a link to your comment that "PTP ministers openly told areas...." I'll believe you.


Will these links do for you?




<<<<26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.>>>>


There is another one from ThaiVisa I am trying to access as well.





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