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BREAKING: Hua Hin rocked by TWO MORE bomb explosions

Jonathan Fairfield

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Photos I took one hour ago.

Petchkasem Road is deserted after police seal off area near downtown Hua Hin.

Many police vehicles line the road in front of police headquarters.







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5 hours ago, z42 said:

This is awful, it is very clear some outfit is trying to make a serious statement, but with so many potential candidates I doubt the RTP will actually get to the bottom of it, their track record is far from exemplary in such matters.

I hope very much for no further casualties. Scary times indeed

Just a guess, definately not terrorists.

I would find plausable that the enlightened one's actions in Hua Hin when the train was stopped and students marched of to detention by the army, possibly a catalyst for a radical few to retaliate.

Other than that someone who has been getting a heard time has spoken out, any ideas?

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I don't think these bombs were meant to kill hundreds…..but to send a message that they can.


Will depend on the response…which i bet will be equally heavy handed….not looking good.


The choice of tourist areas is also a message that they are open to targeting farangs….well, so much for thai smile.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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Photos I took one hour ago.

Marriott Resort in Hua Hin beefs up security with guards deployed at the main gate. I was stopped and questioned for taking photos by a very serious Marriott security guard so they are doing a good job. The bus is there to act as a shield for the main entrance and block access.





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2 hours ago, outsider said:

According to the BBC "(Thai) Police on Friday ruled out international terrorism and said that any links to the southern insurgency were unclear."


So quick to rule things out. Based on what? Then again, I guess they're probably right. Probably the work of some drunk and illegal foreign workers taking the piss at their bosses.

So you castigate the police for their theory but it do doesn't stop you making ludicrous claims of your own,based on nothing except a vivid imagination.Hipocracy 

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45 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

Update with photos I just took:

Market Village Mall is closed in Hua Hin. Guard checks workman's vehicle for explosives.


internet very slow in Hua Hin now.








Life that sign was outside the shopping center, then it's totally correct, the shopping center IS CLOSE

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The government has already announced that it is likely to be people smugglers angered by the government's crack down (e.g. same as the 'official' motive for the Bangkok bombing nearly a year ago). Of course the Bangkok bombing was Uighur retaliation for Thailand's deportation of Uighur muslims back to China.


A similar motive could be behind  current spate of bombings. Perhaps Uighur muslims have been gaining sympathy in Malaysia, and possibly Thailand's south, and have been infiltrating from Malaysia this time.

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4 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

As a long-term resident, and to the best of my knowledge, the "Deep-South"-related violence has thusfar always been confined to the four southernmost "restive" provinces.


Also, is Hua Hin what would really be termed as the South?


I think this is more likely to be colour-coded.


Or perhaps thoe responsible for the insurrection in the south could be testing the waters for an expansion to Bangkok. That' would get some hearts all of a flutter. That nice Mr Prayuth's heart is probably already doing a mean break-dance.



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Walking around Soi Binabaht this afternoon I was talking to many locals and they are all looking really scared. A lady I spoke to was right next to the blast last night. She was still shaking and peered out from her door to talk to me. 


The place is a ghost town now. Many bar employees sitting in front of closed bars where saying "No one come to Hua Hin now".


Many tourist were not aware of what had happened last night and came out this morning to find deserted streets and Police and Army patrols.  

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

Your figures are rubbishThe people that didn't vote are irrelevant from your equation,either way.You can't put 50% in the don't want camp because you don't know.I can say they are in the don't care to vote camp,for whatever reason.


I agree to a point. Any referendum which only requires a 33% approval isn't really credible Remember that any democratic or self-styled 99% democratic government is obliged to get and act on the public's opinion, not to ban contrary opinion, which is what they did. They are also expected to arrange a widespread knowledge of the issues. Weren't the EC in the middle of arranging 16+ million copies of a summary? I didn't see one so perhaps lots of folk doidn't, in which case, who pocketed the money?.


On these tests alone the current non-elected government failed dismally, and the international verdict on the usefulness of the expensive but useless farce over last weekend will become clear in time.


Observers: Timor, Bhutan, etc. Why were they chosen and not the many who expressed and interest? Draw your own conclusions.



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35 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

The government has already announced that it is likely to be people smugglers angered by the government's crack down (e.g. same as the 'official' motive for the Bangkok bombing nearly a year ago). Of course the Bangkok bombing was Uighur retaliation for Thailand's deportation of Uighur muslims back to China.


A similar motive could be behind  current spate of bombings. Perhaps Uighur muslims have been gaining sympathy in Malaysia, and possibly Thailand's south, and have been infiltrating from Malaysia this time.


I heard that there's a very angry chinese guy who had more than a Billion Baht seized from him and his Thai proxy operated companies recently, something to do with the tourism sector. Just thought I'd mention this.

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4 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


You post on this forum is hilarious :lol:

Thanks,   I think   !

Not sure if it's a compliment or a barb so maybe better not to know and hold onto a positive view.    :coffee1:

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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2 hours ago, seajae said:

the bombs outside the police station in Surat Thani were where our daughter was supposed to be this morning for the mothers day parade, luckily she wasnt feeling well and stayed home. Whoever did this was aiming at killing women and children again, certainly sounds like the reds as that is one of their favourite targets. They have targeted the regions where the vote was  yes as well and on mothers day too, hopefully they will catch them soon, if it the reds it will be time to start locking up all their leaders instead of just letting them out on bail. If it is by some chance the insurgents then they need to go down there in force and start killing them all, no more pussy footing around as they have been doing. Time for the army to actually start replying in force, which ever group it is.


