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Thailand Pokey Balls – gotta catch ‘em all – but these are no Pikachus!


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Thailand Pokey Balls – gotta catch ‘em all – but these are no Pikachus!



Pokemania is gripping the nation but I really think it is high time that the Thais got their act together and got their own version of the game – I mean there are billions to be made and the Land of Smiles is just perfect for a Thai style version of the augmented reality game. For a start – who knows what is real reality and what is fake reality; certainly the locals don’t know so what hope is there for the rest of us.


In true pirated goods style the game will be based on a term already in use in the original app that has some connection with why so many come to the country – so let’s go with Pokey-Balls. Reference to “balls” will also satisfy the Sports and Tourism Minister who will be delighted anyhow with how much physical exercise the game will encourage amongst the population especially as sex is about to be banned in favor of the mobile game.


Firstly as any Poke-Balls player knows one must set up an avatar first to find the characters lurking all over the place. In Pokemon Go the game makers have been praised for creating a non-gender specific style of avatar. This is unnecessary in Thailand – there will be seventeen avatars available for instant download from pre-op lady boy to post-op lady boy with giks of both sexes and a dozen other incarnations as well.


So once you have chosen your tackle it is time to begin the quest to find those charming critters. You will need to be mindful that the Pokey-Stops where you get eggs and balls to attract the wild ones will be located mostly in the middle of intersections – this is so you won’t bump into any real world police.

Pokey-Stops will also generally be close to bar areas so that much of the expat community can stumble into them without having to go out of their way.


Each of the cartoon characters you need to collect will be called a Pokey-Chai – some will be very common while others will be more elusive. The more elusive ones have a much higher Combat Power – this will be decided by top generals, of course, who always have the final say. A charter of rules will be announced before the game is launched with “trainers” only needing to say yes or no. A full set of rules will not be in place until well into 2017.


Rewards such as candies and stardust that are used to power up to higher levels will be replaced by dried durian sweets and chili powder that can also be used to capture particularly troublesome and elusive characters like HONESTOBABE (the bar girl everyone wants to meet – see below).


Fights will not take place in “gyms” but in Thai boxing rings that can be found in open spaces such as parks and the reservations between dual carriageways – all motorists will have abandoned their cars so there will be no problem with pedestrians being run down. Indeed, Pokey-Balls is set to be the answer to all problems in Thai society from road deaths to corruption and the high crime rate. No one will have time for all that as game fever bites. There will also be no time for so called education as it will be unfair if teachers cannot join in.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/thailand-pokey-balls-gotta-catch-em-pikachus/



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It gets you out and about, not all bad. I used to play it when it was a game called ingress, same game but without pokemons. The pokemon people brought the ingress game and added pokemons. Back when I played it, you were a secret agent running around looking for things. 

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