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Foreigners urged to “exercise extreme caution” in Thailand, as tourism minister visits those injured in Hua Hin blast


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2 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

11 blasts and still complete denial of terrorism......just political issues that Thailand is "quick to learn from"......

Put the cops out on the beat....kick them out of their pillboxes and do some foot work and keep a look out for the safety of people!!

IMO, the presence of police may deter these idiots.

didnt stop them leaving one outside the policebox though:lol:

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5 minutes ago, TechnikaIII said:

How, dare I ask, does one exercise extreme caution when walking past a concealed bomb?

Hold your breath?

Close your eyes?

Use a sim card with tracking for foreigners?

Aha now I know why they want to track your Sim Cards. So they can identify your bits

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

I want you to exercise extreme caution as you are walking past any plant pot at the side of any street, Jeeez :(

 an excellent point. how do you exercise any caution when you do not what and where to guard against.

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2 hours ago, waldroj said:

The tourism minister would have is believe "...that Thailand is quick to learn from incidents of this nature...", (referring to the Erawan Shrine bomb blast).


If that is so, then this latest incident must also show that it is just as quick at forgetting about them (http://junjao.com/board/index.php?topic=13041.0)


As clockman appropriately points out above, it's a pity, they are not as 'quick to learn' from their far more lethal road incidents!

In general, Thais (by which I mean the Thai ruling classes) aren't quick to learn anything very much. Their approach is to wander off down to their favourite Wat and pray (or pay) for better luck. They haven't yet learned that this does not work well'.


Xenophobic and not very bright, the 2 things are connected of course...



Edited by Winniedapu
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These events all over the world go back to some sort of oppression from which all sorts of hate arose. Freedom, justice, equality, other human rights and care for all in society are the only way to end this stuff other than by becoming a state like North Korea.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Come to Thailand, give us your hard earned money...but be extremely cautious, not go get raped and killed, not to be mowed down by a speed boat, not to die in a bus or van accident, not to be bombed to bits, because we are just too idiotic to get any of our problems under control!

Hillary and Donald are running for Election.  Nuff said.  These little inconveniences in Thailand are not real problems.

Edited by Scotwight
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On CNN Minister Popcorn kept repeating how Thailand had learned from the Erawan incident,   how Thais were fast learners and had tourism back on it's feet in two months.      She said they'll learn from this situation and will put more countermeasures in place so what will they be this time as last year's didn't last long it seems   ?

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20 minutes ago, Alive said:

These events all over the world go back to some sort of oppression from which all sorts of hate arose. Freedom, justice, equality, other human rights and care for all in society are the only way to end this stuff other than by becoming a state like North Korea.


Absolutely right, which is why I believe a civil war in Thailand is inevitable, the dog will not willingly give up a bone, and the Thai feudal barons will not willingly give up their perceived 'right to rule'.


It's all political, which is why the Chief of Police seems like such a slow-learner for saying so, even if he meant it was Thaksin, which I doubt it was. 


I think Thaksin is very much on the fringes after his obviously supine and pathetic 'wait' advice - I think more determined people are now effectively calling the shots. Backing Thaksin now must be like pushing sh|t uphill with a pointed stick.


I guess the trolls will have to invent another bogey-man now.



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19 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Hillary and Donald are running for Election.  Nuff said.  These little inconveniences in Thailand are not real problems.


They suddenly become real problems if you get hit by a speedboat. Conversely, I would say the circus in USA at the moment isn't important, Trump is a neanderthal, and Hilary is an insincere fascist like her husband.


Whatever happens, the USA will not change. The cads will still invade smaller countries, they'll still commit war crimes, they'll still illegally kill people with small aircraft. And they'll still pay the price and go the way of the dodo in good time.


The mistake too many people make is confusing USA with an advanced society, and confusing Americans with real people when they should be regarded as a nation chock full of Roy Rogers'. Yeehah!



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1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

The avalanche is about to come down big time very very soon. You cannot swipe all issues under the big Thai rug and expect, that everything is just "sabai sabai". 


An interesting angle is revealed in this article and the future will prove it right or wrong. 

The writing is all over the wall; be warned and keep away from crowds for the time being 

Yes, that article seems the most likely explanation at this point.

