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PM vows to help northern and Isaan people despite their rejection of draft charter


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10 hours ago, tbthailand said:

maybe people don't believe him - btw, that is called being skeptical, you call it whining - ... maybe people don't believe him because he is a serial liar... 


... you reap what you sow


Just as Thaksin and his clan are reaping now.

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Why would he fail to assist those areas? While there was a small majority of those who voted who rejected the charter, there were many who were in favour, and a much larger number than either of the voting groups who didn't feel concerned enough to bother voting.


I suppose the people of the area, and their TVF supporters, have some reason to expect lies and vindictiveness from their government. It was what their choice gave the rest of the country.

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Never a dull moment when Prayuth is opening his mouth.


Like this little gem:


"He said that the charter was regarded as “people’s constitution” because it was approved by more than 50 percent of eligible voters which is in accordance with international standard of referendum"


Nothing in this line is actually true. The charter wasn't approved by more than 50% of eligible voters, it was approved by about 36%.


Nothing about the referendum was in accordance with international standards of referendum, absolutely nothing. From the fingerprints on the ballots, to the inability to debate and campaign, to the fact that the referendum didn't really offer a choice. Vote no and you'll get another charter, but this time without an approval process and within the roadmap.


Oh I almost forgot the draconian "referendum law" quite surely not up to international standards of referendum.

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On 10/08/2016 at 5:27 PM, Alive said:


I don't believe it but you may be right. If you post a link to your comment that "PTP ministers openly told areas...." I'll believe you.


IIRC it was PM Thaksin (not his ministers) who threatened, that any areas who didn't vote for his party/government shouldn't expect much government-funding after he'd won the election, that puts it about a decade ago.


Which means that the current PM, in saying that there won't be any penalty for voting No in the referendum, can actually claim the moral high-ground, provided he delivers.  Amazing thought ! :blink:


It's been normal enough for decades that Thai PMs reward their home-towns with public-funds for infrastructure-projects, for example Songkla has a couple of very fine bridges carrying the coast-road North, and Chiang Mai has lovely ring-roads which were build well-in-advance of actually being needed.


I wonder whether the largely-Moslem far-southern-provinces will also see him "do his utmost to improve their livelihood and quality of life through long-term development plans", having (as I understand) voted heavily against the new constitution ?  :whistling:

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5 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

international standard of referendum

Decide for yourself -  the Code of Good Practice on Referendums authored by the European Commission for Democracy Through Law (2006).


Notable standouts among many are Part I "Referendums and Europe's electoral heritage", Section 3.1, "Freedom of Voters To Form An Opinion," and Part II "Conditions for Implementing These Principles," Section 3.1, "Organization of the Referendum By An Impartial Body."



Referendum Standards.pdf

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On 8/10/2016 at 5:27 PM, Alive said:


I don't believe it but you may be right. If you post a link to your comment that "PTP ministers openly told areas...." I'll believe you.


I remember that. it's a time-honoured tradition in Thai politics so I didn't take any notice. Prayuth is doing it as we speak but I don't expect the junta-huggers will whine and cry about it.



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The good General is so magnanimous it absolutely brings a tear to my eye :rolleyes:  To think that he will treat the North and Issan fairly just shows this mans good heart, I mean after all the North and especially Issan not only fill the ranks of the Thai Navy, Air Force and Army,  shoulder the bulk of the construction in Krung Thep  as well as slave away in the chinese/thai elites factories,  but it is also the breadbasket of the country.  An interesting experiment would be if Issan and the North along with the Rayong region (which is also heavily pro Thaksin) were to stop all shipments of food to Bangkok for just one week :whistling:

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On Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 7:58 PM, robblok said:


If you don't vote you can't complain. The majority of those that voted approved. 


The PTP was against it.. but it seems they don't have that much followers anymore or they don't follow their leaders anymore. Everyone knew they were against it and till their followers did not vote no.. or did not even bother to vote because nobody paid them. 





Agree. If you dont vote, you can hardly complain. 


On the other side, if you voted yes you would end up with the junta and if you vote no, you will end up with the junta hardly makes bothering to vote worthwhile.

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On the basis of what has passed in the last ten years or so, would i prefer another PT government or the current setup? Neither are ideal but at least the current setup we dont have people at each others throats and all that hate rhetoric.

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1 minute ago, MaiChai said:

On the basis of what has passed in the last ten years or so, would i prefer another PT government or the current setup? Neither are ideal but at least the current setup we dont have people at each others throats and all that hate rhetoric.


