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Trump ignites new firestorm: Gun backers might stop Clinton


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5 hours ago, Neurath said:

Seemed to me he was saying people need to vote for him. If they do not vote for him and Clinton wins the election she will appoint judges that water down the Second Amendment. If that happens, the only way to protect the Amendment is for those with firearms to do what they do. Rather clear I think. Anyway, the notion that the man actually knows what he is saying is false. He doesn't. He just says shit and the meaning is beyond his conscious control. This is what happens when the Id speaks. He was intimating that she be shot. Not explicitly advocating it. This is always how it is with him. It is with race. It is with gender. It is with bigotry. It's just he way he rolls - unconsciously, without deliberation and without thought. 


..... possibly in simple plain language....... New York Cab driver mentality/mouth


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4 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Yeah, why can't they think just like me.

I don't care if they think like me or not. They have become incapable of thinking for themselves and coming to a rational decision. They are parrots of the liberal left media, believing everything that is said and never questioning or researching to verify if what is reported is true or false. No wonder they fall for anything reported and run with it.

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


You're right, it's actually much worse than that.  Check out this article...



When I opened the Link, the embedded video was preceded by an AD in Russian language  pouring out some propaganda.
Coincidence ?? or many Russians looking at T's visions and hence the AD placement??

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3 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I don't care if they think like me or not. They have become incapable of thinking for themselves and coming to a rational decision. They are parrots of the liberal left media, believing everything that is said and never questioning or researching to verify if what is reported is true or false. No wonder they fall for anything reported and run with it.

Sure but if they thought as you do that would establish their rationality and vouch for their having done their research. Sometimes you've just gotta embrace the fact that your out there throwing pearls to swine. Don't question it man, just roll with it. You know you want to.

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45 minutes ago, Chicog said:

There is much that can be done to keep guns out of the hands of the convicted and the mentally ill. Expanded background checks, compulsory on every purchase online, offline, gun show, public or private.

And better sharing of data nationwide.

But the NRA oppose every single one of them, even though the majority of Americans are in favour.

They are a cancer on American civilisation, but also a highly successful minority advocacy group.





I am not ignoring you but I am not going to take the time to answer because a respectful post I just spent 20 minutes typing was just removed.


Tighten & enforce existing laws and reporting procedures...sounds good to me.


What can I say? Trump is a nut. Law-abiding gun owners are not taking Trumps words as a call to arms. its just politics. 

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13 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




I am not ignoring you but I am not going to take the time to answer because a respectful post I just spent 20 minutes typing was just removed.


Tighten & enforce existing laws and reporting procedures...sounds good to me.


What can I say? Trump is a nut. Law-abiding gun owners are not taking Trumps words as a call to arms. its just politics. 


I don't think the law abiding ones are the problem.

As Clinton said:



“I’m not here to repeal the Second Amendment. I’m not here to take away your guns. I just don’t want you to be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place. We should be working with responsible gun owners to pass commonsense reforms and keep guns out of the hands of criminals, terrorists, and all others who would do us harm.”


The simple fact is that the NRA are stopping that happening.

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37 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Why have trump haters become sheep who believe every word of the liberal left MSM? Some people are incapable of thinking for themselves anymore.


So basically, in your world, anyone and everyone who criticizes Trump are sheep, ignoramus, incapable of thinking for themselves, blah, blah, blah....  Well the list is quite long, and distinguished.  Add another one who believes Trump needs to end his presidential campaign immediately....




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1 minute ago, Chicog said:


I don't think the law abiding ones are the problem.

As Clinton said:


The simple fact is that the NRA are stopping that happening.


I am afraid Clinton does not have much credibility with this large segment of Americans and so her campaign promises are not believed without some solid examples and recommendations on her part.


The reality is the only way to get guns out of the hands of people who should not have them is to infringe upon the rights of those who are legally allowed to have them. Look at the number of shootings every year in Chicago alone, the majority of which were from illegally purchased or traded 2nd hand firearms and not from licensed dealers. None of Clintons proposal would prevent that.


Thats why I, and most gun owners, will remain skeptical of hillary without her providing some concrete details.


I am with you, gun violence is at epidemic proportions in the US anymore. 

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


How do you keep bad people from obtsining a gun?


Honest question...please tell me how you or hillary or anyone else proposes to do that. 


All Americans would like to accomplish that.

Quite obviously as others have stated here start to do something.  Just start! There's many things that can be done but it has to start somewhere and would likely take a generation to effect. 


Having NRA members bawl "they want to take our guns away!" every time someone in power tries to start a meaningful dialogic about the problem. 