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1 hour ago, CaptHaddock said:


That's correct, but the risk it adds is completely negligible next to the huge road risk and can therefore be safely ignored.  Many more lives would be saved by lowering the speed limit or having more effective enforcement.  But people respond to novelty and vividness which do not accurately reflect the scale of the risk, which is the important point.  If you feel better avoiding flower pots, go right ahead since it's harmless.  Or you buy an amulet.


All of this is true but humans tend to be very bad at probability.  This is why the vast majority of people think that if you flip a coin and it comes up heads 10 times in a row that the odds of it coming tails are greater than 50-50.  


Another major factor is that us humans also tend to react at tipping points.  Another way to view it is the straw that broke the camel's back.  


In other words, you work for an employer who slowly claws back all of your benefits.  One year they lower the quality of your health insurance.  The next year they quit matching your 401K.  The next year they ask you to shave 15 minutes off your lunch hour.  Then one day they announce that employees will be charged $10 in order to park in covered parking.  Everyone who doesn't pay has to park in the uncovered parking lot. 


Suddenly someone who has been with the company 10 years walks into his bosses office and says, "Screw you.  I quit."  His boss thinks, "Really, over $10 a month?"  


So given those two factors, yes, road risk is massively greater than being harmed by a bomb but the bombings will be the tipping point for many people.  Either it will force them to re-examine the accumulated risk or this will be be the amount of risk that puts them over the edge.  





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2 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

The avalanche is about to come down big time very very soon. You cannot swipe all issues under the big Thai rug and expect, that everything is just "sabai sabai". 


An interesting angle is revealed in this article and the future will prove it right or wrong. 

The writing is all over the wall; be warned and keep away from crowds for the time being 


My wife's family are all round they are a big crowd.  :lol:

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4 hours ago, digibum said:

If you dig back a few pages here in the Thai News category on TV you'll find a thread regarding the Thai government poo-poo'ing the countries that were issuing travel warnings on Thailand for the referendum vote.  


Not that the foreign governments had any special prediction powers but you gotta know that some things make other things more likely to happen.  Yes, things happen out of the blue and can take everyone by surprise but if there are dark clouds in the sky grabbing an umbrella seems to make sense.  


And no, I don't think anybody could have predicted these bombings  but I think you could have at least anticipated that violence of some sort might be possible during or after the vote given the past history of political conflict in Thailand.  


From now on when foreign governments issue travel warnings, perhaps everyone, including the Thai government, should take them more seriously.  


Instead of focusing on losing a few bookings from people who avoid Thailand for a week or two, think about how long it'll take for tourism to recover if you're wrong - like they were this time.



I use your logic how does that stop some unknown from planting a bomb, it is nearly impossible to stop these sorts of things unless you have a magic wand.

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2 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


They suddenly become real problems if you get hit by a speedboat. Conversely, I would say the circus in USA at the moment isn't important, Trump is a neanderthal, and Hilary is an insincere fascist like her husband.


Whatever happens, the USA will not change. The cads will still invade smaller countries, they'll still commit war crimes, they'll still illegally kill people with small aircraft. And they'll still pay the price and go the way of the dodo in good time.


The mistake too many people make is confusing USA with an advanced society, and confusing Americans with real people when they should be regarded as a nation chock full of Roy Rogers'. Yeehah!



Bar room gibberish full of bigotry, generalizations and lecture without detail.

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2 hours ago, moe666 said:

I use your logic how does that stop some unknown from planting a bomb, it is nearly impossible to stop these sorts of things unless you have a magic wand.


I didn't say you can stop them.  What I said was that foreign governments issue travel advisories when risk levels are higher than normal.  Obviously just because the US or UK issues a travel advisory doesn't mean something bad is going to happen.  Generally they simply warn travelers that a risk of something bad happening exists.  


I don't think it takes a genius to predict that there would be an increased chance of something bad happening around the time of a Thai election.  Not even just this one.  In general, given the contentious nature of Thai politics, it's a pretty easy call to tell your citizens to stay away from large crowds and polling stations.  


None of that would have prevented these particular deaths and injuries but instead of the Thai government constantly dismissing foreign government travel warnings, or worse, issuing testy rebuttals saying that there's absolutely nothing to worry about, perhaps the Thai government will be less offended by them and instead see them for what they are.



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6 hours ago, DM07 said:

Come to Thailand, give us your hard earned money...but be extremely cautious, not go get raped and killed, not to be mowed down by a speed boat, not to die in a bus or van accident, not to be bombed to bits, because we are just too idiotic to get any of our problems under control!

