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How many western man live in thailand and are happy


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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Look get a life ok I have never ever talk about western couples.

i have said most man come for the thai pussy if you think not good on you .

i bag f??? Wits who have a go at me ok.

yes Australia is expensive but you get great money when you work.

and you can live a great life , that's why million of people try to get in to Australia ever year.

but if you want to live in a place that has no rules and when you drive around you shit your self all the time good on you .

thailand to me is ok for a holidays but not to live I just ask how man like it and live here get it .

good money ! First you have no idea about Australia, what's good money many struggle on minimum wage ! 


Bitter farang 5555

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5 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Because it is  a  racist  word and Thais sorry to say are  racist , that is why .

my thai parter now knows it is not good to say that  racist word .

there is a thai word for  foreigner but most Thais are lazy and  racist so they will not say it .

we are  foreigners or westerns but I am not a fararng it is a made up word . 

For lazy Thais .



With respect please enlighten me to what that Thai word is in Thai,  I am interested to know because l have had never had a problem being called farang and farang lung by children in my village in Thailand.

It is the Thai word for westerner and l personally have never had a problem with it.


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5 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


With respect please enlighten me to what that Thai word is in Thai,  I am interested to know because l have had never had a problem being called farang and farang lung by children in my village in Thailand.

It is the Thai word for westerner and l personally have never had a problem with it.


Is it really time for another Farang thread?  Isn't there like 10,000 of them in the archives?  There is the Farang thread and the Swastika thread and the Sinsot thread and.......

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1 hour ago, manfredtillmann said:

i like it and i endeavour to live here full time once i rid myself of my australian garbage. oz money is only 'great money' if you can spend it some where else.

and - tell me - do you do ok with oz pussy?

australian women are fat, opinionated, up - them - selves moles, particularly once they lassoed a fifo.

you know nothing about life in thailand..., no, actually, you know nothing about life.

grow up, pal.

You are a joke get a life you  <deleted> 

I no nothing about thailand ok good but I do know this if not for that great country Australia I could never ever be able to go to thailand when I feel it .

you know the thai word som nam nar it will happen to you for sure I can see it 1 million % 

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28 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


With respect please enlighten me to what that Thai word is in Thai,  I am interested to know because l have had never had a problem being called farang and farang lung by children in my village in Thailand.

It is the Thai word for westerner and l personally have never had a problem with it.


This is the thai word for western dtà~wan-dtòk ok .not fararng , fararng it is a made up word by lazy people. 

do you like the word <deleted> ? .

the same thing fararng.

village Thais are the worst at be lazy with trying to talk  proper thai . 

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3 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

This is the thai word for western dtà~wan-dtòk ok .not fararng , fararng it is a made up word by lazy people. 

do you like the word <deleted> ? .

the same thing fararng.

village Thais are the worst at be lazy with trying to talk  proper thai . 


A made-up word?


What are you talking about? Farang is a perfectly good Thai word. I have no problem being referred to as one, or even using the word myself. 


The only people who object to it seem to be those who have a bit of a problem with the locals. 

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3 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

This is the thai word for western dtà~wan-dtòk ok .not fararng , fararng it is a made up word by lazy people. 

do you like the word <deleted> ? .

the same thing fararng.

village Thais are the worst at be lazy with trying to talk  proper thai . 

And this word dtàang-châat is the word for foreign so they you go .

hop that helps you and if you live in thailand and in a thai village if I were you I would lean some thai if you don't know already.

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


A made-up word?


What are you talking about? Farang is a perfectly good Thai word. I have no problem being referred to as one, or even using the word myself. 


The only people who object to it seem to be those who have a bit of a problem with the locals. 

Go away can you because you have know idea about thailand ,it is a made up word go and lean thai before you get on here and think you know thai .

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1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

And this word dtàang-châat is the word for foreign so they you go .

hop that helps you and if you live in thailand and in a thai village if I were you I would lean some thai if you don't know already.


Judging by your poor command of English, I'm not sure why anyone would want to take language lessons from you. 

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6 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Judging by your poor command of English, I'm not sure why anyone would want to take language lessons from you. 

You are a joke just go away can you , I can talk thai and you have no idea what you are say go and lean some thai and come back and we can talk thai , I bet you have know idea about the  language .

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Just now, georgemandm said:

You are a joke just go away can you , I can talk thai and you have no idea what you are say go and lean some thai and come back and we can talk thai , I bet you have know idea about the  language .

Your not happy I got you on that one that I am good at the thai language.


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2 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

Ah I see.


So you mean the only Australian women available to you are fat?


That's not really the same thing, is it?