Oh and in trumps own words- "Get im outta here!" would be a good start. 

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I know Trump raised the issue, but do we really have to talk about gun ownership rights now? If so, I'll have to go to the pub. Can we stick to incitement to murder please?

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4 minutes ago, Bung said:

Quite obviously as others have stated here start to do something.  Just start! There's many things that can be done but it has to start somewhere and would likely take a generation to effect. 


Having NRA members bawl "they want to take our guns away!" every time someone in power tries to start a meaningful dialogic about the problem. 


Oh and in trumps own words- "Get im outta here!" would be a good start. 


OK, Bung, here is a great lesson for you.


You cannot have a "meaningful" dialogue with a group you just accuse of "bawling" in the very same sentence and expect to have a cooperative solution.





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That's right.  They need to stop bawling and get on with doing something about it.  


Australia managed to do it,  why can't the USA? 


Anyway,  getting off topic,  back to Trump alluding to gun fanatics killing his opponent 

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4 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


OK, Bung, here is a great lesson for you.


You cannot have a "meaningful" dialogue with a group you just accuse of "bawling" in the very same sentence and expect to have a cooperative solution.






the NRA and the pro-gun lobby aren't interested in a cooperative solution. they prefer seeing schools full of children get slaughtered to compromising in any way on background checks. so, you know.

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I'm afraid I have to agree with much of what CC has to say about gun owners here. Clinton does scare me in the context of taking guns away. Impossible, but like many so-called liberals to her a gun is the boogie man. Much of this harkens back to the Reagan regime when mental health services began to be destroyed.


On the other hand, Trump called for the assignation of Clinton, no if's and's or but's about it. The RS story was right and RS sure beats the hell out of crap like faux (not the) news, Alex Jones, breitbrat and other right wingnut lying rags. Trump is a sociopathic neofascist and a danger to the world. Anybody that still supports him and obviously there are at least one or 2 here, are wanting jackboots for themselves.

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The US gun issue is one of the longest running soap operas in history.  Pointless droning on and on about it because there are no number of endless shootings of innocent people that will convince the cowboys that gun ownership should be controlled.

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27 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


So basically, in your world, anyone and everyone who criticizes Trump are sheep, ignoramus, incapable of thinking for themselves, blah, blah, blah....  Well the list is quite long, and distinguished.  Add another one who believes Trump needs to end his presidential campaign immediately....




I said no such thing and you very well know it. Trump haters and Clinton haters are in the same pew if they blindly follow the news media without doing research and finding the truth rather than believing everything they read or hear on TV or radio. It takes independent thinkers to do that which you guys are certainly not. 

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If one thinks that those on the left blindly follow what passes for news these days one is sadly mistaken. There are many respected real news sources. True progressives do NOT like Clinton either. In fact many of us will vote for Jill. Trump is a sociopath narcissistic neofascist. No those are not "news sources" the right wingnut haters refer to. Those that the right wing uses are nothing but lying propaganda hate rags. You know much like what vomits out of the Trumps pie hole. Those that excuse his bull and blindly support his fascism are just that, blind. Blind on purpose, they cannot accept the truth nor are they willing to search for it. Check out the smiling, agreeing faces on the videos and they know damn well that he was calling for assignation. Everyone who supports and defends the Trump are sheep, ignoramus, incapable of thinking rationally for themselves.

Edited by sgtsabai
left out words
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7 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

If one thinks that those on the left blindly follow what passes for news these days one is sadly mistaken. There are many respected real news sources. True progressives do NOT like Clinton either. In fact many of us will vote for Jill. Trump is a sociopath narcissistic neofascist. No those are not "news sources" the right wingnut haters refer to. Those that the right wing uses are nothing but lying propaganda hate rags. You know much like what vomits out of the Trumps pie hole. Those that excuse his bull and blindly support his fascism are just that, blind. Blind on purpose, they cannot accept the truth nor are they willing to search for it. Check out the smiling, agreeing faces on the videos and they know damn well that he was calling for assignation. Everyone who supports and defends the Trump are sheep, ignoramus, incapable of thinking rationally for themselves.

Why don't you tell us what you really think? :)

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12 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I said no such thing and you very well know it. Trump haters and Clinton haters are in the same pew if they blindly follow the news media without doing research and finding the truth rather than believing everything they read or hear on TV or radio. It takes independent thinkers to do that which you guys are certainly not. 


You said no such thing?  C'mon, those were the exact words you used in this very thread.  It's all there for everyone to see...unless you're going to do a "Trump" and deny that's what you meant. 


