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Indian superstar Shah Rukh Khan tweets about being stopped at US airport 


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Every country has the right to detain or deny entry even to those who have a visa. The decision rests with the passport/immigration official. I have no sympathy for pampered Bollywood "stars" and if Muslim names raise a flag, well I wonder why. My Thai ex-gf, an Education Ministry officer, was also briefly detained in an interview room at LAX. Why? Because single women from some Asian countries sometimes abuse the visa by overstaying or even marrying someone and staying (albeit legally, but that is still an abuse of the visitor visa). Anyway they let her in and she said they were nice to her.

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20 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Money and fame should be no guarantee for special treatment when security is involved, and those who enjoy fame and stardom should NOT be the ones complaining that they do not get special treatment, they should be the role models. The ultra wealthy and famous are exactly the profile of people that could be subject to ransom attacks, blackmail etc all of which could encourage them to be an unwitting mule. I am amazed that a US Ambassador has compromised the work of security agencies by apologising. Shocking really. 


I think the issue is that he IS getting "special treatment".

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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1 hour ago, hdkane said:

And this guy comes from a country with real racism...so to play the race card diminishes the real importance of the claim...sorta like when women will claim they are sexually harassed if a man at a bar asks for a date or when a woman asserts that she was assaulted when she is called a b***...or when women claim that all men are potential rapists...it simply diminishes the experiences of real victims...the guy is used to star treatment...and any inconvenience is a big deal to him, and he took the opportunity to capitalize on the political climate in the USA and make a statement that would surely get media attention...

It does not matter if there is racism in his home clountry yes or no.


Claiming that he was not stopped multiple times because of his race is beyond naivity. Justifiably or not is a different discussion.

Edited by stevenl
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Just now, stevenl said:

It does not matter if there is racism in his home clountry yes or no.


Claiming that he was not stopped multiple times because of his race is beyond naivity.

I have been stopped more than him...so they must be biased against older white guys...the default is not always race...to jump to a conclusion without data is just wishful thinking...and the data show, at this time, that race is not a factor...he came from India as I recall...so do you think customs delayed everyone from the plane, or was he the only Indian who flew that day?

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He shouldn't feel special, Australian customs stole my Vegemite while laughing at me, and on another occasion pushed me up against a wall and body searched me in front of my distraught young children. We understand the need for airport security, however the jackboot assh*les, with the power of the state standing behind them, just see it as a free pass to vent their fascist mindset. And I sure don't look like a Mohamed.

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Of course race is not an issue in the USA......Hmmm, what about the racial profiling the police do every day, and many times follow it up with a bullet.  Hmmmm.

i was in Heathrow flying to Pakistan through Dubai. We stood waiting for hours waiting to board a delayed flight because the pilot had food poisoning, but nobody told us until we were taken to a hotel for the night.....but I digress. While waiting three special branch officers grilled this guy who was waiting for the same flight....he was middle eastern looking. Right in front of all the passengers they kept hammering him with questions over and over. One officer was a woman and she was pretty nasty. This went on for around forty five minutes, and eventually they seemed to lose interest and basically walked away. As he was eventually next to me in line I asked him what was all that about.....he replied, this happens to me every time I come to England. Looking on I thought he handled it with dignity and grace, but I really felt for the guy. So if our Indian friend has to deal with this crap on a regular basis I empathize with him. There is no upside to these experiences. And all the baloney about him wanting publicity, and you have never heard of him, and he is rich, is utter rubbish.....you are not in his head, and if you have never heard of him...then you are not a friend.....so how do any of you all knowing nit wits know what is really going on here.  Answer: you do not have a clue. Have a nice day!

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6 hours ago, stevenl said:

Are you seriously implying his race was not the reason for him being stopped, again?

Most agents in American airports couldn't tell what race an Indian is, hell they don't even know on site if he is Paki, Bangli, Malaysian, or Aphgan.  I hope this actor is so offended he doesn't risk coming to the USA again.

Further I am going to bet he is in America making money, working for a pay day. He doesn't have a work permit for the USA, they should have sent him back to India.

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34 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Most agents in American airports couldn't tell what race an Indian is, hell they don't even know on site if he is Paki, Bangli, Malaysian, or Aphgan.  I hope this actor is so offended he doesn't risk coming to the USA again.

Further I am going to bet he is in America making money, working for a pay day. He doesn't have a work permit for the USA, they should have sent him back to India.

Their passports may come in handy then for the officers to make that determination.

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Race is probably an issue.   It's an issue pretty much everyone in one way or the other, but with regard to the TSA, I think they are reasonably fair.  (Not to be confused with good).   I went through a spell where I was pulled over for special screening  rather often.   Not necessarily excessively, but it seemed if anyone was pulled out of the line it was me.   


I often travel with a male Thai partner and on the last two occasions entering the US, he was able to clear immigration and customs before me.   


Then the last time I left I was on some sort of a priority list which put me n a special line where I got minimal screening.   


All I know is that it is hard to figure out who and what is going to be get what treatment.   I will say they have always been reasonably respectful and efficient and quite professional.   