I'd tend to think that in Oz, just like the US you can walk around almost every shopping center/mall, sporting event & not see percentage wise very many woman looking like the one pictured.....Know that to be a fact by experience in the SF bay area & surrounding areas....Matter of fact from about every state - it was not unusual for me to be in 12-18 states a year.....Anything west of the Mississippi I usually drove taking in the scenery - being out & about.....


Most days I'll pick a sporting event or game to watch.....When the camera pans the crowd I'm always shocked at how most of the women (28+?) are large....Obviously fairly active to be out & about but getting hefty way too young.....




Maybe getting semi-back to the topic.....Away from the pie throwers.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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4 minutes ago, Jdiddy said:


Well he is obviously a complete dumbass but thats not suprising considering he is your fr

5 minutes ago, Jdiddy said:


Well he is obviously a complete dumbass but thats not suprising considering he is your friend


6 minutes ago, Jdiddy said:


Well he is obviously a complete dumbass but thats not suprising considering he is your friend

Go away the same as the last brain dead dick head who will not go away like you 

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7 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

I'd tend to think that in Oz, just like the US you can walk around almost every shopping center/mall, sporting event & not see percentage wise very many woman looking like the one pictured.....Know that to be a fact by experience in the SF bay area & surrounding areas....Matter of fact from about every state - it was not unusual for me to be in 12-18 states a year.....Anything west of the Mississippi I usually drove taking in the scenery - being out & about.....


Most days I'll pick a sporting event or game to watch.....When the camera pans the crowd I'm always shocked at how most of the women (28+?) are large....Obviously fairly active to be out & about but getting hefty way too young.....




Maybe getting semi-back to the topic.....Away from the pie throwers.....


Maybe. But the women you see walking around Thailand aren't exactly the stunners people make them out to be, either. 

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I have read the entire thread and have come to the conclusion that some of the strange bitter farangs posting here would be bitter and unhappy no matter where they live. FARANG? I call myself a farang. Call me anything except late for dinner. Maybe I am not as thin skinned as some of the paranoid posters. Others talk about getting taken for a large amount of money. Fools and their money are soon parted. That's the way it is all over the world. No doubt Thailand has a lot of warts but everywhere else has them also. I enjoy the lovely smiles I get. No one will ever convince me that they are phony smiles. If you are not happy here in Thailand, you must go to your plan "B". Don't have a plan "B"? Don't blame Thailand because of your poor planning.

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On 14/08/2016 at 3:10 AM, georgemandm said:

Are yes they have I would not say it if I was not told ok .

i have one friend now who lost $700,000 in 4 years in thailand now back here working to make money .

and not just one friend ok who are trap in Thailand because they sold the lot back home to live in thailand , for just one think the haire loso and yes I do it love the haire loso but I am one of the lucky ones who did not put my hole life's savings in to thailand.

always a smart one like you who have to have a go at someone for asking a question on TV .

i am happy for you that you love thailand ok I am just asking to see who like it and who don't.

And there's no thread about it on Thai Visa?Shocking! :w00t:

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9 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


A made-up word?


What are you talking about? Farang is a perfectly good Thai word. I have no problem being referred to as one, or even using the word myself. 


The only people who object to it seem to be those who have a bit of a problem with the locals. 


9 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


A made-up word?


What are you talking about? Farang is a perfectly good Thai word. I have no problem being referred to as one, or even using the word myself. 


The only people who object to it seem to be those who have a bit of a problem with the locals. 


Can you imagine what problems he has with locals with an attitude like his.. GOD i am better than all Thais ! What a <deleted>.. Never seen anything like it.. To even state, Australia is cheaper than Thailand to live, says it all... 

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19 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Do they call you Kak?  I think that is the word I have heard used when people are not called Farang.  I could be wrong. 

2. rubbish, nonsense, garbage (informal), balls (taboo slang), bull (slang), rot, crap (taboo slang), bullshit (taboo slang), <deleted> (Brit. taboo slang), cobblers (Brit. taboo slang), drivel, tripe (informal), claptrap (informal), poppycock (informal), pants, shit (taboo slang) Now you're just talking kak.

I'd rather they call me farang or where l live by my name, and here it's pronounced falang.


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To finish off on this post I just ask how many of you can live in thailand and are happy that was it .

and I am happy for you if you like living in thailand , not here to  bash Thais or put thailand down .

but some of you out took on your self to have a go at me for asking.

and to the know all soibiker this one is for you ok.

I WAS IN MY THAI LADYS VILLAGE TO DAY AND SHE WAS  visiting mum and I ask her why do you think western men come to thailand and her reply was for thai 

lady so that is coming from a thai not me .

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