As for the media, it is you and other Trump supporters who blindly follow right wing media...the same right wing media that consistently distort the facts if not outright lie.  Most Americans do not and will not follow these extremist points-of-view and it's clear that these "sources" that you use to conduct your "research" will most likely be right wing propaganda sites that have no credibility. 

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2 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


You said no such thing?  C'mon, those were the exact words you used in this very thread.  It's all there for everyone to see...unless you're going to do a "Trump" and deny that's what you meant. 


As for the media, it is you and other Trump supporters who blindly follow right wing media...the same right wing media that consistently distort the facts if not outright lie.  Most Americans do not and will not follow these extremist points-of-view and it's clear that these "sources" that you use to conduct your "research" will most likely be right wing propaganda sites that have no credibility. 

You think it is only Trump supporters and I think it is both some Trump supporters and some Hillary supporters. We will agree to disagree.

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The subject of mandating background checks has been brought up several times here.


Can any of you that support hillary please explain to me what the current regulations are on background checks and how this system functions?


I ask this because it does not appear that any of you are familiar with the process (not accusing you, just saying it would not be surprising if you have not purchased a firearm in recent years). 


Since I could not find much on hillary specifically and since she said she is basically continuing the obama WH, I searched for obamas position on gun control...which is quite vague. I just read an obama speech in TIME magazine and he also makes some claims about background checks not being mandatory and convicted felons being able to buy firearms off the internet without background checks. (Sorry TIME does not allow me to cut & paste).


Can any one, including gun owners, here tell me what website I can go to and buy guns without a background check? I purchase guns fron various auction sites and they each require that the purchased firearm be sent to an FFL (thats a federally licenced dealer) who operates as a middle man. Well that FFL dealer then performs a background check on me with a federsl agency before I am allowed to complete the purchase. 


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He  just means reading Brietbart etc etc. Maybe Drudge, etc etc. But then it's possible that this is not so. If it ain't, and say it ain't, then I implore Pimay to tell more about his research methodology and his empirical sources. I would be right brotherly and neighborly thing to do.

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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:




I like hour posts on TVF but on this subject you appear to be from the school of thought that just because one guy craps his pants then we should all be required to wear diapers.


There are millions of firearms and millions of legal gun owners in the US who act responsibly every day of their entire lives with those firearms.


There is a very small "minority" that does not and most of those are by individuals who have not purchased or cannot own a firearm legally.



I've heard all the excuses. As someone highly trained in the use of Firearms i know how difficult it is to get used to them. I also know how hard it is to actually hit a target that's still never mind one that is moving.

There's no logical reason for a civilian to own a gun....ever.

It's something i'll never get my head around. I know how deeply imbedded it is with you guys and i know the massive majority of Americans are more than decent people. But, you seem to think that means you are all good shots and capable of the "Hollywood" shot if you ever needed to use one. And lets be honest, how often in your lifetime would you actually be in a situation in life where your life was in danger and you would need to discharge the weapon to protect yourself or your family? 

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:




I am not ignoring you but I am not going to take the time to answer because a respectful post I just spent 20 minutes typing was just removed.


Tighten & enforce existing laws and reporting procedures...sounds good to me.


What can I say? Trump is a nut. Law-abiding gun owners are not taking Trumps words as a call to arms. its just politics. 


Imagine losing those pearls of CC wisdom to the ether? :clap2:


I love the never ending criticism of MSM. The MSM being any news source other than that catering to the wingnuts. They all read the same nonsense from Faux, Breitbart, Washington Times, Drudge etc etc.  


Republicans and their love of guns. Happiness is a warm gun.



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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


How do you keep bad people from obtsining a gun?


Honest question...please tell me how you or hillary or anyone else proposes to do that. 


All Americans would like to accomplish that.

Outlaw civilian ownership.
Have an Amnesty  on every single firearm owned by every single American. Hand them in over a 2 year period of with 6 months grace incase someone forgets they had one stuck away in a cubby hole. Give every gun owner that hands in each weapons a receipt for the Gun both physically and on a computer database saying they handed it where and when.

Have local law enforcement go round every single register gun owners home making sure they have no weapons at home. If anyone keeps a gun and it's proven they knew they had it then a minimum of 5 years in jail.

Are bad guys still going to get guns? Of course they are, but they go to jail for a long time.

Australia did it easily.

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2 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Why have trump haters become sheep who believe every word of the liberal left MSM? Some people are incapable of thinking for themselves anymore.

"The MSM"????

We saw him say it. This isn't made up by someone who heard he said it. He said it on live TV and it's uploaded on YouTube. The MSM NEVER make my mind up for me. it's what i saw and heard with my own eyes.

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