The two worst places where I have been screened were in Geneva, Switzerland, many years ago and in Heathrow.   Both resulted in me missing my flight.   Geneva was before 9/11 and I was forced to strip down to my underwear and put on a gown to go through the metal detector.   Quite humiliating.   

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The article is not clear on who actually detained him each time. White Plains NY is not an international airport so that one at least would be the TSA and not immigration and customs who would detain on arrival from outside US.  


Neither Customs and Immigration or TSA is going to explain their screening criteria for obvious reasons. I suspect both are based on random selection, previous and/or travel locations and nationality.  


On international arrivals, all passenger data is transmitted prior to takeoff and who they are going to select for additional screening is decided before landing. Of course,  officer at desk can make a call as well.


TSA is very likely similar, without the immigration desk of course. They do use observers in the security area that look for behaviors fitting a profile.  I don't think any of them use race or suspected religion as a criteria. They leave that to cabin crews and other passengers to racially profile.  Several recent cases of such behavior causing passengers to be taken off flights, including one mathematics professor taken off for working on calculations someone found "suspicious".




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8 hours ago, Rancid said:

He shouldn't feel special, Australian customs stole my Vegemite while laughing at me, and on another occasion pushed me up against a wall and body searched me in front of my distraught young children. We understand the need for airport security, however the jackboot assh*les, with the power of the state standing behind them, just see it as a free pass to vent their fascist mindset. And I sure don't look like a Mohamed.


Australian customs are pricks is at the best of times, tried to explain parenting to me as we passed into brisbane...saving the country from an 18 month old baby

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Never, ever had any trouble with Australian Customs.

Never ever been searched or questioned even when l have declared what l thought might be prohibited items.

However l get delayed at Passport Control every time.

So much so that l've just come accept being questioned & delayed.

Could be something to do with my passport getting wet at one time & the ink in some stamps ran.

But l used to get delayed with my old passport too.

l've flown into L.A. about 4 times & never had any trouble.

Honest face, l guess! LOL

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On August 12, 2016 at 7:39 PM, DogNo1 said:

American INS agents (now Homeland Security) are not known for their gentility.  I remember being a little shocked once when I arrived in Los Angeles (LAX) and heard the agents shouting "American Citizens over here;"  "foreigners over here."  I'm a white American and thought that they could have been more gentle but, of course, I've never worked their job.  


I don't understand...what were they supposed to say?


I have also seen this occur and there are still arriving passengers who still go in the wrong lines.

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On 8/13/2016 at 8:24 AM, hdkane said:

Try to follow a bit of logic...the fellow insinuates that his religion or race is behind his being stopped...India, with a caste system that is virtually carved in stone, should have citizens that are not so willing and ready to play that card...especially in a situation in which race and religion are not considered.


Trouble is, there is no logic at all in your argument... 

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On 8/15/2016 at 0:45 PM, PremiumLane said:


Trouble is, there is no logic at all in your argument... 

I cannot convince you...so there's no point...


Still, the ploy of Kahn was just a way to take a stab at Trump and cry racism when none exists...

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So many people are so quick to assume that racism and profiling underlie so much of policy and actions...the data do not support this wishful thinking...the guy has a name that is similar to one on the no fly list, and the superstar just got pissed...if you think anything different, you're just hoping that someone is racist...


racism doesn't happen nearly as often as people would hope...when it does happen, Whites are by far the target...that is reality, supported by data...it's just not called racism, because stupid, closed minded people do not wish to modify their notion of reality...look at the data, not your hopes...also, the reality is that there is intentional misinformation...I'm not a conspiracy theorist...i'm someone who devoted my life to public service, serving for decades in the poorest part of the USA, and having access to available data, I actually did the analyses...unfortunately, because the data tell a story that is different and contrary to popular belief, it gains no traction...also, politicians in the USA prefer a narrative in which Whites are ruthless racists...there are racists, but these people are outliers...and there certainly is no public policy that profiles minorities or other religions...to think so in the presence of contradictory data is to ignore facts...so nothing can convince you...if you believe the sky is plaid, then for you the sky is plaid, even when science will show it is blue.  if you wish to respond and just be offer a stupid quip, then the discussion is over...and you've not won.

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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:


and it happened to him many times, but I guess in Trump world only the evil muzzies are terrorists

First, the indian passport doesn't have a religious designation, so no one would know he was a muslim...and second, why would you use a slur?  i imagine trump likes muzzies as you call them...

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13 hours ago, hdkane said:

First, the indian passport doesn't have a religious designation, so no one would know he was a muslim...and second, why would you use a slur?  i imagine trump likes muzzies as you call them...


it is called sarcasm, try it sometimes, it is fun :)


Look, the guy has been pulled up at least three times and questioned for over 20 mins each time - you would be annoyed if that happened to you. But, i guess him being foreign he should just put up with it.


Numerous studies have shown that racial profiling doesn't work and doesn't make airports any safer, but got to give the people the illusion of doing something, right? Also, you are statistically more likely to be killed or injured through the actions of white nationalist, right wing terrorism than any other - but guess they don't get profiled as much. 

