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Thai police: Bomb suspects remain at large, declares country is back to normal


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5 hours ago, peter48 said:

If that is true then Western  foreign offices should complain as two deaths and many injuries from terrorism within 48 hours ago in this major family resort suggests serious issues for Thai tourism and  Thai responsibility. Are you absolutely sure there is no extra security for this top Thai tourist destination for Europeans which had at least 4 bomb explosions in two days?


5 hours ago, ljd1308 said:

There probably should be some extra "visible" security, but realistically....no matter what they do they will need a lot of luck to catch somebody.


They can't stop and search every single vehicle and person in and around Hua Hin so I think if there was a large presence it would be more for show than anything effective.

i spent the whole day specifically checking the train station, bus station, bar areas, hospitals, market village mall, anywhere there are soft targets. It is a joke. How about just two man foot beat patrols? nothing.  The major hotels are doing a good job with security as the Marriott and Intercontinental are checking vehicles before they enter, but you would think at least one cop at the train station or any other major target would be  good idea. Just more theater.


One a side note, the morning after the bombings, I walked all through the crime scene where the woman died in the Binabaht bar area. Some police tape, one cop, he did nothing.  Sad really as I feel for the dead woman having talked to some of her friends who were on the edge of tears. There was blood all over the street.


Absolutely nothing has changed here.



Edited by NCC1701A
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5 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

"The Country is back to normal"


The country hasn't been normal for decades!


If I'm reading the headline of this thread correctly, it's normal to have terrorists running around the country?  



Thai police: Bomb suspects remain at large, declares country is back to normal



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Look on bright side, you won't have to worry about bombs hidden in rubbish "bins", cos you won't find any here. Watch out for the nightly heaps of rubbish piled up in the streets though, unhealthy and now potentially dangerous!

about time Thailand cleaned its act up in more ways than one!

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Just now, waldroj said:

"...Bomb suspects remain at large...country is back to normal.."!


That sums it up pretty well.


The politicians in every country that has had a bombing incident continually stress  how imperative it is to get back to normal as quickly as possible even when no suspects are caught  (for the purpose of demonstrating that the people will not  be made to change their free and democratic way of life because of the actions of these bombers), But because this is Thailand this is ridiculed.....sad indeed.    

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14 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...Bomb suspects remain at large...country is back to normal.."!


That sums it up pretty well.


Considering that the Russian blacklisted was back within 4 weeks and many bombers remain at large including the Erewan suspects that fled to Turkey and have never been handed over by the Turks, the ability to walk over borders for locals in the south for a night time fling, the continual discovery of people smuggling camps, guns explosives and weapons.

The amount of unpunished transfered police, the daily shootings and ambushes and bombings in the south,------ Then I suppose we should all feel safe again.:wai2:

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8 hours ago, mcfish said:

you know exactly what im saying


i rest my case !!!

No, I don't!

That usually is, what a questionmark at the end of a sentence is for!

Care to explain or want to remain cryptic?

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Their leader is unelected and seized power ( A general ) who likes to declare himself ruler.

Politically , Thailand is explosive.

Declaring the place is safe again , is in itself a testament to the dangers.

Recently , they condemned embassies warning their citizens when a referendum was being cast at a stacked ballot.



Now with nil regard and 13 bombs later the leader declares all is fine.

With the culprits and organisations behind it totally free to continue more bombings.

Totally irresponsible in care of duty.

Tourism baht their only concern .


Beware of visiting a country under siege and held hostage by military .

Take extreme caution .

And realise ..

........ more bombings are not out of the question .


The comments by a junta should not be held with much trust.


The man is erratic and perceived as a deluded puppet of the ruling elites who are at war with the masses they oppress.

Loves to role play as PM ....though really a general ruling by gun.

Thailand is not safe ....consult embassies and follow carefully events here or in western media


Edited by Plutojames88
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"Pol Gen Pongsapat ended the press briefing by saying that the situation in Thailand had now returned to normal as there had been no further incidents.

He told people they no longer needed to be scared and could go about their lives as normal."  My italics.


So, mad bombers still running around the country is "normal"?  Yeah, I guess that would be right in the eyes of some Thai authorities. Unbelievable :coffee1:

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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:


i spent the whole day specifically checking the train station, bus station, bar areas, hospitals, market village mall, anywhere there are soft targets. It is a joke. How about just two man foot beat patrols? nothing.  The major hotels are doing a good job with security as the Marriott and Intercontinental are checking vehicles before they enter, but you would think at least one cop at the train station or any other major target would be  good idea. Just more theater.


One a side note, the morning after the bombings, I walked all through the crime scene where the woman died in the Binabaht bar area. Some police tape, one cop, he did nothing.  Sad really as I feel for the dead woman having talked to some of her friends who were on the edge of tears. There was blood all over the street.


Absolutely nothing has changed here.



Thanks for realistic update....

keep us posted

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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:


i spent the whole day specifically checking the train station, bus station, bar areas, hospitals, market village mall, anywhere there are soft targets. It is a joke. How about just two man foot beat patrols? nothing.  The major hotels are doing a good job with security as the Marriott and Intercontinental are checking vehicles before they enter, but you would think at least one cop at the train station or any other major target would be  good idea. Just more theater.