...and only wear a bikini if you are ugly. Oh, and maybe give urine samples to the Po-Lease on Bangkok streets for no reason at all, use only the supplied (at great cost no doubt) SIM cards, avoid pot plants, ....but please do have a wonderful holiday.

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Bombs and bars, jail, no booze,:drunk:

Can't go on the beach, to snooze.-_-


Too dangerous, for us:ph34r:


Your SIM card in my phone:welcomeani:

We march to your metronome:offtopic2:


Uncle Too, we love you.:wub::wai2:


...I'm Too lonely, Too lonely.. Too tiddly tum, Too tiddly Too...:passifier:


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On 8-8-2016 at 6:55 PM, anotheruser said:

So these baby hammerheads are sought after for there fins and served whole? I also thought the same thing but because of the ammonia in shark meat it smells like piss normally. So nobody would buy a whole shark if they just wanted the fins.


On 11-8-2016 at 3:15 PM, Wilsonandson said:

mSQWlZdCq5b6ZLkvLjww8m6lx0wUUEd4.jpgHere's the scooter minus an engine.


7 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

I could have not said it better. The police force seems like some sort of boys club here. Once you attain any ranking you have fluffers/handmaidens at your beck and call. Its a sham. These handmaidens should be out patrolling the streets not grooming some high status official. 


Almost every problem in Thailand is caused by the lack of Police. You know it, i know it but the Thai say mai ben rai.


But i don't think the presence of  police would have stopped these bombers.  And if they are suicide bombers there's no way at all they can be stopped without being tipped.


I will take this extreme caution advice very serious and not visit any touristic spot at all. 

Edited by Thian
?Where did that picture come from, it's about time the TV-forum works properly
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9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Foreigners urged to “exercise extreme caution” in Thailand, as tourism minister visits those injured in Hua Hin blast




Nice photo session for the TAT hag's..... IMAGE ..... IMAGE IMAGE......

We warn you,..... we're not really gonna help you..... case closed.....

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8 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

I could have not said it better. The police force seems like some sort of boys club here. Once you attain any ranking you have fluffers/handmaidens at your beck and call. Its a sham. These handmaidens should be out patrolling the streets not grooming some high status official. 



"fluffers/handmaidens" love it, wish I had thought of it.

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Good luck to the minister trying to get Thailand to have "quality tourists". (and erradicate sex tourism)

I think only sex tourists keep going to countries that have bombings and are controlled by the military.
Sex tourists are die hard, they follow their c*ck anywhere.
Families keep away easily when things heat up somewhere.

If i would be minister of tourism, i would bet on sex tourism, to make my country's economy flourish.
The sex industry is ideal for transforming poor residents into middle class, and thus diminishing the gap between rich and poor, and thus releasing some of the tension between rich and poor that has been going in recent years. The sex industry is such a huge opportunity for job security for those who don't have a good education...

Thailand needs it's democracy and freedom again for the country to thrive...


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Personally, I refuse to 'cower in place' as all our various governments suggest.  Work the odds.  What's the chance of your being the victim of a terrorist bomb blast?  Now, what's your chance of being a victim of a road accident or a grievous assault by a Thai national here in the LOS?  So, stop worrying and enjoy your life.  When your time's up, your time's up.  Worrying about how and when it will happen is just an exercise in silliness.  "Stiff upper lip, now carry on..."  :thumbsup:

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14 minutes ago, freestyle said:

Good luck to the minister trying to get Thailand to have "quality tourists". (and erradicate sex tourism)

I think only sex tourists keep going to countries that have bombings and are controlled by the military.
Sex tourists are die hard, they follow their c*ck anywhere.
Families keep away easily when things heat up somewhere.

If i would be minister of tourism, i would bet on sex tourism, to make my country's economy flourish.
The sex industry is ideal for transforming poor residents into middle class, and thus diminishing the gap between rich and poor, and thus releasing some of the tension between rich and poor that has been going in recent years. The sex industry is such a huge opportunity for job security for those who don't have a good education...

Thailand needs it's democracy and freedom again for the country to thrive...


Humm.  I hate to be Captain Obvious, but this thread isn't about Sex Tourism or quality tourists.  Not even close  :Dave:

But if you use the Search function I'm sure you could find one.  You're just a teeny-weeny bit off topic. 

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