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Thai police say wave of bomb blasts in central and south of the country are not linked to Islamic terrorism


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8 explosions and 4 casualities is not something ISIS would do. ISIS is all about numbers, these attacks seem like ones that intend to damage Thailands tourism, I don't think their goal is to kill tourists.


Looks politically motivated and an internal matter

Edited by Lukecan
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2 minutes ago, Lukecan said:

8 explosions and 4 casualities is not something ISIS would do. ISIS is all about numbers, these attacks seem like ones that intend to damage Thailands tourism, I don't think their goal is to kill tourists.


The aim of terrorism is not always about body count.


Very often the aim is to show that we can and we will.


The only people who will know for sure are those taking part in closed door negotiations and that info will never be made public

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2 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


Gonna go out on a limb here and make the assumption that the cell phones used for detonation were not registered to anyone.


Why would you guess that the perps would be carrying their cell phones ? The make up of the devices show a certain degree of professionalism, not something associated with idiots.

They must be registered, or they wouldn't be allowed on operators' networks unless they're foreign SIMs in roaming mode (quite possible). However they might be registered to dead people or stolen IDs as the ones sold in the black market as I've been told.

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5 minutes ago, Lannig said:

They must be registered, or they wouldn't be allowed on operators' networks unless they're foreign SIMs in roaming mode (quite possible). However they might be registered to dead people or stolen IDs as the ones sold in the black market as I've been told.


Well done.


You answered your own conundrum.

Edited by SgtRock
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8 explosions, likely all similar devices, exactly the same as when this all started after Thaksin was ousted and numerous others since. This report from Jan 2007:

' The explosive used in bombs at all eight sites on New Year's Eve was the same type and all were likely to have been made by the same skilled bomb-makers ' 'Initial findings showed that in terms of assembly techniques there were no similarities between the eight bombs and those used in the deep South by Muslim insurgents'

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AH2 -is Asian Highway 2 - the southern section is mainly the Thailand designated route 4 that runs south from Bangkok through Hua Hin to the southerns provinces. My point was there is currently nothing north. north-east ot east of Bangkok, so it appears to me that the bomb setters travelled the AH2

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"He said if it was international terrorism, the country would be informed in advance of the attempt. But there was no warning of these attempts."


If it were an international group, they would have a real body count.


8 blasts, very few injured with only a couple dead, as tragic as it may be, that's homegrown incompetence.


Be safe out there everyone. 


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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Royal Thai Police official Col. Krisana Patanacharoen said it was too soon say who was behind the attacks, but "we are sure that it is not linked to terrorism."


Who ever is behind it by definition it is Terrorism 


terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.


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6 minutes ago, thailandsgreat said:

Friday is not only prayer day in Islam, it is also bombing day. Not just Paris attacks and Ramadan attacks 2015 were perpetrated on Fridays.

That makes about as much sense as the notion that someone is trying to make some bizarre point about Mother's Day.

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10 minutes ago, Holy Cinema said:

not true at all.

What is not true about it ? In the cases I have seen they were quick to claim they were behind it (even claiming stuff they were not behind). We will see but personally I see only 2 valid options, the southern insurgents or the red-shirts and for now I am still thinking more about the insurgents because all the bombings were done in the south (but that could of-course be a diversion). 


Can't really make up my mind and will let the people who actually look at the evidence do that. 

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Just now, robblok said:

What is not true about it ? In the cases I have seen they were quick to claim they were behind it (even claiming stuff they were not behind). We will see but personally I see only 2 valid options, the southern insurgents or the red-shirts and for now I am still thinking more about the insurgents because all the bombings were done in the south (but that could of-course be a diversion). 


Can't really make up my mind and will let the people who actually look at the evidence do that. 

In the cases you have seen.....so you've seen all the terrorist attacks globally then have you?

Ask yourself without any form of bias, WHO immediately benefits from the attacks carried out over the past 12 hours?

Last week or the week before there was 12 similar devices that went off in and around Yala, they were acts of terror, perpetrated by terrorists, with an aim, but this is being downplayed and already accusations as to whom carried this out, same with Samui, the authorities are doing themselves no favours by not accepting or acknowledging these attacks as acts of terrorism, they're too afraid of their image, and that's so wrong it's disingenuous to those who have lost loved ones, to those who died, and to thos who will be maimed and scarred for life. 

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3 minutes ago, phycokiller said:

its not terrorism, I know, this is different from that, trust me

so do I, and when you plant such devices in public places with the intent to cause harm, fear and panic, what other words would you use to describe what happened, and what the intent was? ;)

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1 minute ago, Holy Cinema said:

.....so you've seen all the terrorist attacks globally then have you?

Ask yourself without any form of bias, WHO immediately benefits from the attacks carried out over the past 12 hours?

You tell me who benefits, for sure not the government they have been shamed and lose tourism revenue. 

The reds, could be just revenge don't really see the upside besides just causing harm to the government. (but I think they would lose support if was found they did it)

The insurgents, their upside is causing harm to the government. (dont care about support at all)

ISIS,, what is the upside for this, Thailand is not a major target for them the West is.

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

You tell me who benefits, for sure not the government they have been shamed and lose tourism revenue. 

The reds, could be just revenge don't really see the upside besides just causing harm to the government. (but I think they would lose support if was found they did it)

The insurgents, their upside is causing harm to the government. (dont care about support at all)

ISIS,, what is the upside for this, Thailand is not a major target for them the West is.

I asked you to look outside of the box without bias ;)

Thailand isn't a major target? When you have thousands of western tourist all gathered in the same spots, you fail to see this?

You don't acknowledge that Russian Intelligence warned Thailand TWICE about persons of interest with IS ties, already in Thailand? and twice Thailand downplayed this, and dismissed it, pretty much like you're doing now?

You fail to acknowledge that the Far East has been, and still is a major recruiting ground for Islamic extremist and that the Philippines and Malaysia have serious Islamic State problems, with attacks being foiled almost daily, and most definitely weekly?

Why should Thailand not be considered to have more radical elements from the locations I mentioned before begin to show a presence ? 

You have to have an open mind that Thailand is at risk from extremists just as much as their neighbours. You also have to have contingencies and plans in place to counter these threats.

Dismiss this as much as you want, you should ALWAYS keep your options and MIND open. ;)

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To be fair to the Thai police, they are only doing what the authorities in the Uk and Germany did following recent atrocities:-


Deny any link to terrorism.

Deny any link to Islam.

Claim that the perpetrators had mental issues or personal grievances, or that local political issues were the motivating factor.


In Europe they have even done this despite the attacker shouting "Allahu Akhbar". But hey, we let it look as if the Mueslis are winning now, can we.

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