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17 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:


it is called sarcasm, try it sometimes, it is fun :)


Look, the guy has been pulled up at least three times and questioned for over 20 mins each time - you would be annoyed if that happened to you. But, i guess him being foreign he should just put up with it.


Numerous studies have shown that racial profiling doesn't work and doesn't make airports any safer, but got to give the people the illusion of doing something, right? Also, you are statistically more likely to be killed or injured through the actions of white nationalist, right wing terrorism than any other - but guess they don't get profiled as much. 


Was this racial profiling?


Does every male Indian get stopped at US airports and questioned for 20 minutes? 


I hardly think so. 


This is not an example of racial profiling. 


And contrary to your claim, racial profiling does work. So far there have been no 75-year old grannies from Iowa bombing commercial aircraft. I fully support TSA and Customs agents giving extra scrutiny to male muslims rather than old ladies born and raised in the US.  I am not saying this article is an example of that but simply explaining to you why your claim RP does not work is silly.

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15 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:


it is called sarcasm, try it sometimes, it is fun :)


Look, the guy has been pulled up at least three times and questioned for over 20 mins each time - you would be annoyed if that happened to you. But, i guess him being foreign he should just put up with it.


Numerous studies have shown that racial profiling doesn't work and doesn't make airports any safer, but got to give the people the illusion of doing something, right? Also, you are statistically more likely to be killed or injured through the actions of white nationalist, right wing terrorism than any other - but guess they don't get profiled as much. 

As  mentioned earlier, I have been detained a number of times...it happens about 50% of the time I travel to the USA...I also mentioned that I know someone who has the same name as a felon, white and in his 60's now...he actually schedules any possible delay into his itinerary...it's not that big of a deal unless you are a spoiled movie star, and let's be honest, he's a bollywood movie star and his reach outside India is pretty limited...and your inclusion of the study regarding white nationalists is way off topic...the study you're referring to is only descriptive, and offers no real insights, because it does not address attacks that have been prevented, only those that have been committed in the US...it's impossible to prove a negative, that an event did not take place because of an antecedent...


in truth, the TSA would do well to employ profiling, since it is the only method, beyond those that are rather subjective, to identify real threats...but it doesn't use blanket profiling...the fellow Kahn, as I have said before, probably has a name that is quite similar to someone on the no fly list...and because passports in Asia are so easily forged, he needs to be examined by an agent, who doesn't know he's a "movie star"...it's pretty simple.

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42 minutes ago, hdkane said:

As  mentioned earlier, I have been detained a number of times...it happens about 50% of the time I travel to the USA...I also mentioned that I know someone who has the same name as a felon, white and in his 60's now...he actually schedules any possible delay into his itinerary...it's not that big of a deal unless you are a spoiled movie star, and let's be honest, he's a bollywood movie star and his reach outside India is pretty limited...and your inclusion of the study regarding white nationalists is way off topic...the study you're referring to is only descriptive, and offers no real insights, because it does not address attacks that have been prevented, only those that have been committed in the US...it's impossible to prove a negative, that an event did not take place because of an antecedent...


in truth, the TSA would do well to employ profiling, since it is the only method, beyond those that are rather subjective, to identify real threats...but it doesn't use blanket profiling...the fellow Kahn, as I have said before, probably has a name that is quite similar to someone on the no fly list...and because passports in Asia are so easily forged, he needs to be examined by an agent, who doesn't know he's a "movie star"...it's pretty simple.

Also, I understand the sarcasm...it's the tactic trump uses a lot...you two are soul mates I guess

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On August 17, 2016 at 5:10 PM, hdkane said:

racism doesn't happen nearly as often as people would hope...when it does happen, Whites are by far the target...that is reality, supported by data...

Would love to see a reference link to this data.

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On 8/17/2016 at 5:10 PM, hdkane said:

So many people are so quick to assume that racism and profiling underlie so much of policy and actions...the data do not support this wishful thinking...the guy has a name that is similar to one on the no fly list, and the superstar just got pissed...if you think anything different, you're just hoping that someone is racist...


racism doesn't happen nearly as often as people would hope...when it does happen, Whites are by far the target...that is reality, supported by data...it's just not called racism, because stupid, closed minded people do not wish to modify their notion of reality...look at the data, not your hopes...also, the reality is that there is intentional misinformation...I'm not a conspiracy theorist...i'm someone who devoted my life to public service, serving for decades in the poorest part of the USA, and having access to available data, I actually did the analyses...unfortunately, because the data tell a story that is different and contrary to popular belief, it gains no traction...also, politicians in the USA prefer a narrative in which Whites are ruthless racists...there are racists, but these people are outliers...and there certainly is no public policy that profiles minorities or other religions...to think so in the presence of contradictory data is to ignore facts...so nothing can convince you...if you believe the sky is plaid, then for you the sky is plaid, even when science will show it is blue.  if you wish to respond and just be offer a stupid quip, then the discussion is over...and you've not won.

And you base that on what data?

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