It very much looks like the southern separatists and looks exactly nothing like Red shirts besides your fantasy that red shirts are after the women and children.  As for going in in force and killing them all, you might care to consider history, I believe you will find that the first bomb was at a peaceful gathering protesting against the army murdering 5 Muslim youths and the authorities failing to investigate, the bomb coming from Buddhist extremists not the separatists, next came the retaliation bombing of Don Muang and an attempted assassination of the royal family in 1977, this was met by their leader being assassinated, many other groups forming, countless crackdowns, retaliations and many thousands dead.  These people ideally want separation but at a minimum some autonomy, they are clearly well organised and connected, my suggestion would be not to further fuel the fire by going in heavy as that will just result in further retaliations, perhaps with outside help, perhaps of a scale so far unseen in Thailand, but to instead listen to them and compromise with them and give them some autonomy.

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1 hour ago, Stevemercer said:

The government has already announced that it is likely to be people smugglers angered by the government's crack down (e.g. same as the 'official' motive for the Bangkok bombing nearly a year ago). Of course the Bangkok bombing was Uighur retaliation for Thailand's deportation of Uighur muslims back to China.


A similar motive could be behind  current spate of bombings. Perhaps Uighur muslims have been gaining sympathy in Malaysia, and possibly Thailand's south, and have been infiltrating from Malaysia this time.


Sorry, wasn't that where they were trying to go?  Didn't Thailand prevent them passage through Thailand into Malaysia?  You recon now they are coming back to seek revenge for some of their friends not getting through?

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2 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Sorry, wasn't that where they were trying to go?  Didn't Thailand prevent them passage through Thailand into Malaysia?  You recon now they are coming back to seek revenge for some of their friends not getting through?


They were going to Turkey - which was accepting of them because they basically were turks and seen as brethren (more than just religious).  Every country in-between was just a weight station on the route.

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1 hour ago, bkkcanuck8 said:


They were going to Turkey - which was accepting of them because they basically were turks and seen as brethren (more than just religious).  Every country in-between was just a weight station on the route.


Yes, I understand that they are Turkic people, but their next stop was Malaysia, surely they have not been waiting there for a year plotting to return to the country that will deport them if found, to face almost certain death at the hands of the Chinese, just to seek revenge, wouldn't they more likely have continued on their journey to Turkey?

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On 8/12/2016 at 9:57 AM, tx22cb said:

All these bombs are taking place in the South for some reason .....

Unlikely to be due to personal conflict.

Authorities have no clue and are not able to prevent repeats.

I would avoid Hua Hin for now.  And be careful wherever you are in Thailand - it could spread.

Thats helpful advice

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There was an item in the non-Thailand press suggesting that it was very unlikely to be related to the referendum result. The reason was this was a very coordinated attack in multiple localities  and that that couldn't be planned so quickly. But I don't really buy that reason. Wasn't it obvious the referendum would pass? Couldn't they have made the plans either way and called an abort if the referendum had failed? Maybe they calculated it didn't really matter either way ... the status quo would remain.


Still, it's mysterious. The attacks were all in South Thailand except for Hua Hin. If Hua Hin hadn't been  hit, people would assume this was the usual separatist stuff. 

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From my point of view everything was pretty much normal in Hua Hin tonight.


I didn't go into town (I almost never do, apart from shopping) but around here you wouldn't know there had been an issue and I'm only a few miles away from the center.


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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There was an item in the non-Thailand press suggesting that it was very unlikely to be related to the referendum result. The reason was this was a very coordinated attack in multiple localities  and that that couldn't be planned so quickly. But I don't really buy that reason. Wasn't it obvious the referendum would pass? Couldn't they have made the plans either way and called an abort if the referendum had failed? Maybe they calculated it didn't really matter either way ... the status quo would remain.


Still, it's mysterious. The attacks were all in South Thailand except for Hua Hin. If Hua Hin hadn't been  hit, people would assume this was the usual separatist stuff. 

Imo only a matter of time b4 the 'separatists' spread their wings. i'de be very surprised if Bangkok wasn't on their agenda sooner than later. 

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There was an item in the non-Thailand press suggesting that it was very unlikely to be related to the referendum result. The reason was this was a very coordinated attack in multiple localities  and that that couldn't be planned so quickly. But I don't really buy that reason. Wasn't it obvious the referendum would pass? Couldn't they have made the plans either way and called an abort if the referendum had failed? Maybe they calculated it didn't really matter either way ... the status quo would remain.


Still, it's mysterious. The attacks were all in South Thailand except for Hua Hin. If Hua Hin hadn't been  hit, people would assume this was the usual separatist stuff. 


Just because it has been a long while since the separatists have attacked outside of the south does nothing to detract from the fact that it may well be them.

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On 8/12/2016 at 4:20 PM, louse1953 said:

So you castigate the police for their theory but it do doesn't stop you making ludicrous claims of your own,based on nothing except a vivid imagination.Hipocracy 


Such a pity that you do not have a wider understanding of 'sarcasm'. By the way, and while on the note of being unnecessarily pedantic, it's actually spelled 'hypocrisy'.


Nevertheless, thanks for the laughs. You're funny :cheesy:

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