And if an elected government had the same powers as the junta including an amnesty for any illegal actions and the power to arrest and detain opposition with impunity, im sure there would also be peace.


But at least with an elected government, you can vote to remove them. 

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On 8/13/2016 at 4:35 AM, fish monger said:

We are doing just fine up North here.....We really don't need/want your help.

Do you realise what you are saying.  The leader said he will help, whether you like it or want it or not you will not show disrespect, you will gratefully accept it or face the wrath.

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Why should a PM find it necessary to tell certain people that he'll help them despite their opposition to the charter,   isn't his job to do the best for all   ?    makes you wonder what he's really thinking.


On the other side of the coin when Mr.T was re-elected he addressed a group of teachers in Khon Kaen and outlined his new educational plan adding funds wouldn't go to areas that hadn't voted for him.    It was denied with claims of being misquoted ,   misinterpreted etc but the media and others present were quite clear he said what he did.


Not much hope for the Thai people when the   '  system  '   turns out leaders like these.

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15 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


Yes. Exactly the same as that other POS who said the South would get nothing from state coffers because they didn't vote for him. Same same and no different.

Little bit different: he made himself PM (of all Thais, assume) and vowed to bring fairness, reconcilliation, peace, stability and (most importantly) happiness to Thailand.

And he is a "democratic soldier"- his words, not mine!

So IF that is the case: why would he feel the need, to state, he would also help those, who voted against his charter in an oh-so-fair-and-democratic- referendum?  

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3 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Why should a PM find it necessary to tell certain people that he'll help them despite their opposition to the charter,   isn't his job to do the best for all   ?    makes you wonder what he's really thinking.


On the other side of the coin when Mr.T was re-elected he addressed a group of teachers in Khon Kaen and outlined his new educational plan adding funds wouldn't go to areas that hadn't voted for him.    It was denied with claims of being misquoted ,   misinterpreted etc but the media and others present were quite clear he said what he did.




You ask why he found it necessary, then give a very good reason - to disassociate himself from the vindictiveness of the past.


" Not much hope for the Thai people when the   '  system  '   turns out leaders like these. "

That's why the system is being changed.

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Just now, halloween said:

You ask why he found it necessary, then give a very good reason - to disassociate himself from the vindictiveness of the past.


" Not much hope for the Thai people when the   '  system  '   turns out leaders like these. "

That's why the system is being changed.

The system is being changed to ensure future leaders are exactly what vested interests not the people want.

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Just now, NongKhaiKid said:

The system is being changed to ensure future leaders are exactly what vested interests not the people want.

As long as we get better leaders, it might be an improvement. It certainly couldn't get worse than the leaders the Shinawatras have provided us.

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5 minutes ago, halloween said:

As long as we get better leaders, it might be an improvement. It certainly couldn't get worse than the leaders the Shinawatras have provided us.

The junta isn't exactly  a shinning beacon of leadership and hope is it   ?

They and the Shins approached governing from different directions but the end product os more or less the same,  those and such as those benefit will the general citizenry get fine words and empty promises..

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Just now, NongKhaiKid said:

The junta isn't exactly  a shinning beacon of leadership and hope is it   ?

They and the Shins approached governing from different directions but the end product os more or less the same,  those and such as those benefit will the general citizenry get fine words and empty promises..

At least he's polite enough to say that his government will still look after you, rather than some snide comment that you voted the wrong way, tough tit. You might think he was lying, for once I have no doubt Thaksin was not, until he started denying.

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8 minutes ago, halloween said:

As long as we get better leaders, it might be an improvement. It certainly couldn't get worse than the leaders the Shinawatras have provided us.

History tells us that all the leadership begin with full intentions (usually their own) and deteriorate from there. but here is hoping, no other foreseeable alternative anyway.

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Many people no longer listen to what this man says. The gulf between what he says and what he does it just too wide With the conduct of the referendum, he can no longer wear the clothes of a benevolent reformer, he's just a thug and I'll have no sympathy for him at all when he gets his come-uppance.


As get it he must if Thailand is to grow beyond the juvenile development stage of schoolyard bullies and corrupt leaders.



Edited by Winniedapu
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Kim the merciful...but do keep an eye on this promise. Accidents do happen.


approved by more than 50 percent of eligible voters ...hollocks! ~60℅ voted, and~60% of those voted yes. Kim and the Circus cronies need help with their junior school maths, ah bless.



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19 hours ago, Alive said:

He can help them by keeping far away from their hometowns.


He, like every other Thai and farang visiting Thailand, can visit every area of Thailand whether you like it or not.


An attitude like yours is a large part of Thailand's problem.

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