One a side note, the morning after the bombings, I walked all through the crime scene where the woman died in the Binabaht bar area. Some police tape, one cop, he did nothing.  Sad really as I feel for the dead woman having talked to some of her friends who were on the edge of tears. There was blood all over the street.


Absolutely nothing has changed here.




Thanks for that your contribution is much appreciated and tells us a lot about this country- its only by thinking OK if this had been the UK and there had been 11 bombs off a day or so before what would the approach be - definitely more response. Recall a couple of weeks ago an American  tourist in London was stabbed and died  by a crazed North African young man and several injured. Within a very short time more visibly armed police were put on the London streets. Are we talking money here or a whole different approach to life?

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10 hours ago, mcfish said:

When people look at the news and see a bomb story they dont care about how many bombs but how many deaths. 3 out of 20 mill..do the math

 Ok with you you as long as it is not a friend or family members of yours? :whistling:

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One must seriously question just who is behind all this when the authorities always use the same modus operandi in dealing with these incidents.  In 24  hours, they examine the scene, clean it up, report arrests then backtrack on the statement, blame a political opposition, then claim all is back to normal.

Is it not odd that no one immediately strikes again to prove them wrong or continues to cause mayhem to push their agenda, and isn't it odd that the timing of these events happen at just the appropriate time for the government. Conspiracy theory or not? fact and fiction are closer than we think,  many a theory have turned out to be true. 

However, you can be sure of one thing and in keeping with the MO, appropriate persons will be detained and charges laid endorsing and substantiating their claims to why it happened. The exact contrary of what we are to believe is often the truth.


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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

So 3 dead is acceptable to you  ?

You cant get emotionally attached when discussing statistics. The papers have already lost interest and the event would have fizzed out by midweek

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Just now, mcfish said:

You cant get emotianally attached when discussing statistics. The papers have already lost interest and the event would have fizzed out by midweek

It's not statistics it's the deaths of ordinary and innocent people.

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Just now, mcfish said:

Sorry but thats the silliest post of the day however its still early...dont give up


Just now, mcfish said:

Sorry but thats the silliest post of the day however its still early...dont give up

The thing that goes beyond silly is you treating this as a statistical exercise without any concern for the deaths.

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15 hours ago, Thian said:


Statements like "it's safe" are very dangerous imo, it might trigger the bombers to do another attack. These bombers don't play games by placing 2 bombs next to eachother with different ignitiontimes.


They better put a big reward on the arrest of them.

And you'll only need one guess as to who will collect it.  :wai2:

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15 hours ago, Thian said:


Statements like "it's safe" are very dangerous imo, it might trigger the bombers to do another attack. These bombers don't play games by placing 2 bombs next to eachother with different ignitiontimes.


They better put a big reward on the arrest of them.

And you'll only need one guess as to who will collect it.  :wai2:

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4 hours ago, peter48 said:


Thanks for that your contribution is much appreciated and tells us a lot about this country- its only by thinking OK if this had been the UK and there had been 11 bombs off a day or so before what would the approach be - definitely more response. Recall a couple of weeks ago an American  tourist in London was stabbed and died  by a crazed North African young man and several injured. Within a very short time more visibly armed police were put on the London streets. Are we talking money here or a whole different approach to life?


They really do not want any police or "scary" vibe in Hua Hin or in any tourist area. They cleaned up the Bangkok bombing area within 12 hours. The crime scene was unimportant because they wanted everything back to normal as fast as possible. They want the tourists clueless and happy. Seeing police or military is not part of the "Land Of Smiles" game plan.


More sad news and a face of one of the victims.


“If all her stuff was not taken after the bombing, I believe police would have been able to contact me sooner,” Jeerasak said. He suspects someone robbed her body, leaving her without identifying documents or cellphone, as neither were found on her body."






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43 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:


They really do not want any police or "scary" vibe in Hua Hin or in any tourist area. They cleaned up the Bangkok bombing area within 12 hours. The crime scene was unimportant because they wanted everything back to normal as fast as possible. They want the tourists clueless and happy. Seeing police or military is not part of the "Land Of Smiles" game plan.


More sad news and a face of one of the victims.


“If all her stuff was not taken after the bombing, I believe police would have been able to contact me sooner,” Jeerasak said. He suspects someone robbed her body, leaving her without identifying documents or cellphone, as neither were found on her body."








Articles like this and Sunshines following, really do make one despair at humanities inhumanity..... Deplorable

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No idea who did these bombings or why. Could be Thai separatists, Chinese separatists, Thai political activists, or a more devious explanation. Never mind. All back to normal already so just wait for the next attacks, go back to square one, and start all over again. Bit like Snakes and Ladders or Ludo. Carry on..

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I doubt things are back to normal and people in Hua Hin, or thinking of going there are not worried as the police advise.  Nor those injured or related to anyone injured or killed feel quite normal yet. They may feel a little easier once someone is arrested and charged.

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